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Workers More Productive After Exercise, Study

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Workers More Productive After Exercise, Study

04 Jun 2005 Medical News Today

Workers' quality of work, mental performance and time management were

better on days when they exercised, according to research presented

today at the 52nd American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual

Meeting in Nashville, Tenn.

After exercising, study participants returned to work more tolerant

of themselves and more forgiving of their colleagues. Their work

performance was consistently and significantly higher, as measured


-- Ability to manage time demands

-- Ability to manage output demands

-- Mental and interpersonal performance

The gains were widespread, with a minimum of 65 percent of workers

improving in all three areas on exercise days.

The study involved 210 workers in England whose employers offered on-

site exercise programs-chiefly aerobics classes, but also yoga and

stretching. Participants completed questionnaires reflecting the ease

of completing tasks using a seven-point scale. This was done on a day

when they exercised during the workday and again on days when they

did not. They estimated how typical was each day's workload and

provided details about each exercise session. Most of the workers had

sedentary jobs; all were involved in voluntary workplace exercise

programs and reported feeling confident in their work performance

before beginning the study.

" The results are striking, " said lead researcher Jim McKenna,

Ph.D. " We weren't expecting such a strong improvement on productivity

linked to exercising. Even more impressive was that these people

already thought they were good at their jobs. Participants tracked

mood, and as expected, exercising enhanced their mood. However,

boosts in productivity were over and above the mood effects; it's the

exercise-or attitude related to exercise-that affects productivity. "

Focus groups confirmed the surprisingly strong effects of workplace

exercise. " We expected to hear more about the downside, such as

afternoon fatigue, " said McKenna. " But out of 18 themes raised by

study participants, 14 were positive. It was almost overwhelming. "

Workplace exercise programs, said McKenna, benefit more than just the

workers. " Companies see more productive employees who also work

better together. From the public health side, health care costs can

be expected to go down for employees who regularly exercise at work.

Think of it: fewer sick days, better attendance and more tolerant co-

worker relations. "

Next up for McKenna? " We're planning a program for university

employees based on these results. Academics are among the most

stressed workers in the United Kingdom. Then we'll roll it out across

other employee groups, and hopefully across the country. The

workplace is an ideal setting for promoting physical activity. We can

now show more positive outcomes that matter to the employer. "

ACSM's 52nd Annual Meeting is going on now at the Gaylord Opryland

Resort and Convention Center. For more information on the event, or

to speak with ACSM Communications and Public Information staff,

please call (615) 458-0996.

The American College of Sports Medicine is the largest sports

medicine and exercise science organization in the world. More than

20,000 international, national, and regional members are dedicated to

promoting and integrating scientific research, education, and

practical applications of sports medicine and exercise science to

maintain and enhance physical performance, fitness, health, and

quality of life.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: ACSM's 52nd Annual Meeting takes place June 1-

4, 2005. After June 6, please call the ACSM Communications and Public

Information office at (317) 637-9200 ext. 117 or 127.


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