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qualifying for disability due to CMT

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When I filed it took almost 8 months. When you file your case goes through

what they call a 5 month waiting period. Because you are not dying. In the

6th month, they finish up contacting your doctors and getting back all that

paper work they sent out. Tons of it. And make copies of any paper work you


out. They will send more to be filled out and you can and should use the

previous papers you filled out as a guideline. They will ask the same questions

20 differeant ways and you gotta give them the same answer. One differant

answer can screw you up.

In the 7th month I received my letter telling me I was determined Disabled.

So the 8th month I got my first check and that was for the 7th month.

Remember the check you get this month is for last month. If you are denied file

again and again. Once you are accepted you will receive a check retro back to


6th month after you filed. You do not receive anything for the first 5

months from filing.

Last year I posted here what I could not do. The same answers I gave to Soc

Sec. It would make some heads spin. EXAMPLE: Cannot open cans using hand

can opener. Must use electric one when it works. Cannot open boxes of food.

Have to use a knife and cut the box open then use knife to open the bag inside.

Cannot open jars. Have to wait for someone to come over and then they open

any new jars I have placed in the refrigerator.

Cannot stand in my bare feet. So because of that I cannot take a shower

without a shower bench and because of the CMT I cannot take a bath, because I

cannot get into the tub or get out of it without assistance. (I found this out

the hard way once) Cannot do steps without a hand rail.

Sometime within the next week I will do a complete list again if anyone would

like a copy. It will help you to turn wheels in the head. Because you dont

want to leave anything out. The more bullets you have the better chance of

hitting your target so to speak.


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