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Hi, I joined Curves almost two years ago. What I liked about it was that you

can work at your own pace. No one looks at what you do other then to make sure

you are doing the exercises right. The hardest part was I had to really

concentrate on moving from one piece of equipment to the other because I am off

balance and could easily trip. There is such a variety of women there, from age

to body types. So I just fit right in. I did get a bit carried away and went

to often and then got tired and I got burned out. I took a little vacation from

it and I do miss it, so I have to find a happy medium. They say 3 times a week.

I think 2 times one week and 3 the next. I felt it strengthen my ankles and I

seemed to be walking better. They also teach stretching

and I think that was very beneficial.

Good luck,


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Hi Cathleen,

I have a question for you please, regarding Curves. I have one close by but have

never gone. I guess I don't want people watching me to see what I can or can't

do. Do they have people that help you there? We also have a Shapes in the

neighborhood but again I don't want to be the center of attention in the way I

walk, climb or anything. What you said about Curves gives me a nice feeling

about them.


Elaine in Florida

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I usually do not post e-mails, but thought I would respond to this question with

regard to Curves. I have CMT and wear the AFO braces. I have also been going

to Curves for about a year and a half. I have lost 40 lbs and 37.5 inches, and

I feel that I have gained strength and stability by doing the exercises.

I was very leery at first also. I thought that I would be unable to do the

exercises, however, I found that I was able to do them, and to do them without

my braces. At first I was not even able to get into position on a couple of the

machines w/o assistance, but gradually I was able. The one machine I still have

to use my hands and grab my pants leg to help assist myself in lifting my leg

into position. I was not moving very fast when I first started going either. I

thought that would be a problem, but it wasn't. Everyone was VERY nice to me

and encouraged me to do what I could.

I would definitely encourage you to try it. I really like it. I try to go

first thing in the morning. If I wait until later in the day when I am starting

to wear down, then it is much more difficult for me to exercise. Only taking 30

min. out of your day is another big advantage to Curves. I don't feel drained

or over-exerted after a workout. Just the opposite is true.

God Bless,

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Elaina, When I used to go to Curves before I became dependent on my AFOs, I

found that the circuit did go pretty fast. But I tried to fit myself in on the

circuit where nobody was immediately behind me on the previous station.

Remember, each station lasts only 30 seconds, and the workouts last 30

minutes (not including warm-up or stretching afterward). You go around the

complete circuit 3 times. If someone came to jump in behind me, I politely told

them that I was slow getting on and off the equipment (I had to drop then pick

up my cane at each station) and that they might want to consider starting at

another station. That way, I was giving them the choice, so if they did have to

wait a few seconds behind me it wouldn't be a surprise.

You'll learn after awhile what are the less busy times of the day. I found the

Curves' schedule to be very accommodating. Good luck!


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You can go at a slower pace moving only every other time. It is however better

not to do this during peak hours. So far no one has complained if I am slow they

laugh with me and say well you are getting a lot of exercise just getting on and

off. :-)

Cathleen in Arkansas

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At Curves there is a trainer who helps you through your first visit and watches

you to see you are alright. The people who work there are trined in CPR and

know the signs to watch if you are diabetic and your sugar runs low. They also

help you get in and out of the equipment, some times my braces get stuck in the

leg lift so they help me out of it. I do not feel awkward or out of place there

at all and I do not get the stress I got trying to work out at a local fitness

club. Good Luck.

Cathleen in Arkansas.

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