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Free appropriate Public education

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Hello CMT People Here is a letter I will be delivering on Monday. This

should take care of some of the issues. Thanks for all of your support and



Mr. Superintendent,

It is a known fact that the District could not provide my son Seth Willey

with a Free Appropriate Public Education due to the violence he was subjected to

on three occasions. The first being when he was in 9th grade, the second

being when he was in the beginning of tenth grade and the third being Thursday

April 14, 2005. The first two incidents we had to put restraining orders on

two other students whom bullied and physically abused my son while in the care

of the District. My son has zero pattern of being in trouble while attending

the school District.

I was forced to make the decision to remove my son from the district because

he was placed in serious danger when another student strangled him on April

14, 2005. There were no staff members, or administration that witnessed or

were even in eye shot of my son being victimized. To make matters worse after

the attempt was made to take my son's life the police nor I were notified and

the matter went uninvestigated. If left up to the school district this matter

would continue to have been ignored. The boy who abused my son was never

held accountable for his actions and he still attends the school and still

remains a threat to my son. Another student had to physically remove this


off of my son. What if this student had not pulled this abuser off my son,

would he still be alive today? My son deserves to be in a safe environment with

no interruption in his learning process. The district can not provide this

for my son. Understand that my son was coded within the the district as LD

(Learning Disabled) and OHI (Other Health Impaired). It has been documented that

he is a child with a disability. With this in mind I must quote the FAPE and

the law is as follows and the district's responsibility to my son:

Free Appropriate Public Education For Students With Disabilities:

Requirements Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of? 1973

U.S. Department of Education

Office of Civil Rights

July 1999

(All quotes below take from the website of:


Recipients operating federally funded programs must provide necessary

services free of charge to students with disabilities and their parents or

guardians. Provision of a free education is the provision of educational and

related services without cost to the person with a disability or his/her parents

or guardians, except for fees equally imposed on nondisabled persons or their

parents or guardians.

If a recipient is unable to provide a free appropriate public education itself,

the recipient may place a person with a disability in, or refer such a person

to, a program other than the one it operates.However, the recipient remains

responsible for ensuring that the education offered is an appropriate education,

as defined in the law, and for coverage of financial obligations associated with

the placement.

The cost of the program may include tuition and other related services, such as

room and board, psychological and medical services necessary for diagnostic and

evaluative purposes, and adequate transportation. Funds available from any

public or private source, including insurers, may be used by the recipient to

meet the requirements of FAPE.

To meet the requirements of FAPE, a recipient may place a student with a

disability in, or refer student to, a program not operated by the recipient.

When this occurs, the recipient must ensure that that adequate transportation is

provided to and from the program at no greater personal or family cost than

would be incurred if a person with a disability were placed in the recipients


Also please read the No Child Left Behind Act:

Choices for Parents

" ...School choice is part of the strategy to give every child an excellent

education. " --U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings

The No Child Left Behind Act provides new education options for many

families. This federal law allows parents to choose other public schools or take

advantage of free tutoring if their child attends a school that needs

improvement. Also, parents can choose another public school if the school their

child attends is unsafe. The law also supports the growth of more independent

charter schools, funds some services for children in private schools, and

provides certain protections for homeschooling parents. Finally, it requires


states and local school districts provide information to help parents make

informed educational choices for their child.


My son has chosen to complete his GED program during the day on Tuesdays and

Thursdays at the Ossipee Central School through the Even Start Family Literacy

(Director 539-9126). The reason for his decision is that he is now afraid to

attend any public or private schooling due to the violence he was subjected to.

The minimum requirements that Seth will need in order to acquire his High School


1. Transportation to and From Ossipee Central School. He attends class there

from 9am to 11am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Night classes he is unable to attend

due to his fatigue.

2. A lap top, printer, cd burner in order to type up notes from

discussions of what the teacher explains to him - as writing takes a very long

time for Seth and is painful. The internet access in order to do research and

apply to colleges, etc.

3. Financial backing for online courses to further his education.

4. Books at home. Because of Seth's disability he is unable to

carry them.

5. Financial Backing for all five tests.

6. Financial Backing for the tests that he might not pass and

needs to take again.

7. Financial Backing for Supplies for his schooling: 3 ring

binder, notebook paper, calculator, pencils, pens, ipod.

8. Special Hardware and Software for special needs.

9. Financial backing for his education until the age of 21.

10.Financial backing for career counseling.

11. Financial Backing for Psychological counselor as needed of Seth's


I am sure the district is aware of their responsibility and obligation to my

son and his educational needs. If you have further inquires please do not

hesitate to contact me at the above address and phone number.


Heidi S. Willey-Hersey

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BRAVO to you! This letter is great. One thought I had while reading

what Seth will need is how about adding a cell phone to your list - so

he can call if he is in danger, or for emergencies, or in case his

transportation breaks down. I also wonder if Seth might be able to get

a special Service Dog.


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Hi Barb in FL,

Funny you would mention that, it was a thought that I was thinking

seriously about today. Do I just ask for a writer or how do you approach this


Thank you,


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I just read the letter you are sending out. I hope a copy goes to your State

Capital to the Department of Education with a letter detailing the events that

happened. They would be very interested in this situation. At least in

Michigan they do. Consider sending them the letters. Also since he has been

counted as a pupil of the school system, his high school is still going to be

receiving state monies for his education.


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Hi Elaine,

Email me anytime and thank you so much for your help!! I need to take

things one step at a time. I am considering everything you have said. Heidi

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Hi Heidi-

Here on the local news they have people who do this kind of research and they

work great for the public. Call and tell them what's happening and I'm sure a

reporter will be assigned to take your story and interview you and Seth. You are

certainly doing the right things for Seth and every other child who may be a

little different. I'm very dismayed to read these bully stories.

Good luck.

Barb Fl

PS. I'll soon be Barb from Kansas...........

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Hi Barb from FL and KS :) Thanks so much. Today I sent out the letter to the

super now I am waiting to see what happens. Hmmm. I do wish I could be a fly

on the wall.

Thank you


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