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Re: nerve conduction velocity test

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From time to time I turn this test down on my son. If you have had this test

would you allow your children to have it done?? Maybe I am a coward??

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Hi Paige... I am quite new around here (37 year old mom of two), and

been just reading the emails as I can. I have CMT as many in my

family. I want to say that I had the test done about two years ago, and

yes it hurt during the test, and I hurt afterwards for a week. I do

not believe the test will tell you WHAT gentic type of CMT he has, but

will only give you the degree on how affected the nerves are. I would

not do the test again if asked, that simple.

Be prepared for the pain, knowing it will last and get lesser over a

weeks time, maybe?!!!

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Oh ,

I must very openly agree with Gretchen... Your question has brought me out of

silence. Imagine this test is hooking up patches on each end of the nerve and

shooting volts of electricity through your nerves, making your hands move like

something out of a sci-fic film. It was painful to say the very least and in my

case lasting almost two hours.

But the real pain was the following week!!! The next day I was not able to hold

a fork and knife to cut a steak, holding the phone was hard the first few days,

or typing on the computer more than a few minutes, all this because the pain in

the nerves continued long after the volts were turned off.

I even called my dad's cousin who suffers from CMT to see if my

reactions were normal, and she said yes, would take a week to get

better. AND IT DID take a week, and it DID get better. BUT the pain

that lasted that week, was a very very hard slap of reality for me,

knowing that I was the next challenger of CMT in the family.

I am not sure how much the test costs in the states, I live overseas

and benefit from socialized medicine. BUT I know I would never pay to

have it done ever again. And in the end, all it shows is how far the

nerves have been attacked, nothing else.

Sorry my two cents.... but I would think that at the age of 12, this

would be a very difficult psychological challenge to pass.

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I had two EMG's done in the same week about a day

apart one lower and one upper extremities and I felt

nothing I didn't even know when they stuck the needle

in me to check my muscle density. Evary time I tell

someone I had an EMG they tell me how much it hurts. I

have no problem with getting them I guess it depends

on your nerve damage which I have Chronic

demyelinating and axonal sensorimotor neropathy on my

lower extremities and Chronic demyelinating

sensorimotor neropathy on my upper extremities and it

probably has to do with how much pain tolorance you



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Our 4 year old son had it (we didn't know what it would be like, they said

pins and needles) and it was heartbreaking to hold him crying and pleading

with me..mummy make them stop! Fortunately it was very short and they had

the results they needed right away. I would never put him through it now

without a sedative. I hope he's too young to remember it down the road.


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I had forgotten about the lingering pain that comes with this test. You are

so right! For about a week or two afterwards I could still feel the little

" zaps " in my legs. My boyfriend really thought I was nuts for a while. But


goodness it does go away.


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I dread this test and hope and pray I never have to have another one.

However, it was all the doctor needed to give me a firm CMT diagnosis so I was

glad I

had it done. Glad I finally had some answers. I would have it done again if

I absolutely had to but I'm thinking a little sedative would be in order next




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