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Selenium- a must read

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Good Lord, practically EVERYONE is talking about selenium these days! I'd say

it's a MUST

in your nutritional planning. Here's an article below (different than the

scientific one that I

just added to the FILES). Also, you might want to get RICHARD ULLREY's book on

DNA/cancer/minerals at AcresUSA.com). SELENIUM, not Coke, is the real thing!


Selenium Heals Cancers

This unusual story, edited for Well Being

Journal, is of a West Australian farmer told by a

reader of Nexus Magazine (www.nexusmagazine.com),

which published the story in its print edition,

January/February 2006 issue, page 9. The farmer

lives in Melbourne, Australia, and the story is

" full of happy endings, almost too good to be true. "

This farmer was diagnosed with bowel cancer.

His doctor/surgeon arranged a date for him to

check into the hospital to have the cancer

removed. In due course, on the date set, after he

was checked into the hospital, the doctor/surgeon

visited him in his room to tell him that, based

on a review of all the tests indicated, his heart

was not strong enough to survive such major surgery.

The farmer said, " Doctor, you're telling me

there is nothing you can do for me? " " Yes, "

the doctor said, and then apologized for such a

late change of decision. The farmer then

requested his wife to go and check him out of the

hospital, and his son to pack his bag and take

it to the car. He said that he would have to go home and treat himself.

For many years, this farmer had treated his

cattle and sheep for prevention and cure of

various ailments. One particular drench had

proved especially effective, and that was

Selenium Drench Concentrate. He decided to

formulate a daily dose for himself based on his

own body weight, as he had so often done for his farm animals.

Over the following few months, he took this

dosage on an empty stomach every morning. After

several months, his wife said, " I think you are

getting better! You look good and don't seem to

be sick at all. I think you had better visit the

doctor and have him check you over! " He did so,

and the doctor said that, as far as he could tell

by examining him externally, the cancer was gone.

He told the farmer to go home and enjoy life!

One day shortly after, a well-dressed lady

driving an expensive car arrived at the farm. She

said, " Your doctor is also my doctor, and he

tells me you cured yourself of bowel cancer. I

have bowel cancer, and I've come to ask you about the treatment you used. "

The farmer replied, " Woman, it could cost me

more than my farm to start acting like a doctor,

but I know you are desperate. I'll show you the

ingredients and how I mixed them for myself, but

I can't give them to you for your cancer. My wife

and I have to go now to do the evening

chores feed the fowls and milk the cows and so

on. I know you could take the ingredients with

you when I leave the room, but I can't give them

to you. " So, the lady took the ingredients, and

treated herself the same way the farmer had

himself. Several months later, she returned to

the farm with bouquets and gifts. She told her

farmer friends that she was cured and their

mutual doctor had given her clearance.

Soon after this event, another well-dressed

lady arrived by car at the farmer's house. She

had been sent by the first lady. She stated that

she had bowel cancer and requested the farmer

share his treatment with her. He did the same

with her as he had with her friend and she had the same excellent results.

Several months later, the farmer's own

doctor arrived at the farm, stating that he had

come for more than a social visit because he,

too, now had bowel cancer and wanted the farmer

to share the treatment with him. The farmer did

the same as he had with the two ladies, and the

doctor had the same excellent results.

The friend of the farmer who told this story

was a suspected prostate cancer victim having a

very high PSA [prostate-specific antigen] count.

He immediately went onto the treatment and very

quickly his PSA went down to normal. He said that

another friend had been diagnosed positively as

having prostate cancer and was planning surgery.

He has been on the selenium treatment, and

recently was given a medical all-clear. Friends

who have gone on the treatment as a precaution

have found that minor skin cancers on their hands have cleared up.

The treatment used by the farmer is Selenium

Drench Concentrate, which anyone [in Australia]

can purchase from veterinary product suppliers.

It is liquid selenium. The active constituent in

the Drench is 10 mg of selenium per .034 ounce,

as sodium selenite. The mixture is one

teaspoonful to 68 fluid ounces of water, of which

mix you drink 7.6 ounces each morning on an empty

stomach, providing about 1 mg selenium per day (1000 mcg = 1 mg).

" I've been taking it for several years and

it certainly does not appear to produce any ill

effects, " the Nexus source states.

Editor's note: Readers be aware the dosages in

this story are higher than the recommended daily

allowance set in the U.S. We found, doing a

survey in our local area (Nevada), that

agricultural feed stores are not allowed to sell

the selenium in liquid form at such a dosage

without a veterinary prescription. Also we were

not able to track the weight of the farmer for

the dosage he used, but we can assume the ladies,

the doctor and the man with high PSA varied in

weight from the farmer yet nevertheless used the

same dosage. A motivating factor in printing this

story is to inform readers about the success of

selenium in and of itself. It is curious to note

that in the agricultural/veterinary sector,

animals are given more vitamin and mineral

supplements than humans relative to the RDA in the U.S. on a per weight ratio.

Also of interest is the information that one

Brazil nut contains enough selenium to exceed the

(minimalist 100 mcg) U.S. RDA for selenium (in

fact, there are 839 mcg of selenium in one ounce

of Brazil nuts)! One may reason that eating as

many Brazil nuts as one feels comfortable with

seems sensible. For more on recent selenium

articles, food sources and supplements, search

the Nexus website www.nexusmagazine.com.

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