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skin care products, good and bad ones

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Hi all,

Here is an interesting article about skin care products and making smart


If you want to subscribe to the source, see the end of the article.



beth Buchele HMC*

Professional Homeopath

Offices in St. Louis Park, MN


and Menomonie, WI

715-231-6068 (http://www.healthnaturally.biz/) w_ww.healthnaturally.biz_


" Natural Health for Mind and Body "

*Homeopathic Master Clinician

In a message dated 1/3/2008 10:58:47 P.M. Central Standard Time, MBuchele


Dear Reader,

You are what you eat, but unfortunately you are also what you apply to your

skin – shampoo, hand lotion, lipstick…anything.

Here's a very sobering paragraph that appears in a Q & A titled " Cosmetics and

Personal Care Products Can be Cancer Risks " on the Cancer Prevention

Coalition web site: " Cosmetic ingredients most certainly are absorbed through


skin. Some chemicals may penetrate the skin in significant amounts, especially

when left on the skin for long periods, as in the case of facial makeup. "

According to this Q & A, one study showed that the skin absorbs more than 10

percent of a cosmetic preservative known as BHT.

" Toxmetics " is how s II, M.D., refers to the

products so many of us frequently use. But just a few simple precautions may

dramatically minimize your exposure to harmful chemicals.


Goodbye kitty


In a Daily Dose e-letter that went out last year, Dr. s shared

eye-opening details from a UK advocacy group known as Chemical Safe Skincare.


CSS web site states that, " the average woman uses 12 toiletries every day and

applies more than 175 chemical compounds to her body in the process. "

Of course, not all 175 of those compounds are necessarily bad for you. But

if just one or two chemicals are toxic and you apply them every day, then you

might be setting yourself up for a wide range of health problems.

And, men, you're not off the hook. When you think of cosmetics, you may

think of facial makeup, lipstick, mascara – that sort of thing. But the broad

definition of cosmetics includes deodorants, hair coloring, shaving cream, and

bath products, including shampoos.

Even products for infants are part of the cosmetic mix. In fact, last year a

group called Campaign for Safe Cosmetics issued a press release to warn

consumers about several popular children's bath products that contain a

cancer-causing petrochemical with the cumbersome name of 1,4-Dioxane. This

chemical is

considered a probable human carcinogen and a proven animal carcinogen.

's Baby Wash, Sesame Street Bubble Bath, and Hello Kitty Bubble Bath are

all reported to contain 1,4-Dioxane.

Meanwhile, the folks at Chemical Safe Skincare have put two widely used

cosmetic chemicals high on the " Must Avoid " list: parabens and phthalates.

Studies have linked both chemicals to disruption of normal hormone function and

increased breast cancer risk.

Parabens are antimicrobial preservatives used in deodorants, creams, body

sprays, and many other cosmetics. Phthalates are found in deodorant, perfume,

nail polish, and hair spray. Their use has also been linked to lung, liver,

and kidney damage.


Steer clear


Of course, you can always check cosmetic labels to see if they contain

1,4-Dioxane, parabens, phthalates, BHT, and other worrisome chemicals


formaldehyde and sodium laureth sulfate). But keep in mind that neither the

FDA nor any other agency requires cosmetic companies to fully list the contents

of products.

Needless to say, many groups, such as Chemical Safe Skincare

(ChemicalSafeSkincare.co.uk), Campaign for Safe Cosmetics (safecosmetics.org),

and others

are currently waging campaigns that call for the ban of certain ingredients and

a requirement that all cosmetic products carry ingredients labels.

In the meantime, there are two things you can do: 1) Share this e-Alert with

friends and family to let them know that toxic chemicals might be hiding in

many of the personal care products we use every day, and 2) Choose safe


Here are three sources that offer cosmetic products free of harmful


* Raintree Nutrition (rain-tree.com)

* Lluvia Skin Renewal System (amazonianherb.com)

* Elave (elave.co.uk)

<Personal opinions from beth

Product lines available locally that seem to be pure are:

Dr. Hauschka, available at the natural foods stores

Aubrey Organics, also available at the natural foods stores

And if you can't pronounce the ingredients, you shouldn't eat it or apply it

to your skin

End of beth's personal opinions>

The Cancer Prevention Coalition also offers these cosmetic safety tips:

* Choose cosmetics that contain the fewest ingredients

* Handle all cosmetics in a way that prevents bacterial contamination

* Do not leave product containers uncapped

* Do not share cosmetics

* Use applicators – do not apply makeup with your fingers


To start receiving your own copy of the HSI e-Alert, visit:



Or forward this e-mail to a friend so they can sign-up to receive their own

copy of the HSI e-Alert.


Tap into the minds of other health-conscious readers like yourself at the

new HSI health forum:




" Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Can be Cancer Risks " Cancer Prevention

Coalition, preventcancer.com

" A Cornucopia of Craziness " s II, M.D., Daily Dose,

3/2/07, douglassreport.com

" Cancer-Causing Chemical Found in Children's Bath Products " Campaign for

Safe Cosmetics, 2/8/07, safecosmetics.org


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interest in the Health Sciences Institute of Baltimore. We do not allow

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more than 90 words, 1-2 paragraphs) of our content with a live link back to

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beth Buchele HMC*

Professional Homeopath

Offices in St. Louis Park, MN


and Menomonie, WI

715-231-6068 (http://www.healthnaturally.biz/) w_ww.healthnaturally.biz_


" Natural Health for Mind and Body "

*Homeopathic Master Clinician

**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.


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I know this is OT but since this conversation is going I want to add my 2 cents.

I have been concerned for some time about the currently popular mineral makes

ups. Now mine you, I love them and this is my make up of choice but there is one

thing every woman needs to be warned about who uses these, MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT


I repeat DO NOT breath in!!! Why?? While many of the minerals and clays used to

make there are safe on the skin, many you can eat and they will give you many

minerals and nutrients but breathing them in causes huge problems for the lungs.

As a potter, I have worked closely with these clays and minerals and know the

benefits and cautions on them but sadly most people do not know that next to

miners, potters have the largest concentration of lung cancers and diseases per

profession. Potters commonly refer to this as Potters Lung.

I know when mixing glazes and clays with the same clays and minerals as in these

makeup's, we wear a respirator type mask (gas mask) to help protect our lungs.

Yet the cosmetic industry has us gals patting this stuff all over our faces and

powdering our noses, freely breathing it in and who knows what else they have

added in there too.

Now I still use the make up knowing all the problems that can occur from it, I

just take a deep breath, apply as much as I can, step out, take a fresh breath

and continue like that till I am done. I value my lungs too much not to protect

them and it is just too hard to put makeup on with a gas mask on.

FYI, Talc is one of the main ingredients in most makeup's. This is also one of

the most casuistic to the lungs as well as a huge link to women and the use of

it in diaper changes as babies in ovarian and uterine cancers.






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the strange, sweet path that leads to You. Give me little voices to teach to

pray. Give me shining eyes Thy face to see. The only crown I ask to wear is

this, that I may teach my children. I do not ask that I may stand among the

wise, the worthy, or the great; I only ask that softly, hand in hand my

children and I may enter at the gate. "


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I have been wondering lately about this very issue... I fairly

recently started using mineral makeup and I do really like it. I have

noticed though, that when I'm putting it on, I can smell it. This

indicates to me that I am breathing it in.. I suppose as long as I am

breathing thru my nose, the particles might be trapped in my nose

hairs. But I have also started holding my breath! Furthermore, I gave

some mineral makeup to my 14 y/o for Christmas. She told me it was her

favorite gift. I will have to warn her about it.


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