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WiFi Warfare: Renowned Physicist Barry Trower on dangers of wifi including smart meters

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Barry Trower is a renowned physicist who debriefed spies during the cold war

and is one of the few experts still alive today who understands microwave

warfare and technology. He has spoken to royalty world-wide and travelled

the world to bring awareness to humankind regarding how deleterious and

dangerous microwave technology actually is.....and what it is actually

doing to children and the whole planet).

Probably one the best series of interviews I have heard thus far

regarding microwave mind control and deleterious effects to the entire earth

species. Please watch all 13 short interviews. can be viewed one day at a


I know this subject may be upsetting, but

in order to change the direction that we are all heading we need to

understand what is actually taking place today.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjyfpVRPUVQ & feature=related

magna havas

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FW: WiFi Warfare: Renowned Physicist Barry Trower on dangers of wifi including

smart meters

Worth Watching and distributing! ?It is a 13 part series. ?


-magda havas




Barry Trower is a renowned physicist who debriefed spies during the cold war and

is one of the few experts still alive today who understands microwave warfare

and technology.? He has spoken to royalty

world-wide and travelled the world to bring awareness to humankind regarding how

deleterious and dangerous microwave technology actually is.....and what it is

actually doing to children and the whole planet).

Probably one the best series?of interviews I have heard thus far regarding

microwave mind control and deleterious effects to the entire earth species.?

Please watch all 13 short interviews. ?can be?viewed one day at a time. ?


I know this subject may be upsetting, but in order to change the direction that

we are all heading we need to?understand what is actually taking place today.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjyfpVRPUVQ & feature=related

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This is weird, All these question marks - I also posted this to MCS-Canada as

well as another group and they did not have the question marks - it seems that

it is only this group that does this. I wonder how aand why it happens?






> FW: WiFi Warfare: Renowned Physicist Barry Trower on dangers of wifi

including smart meters


> Worth Watching and distributing! ?It is a 13 part series. ?

> ?


> -magda havas



> ?


> ?

> ?

> Barry Trower is a renowned physicist who debriefed spies during the cold war

and is one of the few experts still alive today who understands microwave

warfare and technology.? He has spoken to royalty




> world-wide and travelled the world to bring awareness to humankind regarding

how deleterious and dangerous microwave technology actually is.....and what it

is actually doing to children and the whole planet).



> Probably one the best series?of interviews I have heard thus far regarding

microwave mind control and deleterious effects to the entire earth species.?

Please watch all 13 short interviews. ?can be?viewed one day at a time. ?















> ?

> I know this subject may be upsetting, but in order to change the direction

that we are all heading we need to?understand what is actually taking place



> ?


> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjyfpVRPUVQ & feature=related





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