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breathing and heart problems

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Does anyone out there have problems with their breathing at night? I

found out I stop breathing several times during the night. I went to

two seperate sleep clinics. The first neurologist said my CMT is

affecting my phrenic nerve, which in turn causes a weak diaphram and

so my breathing will stop and I wake up gasping for air. By the way,

I do not snore. The second neurologist after the second sleep

clinic, wanted to say the CMT caused my problems, but he wanted me

to see an ear/nose/throat specialist to rule out other things. The

ENT said it was most definitly my CMT causing the breathing

problems, and nothing else. The ENT doctor also told me to lose

weight because all that excess weight in my mid section of my body

makes it harder for my diaphram to work, especially when I sleep on

my back. Makes sense. Also, the neurologist does want me to starting

using a CPAP or BiPAP machine at night to help me breathe.

AND, that's not all. Last fall I was taken to the emergency room

when I woke up feeling like crap and gasping for air. Before I made

it to the bathroom, I got extremely dizzy and was vomiting like


The ER doc checked me over, then sent me home. He told me to come

back if I got worse. I found out I may have had a mild heart attack

and I'm seeing a cardioligist. I don't have any news yet; still

waiting for some test results. About last fall, I think the reason

why the ER didn't check me for a heart attack was because I had no

pain in my chest! But from what I've read, women (and maybe some

men) can have heart attacks with no pain.

I wonder what you all think of this. Becky

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