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Re: understanding symptoms

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Hi Elaine,

Your symptoms are exactly like mine. I was diagnosed at 14, but had the symptoms

you are describing at 11. Well, my hands didn't bother me until I got older. I

don't understand CMT and why it hits some people at a young age and others at an

older age.

I was the first diagnosed in my family and since then my older sister and

brother have been diagosed. My uncle has it now too and he is about 60. He was a

fire fighter for years and had no symptoms until about 7 years ago.

I walked like you until I got AFOs foot braces to hold my feet up when I was 24.

I still walk like that without them on and have balance problems when I don't

wear them. I can balance well with them and don't have to hang on to anyone. I

am so much happier since I got them. I will go anywhere and walk in front of

anyone. I use to stay in one spot and wouldn't walk in front of anyone. I was

made fun of in school and I learned how to stay put to keep from being


I guess being an adult is somewhat easier because kids can be really cruel

sometimes. Well, just to let you know you aren't alone. Hope your daughter is

doing well.


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Your statement of " heel - toe " riminded me of my childhood, bringing

back some painful memories of my dad asking me why I can't I just

walk " heel - toe. " I remember that at about eight years old, my mom

got frustrated that I could not walk down the stairs at a baseball

game one stair for each foot.

My wife buttons my shirts for me, and it won't be long until she is

tying my shoes. I never thought that this would be me at 40.

I was out with my wife planting a peach tree in our yard, and a

neighbor stopped to tease me and asked why she was doing the

digging. My neighbor doesn't know better. He doesn't know that I

have CMT.

What floored me next is that my wife looked at me and asked if that

embarrassed me. She too thought it was odd that I would let her do

the digging. I had to explain that I can not jump on the shovel or

I will lose my balance. That my feet cannot feel the blade etc.

My wife knows that I get tired easily, but I think that she is still

learning why I just don't do some things.

She did buy me some treking poles so that we could hike as a family

more. She doesn't understand that it has taken almost a whole month

for me to recover from our last hike.


--- In , " elaineangel54 " <elaineangel54@y...>


> Hi I'm Elaine in Florida, never been diagnosed with CMT 1 but my

> youngest daughter was when she was 16, (she is now 25). I know I

> have it, I certainly have all the syptoms and we get it from our

> Mother who is now 87. One of my sister's has just been diagnosed

> with it too.

> I have a very unusual walking gait with my left foot being the


> foot, unable to walk heel toe like other people. I have to lift my

> leg up to walk and not trip. My left hand actually my thumb is

> getting very weak and unable to grab thick things to pick up.

> I walk in the evenings at least three to five times a week for

> 30minutes and I also like to follow Sansone's excersising

> DVDs.

> My husband is a very understanding, kind man who knows I have this

> and it is in the family. I can't climb stairs very well, not


> strength in my legs and feet. Sometimes I want to tell him more

> about my symptoms but do not want to sound like a cronic

> complainer. I know I can't do what I used to as far as physically

> keeping up with other people. When the girls I work with go out


> their walk they always ask me to go, but they do not know what I

> have and there is no way I can keep up with their fast walking.

> It's hard to try to decribe to my sweetheart about my loss of

> balance. As in standing and talking to someone it is so much


> if I have something to kind of hang onto. Please everyone tell me

> you know and feel things physically like I do. Loss of balance,


> walking gait, everyone loves to watch the way I walk... thanks for

> this group, it is wonderful having a group to talk to about this.


> can't believe none of us in my family were ever diagnosed at an

> early age. It took my then 16 year old daughter to be diagnosed.

> That was due to the fact her patella in her left knee would not


> in place and she has pes cavus feet. NO ONE ever saw that or

> diagnosed us.. whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.. Thanks again for reading and

> responding... Elaine

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Dear Elaine,

I am 16 years old and when I was little they told my mother there was nothing

wrong with me and she was a over protective mother and my mom was just a young

mother. And then my mom took me to Springfield, Mass shires hospital I and had

double hip opperation. I don't walk well but I use a scooter for long distance

places like theme parks. For exercise, I do alot of walking. My knees go out

as well but I just deal with it. Hope this group helps you.


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  • 5 years later...


> Hi Bee,


> My main symptom I've always had was my vaginal yeast infections and

constipation. Since I've started your program (it's been 21 months now) my yeast

infection symptoms have improved, however I still have itchiness all the time

and ususally have some discharge at least once a day.


> My first yeast infection I ever had was when I was 20 years old and I'm now 30

(but started your program at 28). So I would've thought my yeast infection

symptoms would've gone away after 8 months but I'm at 21 months and still have

these symptoms so how could this be retracing anymore? Yes, I have had some

cheating (10 times in 21 months) but even let's just say with the cheating I set

myself back even 6 months total (at the most I would think) I still shouldn't

have yeast infection symptoms anymore, right? Doesn't that make sense?

+++Hi . You can still get a yeast infection and discharges from that area

since your body seems to favor it as a way to get rid of toxins. Also after you

are totally healthy your body may get rid of toxins through that area, like mine

does, and it was also one of my worst symptoms.

+++After you are healthy there are 2 main sources of toxins your body has to

handle, and they are: 1) toxins created by the body during normal processing,

and 2) toxins obtained from outside sources.

+++I've also seen people whose bodies get rid of toxins mainly through their

skin, so even after they are healthy their skin can flare-up due to the 2 ways a

person gets toxins (above). If a person becomes stressed their bodies are less

able to detoxify normally too, so that can also be a problem.


> As far as my constipation goes it's been the opposite for me. I have diareha

4-5 times each day. I know this is a way my body could be getting rid of toxins

but I've never had diareha in the past...just constipation yet my body is rarely


+++Your body creates new symptoms in order to rid of toxins too, so it doesn't

just retrace past symptoms.

All the best, Bee

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> Ok, thanks for explaining that to me. I needed to hear that today. Some days


> just gets to be really hard because I feel this has not only been physical for

> me but also an emotianal rollercoaster and some days I just want to give up

> because it just feels like it's too much to take. I'm trying to move past


> feelings though but sometimes I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

+++Hi ,

Believe in your body and in Nature. Like I always write: God didn't make any

stupid bodies, and Nature gets it right!

You " know " you are getting all of the nutrients your body needs in order to

become healthy, but it takes time, patience, and healing/detox reactions and

symptoms along the way. Read this article again, particularly the Sections

Healing Reactions Versus Disease Reactions and Emotional Healing Reactions:


It is definitely an emotional roller coaster, since your body also goes through

all of the past emotions and feelings you had while you were becoming more and

more unhealthy.

So hang in there, and you'll be a sassy diva like me one day! lol!

Luv & Healing Hugs, Bee

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