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Bullying: A Worthwhile Target in Pursuing Peace

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Bullying: A Worthwhile Target in Pursuing Peace

By Dr. Mike Magee

The creation of peaceful, civil societies requires early investment

and reinforcement of non-violent behavior. Many see peace as the

absence of war. But in fact, peace is much more than that. The

creation of peaceful citizens is no accident. Citizens choose not to

be violent when they possess seven gemstones of peace - mental and

physical health, education, opportunity, tolerance, positive conflict

resolution, cooperation, and self-esteem. These echo the United

Nations' Millennium Development Goals, which were agreed upon in


One great example of the seven gemstones at work is a program started

by the American Medical Association Alliance 10 years ago called

SAVE, Stop America's Violence Everywhere. This grassroots program has

addressed many forms of violence over the years, but recently it has

identified one problem in particular that we all need to pay more

attention to: Bullying among children. The AMA Alliance's effort

rightly recognizes that our children are the key to a peaceful

future. As AMA Alliance President said, " No community is

immune to violence. Everyone deserves a safe place to learn and grow.

If we want a peaceful society, we must all work together to create an

environment of tolerance and peace early in life. "

How big a problem is childhood violence? Aggressive violent behavior

is pervasive in America's schools. A 2001 study of nearly 16,000

sixth to 10th graders in U.S. public and private schools revealed

that nearly 9 percent of the children were involved in frequent

bullying. Males were more common offenders than females with

approximately 13 percent involved, compared to 5 percent of girls.

There was very little difference between whites, blacks, and


Bullying is a unique form of aggression because it causes long-term

damage to both source and target. Both bullies and the bullied often

suffer from poor psycho-social functioning. Both show poor academic

performance, poor relationship building, and loneliness. Bullies have

high rates of discipline problems, usually dislike school, and are

more likely to use drugs and alcohol. Bullied kids are more likely to

suffer depression and anxiety. By their 20s, former bullies and those

who have been bullied are likely to continue to suffer consequences.

Bullies have four times the rate of criminal behavior as non-bullies

in adulthood, with 60 percent having at least one conviction. Those

who were bullied have higher levels of adult depression and poor self-


The rates of bullied children roughly mirror the rates of their

tormentors. The behavior is most common in the sixth grade, with

rates slowly declining by the 10th grade. Still, in grade 10, nearly

7 percent are bullies and nearly 5 percent are still victimized.3

Both males and females are bullied, but in somewhat different ways.

Males are more likely to be physically attacked, reporting being

physically bullied nearly 18 percent of the time, compared to 11

percent in females. Verbal violence takes multiple forms, including

attacking one's looks or speech, attacking religion or race,

spreading false rumors, or making sexual comments or gestures - the

latter somewhat more common among females.3

Bullying is a double-edged sword slicing away at the fabric of

society. What can be done to identify those involved and intervene

early? Clearly, post-Columbine, most realize that bullying is not

just " kids being kids " 2,6 The risk factors for bullies include

poverty, overcrowding, disadvantaged schools, difficult childhood

temperaments, inadequate parenting, poor socialization skills, and

poor school performance. An especially high-risk group exists among

those who experience social isolation, difficulties with learning,

and a history of problematic behavior. Such individuals often have a

history of being, first, bullied, and then becoming bullies. These

individuals have been labeled " provocative victims " who exhibit both

anxious and aggressive behaviors.3,5

What are some of the warning signs? They include unpredictable temper

and mood swings, loneliness and depression, vandalism and arson, gun

availability and preoccupation with weapons, threats of violence to

self, others and animals, gang affiliation, and absence of parental


As the AMA Alliance celebrates its 10th Anniversary of Stop America's

Violence Everywhere, the group reminds us that there is much to be

done, and we all have a role in this society-wide, grassroots effort

to assist those who are the source and those who are the victims of

childhood violence.2

School principals can enforce zero tolerance policies, devise

guidelines on how violence should be handled, and encourage parental

involvement. Students can report violence, serve as peer mentors, and

participate in violence-prevention programs. Parents can be role

models for non-violence, ensure firearm safety and security if

firearms are in their homes, and be accessible to their children.

Teachers can work with parents to recognize early warning signs of

trouble, report problems when they are still correctable, and

practice conflict resolution in their classrooms. Legislators can

pass laws to ensure responsible gun control, mandate full health and

mental health coverage (that includes children), and fund early

intervention and violence-prevention programs. And non-profit

organizations including churches, synagogues and mosques, can

together champion social tolerance, community coalitions, and

parenting classes.2

Peace is not the absence of war. We have to work together for peace

and create an environment where tolerance and mutual support are

realistic alternatives to hatred and violence.


We the peoples…A Call to Action for the UN Millennium Declaration.

New York, World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA),


SAVE Planning Guide. American Medical Association Alliance. Chicago,


Nansel TR, Overpeck M, Pilla RS, Ruan WJ, Simons-Morton B, Scheidt P.

Bullying behaviors among US youth - prevalence and association with

psychosocial adjustment. JAMA. 2001;285:2094-2100.

Twemlow SW. Preventing violence in schools. Psychiatric Times.

2004;21. Available at: http://www.psychiatrictimes.com/p040461.html.

Accessed Oct. 4, 2004.

Olweus D. Bullying at school: long-term outcomes for the victims and

an effective school-based intervention program. In: Huesmann LR, ed.

Aggressive Behavior: Current Perspectives. New York, NY: Plenum

Press; 1994:97-130. Cited in Nansel TR, Overpeck M, Pilla RS, Ruan

WJ, Simons-Morton B, Scheidt P.

American Medical Association. Report 11 of the Council on Scientific

Affairs (I-99). School Violence. Available at: http://www.ama-


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