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Here is a little health tip from Ken Woliner, M.D. to start your


Lyndon McGill, D.C.

EvolvHealth Advisory Council Member

Salem, Oregon



March 19,


Beating Loneliness, the Secret Health Threat

100 years ago, there was no television. The telephone was still

something of a novelty. And the Internet wasn’t even a distant


Today, home computers, smartphones, satellite television and

other devices make us the most connected society in history.

Yet with all that connectedness, people are lonelier than ever.

Especially mature adults. And research shows it’s affecting their

health – both mental and physical.

If you – or someone you love – have been feeling lonely or

isolated, you should read on. Because you’ll discover what

loneliness can do to your health… and some easy ways to beat those

feelings of loneliness and isolation.

First, here’s why it’s so hard for people to escape lonely

feelings. According to Cornell University researchers, lonely

people show 65% more signs of the blues than people who feel

socially connected.1

That can create a spiral that’s hard to defeat. Loneliness makes

you feel blue… which makes you less inclined to socialize… which

makes you feel even worse… and so on.

But loneliness leads to more than feeling blue. It has physical

effects, too. For example, studies show loneliness can ruin your

sleep, increase your blood pressure, make it difficult for your

body to fight stress… and even lead to brain fog and confusion.2

Take sleep, for example.

Psychologists at the University of Chicago looked at middle-aged

and older adults. Some were lonely, while others weren’t. The

researchers discovered that lonely people have higher levels of a

“fight or flight” hormone linked to stress.3

This hormone – called epinephrine – keeps you alert and on edge.

It makes it harder for you to sleep. So it’s no surprise that the

researchers discovered that lonely people tended to sleep more


But during deep sleep, your body regenerates itself most. And

lonely people appear to get less deep sleep. Which means the wear

and tear on their bodies keeps adding up.

You can probably see why loneliness is no laughing matter. But

what can you do, if you or a loved one feels lonely? Here are some

simple steps that can help you beat loneliness… and help you build

better health.

First, don’t worry about numbers. It’s not how many friends you

have. It’s the quality of those friendships that counts. 4

In other words, you don’t have to force yourself to go to parties

to beat loneliness. Sharing time with one good friend is far more


Scientists in Australia have identified some activities that help

people beat feelings of loneliness. And they came up with a few


As you might expect, leaning on friends and family proved an

effective way to combat loneliness. But the researchers also

discovered that individual activities help, too. They found that

avid readers and gardeners, for example, felt less lonely.5

The key seemed to be that they were positive activities. Anything

creative or constructive you enjoy – even if it’s a solitary

activity – may help you defeat feelings of loneliness.

Another surprising way to beat loneliness is one we’ve all

probably complained about at one time or another… Nostalgia.

As a child, you may have rolled your eyes the 100th time grandma

or grandpa told a story. But a team in China discovered that

nostalgia actually increases feelings of social support – and

reduces feelings of lonelness.6

So if you know someone who feels a little lonely, let them tell

their story again. And if you feel a little lonely yourself, just

ask people to bear with you if they’ve “heard this one before.” As

it turns out, a little nostalgia is healthy.

Finally, a homegrown loneliness remedy that really works… but

with a twist.

Have you ever met a homesick man who didn’t crave the foods he

grew up with? These “comfort foods” release a flood of happy

memories guaranteed to warm the heart and calm the soul.

Unfortunately, they also tend to expand the belly. And who wants

to trade one health problem for another?

Well, there’s good news from the University of Buffalo. You don’t

actually have to eat comfort food to experience its

positive effects.

The researchers triggered feelings of loneliness and isolation in

their volunteers. Then they asked the volunteers to write about

favorite comfort foods. Just writing about foods linked

to positive relationships made the volunteers feel better.7

So if you’re feeling a little lonely, try breaking out your pen

instead of your skillet. You may find it works just as well…

without all the calories.

Yours in continued good health,

Dr Woliner, M.D.

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