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Aspartame --- 57 Scientific references and citations

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57 Scientific references and citations


Here are some of the references and citations from an article about independent

testing on aspartame by Barbara Mullarkey, the journalist who has been writing

about aspartame since its approve.? The article was titled NEUROTOXIC POTENTIAL

OF ASPARTAME.? At a later date we will probably scan it in.

1.? Stegink, L.: Filer, L.J. Jr. Aspartame Physiology and Biochemistry.

University of Iowa College of Medicine.? Iowa City, IA Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1984.

2.? Camfield, P.R.: Camfield, J.M.: Dooley, J.M.: et al with generalized absence

epilepsy: A double-blind controlled study. Neurology (42) 1000-1003 (May 1992)

3.? Boehm, M.: Bada, J. Racemization of aspartic acid and phenylalanine in the

sweetener aspartame at 100 degrees C. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (81) August


4.? Walton, R. G. " Seizure and mania after high intake of aspartame. "

Psychopathology 17:98-106 (1984)

5.? Drake, M.E. " Panic Attacks and Excessive Aspartame Ingestion. " The Lancet

(Sept 13, l986) p. 631

6.? Walton, R. G. " The Possible Role of Aspartame in Seizure Induction "

Proceedings of the First International Meeting on Dietary Phenylalanine and

Brain Function. (May 8-10 1987) pp.495-499

7.? Epstein, C. M.: Trotter, J.F.: et al " EEG Mean Frequencies are Sensitive

indices of Phenylalanine Effects on NormalBrain. " Electroencephalography and

Clinical Neurophysiology 72:133-139 (1989)

8. Pinto, J.M.B. " Maher, T. J. " Administration of Aspartame Potentiates

Pentlyeneterazole and Fluorothyl-Induced Seizure in Mice. " Neuropharmacology 27

(1):51-55 (l988)

9.? Olney, " Excitatory Neurotoxins as Food Additives:? An Evaluation of

Risk. " Neurotoxicology 2:163-192 (1980)

10.? Koehler S.M.: Glaros, A. " The effect of aspartame on migraine headache. " ?

Headache 28:000-000 (l988)

11.? Edmeada, J. Editorial:? " Aspartame and Headache. " Headache, pp.64-65

(February, 1988)

12.? Lipton, R. B.; Newman, L. C.: , S. " Aspartame and headache,

(re:Schiffman et al study), " New England Journal of Medicine 318 (18): 1200-1201

(May 5, 1988)

13.? Steinmetzer, R.V.: Kunkel, R.S. " Aspartame and Headache " New England

Journal of Medicine 318 (18): 1201 (May 5,1988)

14.? Koehler, Shirley; and Glaros, Alan. " The Effect of Aspartame on Migraine

Headache. " Headache 28 (1):10-14 (l988)

15.? Olney, J. W.; and Ho, Ol. " Brain damage in Infant Mice Following Oral

Intake of Glutamate, Aspartate or Cysteine. " Nature 227:609-611 (August 8, 1970)

16.? Olney, J. W. " Excitotoxic Food Additives - Relevance of Animal Studies to

Human Safety. " ? Neurological Behavioral Toxicology and Teratology 6:455-462


17.? Olney, J. W.; Labruyere, J: DeGubaret, T. " Brain Damage in Mice from

Voluntary Ingestion of Glutamate and Aspartame. " Neurobehavioral Toxicology

2:125-129 (l980)

18. , H. J. " Does Aspartame Cause Human Brain cancer? " Journal of

Advances in Medicine 4 (4): 231-241 (Winter, 1991).

19.? Potenza, D. " El-Mailakh, Rif S. " Aspartame: Clinical Update. " Connecticut

Medical Journal 53 (7): 395-400 (l989)

20. Sardesai, V.M.: Holliday, J.F.; et al. " Effect of Aspartame in Normal and

Diabetic Rats. " Biochemical Archives 2:237-243 (l986)

21. Federal Register 48:54993-54995 (Dec 8, l983)

22.? Yokigoshi, H.: , C. F & gt;: Caballero, B.: Wurtman, R. J. " Effects of

Aspartame and Glucose Administration onBrain and Plasma Levels of Large Neutral

Amino Acids and Brain 5-Hydroxyindoles. " American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

40:1-7 (July 1, 1984)

23.? Krause, W.:Halminksi, M. " et al. " Biochemical and Neuropsychological

Effects of Elevated Plasma Phenylalanine in Patients with Treated

Phenylketonuria. " ? Journal of Clinical Investigation 75: 40-48 (January, 1985).

24. Pardridge, W.M. " Potential Effects of the Dipeptide Sweetener Aspartame on

the Brain.? Nutrition and the Brain 7:199-241 (l986)

25. Gaines, S. M.: Bada, J.I. " Reversed Phase, High-Performance Liquid

Chromatographic Separation of Aspartame Diastereomeric Decomposition Products. "

Journal of Chromatography. 389-:219-225 (l987)

26. Filer, L. J.; Stegnink. L.D. " Effect of Aspartame on Plasma Phenylalanine

Concentration in Humans. " Proceedings of the First International Meeting on

Dietary Phenylalanine and the Brain Function (May 8-10, l987) pp 25-26

27. Matalon, R.: Michals, K.:et al. " Aspartame Consumption in Normal Individuals

and rs for Phenylketonuria (PKU). " Proceedings of the First International

Meeting on Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain Function (May 8-10, l987) pp. 81-93

28. Matalon, R. Michals, K. " Sullivan, D.; et al. " Aspartame Consumption in

Normal Individuals and rs for Phenylketonuria (PKU). " University of

Illinois at Chicago, Department of Pediatrics, Nutrition and Medical Dietetics

and Epidemiology and Biometry, Chicago, Illinois (l986).

29.? Tocci, P.M.: Beber, B. " Anomalous Phenylalanine Loading Responses in

Relation to Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate. " Pediatrics 52: 109-113 (July l973)

30.? Steilman, S.D.:Garfinkel, L. " Artificial Sweetener and One Year Weight

Change Among Women. " Preventative Medicine 15:195-202 (l986)

31.? Blundell, J.E.: Hill, A.H. " Paradoxical Effects of an Intense Sweetener

(Aspartame) on Appetite. " ? The Lancet (May 10, l986) pp. l092-1093.

32.? Garriga, M., MD; and Metcalf, D.,MD. " Aspartame intolerance " ls of

Allergy 61:63-66 (December 1988)

33.? United States General Accounting Office/HRD-87-86, Food and Drug

Administration's Approval of Aspartame. (June l987)

34.? Council Report:? Aspartame review of safety issues. Journal of the American

Medical Association l985:254 (3):400

35.? s,D.R., MD, Letter to the Editor. The New England Journal of Medicine

(August 14, 1986)

36.? Novick, N.J. " Aspartame-induced granulomatous panniculitis. " ls of

Internal Medicine 102:206-207 (l985)

37.? McCauliffe, D.: and Poitras, K. " Aspartame-induced lobular panniculitis. " J

of the American Academy of Dermatology 24 (2):298-299 (February 1991)

38.? Kulezycki,A.Jr. " Aspartame induced urticaria. ls of Internal Medicine

104:207-208 (l986)

39.? Wurtman, R.J. " Aspartame: possible effect on seizure susceptibility. "

Lancet 2:1060. (l985)

40. Schainker, N. and Olney, J.W. " Glutamate Type Hypothalamic Pituitary

Syndrome in Mice Treated with Aspartame or Cysteate in Infancy. " ? Journal of

Neutral Trans. 35: 207-215 (l974)

41.? Reynolds, W. A.: , V. " Lemley-, N. " Hypothalamic Morphology

Following ingestion of Aspartame of MSG in the Neonatal Rodent and Primate:? A

Preliminary Report " ? Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 2:471-480


42.? Pizzi, W.J.:Tabor, J.M.:Barnhart,J. " Somatic, Behavioral and Reproductive

Disturbances in Mice Following Neonatal Administration of Sodium L-Aspartate. "

Pharmacological Biochemical Behavior 9::481-485 (l976)

43.? Stegnik, L.D.: Brummel, M.C.; et al, " Blood Methanol Concentrations in

Normal Adult Subjects Administered Abuse dose of Aspartame. " J of Toxicological

Environmental Health 7:281-290 (l981)

44.? Monte, Woodrow, " Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health, " Journal of

Applied Nutrition 36(1):42-54 (l984).

45.? Bergeron, R.:Cardinal, J. " et al. " Prevention of Methanol Toxicity by

Ethanol Therapy. " ? New England Journal of Medicine (December 9, 1982) pp. 1528

46.? Tsang, W.S.;e, M.A.; Parrish, F.W. " Determination of Aspartame and Its

Breakdown Products in Soft Drinks by Reverse-Phase Chromatography with UV

Detection. " ? Journal of Agricultural Fd. Chemicals 33:734-738 (l985)

47. Davoli, E.; Cappeilini, L.' et al. " Serum Methanol Concentrations in Rats

and in Men after a Single Dose of Aspartame. " Fed. Chemical Toxicology 24

(3):187-189 (l986).

48.? Uribe, M. " Potential Toxicity of a New Sugar Substitute in Patients with

Liver Disease. " ? New England Journal of Medicine. 306 (3):173-174 (Jan 21,


49.? Wurtman, R.J. **Neurochemical Changes Following High Dose Aspartame with

Dietary Carbohydrates.**? New England Journal of Medicine 309:7 (August 18,


50.? Sharma, R.P.; Coulombe, R.A., Jr. **Effects of Repeated Doses of Aspartame

on Serotonin and its Metabolite in Various Regions of the Mouse Brain.**

Toxicology Program, Department of Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences.? Utah

State University. (l986).

51.? Young, S.N.: , S.E.; et al. **Tryptophan Depletion Causes a Rapid

Lowering of Mood in Normal Males.** Psychopharmocology. 87: 173-177 (l985).

52.? Padridge, W.M. " The Safety of Aspartame. " J of the American Medical

Association 256 (19):2678. (November 21,l986).

53.? , H.J. **New Perspectives Concerning Alzheimer's Disease.** On Call

(August 1989) pp. 14-16

54.? Walton, R.G.: Hudak, R.: and Green-Waite, R.J. **Adverse REactions to

Aspartame:? Double-blind Challenge in Patients from a Vulnerable Population**?

Biological Psychiatary pp. 13-17 (l993).

55.? Lipton, S.A.: Rosenberg, P.A. **Excitatory Amino Acids as a Final common

Pathway for Neurologic Disorders.**? New England Journal of Medicine 330

(9):613-622 (l994).

56.? Dow-, D. " Scribani, L.: and Riley, E.P. " Impaired Performance on

Odor-Aversion Testing Follow Prenatal Aspartame Exposure in the Guinea Pig. "

Neurotoxicology and Teratoiogy 11:413-416 (l989).

57.? Millstone, E. **Sweet and Sour:? The Unanswered Questions about

Aspartame.**? The Scoiogist Volume 24, Number 2 (March/April 1994).

Here are some comments from Betty i, Mission Possible International, 9270

State Bridge Road Suite 215, Duluth,Georgia 30097, E-mail:

bettym19@...??? who compiled this list:

It should be noted that the study by Dr. Dow- was originally funded

by the NutraSweet Company.? When she got disastrous results they withdrew their

funding and Dr. Dow- had to pay for the study herself. Then the

NutraSweet Company refused to accept it.

Remember that indictment was sought for fraud on ones funded by Searle. U.S.

Attorney Sam? Skinner went to work for Searle's law firm defending the case

rather than indicting them.? Had he done what was asked NutraSweet would

probably not be in the market today.


AMERICA, says **The read to hell was paved with the flood of corporate research

dollars which in 1991 had burgeoned to over $2.1 billion. Researchers are

working for people who don't like negative findings and who aren't likely to

fund further research by those who produce them. ..** ? ?? **In today*s

corporate-dominated information market truth has become to belong to those who

commission it.**

For those who want more information on the politics and **flawed tests** funded

by Searle check Mark Gold*s web page.........?????


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