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Vitamin C Prevents Vaccination Side Effects; Increases Effectiveness

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Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, February 14, 2012

Vitamin C Prevents Vaccination Side Effects; Increases Effectiveness

by E Levy, MD, JD

(OMNS, Feb 14, 2012) The routine administration of vaccinations continues

to be a subject of controversy in the United States, as well as throughout

the world. Parents who want the best for their babies and children continue

to be faced with decisions that they fear could harm their children if

made incorrectly. The controversy over the potential harm of vaccinating, or

of not vaccinating, will not be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties

anytime soon, if ever. This brief report aims to offer some practical

information to pediatricians and parents alike who want the best long-term

health for their patients and children, regardless of their sentiments on the

topic of vaccination in general.

While there seems to be a great deal of controversy over how frequently a

vaccination might result in a negative outcome, there is little controversy

that at least some of the time vaccines do cause damage. The question that

then emerges is whether something can be done to minimize, if not

eliminate, the infliction of such damage, however infrequently it may occur.

Causes of Vaccination Side Effects

When vaccines do have side effects and adverse reactions, these outcomes

are often categorized as resulting from allergic reactions or the result of

a negative interaction with compromised immune systems. While either of

these types of reactions can be avoided subsequently when there is a history

of a bad reaction having occurred at least once in the past as a result of a

vaccination, it is vital to try to avoid encountering a negative outcome

from occurring the first time vaccines are administered.

Due to the fact that all toxins, toxic effects, substantial allergic

reactions, and induced immune compromise have the final common denominator of

causing and/or resulting in the oxidation of vital biomolecules, the

antioxidant vitamin C has proven to be the ultimate nonspecific antidote to

whatever toxin or excess oxidative stress might be present. While there is also


great deal of dispute over the inherent toxicity of the antigens that many

vaccines present to the immune systems of those vaccinated, there is no

question, for example, that thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative, is

highly toxic when present in significant amounts. This then begs the

question: Rather than argue whether there is an infinitesimal, minimal,


or significant amount of toxicity associated with the amounts of

thimerosal or other potentially toxic components presently being used in


why not just neutralize whatever toxicity is present as completely and

definitively as possible?

Vitamin C is a Potent Antitoxin

In addition to its general antitoxin properties (Levy, 2002), vitamin C

has been demonstrated to be highly effective in neutralizing the toxic nature

of mercury in all of its chemical forms. In animal studies, vitamin C can

prevent the death of animals given otherwise fatal doses of mercury

chloride (Mokranjac and Petrovic, 1964). Having vitamin C on board prior to

mercury exposure was able to prevent the kidney damage the mercury otherwise

typically caused (Carroll et al., 1965). Vitamin C also blocked the fatal

effect of mercury cyanide (Vauthey, 1951). Even the very highly toxic organic

forms of mercury have been shown to be effectively detoxified by vitamin C

(Gage, 1975).

Vitamin C Improves Vaccine Effectiveness

By potential toxicity considerations alone, then, there would seem to be

no good reason not to pre- and post-medicate an infant or child with some

amount of vitamin C to minimize or block the toxicity that might

significantly affect a few. However, there is another compelling reason to make


C an integral part of any vaccination protocol: Vitamin C has been

documented to augment the antibody response of the immune system (Prinz et al.,

1977; Vallance, 1977; Prinz et al., 1980; en et al., 1982; Li and Lovell,

1985; Amakye-Anim et al., 2000; Wu et al., 2000; Lauridsen and Jensen,

2005; Azad et al., 2007).

As the goal of any vaccination is to stimulate a maximal antibody response

to the antigens of the vaccine while causing minimal to no toxic damage to

the most sensitive of vaccine recipients, there would appear to be no

medically sound reason not to make vitamin C a part of all vaccination

protocols. Except in individuals with established, significant renal


vitamin C is arguably the safest of all nutrients that can be given,

especially in the amounts discussed below. Unlike virtually all prescription

drugs and some supplements, vitamin C has never been found to have any dosage

level above which it can be expected to demonstrate any toxicity.

Vitamin C Reduces Mortality in Vaccinated Infants and Children

Kalokerinos (1974) demonstrated repeatedly and quite conclusively that

Aboriginal infants and children, a group with an unusually high death rate

after vaccinations, were almost completely protected from this outcome by

dosing them with vitamin C before and after vaccinations. The reason

articulated for the high death rate was the exceptionally poor and

near-scurvy-inducing (vitamin C-depleted) diet that was common in the

Aboriginal culture.

This also demonstrates that with the better nutrition in the United States and

elsewhere in the world, the suggested doses of vitamin C should give an

absolute protection against death (essentially a toxin-induced acute scurvy)

and almost absolute protection against lesser toxic outcomes from any

vaccinations administered. Certainly, there appears to be no logical reason not

to give a nontoxic substance known to neutralize toxicity and stimulate

antibody production, which is the whole point of vaccine administration.

Dosage Information for Pediatricians and Parents

Practically speaking, then, how should the pediatrician or parent proceed?

For optimal antibody stimulation and toxin protection, it would be best to

dose for three to five days before the shot(s) and to continue for at

least two to three days following the shot. When dealing with infants and very

young children, administering a 1,000 mg dose of liposome-encapsulated

vitamin C would be both easiest and best, as the gel-like nature of this form

of vitamin C allows a ready mixture into yogurt or any other palatable food,

and the complete proximal absorption of the liposomes would avoid any

possible loose stools or other possible undesirable bowel effects.

Vitamin C as sodium ascorbate powder will also work well. Infants under 10

pounds can take 500 mg daily in some fruit juice, while babies between 10

and 20 pounds could take anywhere from 500 mg to 1,000 mg total per day, in

divided doses. Older children can take 1,000 mg daily per year of life

(5,000 mg for a 5 year-old child, for example, in divided doses). If sodium

must be avoided, calcium ascorbate is well-tolerated and, like sodium

ascorbate, is non-acidic. Some but not all children's chewable vitamins are


with calcium ascorbate. Be sure to read the label. Giving vitamin C in

divided doses, all through the day, improves absorption and improves tolerance.

As children get older, they can more easily handle the ascorbic acid form

of vitamin C, especially if given with meals. For any child showing

significant bowel sensitivity, either use liposome-encapsulated vitamin C, or


amount of regular vitamin C can just be appropriately decreased to an easily

tolerated amount.

Very similar considerations exist for older individuals receiving any of a

number of vaccinations for preventing infection, such as the yearly flu

shots. When there is really no urgency, and there rarely is, such individuals

should supplement with vitamin C for several weeks before and several

weeks after, if at all possible.

Even taking a one-time dose of vitamin C in the dosage range suggested

above directly before the injections can still have a significant

toxin-neutralizing and antibody-stimulating effect. It's just that an even


likelihood of having a positive outcome results from extending the pre- and

post-dosing periods of time.

( Levy, MD, JD is a board-certified cardiologist and admitted to the

bar in Colorado and the District of Colombia. He is the author of several

books on vitamin C as well as numerous articles. By way of disclaimer, he

is a consultant to a company that sells a brand of liposome-encapsulated

vitamin C. A vitamin C lecture by Dr. Levy may be viewed at:


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