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> I'm so glad your husband is looking after you, you must rest when

you need

> it (hee hee look who's talking but…) otherwise you will be too

tired too run

> after those three little angels.

> Hugs to you and your daughter,

> Heidi




Well you'd better be resting when you can too! I will keep you in my

prayers too, and hope you have some angels to chase yourself. the

medical profession keeps telling us things are impossible, but then

they aren't big on miracles, are they? They told us we couldn't have

children (I didn't know I had PCOS then) as I had problems and Ron

had been struck by lightning when he was in the army, and the doctor

made a point of telling me I had a hysterical pregnancy when I

started having morning sickness! Boy, was he surprised! Hang in


God bless,


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Being a Mom never stops does it? Actually the best medicine for your

daughter is right there in familiar surroundings. I can't say that you will

look back on these days and laugh, but they will get easier! And the very

best medicine are those children. I know that is how it is for me. My docs

have never told me NO to have my kids come up. In fact, the ask me when are

they coming, because he knows that is when I will start to settle down and

let all the medicines work.

I will include you and yours in my prayers to God that he gives all of you

the strength to get thru these difficult days and bring into the world, 3

healthy new lives.

You hang in there Momma!

Gentle, tender, Moms are the Best angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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  • 1 month later...

Awwwwwwww...flutter, flutter. Oh heck, those darn horns are getting

in the way of my halo again. Do they let angels wear red? Anyway,

thanks, so are you (an angel, that is!)


> Judi, you're an angel.


> Love You...


> Tess

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Judi,

I am looking forward to hearing how your PT appt goes.

My doc had a hydro bed...it felt great. You lay down

on this bed that is covered in rubber and conforms to

your bod (totally dressed) and high pressure jets of

water massage you (water is below the rubber top).

They would also do cupping which is where they take a

small glass jar and light a match in it for a moment

and then slap it on your back. Your back has massage

lotion on it and as they move the jar around your back

the suction that the heat from the match has created

gives you a really good massage. I know that it sounds

strange, but it feels good. And, last but not

least...the sonogram heat therapy. Oh, how I miss

those PT days!

The Elavil really helped my sleeping and continues to

do so. It will possibly cause you to be sleepy during

the day for a little while depending upon the amount

you take.

When I was first dx'd with FM, I found some really

good books and as I read I was saying to

myself...that's me...I really am not crazy! There are

a lot of things about FM that I never put together and

wouldn't have given my doc the list of them lest he

send me to the hypochondriac looney bin. It was

wonderful validation to read these books. So, go to

the library because it is a trip that pays off.

I'm glad everyone is on the rebound. I can't imagine

carrying three babies because I was tired enough with

one. I know that you will make sure that she is


Glad to hear you sounding more positive and back to

your take-charge self. Have a good evening. Iris

--- " mormar46 <mormar46@...> "

<mormar46@...> wrote:

> It's amazing what you see when you actually stop to

> read stuff! I

> never noticed the fibro on the intro page before!


> Everyone is doing better tonight, though Ron's knee

> is still sore,

> but he is impatient and wants it better NOW! SIL is

> over his flu,

> grandson is better, but daughter went on bedrest as

> of tonight.

> She's having some small contractions, so her dr.

> wants her to rest.

> Good thing she got her shopping done, but maybe that

> didn't help.


> The ultracet is good, but still have some pain and

> stiffness. I am

> looking forward to the pt session tomorrow. I told

> Ron they didn't

> say anythiing about bringing a swim suit, so if I

> have hydro therapy

> I'll just have to skinny dip. I may call the rheumy

> tomorrow and ask

> her to go ahead and call in the rx for the elavil.

> She wanted me to

> wait a few weeks, but with on bedrest now, Ron

> laid up, and I

> am still averaging only 3-4 hours of sleep a night I

> think I could

> use a little more help. The stress level is not

> going to go down.


> When I have more time, I think I will actively

> campaign to make

> people, at least in this part of the country, more

> aware of fibro and

> RA. The more people learn, the better for us.


> You have a pleasant night,


> Judi




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Dear Judi,

I am not saying that your dr is not right but I have

that happen all the time when I used my hands a lot.

The palms get real red and the swelling and the heat

happens. Then the pain starts. It just doesn't " feel "

like it is swelling, it is swelling. The same thing

happens with my feet and has been happening since I

was 15. With getting a report like that, I don't

understand why the rheumy is not willing to consider a

duel diagnosis, whether you test positive to RA or

not. My diagnosis is called spondyloarthropathy with

sacroiliatis (erosion of the sacriodiac joints) and

enthesopathy (inflammation where ligaments and tendons

attach to bone (hands). This is treated with

sulfalazine or MTX. All of this goes along with the FM

and osteo of the knees. Since I started the MTX I have

not had any swelling.

Perhaps a new rheumy would be willing to try some

other things and delve into this a little more than

the one you have who seems to be basing everything on

the blood tests. My first rheumy was like that and I

lost years of treatment which caused damage that

cannot be reversed. I went faithfully for 2 years and

never got any relief so I stopped going. I wish that I

would have found this group so I would have known to

move on to a new dr.

Holly, Jolly, Holiday Hugs to You, Iris.




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Hi Judi,

I am glad to hear that Ron is doing better today and

it sounds as though you have had a great day too. It

sounds as though your rheumy is looking for the easy,

take no time to treat kind of patient. The thing that

I like most about mine, is that he dictates a report

that is mailed to you each time which is a reminder of

what you discussed and what he is planning for the

next visit.

Quite a few FM patients appear to have the onset of FM

right after a car wreck or bacterial infection. I am

surprised that your dr did not ask you these

questions. Were you told that you have any type of

nerve damage in your back because of the foot

dropping? Have you had a nerve conduction test? It is

not normal to be falling down and having a foot drag.

I hope that you will get it checked out.

So, who is going to be chaining to the

couch...you, her husband, the doc or all of you? How

many more weeks?

My grandbaby is going to be with me on Christmas for

the first time. Looking at Christmas through her eyes

has been wonderful.

Try to do your knitting in small blocks of time so you

don't cause any major swelling.

I am so very happy right now knowing that I am not

going to end up in the poor house! I will probably

have an escalation of my FM trying to get back into

the swing of spending 8 hrs+ at the computer but I now

have pain meds that will help.

Take care and have a most joyous holiday. Hugs to you,


<mormar46@...> wrote:

> Hi Iris,


> Got my shopping done, and I actually stopped and

> spent nearly an hour

> in a coffee shop, just sipping my cappuccino and

> relaxing. Felt good

> not to have to rush home. came and Ron fixed

> lunch for the 2

> of them, and he actually ran the dishwasher! His

> knee is much better

> today, and he's put the cane away. I will tell him

> about the synvisc

> though, just in case.


> It occurred to me today that the rheumy took me off

> prednisone

> because she said she wanted to feel my joints, that

> the pred wouldn't

> allow her to tell if there was swelling. Then when

> I came back, she

> never even looked at my hands or knees or

> anything--just read the

> results of the blood test, and told me it was FM.

> At least the pt

> looked at and felt everything, and was concerned

> because I can't make

> a proper fist. No, the rheumy never asked me about

> any trauma, and I

> haven't had an auto accident since about 1990, when

> my car was

> totaled. I was only shaken up and had a bruised

> knee then. I have,

> and still do, fall a lot, and it often seems I

> haven't picked my foot

> up all the way in order to take a step, or to go up

> a step. I asked

> the rheumy about that and she never answered me.

> The only " trauma " I

> can think of was the 3 surgeries I had last year, a

> lumpectomy and 2

> other tumors removed, one from my armpit and the

> other from my back.

> Could the large doses of antibiotics I had then, and

> for the strep

> infection later, have any bearing on it?


> Well, I am tackling a new project too. I bought

> some pretty yarn to

> make a scarf for a friend. Actually, it is 's

> sister in law,

> but she has been awfully good to and to us. I

> am crocheting

> it, and am determined to finish by Christmas. My

> fingers cramp

> something awful, and my elbows ache from keeping

> them bent, but I

> have made up my head to do this, and it will be

> done! I've finished

> 6 rows so far.


> OK, time to go fix some supper. TJ is coming to

> spend the night

> while his mommy & daddy have one last " night out "

> before is

> chained to her couch at home. They're going to see

> " Lord of the

> Rings " and will pick TJ up in the morning. Wish us

> luck!


> A peaceful night to you,


> Judi




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  • 2 weeks later...

Judi...the flu is a rough way to lose 5 lbs. I imagine

this is the new year that you will remember. Glad you

and your family are recovering. Take it easy for a few

days. Iris

- " mormar46 <mormar46@...> " <mormar46@...>


> Hi All,


> This will be short, as " we " (meaning , Ron and

> me) just came

> home from the hospital this afternoon. Apparently

> TJ infected us all

> with the stomach flu. called us at 7:30

> yesterday and said she

> was sick and that Duane was taking her to the

> hospital, could we

> watch TJ. I told her we were up all night sick too,

> so she was going

> to have Duane's sister take TJ. Well, Ron and I got

> worse, and

> couldn't even get out of bed, so we called the

> senior van to take us

> to the ER. Since we were both so sick and getting

> dehydrated, they

> admitted us both, same room even. How cozy for New

> Year's Eve. If

> fibro flares, mine was a major torch, each

> individual joint from my

> jaws to my toes hurt, and had a fever of 99.6

> (normal is 96.7!) No

> champagne for New Years, just IV's, but we're home

> now and though

> shaky, feeling better. Ron lost 6 lbs., I lost 5.


> Went to the PT Monday for the last time. Called the

> rheumy, and she

> changed me to our local PT at our hospital, a 5 min.

> drive instead of

> 45 min. She took me off Ultracet and started

> Elavil, which I can't

> take until tonight if my temp is normal. Still

> hurting pretty bad

> but at least my stomach isn't tied up. Ron's ok,

> and came home

> too. She was dehydrated and getting contractions,

> but fine now.


> OK, I'm going down to watch " New Years in Vienna " on

> PBS. I wish you

> all a happy and HEALTHY new year!


> Love,

> Judi




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  • 3 weeks later...


I think that you should dump that rheumy and get a real one! My dr runs tests

until he has the

answer. I don't know how she thinks that you have a proper diagnosis when she

hasn't run any tests

yet. I am with on this matter that you should have a bone scan, a MRI,

something! I think

that anything less than that is either making the mistake of believing that you

know everything or

just plain sloppiness. Could your ortho order the tests and then with the

results in hand, you can

find a new rheumy.

Reminding folks at church to talk to you on Monday is something you shouldn't

have to do. They do

not realize that they aren't the only ones that may have questions. Does your

church have a

bulletin where you could have an article that says something like, " I want to

make sure that I

have the time to answer your questions very thoroughly so to give them the time

that is

neccessary, please call me at the office on Monday and I will make it a

priority. "

Hang in there, my friend. Iris

--- " mormar46 <mormar46@...> " <mormar46@...> wrote:

> That's ok, I don't mind getting things twice! With all that's going

> on, my brain sometiimes gets scrambled, so it's good to be sure that

> I actually read something! I've got a call in to my rheumy (almost

> former rheumy) to see about changing my meds before I dump her. My

> pcp is in the process of moving, so not in the office this week. The

> pt and I are at a loss to explain what happens after I have the hydro

> therapy. I can do most of the water exercises, and feel great right

> after I leave the pool. Then about 4 hours later everything hurts

> worse than ever. Last night I could barely make it up the stairs, my

> hips and knees hurt so bad, and I woke up several times because

> something was hurting--hips, knees, elbows, wrists, fingers. I see

> the ortho this afternoon, and we'll see what he says. As yet, no one

> has ordered x-rays or mri's, and the ortho (whose office is next door

> to the therapy center in the same building) doesn't understand that.


> OK, time for me to get back to work. Argh, this annual report is a

> bear to get together. And people are bugging me for a new phone

> directory of members. And they think church secretaries don't do

> much. I have actually had to ask people who stop me on Sunday with

> questions and church business to call me on Monday! After all, I

> like to enjoy the service too.


> Grins, snickers, and guffaws to you,

> Judi




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  • 2 weeks later...

<PRE>hang in there judi. i will be joining you with those salads. we got a 2lb


for 97 cents yesterday!! so i baked a couple chicken breasts to cut up in it

too. i wonder if the accident has sent you into a flare. very foggy and damp

here. hope you feel better soon. kathy in il

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Judi...I am so glad that you decided to go to the dr this morning and I hope

that the meds will

have you feeling better soon. Stay warm. Iris

--- " mormar46 <mormar46@...> " <mormar46@...> wrote:

> Hello dear people,


> I went to the doctor this morning, as ordered :o)


> Dx me with an " acute upper respiratory infection " (nothing cute about

> this stuff!) with tonsillitis, bronchitis, and otitis media.

> Actually, I feel better today, but my temp was still up, so I'm off

> to the pharmacy to get the prescriptions filled. The daycare center

> was closed today due to all the snow, so poor Ron is having to deal

> with TJ. I'm just wondering why I seem to be so lucky to come down

> with all these bugs when up until last year I hardly ever even had a

> sniffle. At least I have the Explorer to drive today, but it goes

> into the body shop tomorrow.


> I think I'm about ready for a beach party, what about the rest of

> you? Any cabana boys/girls lined up yet? Maybe I can train TJ to

> bring the girls lemonade & stuff. I'd teach him to rub on suntan

> lotion, but he might get a little carried away.


> Pleasant hours to all,

> Judi




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  • 1 month later...
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Your story about Duane had me roflol...that is so funny,


[ ] Kathi, Tess, Debs, Alan

Hi guys, sorry to group you all together, but I don't want to take

too much time away from my patient. He's being a good boy so far.

Kathi & Tess, guess you are having more tests? Sometimes it seems

like the testing never ends, but we never get any answers either.

You are in my prayers.

Debs, sorry you're staying on the hotseat with troubles, but I pray

that the troubles are few and come to and end soon for you. Enough

is enough!

Alan, don't worry about the prostate test--Ron's first time he got a

drop-dead gorgeous woman with cold hands. Duane's first time (and

he's only 30) was last year, and he got the same woman, was all

prepared with a snappy comment, and proceded to blast off with the

king of all farts. He was red-faced for a week.

Peace and grace to you all,


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Will be keeping good thoughts for you that your results will be good news on

Maundy Thursday.

Gentle, tender, angel hugs to you and yours,

Debs in FL

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Oh Judi,

I was thinking so much about you and your family on Easter and how cute and good

looking all the family must be in their new Easter outfits. Hearing you talk

about the outfits made me think of my children when they were little tikes ( now

13 and 16). I used to go out and buy the frilly, lacy, tights, dress, shiny

shoes, bonnet, hair accessories, and for my son I would buy suits, or tux

looking suit, tie, dress shoes and gel in the hair.

Oh, what memories. Anyway.....I was thinking about your family and then to hear

what happened to you was just not the right ending I had pictured in my mind for

your wonderful family get together.

Keep your leg elevated. Use ice. Anti-inflam. if you can take them are also

helpful. Are you going to be able to work?

I agree with the rest of the group that you are a skillful writer and we are all

giggling about the way you wrote the scenario. You would be a good writer.

I'm sorry for what your daughter said. Sometimes in the midst of some chaos

things come out the wrong way or come out before we put our brains in gear. I'm

sure she is concerned for you and your well being.

Take care,


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he doesn't realize how good he's got it. (duane) doesn't seem like his mom

was too involved. even before her phone was disconnected!! sorry, just

venting for you judi!! kathy in il

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Dear Judi,

Were your docs able to do anything about the ligaments and tendons or will that

take further

surgery? What nice people to even think of offering to pay your medical.

From what you have said in the past, it's not likely Duane's mother would have

done anything to

help during his surgery since she didn't feel as though she could help during

the pregnacy.

Judi, you make me tired everytime I read about what all you have been up to. I

think Ron has his

job cut out for him trying to make you relax. If I broke my ankle, I would

probably be in the bed

eating bonbons, reading, and watching TV while everyone waits on me.-

I am glad to hear that Ron is now able to do things like cut the grass now. That

ortho doc must

have fixed him up good.

It was great to hear from you. Iris

-- mormar46 <mormar46@...> wrote:

> Hi Iris,


> Guess you can be forgiven for not knowing which bone I broke...this

> time. As my friend Sally says, I am a " habitual bone breaker. "

> Yeah, 2 bones in 3 months, but it is the first time in 30 years.


> Duane's a pretty good guy, he was just raised by a backwoods mother

> and inherited some of her attitudes. Right now they are not speaking

> as she moved in with Duane's sister, asked Duane to move her today,

> and got mad because he had the operation and didn't tell her!


> As to the ankle, I stepped in a hole at Duane's niece's house Easter

> Sunday--they have a big dog that likes to dig holes cleverly

> disguised as ordinary lawn. Penny & Greg felt bad, and want to pay

> my medical bills, but our insurance is good, so I won't let them.

> Right now the ankle is pretty darn sore--one bone broken & separated

> from tendon, and ligaments torn on both sides. It is the right

> ankle, and my right knee is the one that was bothering me so much

> before this happened. Now that all the weight is on my left side, my

> left knee and hip are absolutely killing me! I'm in a cast from my

> toes to just below my knee.


> Ron's out cutting grass now, and happy to be doing it since he

> couldn't last year. I've been catching up on some paperwork--at

> least I can do that sitting down--and cleaned my bathroom (sitting on

> the shower chair) and the microwave.


> Hope you are having a good Saturday, and may your Sabbath be pleasant

> as well.


> Peace and grace,

> Judi





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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Judi,

Thanks for my first good chuckle of the day. Iris

--- mormar46 <mormar46@...> wrote:

> Oh, Iris, thanks for the good laugh! I think I am finally caught up

> on all the posts. I feel like I've been in a fog the past few days.

> You should have tooted, I probably would have run into you! At least

> he was still waiting for you; Ron probably would have caught the next

> outgoing blonde...


> Judi





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Hi dear Judi,

Boy, your plate is certainly full right now. Poor TJ....the frows up are the

pits! Hope his virus is of the short variety.

I'll bet that foot thing is just about on your last nerve by now. How many

more weeks to go to keep that thing on? I am seeing my ortho on Tuesday to

have some cultures done and to discuss possible surgery to fuse my knee. My


spins over that one and I am scared to death.

Indiana is on our way to Chicago, although due to tensions up there, I don't

know when we will make that trip. I hate Florida, always have for 26 years

now, but this is where Ron loves to live because of the weather. My Dad used to

tell me that I was the only person he knew who was homesick after so many

years! Go figure! We are getting ready for hurricane season right now.

Purchasing hurricane shutters (we used to use plywood, but can no longer put it


extra food for people and pets, having extra medicine on hand and just kinda

living on the edge until 12-1-03. Hate to make too many plans too far away

this time of year in case one of those storms rolls our way!

Please take care of YOU during these trying days. I will be sending my

prayers on angel's wings to you.

Gentle, tender, angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi, I haven't written for quite some time...been working and trying to cope

with the fatigue....I was diagnosed with RA 2!/2 years ago...Have been

really pushing myself to keep working full time; but last week both my

rheummy and my MD said I was causing damage to my body by pushing so hard

and both recommended that I go on disability..... I just can't work the

long hours anymore....I am going to find part time work for now, and apply

for disability later...that's a compromise. I have learned that when I am

working around the house, if I take a short nap ever 4-5 hours, I am able to

accomplish quite a bit in a weekend. The pain is still managed quite well

with the combo of meds...methro injections, plaquen, vioxx, nexium and

duragesic patches with the occasional vicodin thrown in...no wonder I'm

fatigued along with the natural fatigue of RA. I hope to keep in touch

again if I am welcome to jump in again....I have followed occasionally to

see how you are all doing..a warm hello and happy summer to all of you. AND

a big congrats to Heidi...wish you all the best and hope I am ok to just

start writing again. marge

[ ] Judi

> Dearest Judi...remember this is where it is ok to be a whiney-hiney!!!

> : ) I think most of us have at least a couple diagnoses that cause

> fatigue. It is a real learning process to begin to know when you need

> to rest, when you can push a little....this is a true balancing act.

> I've had to give in to the notion that naps are ok...I'm not lazy or

> slothful because this little chubby body needs extra rest. It has been

> hard. Some people have said, " Are you sure you aren't sleeping TOO

> much? " No, I'm not, thank you. In order for me to do the most important

> things in my life, I HAVE to have rest times. And I have learned that

> if there is a day (like yesterday) that it is necessary to overextend

> myself, I plan nothing for the next day.


> I'm not always happy about this, but oh well. Taking the time you need

> to rest will end up being a blessing for you & yours. I'm still

> learning that balancing act...I don't always get it right. I expect

> you'll need to learn that balancing act as well. It's ok, Judi. For

> me, I think this is all part of learning to truly love myself and take

> loving care of my body, which has been a struggle for me as far back as

> I can remember. But, I am making progress.


> You are such a dear, sweet, delight, and GREAT friend to all in this

> little family. I pray you will learn to do that balancing act, and take

> the best care of our beloved Judi as possible.


> I love you, kiddo.


> With soft, gentle, not-bumping-the-bumps hugs....


> Tess





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Of course you are always welcome to jump in any time you want. I'm sorry

you're feeling so bad and are considering disability. It may be a wise

thing to do so that you can preserve your health. Once you get on

disability, you can still work part time. I hope you are able to work for

as long as you want to.


> Hi, I haven't written for quite some time...been working and trying to cope

> with the fatigue....I was diagnosed with RA 2!/2 years ago...Have been

> really pushing myself to keep working full time; but last week both my

> rheummy and my MD said I was causing damage to my body by pushing so hard

> and both recommended that I go on disability..... I just can't work the

> long hours anymore....I am going to find part time work for now, and apply

> for disability later...that's a compromise. I have learned that when I am

> working around the house, if I take a short nap ever 4-5 hours, I am able to

> accomplish quite a bit in a weekend. The pain is still managed quite well

> with the combo of meds...methro injections, plaquen, vioxx, nexium and

> duragesic patches with the occasional vicodin thrown in...no wonder I'm

> fatigued along with the natural fatigue of RA. I hope to keep in touch

> again if I am welcome to jump in again....I have followed occasionally to

> see how you are all doing..a warm hello and happy summer to all of you. AND

> a big congrats to Heidi...wish you all the best and hope I am ok to just

> start writing again. marge

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Hi Judi,

It sounds as if your dr is a man that knows what is important to his life...not

the almighty

dollar. I am happy to hear that you have him and he knows the value of being

true to his patients.

I believe that I passed on what my rheumy said about there being too many

lawyers in this area and

that malpractice insurance is too high so I would have to get another dr to

prescribe pain meds as

he does not.

It is awful when you see a dr, with hope in your heart that they can help you,

and that dr is

supposed to be a specialist but yet you realize that he is just going through

the motions. ---

mormar46 <mormar46@...> wrote:

> Hi Iris!


> Good to hear from you again!


> I agree with you about the good doctors not getting the publicity

> they need. You know, the " one bad apple " thing applies to them too.

> I know there are good rheumys around, but I have picked 2 bad apples,

> so I don't have a very high opinion of rheumys right now.

Ron is probably happy to see you taking some time out for yourself!

usually doesn't mind if

I spend a few hours a day but I try to take the time that he is gone or

otherwise occupied by

activities of his own.

Has your therapy started up again? I read that you are out of your

cast...alllllllright! I bet

those babies are really growing. Isn't it time for new photos? Take care of




> But my family doctor is a real sweetie, and he has restored my faith

> in the medical profession as a whole. I like the fact that he lives

> an hour's drive away, and could work in Indy at a prestigious

> hospital, but has chosen to drive here and keep a practice in this

> little backwater town.


> Hope you're able to take good care of yourself, and at least have a

> little pleasant time when you're not able to be at the computer. Ron

> thinks I have grown roots to the chair in the computer room,

> especially since we got new windows in here, and can now open the

> windows! But at least he knows I'm not out in the yard weeding or

> digging holes or something. Hmm, maybe.... Nah, not today.


> Peace to you,

> Judi





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  • 3 weeks later...
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I'm glad to hear that you are staying dry. was talking about the record

rains that are going

on in Chicago. It has been a really wet summer here. It is fine with me because

it keeps the heat

down but, I would, of course, not feel the same way if everything were flooding.

After a while,

too much rain can be depressing.

Glad to hear Ron's good report. Take care. Iris

--- mormar46 <mormar46@...> wrote:

> Hi Iris,


> THanks for the good wishes. Ron's doing quite well--had a good

> checkup with the family doc. and the neurologist last week. He was

> able to walk heel-to-toe with no trouble, something not easy for most

> PD patients. He's lost some weight, but needed to, and blood

> pressure is down.


> I don't mind having the limits of my endurance tested, I just wish

> there was a little more breathing space in between pop quizzes. I

> know there's a reason for all this.


> Our little town is badly flooded this morning, the Whitewater River

> far over its banks, and all the little creeks & streams are turning

> back roads into rivers. But our house is high and dry, and as long

> as I've got some good books to read and CD's to listen to, that's ok.


> Take care,


> Judi





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  • 4 weeks later...
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Sounds like things are going fairly well for you. I'll bet it felt good to

do some quilting. Ron is so good to you. You two are very good for each

other. I'm sure the parishoners will be glad to see you tomorrow and they

can give you the gentle hugs that we here in this group wish to but can't.

Continue with your good steady progress.


[ ]

> Thanks for the reassurance, . I am not going to worry about the

> lung--got too many good things to think about, like being able to do

> some things I haven't done in awhile. My wrists are already

> responding to having the lipomas in my forearms removed, and I

> actually did some quilting last night.


> One of the lipomas, on my right upper ribcage, was nearly 6 cm in

> size, so that area is still pretty uncomfortable and I can't sit up

> or stand up for long periods, but I am being allowed to go to church

> tomorrow (our new Interim pastor visited me yesterday--he's really

> nice!) and back into the pool Tuesday as long as there's no drainage

> from any of the wounds and I wear a waterproof bandage. This surgeon

> is really good, and so far there's no infection.


> Ron just came in with some cappuccino from 's (our local

> bookstore/coffee shop) and he brought me some new books. Oh joy!


> Peace & grace,

> Judi





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