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NT-3/Vit. C update

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Yesterday, April 8, Dr. Zarife Sahenk spoke to a small gathering at

Ohio State U about her NT-3 trials; also about the ascorbic acid trial.

Slides were shown comparing the nerve ending receptors for severe CMT

1A, healthy subjects, and then with NT-3 and Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

Both treatments demonstrated promise in treating the nerve axon. As we

all know, future trials are planned - with more participants to see if

research still shows such a positive trend. No word was given on " when "

the trials will be. However, The U of Rochester has a 5 million $

fundraising project on the table for the Vitamin C/Ascorbic Acid

project. Dr. Sahenk will speak more in depth about her discoveries at

the Neuropathy Association Conference in Minneapolis next month.

For anyone new to who doesn't know what this is about, check back

in our archives to October 21, 2003 for the NT-3 news, or go farther

back to when the NT-3 trial begain. If you want to know about Ascorbic

Acid/Vitamin C, go back in our archives to April 2004 for the research

report in Nature, and then read forward for some interesting posts from

our membership. We also have a section on Vitamin C in our files now,

thanks to Gretchen and , and the entire research report is also


The focus of this treatment-research is only on CMT 1A, since it is the

most common form - I have read 60%, 70% and more recently 75% of CMT is

Type 1A.


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