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Mixed emotions

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gail i am 42 and have been alone for 10 years now. i know how you feel. i

think i use it as an excuse not to let someone get close to me. i say life is

too short, if you have found someone to love and love you back i'd say give

it a try. kathy in il

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Hi there

when you speak from your soul either the other soul embraces your soul and

all of it...or he does not embrace your soul....tis best to open the truths

and to unburden yourself...maybe he is the one who will lighten your


maybe he truly is that good a soul..

to me it is straightforward...if you hide your pains you hide your

truths....they are part of your inner spirit and soul and should be

embraced....for they are pains of courage, and this aspect of your courage

should also be embraced..

give the man the true chance....but that is just my humble offering of


i think the thing that might be the burden is hiding the truth....in some

ways Gail we are all burdens to others...whether we have migraines or a cold

sore...or ra...or cancer....people get through it together or they are not

worth giving my soul to...

i am sure he will embrace the being that you are...the pains you endure...

let in the happiness...do not harbour your fears alone....speak with him and

either he carries the burdens or he walks...either way you have been your

whole being and truthful and expressed your concerns to him and that is very

noble...in wishing to hide pains there is nobility and strength...but maybe

he wishes to admire those qualities also...and to aid you when you falter...



[ ] Mixed Emotions

> First of all I know this is not a " dear Abby " or advice for the Lovelorn

group...But it does have everything to do with my struggle with RA.


> As I have told the group before...I was very young ( 28 ) when My ex

decided to leave myself and our four little girls...ages 6months, 2 years, 4

years and 8 years of age. That was back in 1977.


> I was determined to raise my girls in a good home environment and see

that they were my first priority. I did just that seeing them through high

school and college and spending quality time with them. We had so much fun

together ...I was kinda like their older sister growing up with them too.


> Now they are all married with families of their own...All living away (

except youngest...No children yet ) Now that I'm alone and could even think

about starting my life again with a mate....My RA is my stumbling block.


> There's this wonderful gentleman in my life and he knows I have RA to

some extent...But I know he doesn't know the severity of it. He talks of

future plans for us like the Big M ( marriage ) in the future. My heart and

mind tells me I DON'T want to be alone for the rest of my life and My

biggest fear is being a burden on him later on. I know this sounds

pessimistic and negative...But It bothers me .


> I've always tried to hide most of my pain in his presence...But have

complained with my knees quite a bit too. So That's why I say I don't think

he really knows the severity of my disease....but if he loves me ( and he

tells me he does ) It probably don't matter to him anyway...But it matters

to me.


> I am so mixed up about what to do about my future with him...I feel like

after all this time of being alone ( 26 yrs.) and now when happiness finally

knocks on my door...I won't be able to let it in and enjoy it.


> My biggest fear is being a burden on him later on. I would love to hear

your input on my situation.


> Hugs to all of you,


> Gail




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He sounds like a great guy but you are not letting him

in on one of the most important aspects of your life -

your arthritis which affects all other aspects of your

life. In my humble opinion, you need to really talk

to him about your pain, what you go through on a day

to day basis, and the fear you have of being a

" burden " to him. If he loves you as it seems from

your letter he does you may be worrying needlessly

about the " burden " part because when we love someone

we love all of them, accept the good with the bad.

You have done a wonderful job all on your own raising

your kids and it took a strong woman to do that. You

deserve happiness with someone and you are very lucky

to have found that person. Be honest with him about

your pain and I think you will feel better having

leveled with him rather than trying to be strong and

uncomplaining all the time. That has got to be hard

on you. Hope this has helped a bit - Dear Abby I am


Kathe in CA


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>Gail, please don't let RA keep you from being happy, it would be no

fun being alone. Let him read up on some of the articles you get on

this site so maybe he will understand it a little better. RA is such

a big part of our lives. My husband of 31 years is learning to live

with the disease (slowly) but he loves me just the same.

You sound like such a nice person I think you deserve to be happy.

in WA My two cents worth.

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Gail, your fears are perfectly normal. People with chronic illnesses wonder what


future will hold. Nobody wishes to be a burden on anyone or hold those whom they



The thing is, nobody can predict the future. You may improve, you may hold

steady, you may

decline (let's hope it's improve!). It's impossible to say. Even your man's

future is

uncertain. There's no guarantee that he will remain in basically the same

physical and

mental state that he is now. Would it matter to you if he revealed that he had a


illness and may decline? What about several years down the road?

So my advice is to be honest and voice your concerns. Share your worries with

him. That

would be the fairest thing to do for you both.

[ ] Mixed Emotions

> First of all I know this is not a " dear Abby " or advice for the Lovelorn

group...But it

does have everything to do with my struggle with RA.


> As I have told the group before...I was very young ( 28 ) when My ex decided

to leave

myself and our four little girls...ages 6months, 2 years, 4 years and 8 years of

age. That

was back in 1977.


> I was determined to raise my girls in a good home environment and see that

they were my

first priority. I did just that seeing them through high school and college and


quality time with them. We had so much fun together ...I was kinda like their

older sister

growing up with them too.


> Now they are all married with families of their own...All living away (


youngest...No children yet ) Now that I'm alone and could even think about

starting my

life again with a mate....My RA is my stumbling block.


> There's this wonderful gentleman in my life and he knows I have RA to some


I know he doesn't know the severity of it. He talks of future plans for us like

the Big M

( marriage ) in the future. My heart and mind tells me I DON'T want to be alone

for the

rest of my life and My biggest fear is being a burden on him later on. I know

this sounds

pessimistic and negative...But It bothers me .


> I've always tried to hide most of my pain in his presence...But have

complained with my

knees quite a bit too. So That's why I say I don't think he really knows the

severity of

my disease....but if he loves me ( and he tells me he does ) It probably don't

matter to

him anyway...But it matters to me.


> I am so mixed up about what to do about my future with him...I feel like after

all this

time of being alone ( 26 yrs.) and now when happiness finally knocks on my

door...I won't

be able to let it in and enjoy it.


> My biggest fear is being a burden on him later on. I would love to hear your

input on

my situation.


> Hugs to all of you,


> Gail

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Dear Gail,

I understand a little bit of what you are going through I got married

at 18 and we found out after 5 years of marriage I was unable to have childern

and I thought my husband would be better off without me as I knew he wanted

childern and would be throwing away any chance he had to do that. But to my

surprize when we talked about it he said he was happy just to have me. It sounds

to me like you need to let your man have a fair chance of saying what he is

willing to deal with or not willing to deal with. he might just surprize you as

well... I do send you my best wishes on this and Talk to him and give him a

chane too. God Bless


And Love


<Matsumura_Clan@...> wrote: Gail, your fears are perfectly

normal. People with chronic illnesses wonder what the

future will hold. Nobody wishes to be a burden on anyone or hold those whom they



The thing is, nobody can predict the future. You may improve, you may hold

steady, you may

decline (let's hope it's improve!). It's impossible to say. Even your man's

future is

uncertain. There's no guarantee that he will remain in basically the same

physical and

mental state that he is now. Would it matter to you if he revealed that he had a


illness and may decline? What about several years down the road?

So my advice is to be honest and voice your concerns. Share your worries with

him. That

would be the fairest thing to do for you both.

[ ] Mixed Emotions

> First of all I know this is not a " dear Abby " or advice for the Lovelorn

group...But it

does have everything to do with my struggle with RA.


> As I have told the group before...I was very young ( 28 ) when My ex decided

to leave

myself and our four little girls...ages 6months, 2 years, 4 years and 8 years of

age. That

was back in 1977.


> I was determined to raise my girls in a good home environment and see that

they were my

first priority. I did just that seeing them through high school and college and


quality time with them. We had so much fun together ...I was kinda like their

older sister

growing up with them too.


> Now they are all married with families of their own...All living away (


youngest...No children yet ) Now that I'm alone and could even think about

starting my

life again with a mate....My RA is my stumbling block.


> There's this wonderful gentleman in my life and he knows I have RA to some


I know he doesn't know the severity of it. He talks of future plans for us like

the Big M

( marriage ) in the future. My heart and mind tells me I DON'T want to be alone

for the

rest of my life and My biggest fear is being a burden on him later on. I know

this sounds

pessimistic and negative...But It bothers me .


> I've always tried to hide most of my pain in his presence...But have

complained with my

knees quite a bit too. So That's why I say I don't think he really knows the

severity of

my disease....but if he loves me ( and he tells me he does ) It probably don't

matter to

him anyway...But it matters to me.


> I am so mixed up about what to do about my future with him...I feel like after

all this

time of being alone ( 26 yrs.) and now when happiness finally knocks on my

door...I won't

be able to let it in and enjoy it.


> My biggest fear is being a burden on him later on. I would love to hear your

input on

my situation.


> Hugs to all of you,


> Gail

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, Thank you for your advice.... ...All of your good advice is helping me be

more open and honest with my illness. Your question in your reply enlightened me

to look at this in a vise-versa position.



[ ] Mixed Emotions

> First of all I know this is not a " dear Abby " or advice for the Lovelorn

group...But it

does have everything to do with my struggle with RA.


> As I have told the group before...I was very young ( 28 ) when My ex decided

to leave

myself and our four little girls...ages 6months, 2 years, 4 years and 8 years

of age. That

was back in 1977.


> I was determined to raise my girls in a good home environment and see that

they were my

first priority. I did just that seeing them through high school and college

and spending

quality time with them. We had so much fun together ...I was kinda like their

older sister

growing up with them too.


> Now they are all married with families of their own...All living away (


youngest...No children yet ) Now that I'm alone and could even think about

starting my

life again with a mate....My RA is my stumbling block.


> There's this wonderful gentleman in my life and he knows I have RA to some


I know he doesn't know the severity of it. He talks of future plans for us

like the Big M

( marriage ) in the future. My heart and mind tells me I DON'T want to be

alone for the

rest of my life and My biggest fear is being a burden on him later on. I know

this sounds

pessimistic and negative...But It bothers me .


> I've always tried to hide most of my pain in his presence...But have

complained with my

knees quite a bit too. So That's why I say I don't think he really knows the

severity of

my disease....but if he loves me ( and he tells me he does ) It probably don't

matter to

him anyway...But it matters to me.


> I am so mixed up about what to do about my future with him...I feel like

after all this

time of being alone ( 26 yrs.) and now when happiness finally knocks on my

door...I won't

be able to let it in and enjoy it.


> My biggest fear is being a burden on him later on. I would love to hear

your input on

my situation.


> Hugs to all of you,


> Gail

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Wow Gail,

You sure do ask the hard questions! LOL!

When any of us start a relationship, no one has a crystal ball, at least we

didn't have them in Chicago, so who is to know what the future holds for any

of us. God didn't want man (or woman) to go thru this life by themselves.

We all do better in pairs (just look at Noah's ark!). It seems to me that

the vote from the members of this little family is definitely a double thumbs

up. Be honest with him, enjoy the time you spend together, cry the tears you

need to shed together and thank God that you have someone to share this life


My guarantee on relationships or marriage didn't even last a week! I had

pneumonia on the day we got married, slept all the way to Florida and still I

can't shake my husband after 24 years. The shoe could have very easily been

on the other foot and it could have been him who was sick and not quite in

the best of shape, but it still would not have changed our outcome. My

husband had polio when he was a little boy and we are all learning about

something called " post polio syndrome " , so I have no idea what is awaiting

ahead for us either. But if I dwell on it, heck, I would never get out of

bed in the morning. Sometimes, adversity doesn't come in the way of

sickness. Last year, my husband lost his job and was out for almost a year

and in November of that same year, I lost my job. Now that is stressful! 3

kids still at home, sick wife, savings gone, retirement gone but somehow and

at times I don't know how, we kept it together. It wasn't easy and it still

isn't, but hey if you don't work hard to get it, it ain't worth having.

OK Gail, we will all be throwing rice when you decide to take the plunge!

Let go of the fear and enjoy this time in your life!

Gentle, tender, love is in the air angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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Hi Gail,

Like others have said, I think you need to be honest with him. If he wants

to love you..heck, let him! You deserve to be happy.



[ ] Mixed Emotions

First of all I know this is not a " dear Abby " or advice for the Lovelorn

group...But it does have everything to do with my struggle with RA.

As I have told the group before...I was very young ( 28 ) when My ex decided

to leave myself and our four little girls...ages 6months, 2 years, 4 years

and 8 years of age. That was back in 1977.

I was determined to raise my girls in a good home environment and see that

they were my first priority. I did just that seeing them through high school

and college and spending quality time with them. We had so much fun together

....I was kinda like their older sister growing up with them too.

Now they are all married with families of their own...All living away (

except youngest...No children yet ) Now that I'm alone and could even think

about starting my life again with a mate....My RA is my stumbling block.

There's this wonderful gentleman in my life and he knows I have RA to some

extent...But I know he doesn't know the severity of it. He talks of future

plans for us like the Big M ( marriage ) in the future. My heart and mind

tells me I DON'T want to be alone for the rest of my life and My biggest

fear is being a burden on him later on. I know this sounds pessimistic and

negative...But It bothers me .

I've always tried to hide most of my pain in his presence...But have

complained with my knees quite a bit too. So That's why I say I don't think

he really knows the severity of my disease....but if he loves me ( and he

tells me he does ) It probably don't matter to him anyway...But it matters

to me.

I am so mixed up about what to do about my future with him...I feel like

after all this time of being alone ( 26 yrs.) and now when happiness finally

knocks on my door...I won't be able to let it in and enjoy it.

My biggest fear is being a burden on him later on. I would love to hear

your input on my situation.

Hugs to all of you,


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Just remember that the bachelorette party is being held here in Florida with

my cabana boys pampering us all!

So there, Ladies.....mark your calendars. It is all up to Gail!

Sleep well, sweet lady! See the stirrings you caused by just asking one

question! LOL!

Gentle, tender, Florida angel hugs,


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Well, my dear Tess,

Maybe that is a side business that I could get into now that the cabana boy

business has taken off so well!


You know what they say, when you least expect it, love shakes your hand.

Leaving the house a little bit might give love an extra shove! How about

that grocery store story.....ask for help in the frozen food aisle.....play

dumb (for me it comes naturally) with the butcher. Now if you MUST stay

indoors, then how about stuffing a sock in the washing machine (of course, at

my house, we seem to have a pipe that does that automatically) that should

bring the repairman by. See you just gotta use your noodle!

Everyone needs a mate just to walk thru life with and I will be saying extra

prayers to our Great Match Maker in the sky to send you that special person

that you can walk hand in hand with. God knows our needs better than we do.

OK we are in the process of making the arrangements for the bachelorette

party for Gail to be held here at my place with the cabana boys in

attendance, of course! So mark your calendars!!!!!

Have a good evening, my friend and watch out for cupid's arrow!

Love and ((((((((((((Tess)))))))))))))))


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Debs in Florida;

Just got home from Church and thought I would read my emails before I'm gone

tomorrow ( be home tomorrow night )

Thank you for your comments...I guess I'll just go ahead and let him know how

severe RA can really be at times. I've always tried to hide my pain from others

and Now it's " the Truth shall set me Free " time. I'll have to swallow my

foolish pride and let him know the pain I deal with everyday.

I'm lovin your sense of humor.....It's still early in our relationship ( about 6

months ) So the rice is a long way off...After being single for 26 years...I've

got plenty of things to sort through and think about.

Thanks Deb



Re: [ ] Mixed Emotions

Wow Gail,

You sure do ask the hard questions! LOL!

When any of us start a relationship, no one has a crystal ball, at least we

didn't have them in Chicago, so who is to know what the future holds for any

of us. God didn't want man (or woman) to go thru this life by themselves.

We all do better in pairs (just look at Noah's ark!). It seems to me that

the vote from the members of this little family is definitely a double thumbs

up. Be honest with him, enjoy the time you spend together, cry the tears you

need to shed together and thank God that you have someone to share this life


My guarantee on relationships or marriage didn't even last a week! I had

pneumonia on the day we got married, slept all the way to Florida and still I

can't shake my husband after 24 years. The shoe could have very easily been

on the other foot and it could have been him who was sick and not quite in

the best of shape, but it still would not have changed our outcome. My

husband had polio when he was a little boy and we are all learning about

something called " post polio syndrome " , so I have no idea what is awaiting

ahead for us either. But if I dwell on it, heck, I would never get out of

bed in the morning. Sometimes, adversity doesn't come in the way of

sickness. Last year, my husband lost his job and was out for almost a year

and in November of that same year, I lost my job. Now that is stressful! 3

kids still at home, sick wife, savings gone, retirement gone but somehow and

at times I don't know how, we kept it together. It wasn't easy and it still

isn't, but hey if you don't work hard to get it, it ain't worth having.

OK Gail, we will all be throwing rice when you decide to take the plunge!

Let go of the fear and enjoy this time in your life!

Gentle, tender, love is in the air angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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Dear Debs...what a wonderful letter you wrote to Gail. You are such a


I've been alone for 12 years now, and I would love to have a good man in

my life, if God wills that. I suppose it'd be good if I actually left

my house and met people, if just for face-2-face friendship. Something

I do need to work on.

Anyway, thank you for being a great encourager in the midst of your own


Hugs & Prayers & Much Love....


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Thank you Carol,

I appreciate your comment.....Sometime my RA can just diminish my

self-esteem. No more pretending.....I'll tell him all about my Ra.



[ ] Mixed Emotions

First of all I know this is not a " dear Abby " or advice for the Lovelorn

group...But it does have everything to do with my struggle with RA.

As I have told the group before...I was very young ( 28 ) when My ex decided

to leave myself and our four little girls...ages 6months, 2 years, 4 years

and 8 years of age. That was back in 1977.

I was determined to raise my girls in a good home environment and see that

they were my first priority. I did just that seeing them through high school

and college and spending quality time with them. We had so much fun together

...I was kinda like their older sister growing up with them too.

Now they are all married with families of their own...All living away (

except youngest...No children yet ) Now that I'm alone and could even think

about starting my life again with a mate....My RA is my stumbling block.

There's this wonderful gentleman in my life and he knows I have RA to some

extent...But I know he doesn't know the severity of it. He talks of future

plans for us like the Big M ( marriage ) in the future. My heart and mind

tells me I DON'T want to be alone for the rest of my life and My biggest

fear is being a burden on him later on. I know this sounds pessimistic and

negative...But It bothers me .

I've always tried to hide most of my pain in his presence...But have

complained with my knees quite a bit too. So That's why I say I don't think

he really knows the severity of my disease....but if he loves me ( and he

tells me he does ) It probably don't matter to him anyway...But it matters

to me.

I am so mixed up about what to do about my future with him...I feel like

after all this time of being alone ( 26 yrs.) and now when happiness finally

knocks on my door...I won't be able to let it in and enjoy it.

My biggest fear is being a burden on him later on. I would love to hear

your input on my situation.

Hugs to all of you,


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  • 2 years later...
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I liked Elaina's email and have had the same ideas going through my mind. I

myself don't hesitate in talking to people about CMT. In fact, I love doing it

as it helps increase awareness. People whose attitudes change with this

knowledge don't matter...and people who matter they hardly change due to this.

What we feel about ourselves is more important.

Anyway, I need to share something here. When I'm talking about CMT with someone,

I become a bit hyper. I guess this is because, somewhere, I start blaming CMT

for things more than it should actually be blamed. I understand that maybe the

reason of myself not being into a lot of conversation is that I know I won't be

able to hear much of what the other person says, but a voice inside quips, " You

are looking for excuses " ! I really wonder at the stuff that goes on inside this

brain of ours!!

I am writing all that is coming to my mind...not aiming at anything in

particular. Just need to get it out of my system :)

Recently, I had the farewell function in my college. I had performed a solo

dance. I stood with the support of a table and did it. Well, people LOVED it...I

got tonnes of compliments...still getting them...but when I saw the video I JUST

DIDN'T LIKE IT! To be frank, I almost hated it! So, was everyone complimenting

me coz they thought along lines like " Wow! Look at her, she did it despite her

disability. " ? Not that I detected such hints in anyone's praise...the praise was

indeed all 'straight from hearts'. Anyways, I can't deny I HAD A BALL

DANCING...It felt like 'this had to be done'!

Generally speaking, their are two voices inside me as far as CMT is

concerned...and am dying to achieve a balance between the two...even as I type


One voice says, " Reema, don't find excuses by way of your CMT. You are what you

make of yourself. You can do ANYTHING ...without letting CMT come in the way.

But you don't see it that way. You blame your CMT instead of blaming your

laziness. "

And the other voice says, " Reema, be realistic! Know your limits.(the other

voice quips, " Limits are defined by an individual himself/herself). You can't

really achieve anything that you want to. You have CMT...acknowledge it and act

accordingly " .

Hehe...this email can be titled 'Psycho CMT'...or maybe 'Philosophical MT...lol.

Is this making sense?

I have all the answers, yet I don't.

Laughing on myself...


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Thank you for your reply and I do understand you. It's like when I'm so

fatigued that I just can't keep my eyes open. I feel like I'm just being lazy.

But then I say to myself 'if you do everything that needs to be done today

you're going to pay for it later in pain'. I go back and forth all the time


that. I know I can do anything I really want to do but at the same time I

think I fool myself with being too scared to do things or would just rather be

safe than sorry. Now I feel like I'm not making sense too.

Anyway, know that I understand what you're thinking and thanks again.


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  • 1 year later...

Wow, you've sure said it well, le. As for the Milk Thistle, I use the Maximum Milk Thistle, one capsule three times a day, as recommended, that is a total of 720 mg per day, at 240 mg each capsule.. Hugs and prayers, Sheena kdaniellem <kdaniellem@...> wrote: >> I didn't realize you had "just" been diagnosed. I can only imagine the> amount of mixed emotions you are going through right now. I guess "mixed emotions" is an appropriate term... heck, I'm even confused about what should/shouldn't confuse me right now. ;-)Trying to fit the idea of Tx into my life plans and understand how this Dx may have narrowed my path. I wonder if I should just wait until summer to start Tx, due to the sides at the beginning, rather than try to go to school at the same time. I worry that they may want to extend my Tx which would throw me into the midst of tougher clinicals and possible longer term discomfort from sides. I'm terrified to tell the instructor tomorrow who is known for weeding out those she deems "weak" or unfit for the profession, I worry about how my dentist will deal with the news when I go to my appt today. I am

afraid of the reactions of others.... my tendency today is not to keep secrets about who I am, but I also don't think it appropriate to start wearing my "stigma girl" t-shirt again! I worry about being responsible, but not destroying what I have worked so hard for. I wonder at the fact that if I had a Dx of breast cancer, folk would be crawling all over trying to be supportive, but because I have Hep C, I will be hidden and hiding.And I wonder what is the max mg of milk thistle y'all suggest?Fear, confusion, faith.... all intertwined.le

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