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Re: Re: Fw: [HealingLEDLight] portable healing light

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Key 10 Hz PEMF research:

In 1989 Hood found chronic (35+ days) 10 Hz stimulation at 10 hours per

day increased two critical enzymes of cell respiration by a factor of 3x!

Citrate synthase, the " pacer " of the Krebs cycle & cytochrome c oxidase the last

enzyme in the electron transport chain. UNBELIEVABLE! This is consistent with

improved oxygen use in every one of our satisfied clients.

Testing systemic oxygen consumption / cell respiration in clients since 2005

with a test free-diver's call the static-breath-hold, that we call the

resting-breath-hold (RBH) test; clients find routine improvements of 10-20% in

as little as 7 days and up to 100% in 90 days. Cell's burn oxygen more

efficiently, drawing oxygen from blood slower, producing more energy and less

waste from every breath. Success rate 96%+. RBH-test gradually improves for

years w/cumulative nighttime use; up to DOUBLE the original time! That can mean

nothing but 2x more efficient rate of oxygen burn & fractions of reactive oxygen

species (ROS) creation, subsequently lowering requirement of anti-oxidant

protection substantially.

In 2003 NASA-Goodwin found (2 years AFTER EarthPulse™ began commercial sales

utilizing DC pulsed electromagnetic field @ 9.6 Hz) that 10 Hz pulsed

electromagnetic field caused neural tissue regeneration @ 4x baseline w/

improved 3-D orientation (pg 17); while causing DNA to revert from maturation to

developmental! (more than 175 maturation genes and 150 developmental genes pgs.

15-18) The implications on longevity are staggering! Developmental gene

signature delaysappoptosis / mitosis perhaps indefinitely. See Goodwin's

subsequent patents here.

By now you should realize a conspiracy to keep this information from the public.

See Gizmo the remarkable 16 y.o. (Sept 2010) Yorkie-Maltese on Sleep on Command™

9.6Hz since 8 y.o., 10 hours per day (1/2 her life). Plays with food and toys

like a puppy w/ eye's still clear. Greatest longevity experiment of all time!

See PETS section. Who wants to life forever???

In 2007 Tong TRIPLED nerve synapse energy (ATP the fuel that fires all

cellular processes) & nearly tripled mitochondrial density at nerve synapse

junctions in minutes.

In Tong chart linked above, compare DENSITY of unstimulated mitochondria(white

circles) w/ 10 Hz stimulated (black circles); and in lower chart compare ENERGY

at synapse junction unstimulated (white circles) w/ 10 Hz stimulated (black

circles). Change nearly 2x & 3x respectively! EarthPulse™ effects last all day!

Please share this page with your friends

Read this study abstract Mouse Study Sheds Light on Hearing Loss in Older Adults

Science Daily(Nov. 12, 2009) and see that we are right on target with delaying

age related mitochondrial deficits by increasing energy output through increased

mitochondrial integrity, thus delaying mitosis & ultimatelyapoptosis.

In the column below you'll read about the synergistic effect of anti-oxidative

supplements (discussed in the Science Daily piece immediately above). Science

Digest fails however to back you into the real story. That oxidative stress

(damage) causes the breaks in the mitochondrial DNA (the mtDNA). The damage is

at the mitochondrial DNA level. Oxidative electrons are CREATED in

MITOCHONDRIA....and that kicks in oxidative stress, reduced energy production

and appoptosis (programmed cell death). It is same regardless of tissue type.

When sufficient mitochondrial DNA strand breaks occur and are left unchecked,

subsequently the overall energy output of each individual mitochondrion drops.

At the cellular level energy drops sufficiently and the appoptosis (cell death)

/ mitosis switch is thrown.

The mitochondria never sleep! Mitochondria under stimulation by pulsed

electromagnetic fields (PEMF) at this very narrow frequency range synthesize

more ATP from the oxygen you breath (purely shown through our RBH testing). This

extra energy is available at night for repair, hormone synthesis, memory

consolidation and immune support; and during the day for physical and mental

performance enhancement (ergogenic effects). More energy out of every breath you

take! Now, relate the study below to just about any degenerative disease not


J Neurol Sci. 2005 Jun 15;233(1-2):145-62.

Oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular stress response....

There is significant evidence that the pathogenesis of several neurodegenerative

diseases, including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Friedreich's

ataxia (FRDA), multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, may involve

the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and/or reactive nitrogen species

(RNS) associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. The mitochondrial genome may

play an essential role in the pathogenesis of these diseases, and evidence for

mitochondria being a site of damage in neurodegenerative disorders is based in

part on observed decreases in the respiratory chain complex activities in

Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and Huntington's disease. Such defects in respiratory

complex activities, possibly associated with oxidant/antioxidant imbalance, are

thought to underlie defects in energy metabolism and induce cellular

degeneration. The impaired intramitochondrial metabolism with increased free

iron levels and a defective mitochondrial respiratory chain, associated with

increased free radical generation and oxidative damage, may be considered

possible mechanisms that compromise cell viability.

Belief that many disease states including cancer are at least partially

attributable to mitochondrial dysfunction, oxygen deficiency or hypoxia was

supported by eminent scientists of a long-gone, more rational era of medicine

including Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Otto Warburg, Emmanuel Revici and Linus ing.

Nearly 80 years after Otto Warburg first proposed cancer was caused by

mitochondrial dysfunction (discarded by allopathic medicine) new research from

Karolinska Institutet in Sweden,Boston College and Washington University School

of Medicinehas now thoroughly revived his theory. In contrast to healthy cells,

which generate energy by the oxidative breakdown of a simple acid within the

mitochondria, tumors and cancer cells generate energy through the non-oxidative

breakdown of glucose, a process called glycolysis (sugar splitting). Indeed,

glycolysis is the biochemical hallmark of most, if not all, types of cancers.

Because of this difference between healthy cells and cancer cells, Otto Warburg

argued, cancer should be interpreted as a type of mitochondrial disease. (Boston

College press office). Further, deep sleep has been identified as a leading tool

in cancer survival.

Mitochondria & Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields:

Impairment of the mitochondria lead to reduced mitochondrial mobility/migration,

reduced ATP synthesis, and finally to initiation of apoptosis. ( and

Hollenbeck,1993). A considerable body of evidence has accumulated implicating

defects in the mitochondrial energy-generating pathways in a wide variety of

degenerative diseases including myopathy and cardiomyopathy.

Most classes of pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutations affect the heart, in

association with a variety of other clinical manifestations that can include

skeletal muscle, the central nervous system, the endocrine system, and the renal

system.(Wallace, 2000).

Neuronal mitochondria vary constantly in their morphology and movement in

response to changes in the local energy state (Nicholls and Budd, 2000; Li et

al., 2004; Lisman and Spruston, 2005).

In 2005 A. Hood of York University, Vancouver Canada noticed that the

mitochondria appeared to naturally resonate at 10 Hz; and that 10 Hz stimulation

increased the number of, and intercellular trafficking of mitochondria within

motor neurons to synaptic nerve junctions. Mitochondrial trafficking

substantially shapes neuronal function (Chen and Chan, 2006)

In response to 10 Hz stimulation, mitochondrial density significantly increases

at the stimulated synapses while mitochondrial density in control synapses

remain steady. Initial excitatory post synaptic potentials (EPSPs) produced by

1-Hz stimulation were small in size, but facilitated rapidly during 10-Hz

stimulation. Enhanced amplitudes during 10-Hz stimulation persisted throughout

the 20-min period of stimulation. 10 Hz tetanic stimulation triggers fast

delivery of mitochondria to nerve synapses (Tong, 2007).

Hopefully, the 10Hz pattern is obvious to you.

Endocrine tissues critically rely on oxidative phosphorylation(aerobic

metabolism) so that mitochondrial abnormalities may either be causes or

consequences of diminished hormone production or action (Stark and Roden 2007).

Although the prefrontal cortex, amygdala and hippocampus are the brain regions

considered to be related to PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), functional

and structural changes in the brain may result from mitochondria-centered

responses to repeated or chronic harmful stresses.

Mitochondria provide the cell with energy in the form of ATP and play

fundamental roles in many metabolic pathways, such as oxidation, the

tricarboxylic acid cycle and urea cycle, the synthesis of steroid hormones and

heme, and calcium signaling. However, reactive oxygen species (ROS), an

inevitable by-product of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, can impair

molecules, contributing to various diseases including neurodegeneration. Thus,

homeostasis of these mitochondrial functions is critical in human brain because

of its high energy demand (Su, Wu, Zhang, et.al. 2008).


F. Becker, Esq., Product Developer

Magnetic Therapy, Ltd. [bahamas]

EarthPulse™ Sleep on Command™ The World's Only Pulsed Magnetic Sleep, Longevity

& Performance Enhancement System

Sleep Your Way to Better Health™, Longer Life, Enhanced Physical & Mental




International & Caribbean:+1.242.676.2324 / AU:+61.86.555.8050 /

CANADA:+1.778.786.3650 / U.K.:+44.131.516.8138 / U.S.:+1.305.434.7061 /


~ " Nearly all psychological, neurological and physiological

diseases including aging, is the end result of mitochondrial dysfunction; and

definitely NOT the other way around. " ~ F. Becker, Esq.

~ " Because your chemical medicines killed my Father I have sworn

upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of medical tyranny

you wage upon the minds and body of man. " ~ P.F.B

~ " It is no measure of health to be

well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. " ~ J. Krishnamurti




Data contained or attached is never intended to recommend our technology as a

drug or diagnosis for any illness or disease or condition; nor a product or

therapy to eliminate disease or medical condition; nor has our technology been

evaluated by U.S. Food and Drug Administration or any governmental health

agency. Worldwide, no governmental bodies recognize a need to supplement natural

magnetic fields. Magnetic Therapy, Ltd. [bahamas] makes no medical claims about

our device and methods. EarthPulse™ is not intended to be used to diagnose,

treat, cure or prevent disease. Data in or attached to this mail is privileged

and confidential, intended solely for use and enjoyment of the individual(s) or

entity(s) named above. If reader is not intended recipient, be notified that

dissemination, distribution or copying is strictly prohibited. If you have

received this communication in error, please notify the sender by telephone or

email, and accept our apology for any inconvenience. Thank you.

On 12-Feb-2012, at 11:04 PM, Shan wrote:

> I have been using a cold red laser of this frequency and strenght similar to

this one since last August. This seems to be a good buy though I would have

liked to have more info on size etc.

> This frequency is supposed to be the same frequency as a " healthy living cell "

and changes the frequency of the damaged cells to that of a healthy lving cell.

And this is wonderful for pain, as well as inflammations and stimulating growth.

I orginally got it with the idea of using it for detoxing as well as o

reduce/end reactions/allergies to foods, chemicals, etc -- but for the most part

I have been using it on my eyes almost everyday as I had infections in both

eyes.I have been very lucky in that the laser has done wonders on my eyes

inspite of the controversy over using it on eyes. It is also actually amazing

how quicky human tissue heals if one uses this laser on a wound for only 2

minutes a day for 2 days.


> Shan



> >

> > NASA has some interesting info on accelerated healing with light

> > Anyone here tried it?

> > Â

> > KirkÂ

> > ----- Forwarded Message -----

> > From: Kirk <kirkmcloren@...>

> > HealingLEDLight

> > Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2012 3:51 PM

> > Subject: [HealingLEDLight] portable healing light

> >

> >

> >

> > Â

> >

> > http://www.jse-technologies.com/

> >

> > portable and very inexpensive

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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