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PATTY: Live blood microscopy in Atlanta

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Well, I took the plunge and had a live cell done today in Atlanta.

A friend recommended Willner Chemists in Buckhead, for $25. She's

had several done ranging up to $150 and she told me this was the

best place.

Anyway, here is what he said: I have Rouleau, which is sticking

together of red blood cells, a few mycoplasma, moderate candida and

fungal forms, Poikilosytosis which is deformed red blood cells that

show antioxidant deficiency, very few parasites.

He told me to stay away from wheat, that it contributes to fungal

growth through undigested food, also to try to avoid sugar and eat

more veggies and fruits, which I am trying to do. For now, he put

me on Lypo, an enzyme complex, multivitamin, b-vitamin complex,

vitamin c, loads of garlic, fibersmart, natural calm which is

magnesium, and Newtons detox, whole body detox. I am to stay on

Primal Defense of course. He told me I was one of the most stressed

individuals he's come across lately and recommended a chiropractor,

which I intend to check out.

Overall, I was hoping for a better outcome since I am feeling so

much better and have been working so hard to beat this. I have

lingering neuro problems, but no brain fog, dizziness, things like

that appear to be gone.



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