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Re: PATTY: Live blood microscopy in Atlanta

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Beth, your live cell guy sounds good. As you you now, knowing I have a gluten sensitivity now (or celiac disease) it is amazing the damage wheat does for alot of people. We just arent realy genetically made to eat this food at all. I uses to think it was so healthy, and ate alot of it, until recently. Mercola is so against wheat as well. I am currently reading "Going against the grain" excellent read. So is "dangerous grains" If you picked wheat growing in a field, you would find it is not as healthy and as good tasting as you have been led to think it is. Tastes more like mulch in natural form. Refining -white or even bown, adding preservatives and msg, and other dangerous chemicals to strip the flour away from the wheat is not good, but that how they get it so yummy. What you get in the end is a concoction of chemicals made to stretch wheat and make it more palable to our tongues. It is also very addictive, raising opiotes, cortisol and even adrenal surges to deal with it. Studies have been shown gluten to peoople with senstivites, makes their bodies react the same way heroin does to addcits. The same amounts of hormones are released and thus creates, energy surges and even irratibility, as well as long term damage, It is just bad stuff to me, even if you are not allergic to it. The way the industry put it all together-is very dangerous. I guess thats why one of the biggest health wellness centers in the world- Mercola's go by his book"The NO Grain Diet"

AS for your blood, Wheat or gluten is huge on creating allergies then making leaky gut, causing proteins to get into the blood. This then causes inflammtory responses and later-auto immnue diseases, as well as fungal and yeast issues. Besides rasing insulin and cholesterol. Mke sure you are taking enough zinc, as I ahve read-this helps with healing permability of the gut and also your primal defense will continue to work wonders as well as additional enzymes. And watch the wheat and gluten, it is in alot of foods! Lots of homework on that issue. it has been the hardest thing so far for me to learn about. Lots of time.

I am happy to hear you are doing better, and stick with it, Beth, you will get more well. I have, and was very ill as well. Im loving you!

>From: "bethlakey" <bethlakey@...> >Reply- > >Subject: PATTY: Live blood microscopy in Atlanta >Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 21:39:52 -0000 > >Well, I took the plunge and had a live cell done today in Atlanta. >A friend recommended Willner Chemists in Buckhead, for $25. She's >had several done ranging up to $150 and she told me this was the >best place. > >Anyway, here is what he said: I have Rouleau, which is sticking >together of red blood cells, a few mycoplasma, moderate candida and >fungal forms, Poikilosytosis which is deformed red blood cells that >show antioxidant deficiency, very few parasites. > >He told me to stay away from wheat, that it contributes to fungal >growth through undigested food, also to try to avoid sugar and eat >more veggies and fruits, which I am trying to do. For now, he put >me on Lypo, an enzyme complex, multivitamin, b-vitamin complex, >vitamin c, loads of garlic, fibersmart, natural calm which is >magnesium, and Newtons detox, whole body detox. I am to stay on >Primal Defense of course. He told me I was one of the most stressed >individuals he's come across lately and recommended a chiropractor, >which I intend to check out. > >Overall, I was hoping for a better outcome since I am feeling so >much better and have been working so hard to beat this. I have >lingering neuro problems, but no brain fog, dizziness, things like >that appear to be gone. > >hugs, >Beth > > > >

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: there has to be a way to make it tasty in it's natural state. The Native Americans made bread from raw wheat. I really thinks it's all the chemicals that change the makeup of the wheat that makes it bad for you.

VickieJOSEPH PALANCA <juliejp61@...> wrote:

Beth, your live cell guy sounds good. As you you now, knowing I have a gluten sensitivity now (or celiac disease) it is amazing the damage wheat does for alot of people. We just arent realy genetically made to eat this food at all. I uses to think it was so healthy, and ate alot of it, until recently. Mercola is so against wheat as well. I am currently reading "Going against the grain" excellent read. So is "dangerous grains" If you picked wheat growing in a field, you would find it is not as healthy and as good tasting as you have been led to think it is. Tastes more like mulch in natural form. Refining -white or even bown, adding preservatives and msg, and other dangerous chemicals to strip the flour away from the wheat is not good, but that how they get it so yummy. What you get in the end is a concoction of chemicals made to stretch wheat and make it more palable to our tongues. It is

also very addictive, raising opiotes, cortisol and even adrenal surges to deal with it. Studies have been shown gluten to peoople with senstivites, makes their bodies react the same way heroin does to addcits. The same amounts of hormones are released and thus creates, energy surges and even irratibility, as well as long term damage, It is just bad stuff to me, even if you are not allergic to it. The way the industry put it all together-is very dangerous. I guess thats why one of the biggest health wellness centers in the world- Mercola's go by his book"The NO Grain Diet"

AS for your blood, Wheat or gluten is huge on creating allergies then making leaky gut, causing proteins to get into the blood. This then causes inflammtory responses and later-auto immnue diseases, as well as fungal and yeast issues. Besides rasing insulin and cholesterol. Mke sure you are taking enough zinc, as I ahve read-this helps with healing permability of the gut and also your primal defense will continue to work wonders as well as additional enzymes. And watch the wheat and gluten, it is in alot of foods! Lots of homework on that issue. it has been the hardest thing so far for me to learn about. Lots of time.

I am happy to hear you are doing better, and stick with it, Beth, you will get more well. I have, and was very ill as well. Im loving you!

>From: "bethlakey" <bethlakey@...> >Reply- > >Subject: PATTY: Live blood microscopy in Atlanta >Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 21:39:52 -0000 > >Well, I took the plunge and had a live cell done today in Atlanta. >A friend recommended Willner Chemists in Buckhead, for $25. She's >had several done ranging up to $150 and she told me this was the >best place. > >Anyway, here is what he said: I have Rouleau, which is sticking >together of red blood cells, a few mycoplasma, moderate candida and >fungal forms, Poikilosytosis which is deformed red blood cells that >show antioxidant deficiency, very few parasites. > >He told me to stay away from wheat, that it contributes to fungal >growth through undigested food, also to try to avoid sugar and eat >more veggies and fruits, which I am trying to do. For now, he put >me on Lypo, an enzyme complex,

multivitamin, b-vitamin complex, >vitamin c, loads of garlic, fibersmart, natural calm which is >magnesium, and Newtons detox, whole body detox. I am to stay on >Primal Defense of course. He told me I was one of the most stressed >individuals he's come across lately and recommended a chiropractor, >which I intend to check out. > >Overall, I was hoping for a better outcome since I am feeling so >much better and have been working so hard to beat this. I have >lingering neuro problems, but no brain fog, dizziness, things like >that appear to be gone. > >hugs, >Beth > > > >

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Vickie, I'm sure it was good in their bread, but not like it tastes now. And again, it was made into a bread, mixed with other things, firmented, and all.All I was saying, if you eat it raw, of the stalk, like you can with corn, or carrots or other good things, that is doesnt taste all that great and nutritious like we think it does.

Alot of other cultures would not touch it. When we started to consume it, bone thinning and tooth decay and other maladies shortly followed. Hunter gathers did not have these issues. Anyway, I am on a run with this,due to my issues, if you can eat it, go for it. I just never knew how sick it was making me until I got it out recently, my energy improve and the numbness in my feet went away.

>From: Vickie <gracie17db@...> >Reply- > >Subject: RE: PATTY: Live blood microscopy in Atlanta >Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 11:32:11 -0700 (PDT) > >: there has to be a way to make it tasty in it's natural state. The Native Americans made bread from raw wheat. I really thinks it's all the chemicals that change the makeup of the wheat that makes it bad for you. >Vickie > >JOSEPH PALANCA <juliejp61@...> wrote: > >Beth, your live cell guy sounds good. As you you now, knowing I have a gluten sensitivity now (or celiac disease) it is amazing the damage wheat does for alot of people. We just arent realy genetically made to eat this food at all. I uses to think it was so healthy, and ate alot of it, until recently. Mercola is so against wheat as well. I am currently reading "Going against the grain" excellent read. So is "dangerous grains" If you picked wheat growing in a field, you would find it is not as healthy and as good tasting as you have been led to think it is. Tastes more like mulch in natural form. Refining -white or even bown, adding preservatives and msg, and other dangerous chemicals to strip the flour away from the wheat is not good, but that how they get it so yummy. What you get in the end is a concoction of chemicals made to stretch wheat and make it more palable to our tongues. It is also very addictive, raising opiotes, cortisol and even adrenal surges to deal with it. > Studies have been shown gluten to peoople with senstivites, makes their bodies react the same way heroin does to addcits. The same amounts of hormones are released and thus creates, energy surges and even irratibility, as well as long term damage, It is just bad stuff to me, even if you are not allergic to it. The way the industry put it all together-is very dangerous. I guess thats why one of the biggest health wellness centers in the world- Mercola's go by his book"The NO Grain Diet" > >AS for your blood, Wheat or gluten is huge on creating allergies then making leaky gut, causing proteins to get into the blood. This then causes inflammtory responses and later-auto immnue diseases, as well as fungal and yeast issues. Besides rasing insulin and cholesterol. Mke sure you are taking enough zinc, as I ahve read-this helps with healing permability of the gut and also your primal defense will continue to work wonders as well as additional enzymes. And watch the wheat and gluten, it is in alot of foods! Lots of homework on that issue. it has been the hardest thing so far for me to learn about. Lots of time. > > I am happy to hear you are doing better, and stick with it, Beth, you will get more well. I have, and was very ill as well. Im loving you! > > >From: "bethlakey" <bethlakey@...> >Reply- > >Subject: PATTY: Live blood microscopy in Atlanta >Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 21:39:52 -0000 > >Well, I took the plunge and had a live cell done today in Atlanta. >A friend recommended Willner Chemists in Buckhead, for $25. She's >had several done ranging up to $150 and she told me this was the >best place. > >Anyway, here is what he said: I have Rouleau, which is sticking >together of red blood cells, a few mycoplasma, moderate candida and >fungal forms, Poikilosytosis which is deformed red blood cells that >show antioxidant deficiency, very few parasites. > >He told me to stay away from wheat, that it contributes to fungal >growth through undigested food, also to try to avoid sugar and eat >more veggies and fruits, which I am trying to do. For now, he put >me on Lypo, an enzyme complex, multivitamin, b-vitamin complex, >vitamin c, loads of garlic, > fibersmart, natural calm which is >magnesium, and Newtons detox, whole body detox. I am to stay on >Primal Defense of course. He told me I was one of the most stressed >individuals he's come across lately and recommended a chiropractor, >which I intend to check out. > >Overall, I was hoping for a better outcome since I am feeling so >much better and have been working so hard to beat this. I have >lingering neuro problems, but no brain fog, dizziness, things like >that appear to be gone. > >hugs, >Beth > > > >

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: it doesnt bother me, but then again I eat very little grain. most fruits, veggies and meat. My sister does have the same symptoms as you though. i've talked her into being tested. I just mentioned the native americans as my father is full blooded Cherokee and my great grandfather, (my dad's grandfather) is still alive and kicking at 106. Some of the stuff he talked about eating when he grew up was really gross, like blood pudding. Each of us are different and bothered by different things. I hope your diet helps you!!!!! Good luck to you.

VickieJOSEPH PALANCA <juliejp61@...> wrote:

Vickie, I'm sure it was good in their bread, but not like it tastes now. And again, it was made into a bread, mixed with other things, firmented, and all.All I was saying, if you eat it raw, of the stalk, like you can with corn, or carrots or other good things, that is doesnt taste all that great and nutritious like we think it does.

Alot of other cultures would not touch it. When we started to consume it, bone thinning and tooth decay and other maladies shortly followed. Hunter gathers did not have these issues. Anyway, I am on a run with this,due to my issues, if you can eat it, go for it. I just never knew how sick it was making me until I got it out recently, my energy improve and the numbness in my feet went away.

>From: Vickie <gracie17db@...> >Reply- > >Subject: RE: PATTY: Live blood microscopy in Atlanta >Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 11:32:11 -0700 (PDT) > >: there has to be a way to make it tasty in it's natural state. The Native Americans made bread from raw wheat. I really thinks it's all the chemicals that change the makeup of the wheat that makes it bad for you. >Vickie > >JOSEPH PALANCA <juliejp61@...> wrote: > >Beth, your live cell guy sounds good. As you you now, knowing I have a gluten sensitivity now (or celiac disease) it is amazing the damage wheat does for alot of people. We just arent realy genetically made to eat this food at all. I uses to think it was so healthy, and ate alot of it, until recently. Mercola is so against wheat as

well. I am currently reading "Going against the grain" excellent read. So is "dangerous grains" If you picked wheat growing in a field, you would find it is not as healthy and as good tasting as you have been led to think it is. Tastes more like mulch in natural form. Refining -white or even bown, adding preservatives and msg, and other dangerous chemicals to strip the flour away from the wheat is not good, but that how they get it so yummy. What you get in the end is a concoction of chemicals made to stretch wheat and make it more palable to our tongues. It is also very addictive, raising opiotes, cortisol and even adrenal surges to deal with it. > Studies have been shown gluten to peoople with senstivites, makes their bodies react the same way heroin does to addcits. The same amounts of hormones are released and thus creates, energy surges and even irratibility, as well as long term damage, It is just bad stuff to me, even if you are not allergic to it. The way the industry put

it all together-is very dangerous. I guess thats why one of the biggest health wellness centers in the world- Mercola's go by his book"The NO Grain Diet" > >AS for your blood, Wheat or gluten is huge on creating allergies then making leaky gut, causing proteins to get into the blood. This then causes inflammtory responses and later-auto immnue diseases, as well as fungal and yeast issues. Besides rasing insulin and cholesterol. Mke sure you are taking enough zinc, as I ahve read-this helps with healing permability of the gut and also your primal defense will continue to work wonders as well as additional enzymes. And watch the wheat and gluten, it is in alot of foods! Lots of homework on that issue. it has been the hardest thing so far for me to learn about. Lots of time. > > I am happy to hear you are doing better, and stick with it, Beth, you will get more well. I have, and was very ill as well. Im loving you! > > >From: "bethlakey"

<bethlakey@...> >Reply- > >Subject: PATTY: Live blood microscopy in Atlanta >Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 21:39:52 -0000 > >Well, I took the plunge and had a live cell done today in Atlanta. >A friend recommended Willner Chemists in Buckhead, for $25. She's >had several done ranging up to $150 and she told me this was the >best place. > >Anyway, here is what he said: I have Rouleau, which is sticking >together of red blood cells, a few mycoplasma, moderate candida and >fungal forms, Poikilosytosis which is deformed red blood cells that >show antioxidant deficiency, very few parasites. > >He told me to stay away from wheat, that it contributes to fungal >growth through undigested food, also to try to avoid sugar and eat >more veggies and fruits, which I am trying to do. For now, he put >me on Lypo, an enzyme complex, multivitamin, b-vitamin

complex, >vitamin c, loads of garlic, > fibersmart, natural calm which is >magnesium, and Newtons detox, whole body detox. I am to stay on >Primal Defense of course. He told me I was one of the most stressed >individuals he's come across lately and recommended a chiropractor, >which I intend to check out. > >Overall, I was hoping for a better outcome since I am feeling so >much better and have been working so hard to beat this. I have >lingering neuro problems, but no brain fog, dizziness, things like >that appear to be gone. > >hugs, >Beth > > > >

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That's really cool Vickie, I hope you take the time to learn from your great grandfather some of their cultural traditions with foods...I think these old timers are a wealth of info that should never be forgotten! I don't know if I could eat some of the things they used to either, but at least we should not forget the principles they've relied on.

By the way, my first son's father was Ojibway (Chippewa) Indian.

PattyVickie <gracie17db@...> wrote:

: it doesnt bother me, but then again I eat very little grain. most fruits, veggies and meat. My sister does have the same symptoms as you though. i've talked her into being tested. I just mentioned the native americans as my father is full blooded Cherokee and my great grandfather, (my dad's grandfather) is still alive and kicking at 106. Some of the stuff he talked about eating when he grew up was really gross, like blood pudding. Each of us are different and bothered by different things. I hope your diet helps you!!!!! Good luck to you.

VickieJOSEPH PALANCA <juliejp61@...> wrote:

Vickie, I'm sure it was good in their bread, but not like it tastes now. And again, it was made into a bread, mixed with other things, firmented, and all.All I was saying, if you eat it raw, of the stalk, like you can with corn, or carrots or other good things, that is doesnt taste all that great and nutritious like we think it does.

Alot of other cultures would not touch it. When we started to consume it, bone thinning and tooth decay and other maladies shortly followed. Hunter gathers did not have these issues. Anyway, I am on a run with this,due to my issues, if you can eat it, go for it. I just never knew how sick it was making me until I got it out recently, my energy improve and the numbness in my feet went away.

>From: Vickie <gracie17db@...> >Reply- > >Subject: RE: PATTY: Live blood microscopy in Atlanta >Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 11:32:11 -0700 (PDT) > >: there has to be a way to make it tasty in it's natural state. The Native Americans made bread from raw wheat. I really thinks it's all the chemicals that change the makeup of the wheat that makes it bad for you. >Vickie > >JOSEPH PALANCA <juliejp61@...> wrote: > >Beth, your live cell guy sounds good. As you you now, knowing I have a gluten sensitivity now (or celiac disease) it is amazing the damage wheat does for alot of people. We just arent realy genetically made to eat this food at all. I uses to think it was so healthy, and ate alot of it, until recently. Mercola is so against wheat as

well. I am currently reading "Going against the grain" excellent read. So is "dangerous grains" If you picked wheat growing in a field, you would find it is not as healthy and as good tasting as you have been led to think it is. Tastes more like mulch in natural form. Refining -white or even bown, adding preservatives and msg, and other dangerous chemicals to strip the flour away from the wheat is not good, but that how they get it so yummy. What you get in the end is a concoction of chemicals made to stretch wheat and make it more palable to our tongues. It is also very addictive, raising opiotes, cortisol and even adrenal surges to deal with it. > Studies have been shown gluten to peoople with senstivites, makes their bodies react the same way heroin does to addcits. The same amounts of hormones are released and thus creates, energy surges and even irratibility, as well as long term damage, It is just bad stuff to me, even if you are not allergic to it. The way the industry put

it all together-is very dangerous. I guess thats why one of the biggest health wellness centers in the world- Mercola's go by his book"The NO Grain Diet" > >AS for your blood, Wheat or gluten is huge on creating allergies then making leaky gut, causing proteins to get into the blood. This then causes inflammtory responses and later-auto immnue diseases, as well as fungal and yeast issues. Besides rasing insulin and cholesterol. Mke sure you are taking enough zinc, as I ahve read-this helps with healing permability of the gut and also your primal defense will continue to work wonders as well as additional enzymes. And watch the wheat and gluten, it is in alot of foods! Lots of homework on that issue. it has been the hardest thing so far for me to learn about. Lots of time. > > I am happy to hear you are doing better, and stick with it, Beth, you will get more well. I have, and was very ill as well. Im loving you! > > >From: "bethlakey"

<bethlakey@...> >Reply- > >Subject: PATTY: Live blood microscopy in Atlanta >Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 21:39:52 -0000 > >Well, I took the plunge and had a live cell done today in Atlanta. >A friend recommended Willner Chemists in Buckhead, for $25. She's >had several done ranging up to $150 and she told me this was the >best place. > >Anyway, here is what he said: I have Rouleau, which is sticking >together of red blood cells, a few mycoplasma, moderate candida and >fungal forms, Poikilosytosis which is deformed red blood cells that >show antioxidant deficiency, very few parasites. > >He told me to stay away from wheat, that it contributes to fungal >growth through undigested food, also to try to avoid sugar and eat >more veggies and fruits, which I am trying to do. For now, he put >me on Lypo, an enzyme complex, multivitamin, b-vitamin

complex, >vitamin c, loads of garlic, > fibersmart, natural calm which is >magnesium, and Newtons detox, whole body detox. I am to stay on >Primal Defense of course. He told me I was one of the most stressed >individuals he's come across lately and recommended a chiropractor, >which I intend to check out. > >Overall, I was hoping for a better outcome since I am feeling so >much better and have been working so hard to beat this. I have >lingering neuro problems, but no brain fog, dizziness, things like >that appear to be gone. > >hugs, >Beth > > > >

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Blood pudding! Wow and I thought I was strange- he he/ You know, but who is to say that is bad? it may have very good nutrients, who knows? I truly believe that everyone has a different metabolic type and reacts to food very differently. You gotta do what works! PS-that is good though, that you eat very little grain, you go girl! Love ya Vickie! julie

PATTY: Live blood microscopy in Atlanta >Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 21:39:52 -0000 > >Well, I took the plunge and had a live cell done today in Atlanta. >A friend recommended Willner Chemists in Buckhead, for $25. She's >had several done ranging up to $150 and she told me this was the >best place. > >Anyway, here is what he said: I have Rouleau, which is sticking >together of red blood cells, a few mycoplasma, moderate candida and >fungal forms, Poikilosytosis which is deformed red blood cells that >show antioxidant deficiency, very few parasites. > >He told me to stay away from wheat, that it contributes to fungal >growth through undigested food, also to try to avoid sugar and eat >more veggies and fruits, which I am trying to do. For now, he put >me on Lypo, an enzyme complex, multivitamin, b-vitamin complex, >vitamin c, loads of garlic, > fibersmart, natural calm which is >magnesium, and Newtons detox, whole body detox. I am to stay on >Primal Defense of course. He told me I was one of the most stressed >individuals he's come across lately and recommended a chiropractor, >which I intend to check out. > >Overall, I was hoping for a better outcome since I am feeling so >much better and have been working so hard to beat this. I have >lingering neuro problems, but no brain fog, dizziness, things like >that appear to be gone. > >hugs, >Beth > > > >

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Please don't be discouraged. If nothing else, this gives you

something concrete to work with. I would be actually encouraged by

that. Have you thought of taking oil of oregano or olive leaf extract

to kill the mycoplasma? They kill candida also. The fact that you

are feeling better and getting rid of symptoms is most encouraging and

you are certainly on the right paths! Doing repeat live blood cell

analysis down the road will help you monitor your progress. take care


-- In , " bethlakey " <bethlakey@y...> wrote:

> Well, I took the plunge and had a live cell done today in Atlanta.

> A friend recommended Willner Chemists in Buckhead, for $25. She's

> had several done ranging up to $150 and she told me this was the

> best place.


> Anyway, here is what he said: I have Rouleau, which is sticking

> together of red blood cells, a few mycoplasma, moderate candida and

> fungal forms, Poikilosytosis which is deformed red blood cells that

> show antioxidant deficiency, very few parasites.


> He told me to stay away from wheat, that it contributes to fungal

> growth through undigested food, also to try to avoid sugar and eat

> more veggies and fruits, which I am trying to do. For now, he put

> me on Lypo, an enzyme complex, multivitamin, b-vitamin complex,

> vitamin c, loads of garlic, fibersmart, natural calm which is

> magnesium, and Newtons detox, whole body detox. I am to stay on

> Primal Defense of course. He told me I was one of the most stressed

> individuals he's come across lately and recommended a chiropractor,

> which I intend to check out.


> Overall, I was hoping for a better outcome since I am feeling so

> much better and have been working so hard to beat this. I have

> lingering neuro problems, but no brain fog, dizziness, things like

> that appear to be gone.


> hugs,

> Beth

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