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How Does Light Therapy Work?

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Isall light therapy the same?

By Dr. Gerry Graham,III


These are complex questions with literally thousands ofresearch papers

documenting the answers. There are many known functions, manyadditional theories

and still much to discover about this amazing and powerfultherapy. Due to the

complexity of these questions much confusion surrounds LowLevel Light Therapy

(LLLT). This white paper will attempt to resolve much ofthis confusion.


To understand LightTherapy you must understand that all light therapy is notthe

same; in fact, there are several different light therapy devices thatproduce

totally different effects on the body – utilizing many differentactions. All

of these different actions are created by different properties oflight, power,

and frequency. This document discusses each of these factors.


As we discus light therapy, many terms and theirabbreviations will be utilized.

If you are not fully aware of the commonterminology related to light therapy

please review the glossary of terms to theright.


Light therapy can include everything fromstanding in the sun to using full

spectrum lighting to utilization of complexmedical light therapy units. For this

conversation we will limit our discussionto the common medical light therapy

units available on the market today.


There are several different properties that determine theeffect of light on

living tissue. These are the wavelength of the light used,the powerdensity or mW

of power, the light sourcethat is used, and if that light source is continuous

or pulsed and it if is pulsed, atwhat frequency.


Surgical lasers are not considered therapeutic because theyare not designed to

heal tissue but to burn and cut tissue during surgicalprocedures. Even RK

surgery on the eyes uses a burning procedure to scar thesurface of the eye to

change the way it focuses.


Ultraviolet light devices are also notdesigned to be therapeutic. They are

promoted to kill bacteria. It is oftenused for acne therapy to kill bacteria

that causes acne and you can evenpurchase a tooth brush holder that utilizes

ultraviolet radiation to sanitizeyour tooth brush.


There are two basic concepts currently utilized for Therapeuticlight

instruments. The first ishigher power infrared light devices and the second is

low power visible redlasers that are pulsed. We will discuss each of these in



Infrared light therapy devices:


Infrared lamps,LEDs and LASERS are intended to emit energy in the infrared

spectrum to providetopical and deep heating for the purpose of elevating tissue

temperature. This heating is promoted to relieve pain,increase joint mobility

and relax muscles. The mechanism of action for infraredlasers and light units is

thermal and mechanical, and healing comes about as a byproduct of the

stimulation not as a directmechanism of the therapy.


If the infrared therapy contains infrared lasers they areseldom collimated

becausecollimation will cause heat to focus on a small area and burn

Many devices will only use LEDs or SLDs as theirlight source because the

properties ofthe laser light are not required for thermal actions and LEDs are

lessexpensive than lasers.


The infrared lightdevices are very effective at killing pain. Pain relief is so

consistent andpredictable that it is obviously a pharmacological dose of

therapy.As described in the glossary, this means that the patient’s body has

little todo with the response. The therapy is mechanically and/or thermally

killing thepain. This is usually accomplished by thermally damaging the fine

sensory nerveendings to stop the sensation of pain. When usedproperly, this

damage is not permanent and the nervous system heals intwo or three weeks. This

factor is also why the therapy requires another doseat or about the two to three

week timeframe to keep the pain away. This iscertainly safer, more effective,

and lower in cost than using narcotics andother pain killing drugs, but the

operator needs to understand that they have not corrected the cause of the pain,

theyhave only stopped the pain. When utilized on athletes, caution must

beadvised or the athlete - without having the pain sensation - may push

aninjured area to the point of severely injuring himself or herself.


There is a suggested mechanism of healing with infraredtherapy which states that

the stimulation of theinfrared wavelengths stresses the local tissue and

stimulates the body tomobilize resources to that area of the body to increase

the healing of thattissue. This is quite sound and emphasizes the fact that

infrared is more of anirritant than a healing stimulation to the body but can

stimulate the healingprocess.


Other therapeutic effects of infrared lasers appear to bepresent but are not

understood or defined. Further research may discover othermechanisms of action

that are not understood today.


Infrared devices can berecognized by the following characteristics:


In the product description the wavelength of the light will be in the

infrared range, greater than 760nm, usually in the 800nm and 900nm



In the product description the total power output will be 100mW or higher.

It can be much higher even up to 100,000 mW. The greater power density is

needed to produce the heat required to create the desired thermal effect on

the tissue.


If the unit contains laser diodes the unit will be classified as a class

IIIb or class IV laser.


They require that the wand that contains the lasers be in direct contact

with the skin. This is confusing since the FDA states that you should avoid

direct exposure to the radiation from Class IIIb and Class IV lasers.


Eye protection is mandatory for both operator and patient.


The proper treatment will be based on the Irradiation dose or the Joules

of energy delivered. This is an equation of the amount of optical energy or

heat that is delivered to the area of tissue.


They will advertise greater penetration of energy into the body.

However, penetration is related to physical and thermal actions, not healing



Infrared devices frequently claim that the higher the mW, the faster the

therapy. Example: If it takes 10 minutes to produce ‘x’ amount of Jules

of energy at 100 mW, then you could perform the same therapy in 1 minute if

you had a unit that produced 1,000mW of energy. If this example were

accurate, it would also mean that if you needed to bake a cake for 30

minutes at 300 degrees, if you had a better oven you could bake the same

cake for 3 minutes at 3,000 degrees and have the same outcome. Obviously,

even though the math is the same the results will be different in people and

cakes. So just because it sounds logical does not mean that it is.


Infrared energy is not visible so most units will contain a visible red

laser for the purpose of aiming and knowing when the laser in turned on.

These are not considered part of the therapy.


The infrared units will have a pulse duration setting. This setting is

not for the pulse frequency but for the duty cycle of the light. By varying the

duty cycles you can change the amount of energy delivered during the



Low Level visible redLaser therapy devices: (LazrPulsr 4X)


Unlike the infrared devices that are only concerned aboutthe heat that is

delivered, these lasers are very complex in their actionsbecause they are

designed to stimulate the physiology of the bodythrough a mechanism called

biomodulation or photobiomodulation.These principles of light or energy medicine

originated in the quantum physicsof Einstein himself. He first introduced the

concept of the LASER “lightamplification by stimulated emission radiationâ€.

He also stated thatevery living cell emits radiation called the “photon

emission of livingcellsâ€, or what we commonly refer to as the aura. Albert

Einstein, in1917, proposed all living and nonliving matter represented

dynamicelectromagnetic fields, which exist in an electromagnetic environment –

theuniverse! It took nearly 60 years for fellow physicists to begin to

comprehendEinstein’s holistic worldview of quantum mechanics, and the

relationshipbetween matter, energy and health.


Due to the low power density and the properties of thewavelength used, the true

low level therapy lasers are only capable ofdelivering a physiological dose

oftherapy. Some consider this limited because it is dependent on the ability

ofthe patient to respond to care which creates less consistent and

predictableoutcomes. However, when you consider that this therapy actually gives

the bodya greater ability to respond you can see that it has expanded the limits

ofwhat can be accomplish.


One of the most important aspects of a physiological doseof therapy is that it

is safe.It is safe no mater what the condition or pathology is, no matter

whatmedications the patient is on, no matter what the patient may be allergic

to,no matter what, a true LLLT unit will




One of the most profound physiological effects of low leveltherapeutic lasers is

the effect of Neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity represents the brain’sability

to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout

life.Neuroplasticity provides a way for nerve cells (neurons) in the brain

torespond and compensate for injury and disease and adjust neuronal activity

inresponse to a new situation or to changes in the environment.


Reorganizing the brain occurs by the mechanism of “axonalsprouting†where

damaged axons grow new nerve endings to reconnect neuronswhose links were

injured or severed. Undamaged axons can alsocontribute new nerve endings and

connect with other undamaged nerve cells,forming new neural pathways to

accomplish a needed function. In order forneurons to reconnect or form new

connections, the neurons need activestimulation. LLLT provides one of the most

powerful stimulants forNeuroplasticity known today and it provides that

stimulation in a safe,therapeutically correct, organized manner.


Neuroplasticity, represents unlimited potential to retrainthe brain after

injury. However, Neuroplasticity can also contribute toimpairment. For example,

deaf individuals may suffer from continual ringing inthe ears (tinnitus), which

results from faulty rewiring of the brain cellsstarved for sound. For beneficial

neural connections to form, neurons must bestimulated correctly.


Neuroplasticity represents a new rapidly evolving approachto healing. Givenany

trauma, realizing all traumas involve the central nervous systemrecognizing the

trauma (consciously or subconsciously), quick response withactive neuronal

stimulation, could theoretically maintain, repair, retain mostCNS functions

(learning, memory, speech, emotional distress, movement, balanceetc.). In

simpler terms, theoretically the proper immediate use ofLLLT therapy post

trauma, especially brain trauma, could eliminate much of theneurological

disabilities common in head trauma today.


Even the simplest memory stimulates complex neural networksat several different

sites in the brain. The content (what happened) andmeaning (how it felt) of an

event are laid down in separate parts of the brain.The goal of neuroplastic

therapy is to connect these sites to resolve thedamaged, disjointed,

dysfunctional nervous systems.


“…The effect of LLLT on the brain is not magic, it’s malleableâ€


As with the infrared lasers, the wavelength and powerdensity selected for an

LLLT laser is very important, but for very differentreasons. There are also a

third and fourth component that is critically importantfor the LLLT laser use.

One is the light source and the properties of the lightitself and the other is

frequency. It is not only important for the light to bepulsed but the frequency

it is pulsed isspecific to the therapeutic response desired.


Following is a close look at the four separate therapeuticproperties of the

LazrPulsr 4X unit.


*The mechanism of actionfor 635nm light:


Biological light receptors in living tissue, termed chromophores, have peak

activation atwavelengths between 600nm and 720nm. The most commonly used

wavelengths to activate thesechromophores are from 630nm to 635nm. This is

because even thoughdifferent chromophores have peak activation somewhere between

600nm and 720nm,each chromophore can still be activated within a wider

wavelength spectrum. 635nm fallswithin the wavelength spectrum of all biological

chromophores in man andanimals. This means there is no need to utilize multiple

colors oflasers to activate the different chromophores in the body. One

wavelength – 635nm – has the potentialto activate every biological

photo-sensitive receptor in the body.For this reason, the LazrPulsrSystem have

selected only 635nm lasers for the therapy lasers.


There are three specific and unique methods the 635nm wavelengthlasers of the

LazrPulsr 4Xmodulates tissues:


1. Withinthe cell, the signal is transduced and amplified by a photon acceptor

(chromophore).When a chromophore first absorbs light, electronically excited

states arestimulated, primary molecular processes are initiated which lead to

measurablebiological effects. These photobiological effects are mediated through

asecondary biochemical reaction, photosignal transduction cascade,

orintracellular signaling which amplifies thebiological response.


2. The ionizing effects of LLLTallow photon acceptors to accept an electron.

This turns on theoxidation-reduction cycle of the stimulated chromophores such

as Cytochromeoxidase, hemoglobin, melanin, and serotonin. Changing the re-dox

state of thechromophore changes the biological activity of that chromophore

e.g.,hemoglobin changes its oxygen carrying capacity. This has the potential

totriple the oxygen carrying capacity of blood instantly.


3. When photon energy breaks a chemical bond, changes occur in the

allostericproteins in cell membranes (cell, mitochondrial, nuclear) and

monovalent anddivalent fluxes activate cell metabolism and intracellular enzymes

directly.Direct activation of cell membranes alters ion fluxes, particularly

calcium,across that membrane. Changes in intracellular calcium alter the

concentrationsof cyclic nucleotides, causing an increase in DNA,RNA, and protein

synthesis, which stimulate mitosis and cellular proliferation.


When any of the above occurs, the initial biological reactionrapidly catalyzes

thousands of other chemicals similar to the calciumregulated, 2nd messenger cAMP

cascade. Thisbiological amplification process produces systemic effects –

which meansthat as you are treating a wound on the left hand, the wound on your

right handand the injury to your liver and kidney are also being treated equally

as well.So while the infrared manufactures brag about a 2 inch penetration of

theirenergy, truetherapeutic lasers are profoundly more advanced, producing

systemic therapeuticresults.


These three actionsproduce four separate and distinct functions that are clearly

understood in thebody.


1. Growth factor production occurs within cells and tissue in response

toincreased ATP and protein synthesis. This initiates mitosis and

cellproliferation by changing the cell, mitochondrial, or nuclear

membranespermeability to monovalent (Na+, K+) and divalent (Ca++, Mg++) ions

(Karu 1987,1998, 2002).


2. Pain relief results from suppression of the nociceptorresponse mediated by

increased serotonin and endorphin release (Sumano et al.,1987a, 1987b).


3. Immune-modulation and mitigation of the inflammatory response occur because

the mononuclear phagocytic cells, mast cells,and leukocytes are stabilized

preventing the release of harmful inflammatorymediators (Amano 1994). In

addition, vasodilatation and increasedmicrocirculation allows a rapid return to

homeostasis and promotes firstintention healing (Sumano 1987a, 1987b; Fiszerman

and Rozenbom 1995).


4. Direct trigger point stimulation allows direct release of endorphins and

other endogenous painmediators such as serotonin, VIP, substance P,

prostaglandins, etc. (Kaada, Band Eielson O, 1983, Kaada, Olsen and



The mechanism of action for LASER:


There are different properties of light. Most light that weare exposed to is

reflected off ourbodies. This is a natural in vivo protection mechanism. If we

absorbedall photon energy that struck our skin, we would explode in a few

minutes ofstanding in the sun. So the first requirement is understanding how to

achievethe proper penetration through the skin. This includes all the skin

layers –not only our outer skin but the skin of the cell, the skin of the

nucleus ofthe cell, the skin of the mitochondria and so on. All tissues have

opticalwindows and guards to let only specific forms of light penetrate and

activatethe chromophores and other light sensitive properties of the tissue.

Thisrequires the properties that only LASER lightpossesses.


Collimated light is essential for penetrating the outersurface of the skin.

Coherent light and polarized light is required to passthrough the optical

windows of different tissues. The monochromatic property oflaser light is the

ability to activate only the chromophores desired. Manyassertions have been made

claiming that LEDs – which do not have coherent,polarized, or collimated

properties – work as well as LASER light does. If onereviews the scientific

papers, one quickly will find that these studies wereperformed on tissue cells

in vitro, orin a test tissue sample. When the test is run on living animals and

people, in vivo, LED light is not nearly aseffective as the LASER light source

due the above mentioned properties of theLASER.


The different mechanisms of power density:


Power density or mW of power of the light source is everyimportant. As

identified earlier, the power density of the infrared radiationneeds to be high

to quickly produce the heat desired. However, in the low-leveltherapeutic

lasers, heat is the enemy. Heatingtissue is not conducive to healing.

Chromophores are verysensitive to the power density. For example, the easiest

way to understand theaction of the chromophore is to think about your vision.

The cones on theretina of the eye contain three different chromophores. Each is

sensitive todifferent wavelengths of light, allowing us to see in colors. But it

is notjust the wavelength; it is also the power density of the light. If it is

toodark, you cannot see because the power density is too low to activate

thechromophore. However, if the light is too bright, it over stimulates

thechromophore into a sedated state and you still can’t see. The chromophore

hasto be stimulated not only by the right wavelength but also with the correct

powerdensity. This is one more reason why a fully collimated laser light source

isneeded for LLLT. To get the correct penetration of the outer skin with very

lowpower density, you must use a fully collimated laser light source.


The different mechanisms of frequency:


Frequency addresses the very fundamentalproperties of your life and the world we

live in. Each atom, element, molecule,cell, organism, or substance has its own

ideal electrical wavelength and resonance frequency of vibration thatcoordinates

its activities (Lakovsky, 1970). At the resonance frequency, energyis maximized

and harmonious. The further a substance deviates from itsresonance frequency,

the more dissonance and disease occurs (ing, 1963; Vithoulkas, 1980)


The body itself uses frequency to alter its functions andcontrol its physiology.

Using brainwave entrainment (specificfrequency stimulation), it is possible to

coax the brainwaves to a certainfrequency and achieve the mental state

associated with that frequency. This isthe basis of the much accepted

Biofeedback modulation used to treat Post Traumatic Stress patients.


BrainwaveFrequencies are frequencies associated with different mental states.

Afamiliar example is the five brain wave ranges recorded by the EEG;

Normal 0 false false false



·        Delta Range0.5 to 4 HZ - associated with deep sleep.

·        Theta Range 4 to 8 HZ - associated withdreaming sleep and

other mental states where the mind is wandering,daydreaming, or imaging.

·        Alpha Range8 to 13 HZ – associated with a relaxed but awake


·        Beta Range13 to 30 HZ – associated with the normal

awake/aware state and speech.

·        Gamma Range30 to 60 HZ -associated with higher mental activity

including perception andconsciousness. General anesthesia eliminates gamma



Just as the brain can be stimulated to change function byintroducing and

changing resonant frequencies, frequency stimulation can alterall functions of

the body by altering the frequency of the tissue. When youconsider that

frequency pollution from EMFs, florescent lights, cell phones,all the other

radio waves and telecommunication transmissions etc. aredevastating to your

health, frequency therapy becomes mandatory to just correctthese pollutants in

our environment.


Low Level Therapeutic Lasers (LLLT) can berecognized by the following



In the product description the wavelength of the light will be in the

visible red range, 630nm (for HeNe tube lasers) and 635nm (for semiconductor

laser diodes).


In the product description the total power output will be less than 5mW per



It will always have fully collimated true lasers and the unit will be

classified as a class IIIa laser.


The housing that contains the lasers can be held at a comfortable distance

from the wound or tissue being treated.


The therapy can be administered through natural fiber cloths so that the

patient seldom has to disrobe.


Eye protection is not necessary for the patient or the doctor; although

directing any LLLT unit at the eyes can be dangerous.


The proper treatment will be based on the frequency utilized and the Jules

of energy are never mentioned.


Photobiomodulation and biological amplification is promoted, the word

“penetration†will never be found.


Low power and no heat will be promoted, High power of any kind should not be



635nm energy is visible so you always know if the unit is on and where it is



The laser will have pulse frequency settings and they will be documented as

accurate and with a broad range.


The LazrPulsr 4X not only possesses all the qualities of atrue Low Level

Therapeutic Laser it is also designed to be the most userfriendly LLLT unit on

the market with easy to use controls, lightweight, onehand operation, fully

portable and the most accurate and broad range offrequency therapy in any LLLT

unit on the market.






Light: Light is a smallspectrum of electromagnetic energy with wavelengths

between 380nm and 760nm inlength. This spectrum of energy is visible to the

naked eye.


Wavelength: The property thatdifferentiates different spectrums of energy within

the electromagneticspectrum of energy is wavelength. Each photon contains energy

and just asenergy of the ocean comes to shore in waves of high and low energy

the same istrue of photons. Only with photons the energy is not measured by the

height ofthe wave but the number of waves the photon carries. These waves are

measuredin two ways, the number of waves that will pass a given point in one

second, orwavelength, the distance between one wave and the next.


Ultraviolet: Ultraviolet iselectromagnetic energy with a wavelength shorter than

380nm. It is not trulylight because it is not visible to the eye but it is still

commonly calledlight therapy. Ultraviolet rays are damaging to all organic

material. It is theultraviolet (UV) protection that we look for in sunscreens

and sun glasses toprevent us from being burned by the sun There are no known

healing effects ofUV radiation that this author knows of. UV burns tissue with

energy butproduces no heat in the process.


Infrared: Wavelengths above 760 nmhave fewer waves per second than red and

termed infrared wavelengths. Theycarry or transfer heat from one object to

another. They have been utilized forthermal applications for many years in the

medical field as infrared lamps.


Collimation: A property oflight commonly associated with lasers and accomplished

with focusing lenseswhere all the Normal 0 false false false

MicrosoftInternetExplorer4  photons are traveling in the samedirection.

LED: Light Emitting Diode:There are thousands of different types of diodes that

can emit lightranging in power density and bandwidths of wavelength. All

semiconductor lasersproduce light from a diode, however, LED’s are Lasers.

LEDs can not producecoherent or polarized light.


SLD: Super Luminescent Diode;is a specific type of LED that has a higher

emission of energy than typicalLEDs. All other aspects are the same as LEDs.


Pharmacological Dose: A pharmacological dose of any therapy is the dosenecessary

to produce and maintain a desired effect. The goal is to havea drug or therapy

to stay above or at the threshold level for effectivetherapeutic action but

below the toxic level.



A pharmacological dose always contains risk and WILL DO HARM.

A pharmacological dose seldom improves health on its own merit.

A pharmacological dose will generally be predictable and consistent for

symptomatic response because it is measuring a response to a concentration,

exposure, etc. mostly independent of the body – overriding the normal

physiology of the patient.


Nanometer (nm):One nanometer is one billionth of a meter. 10-9 meters

or.000000001 meter = 1 nm. It is the unit of measurement that is commonlyused to

measure the wavelength of energy commonly used in light therapy.


Power Density (mW):Power density is synonymous with the Wattsof power produced

by the light source. P = mW


LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissionof Radiation; refers to the

specific qualities and methods bywhich lasers produce light. Originally

theorized and defined by Albert Einsteinin 1917, it was not produced until the

1950s. Laser light is Coherent, has aMonochromatic wavelength, is Collimated,

and Polarized. These four characteristics differentiateLaser’s from LED & SLD

light sources.


Irradiation Dose (J/cm2):Irradiation dose is defined by the product of the power

density (mW);exposure time divided by area irradiated and is reported as Joules

of energyper square centimeter (J/cm2).


ID (J/cm2)= P (mW) X T (sec) / A (cm2 /sec)


Penetration: Propagation of light thoughtissue is regulated by three properties,

Reflection, Penetration, and Absorption. Penetrationrefers to the distance an

energy wave travels into the tissue before it isabsorbed and dissipated as heat

or molecular vibration. Penetration is aphysical and thermal phenomenon, not a

therapeutic phenomenon.


Duty Cycle: Duty cyclerelates to the amount of time the light source is active,

usually from 10% to100%. If the setting was a 10% duty cycle then out of every

second the lightsource would on 1/10 of a second and be off 9/10 of a second.

This cycle can beat various pulse intervals depending on the manufacture.


Biomodulation: Biomodulation is theprocess of changing the natural biochemical

response of a cell or tissue withinthe normal range of its function, stimulating

the cell’s innate metaboliccapacity to respond to a stimulus. A cell can heal

itself by this basis.





Photobiomodulation:When biomodulation occurs from a photon transferring its

energy to achromophore it is referred to as photobiomodulation.


Physiological Dose of therapy: APhysiological Dose of any therapy is designed to

stimulate production of, orprovide to the body what it needs to normalize and

heal itself throughbiomodulation. The symptomatic response to a physiological

dose of therapy isdependent of the capacity of the patient’s body to respond

to the therapy. Thephysiological dose of any treatment has specific advantages.


A physiological dose represents the body’s own response to a stimulus (e.

g., adrenaline in response to a “fight or flight†challenge) and is

generally safe and will DO NO HARM.


A physiological dose generally improves the patient’s health.


A physiological dose will always be less predictable and consistent than a

pharmacological dose for symptomatic response because it depends upon an

interaction with the individual patient’s entire body system.


Chromophores: Chromophore literally means,“Color lover†(L. chromo = color;

L. Phore = to seek out,to have an affinity for, to love). Chromophores are

generally pigmentedmolecules that accept photons within living tissue. When the

chromophoreaccepts a photon, it causes a biochemical change within an

atom,molecule, cell or tissue. If this change increases cellular function, it

issaid to have activated the tissue. If this change decrease cellular function

itis said to have inhibited the tissue. Biomodulation occurs in both cases.


Biological Amplification: Whenphotobiomodulation occurs, the photon activates a

chromophore, amino acid,nucleic acid, or molecule. Activation of a single enzyme

molecule rapidlycatalyzes thousands of other chemical reactions amplifying the

signal to thecell. This is similar to the, calcium regulated, 2nd messenger cAMP

cascade. Biologicalamplification explains how systemic, cellular, and clinical

effectscan occur almost instantaneously after exposure to light therapies.


Reflection: Propagation of light thoughtissue is regulated by three properties,

Reflection,Penetration, Absorption. When energy waves strike the skin of any

tissue, theywill either pass through or reflect off the tissue. The energy’s

ability topass through a surface tissue is dependent on the collimation,

coherency,wavelength and polarization of the light. Reflected energy has no

therapeuticeffect to the internal tissue.


LASER: Light Amplificationby Stimulated Emission of Radiation; refers tothe

specific qualities and methods by which lasers produce light. Laser lightis

Coherent (having all wavesin phase), Monochromatic (having a very narrow band of

wavelength),Collimated (all photons traveling in the same direction), and

Polarized(all waves are in the same plane). These four

characteristicdifferentiate Laser’s form LED & SLD, light sources.


Dose: The term dose is an estimateof a therapy, traditionally a drug, which

produces a desiredtherapeutic action without harmful side effects. The

therapeutic dose (safeand effective) range is defined by clinical evaluation of

the response of asufficient number of patients, generally 50 percent who improve



Drugs are evaluated at doses to which 20%, 70% or anypercentage to which a

subject responds.


It is customary to calculate:

Median Effective Doses or ED50,the dose that gives rise to a response in 50 % of

the subject


Median Toxic Dose or TD50is the dose that manifests toxic side effects in 50 %

of the subjects


Median Lethal Dose or LD50is the dose that gives rise to the death of 50% of the


In general, a therapy (traditionally a drug) is consideredsafe when the harmful

LDR region of the side effects is much greater than thetherapeutic dose range,

expressed as: Therapeutic Index: TI = TD 50/ED50 MedicalPrinciples of

Pharmacology, 1990


Frequency Biomodulation: Biomodulationcaused by specific frequencies produced by

therapeutic light devices is calledfrequency biomodulation.


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> Normal 0 false false false

MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 How does light therapy work?

> http://lazrpulsr.com/files/How_does_light_therapy_work.htm


> Isall light therapy the same?

> By Dr. Gerry Graham,III




> These are complex questions with literally thousands ofresearch papers

documenting the answers. There are many known functions, manyadditional theories

and still much to discover about this amazing and powerfultherapy. Due to the

complexity of these questions much confusion surrounds LowLevel Light Therapy

(LLLT). This white paper will attempt to resolve much ofthis confusion.




> To understand LightTherapy you must understand that all light therapy is

notthe same; in fact, there are several different light therapy devices

thatproduce totally different effects on the body †" utilizing many

differentactions. All of these different actions are created by different

properties oflight, power, and frequency. This document discusses each of these





> As we discus light therapy, many terms and theirabbreviations will be

utilized. If you are not fully aware of the commonterminology related to light

therapy please review the glossary of terms to theright.




> Light therapy can include everything fromstanding in the sun to using full

spectrum lighting to utilization of complexmedical light therapy units. For this

conversation we will limit our discussionto the common medical light therapy

units available on the market today.




> There are several different properties that determine theeffect of light on

living tissue. These are the wavelength of the light used,the powerdensity or mW

of power, the light sourcethat is used, and if that light source is continuous

or pulsed and it if is pulsed, atwhat frequency.




> Surgical lasers are not considered therapeutic because theyare not designed to

heal tissue but to burn and cut tissue during surgicalprocedures. Even RK

surgery on the eyes uses a burning procedure to scar thesurface of the eye to

change the way it focuses.




> Ultraviolet light devices are also notdesigned to be therapeutic. They are

promoted to kill bacteria. It is oftenused for acne therapy to kill bacteria

that causes acne and you can evenpurchase a tooth brush holder that utilizes

ultraviolet radiation to sanitizeyour tooth brush.




> There are two basic concepts currently utilized for Therapeuticlight

instruments. The first ishigher power infrared light devices and the second is

low power visible redlasers that are pulsed. We will discuss each of these in







> Infrared light therapy devices:




> Infrared lamps,LEDs and LASERS are intended to emit energy in the infrared

spectrum to providetopical and deep heating for the purpose of elevating tissue

temperature. This heating is promoted to relieve pain,increase joint mobility

and relax muscles. The mechanism of action for infraredlasers and light units is

thermal and mechanical, and healing comes about as a byproduct of the

stimulation not as a directmechanism of the therapy.




> If the infrared therapy contains infrared lasers they areseldom collimated

becausecollimation will cause heat to focus on a small area and burn





> Many devices will only use LEDs or SLDs as theirlight source because the

properties ofthe laser light are not required for thermal actions and LEDs are

lessexpensive than lasers.




> The infrared lightdevices are very effective at killing pain. Pain relief is

so consistent andpredictable that it is obviously a pharmacological dose of

therapy.As described in the glossary, this means that the patient’s body has

little todo with the response. The therapy is mechanically and/or thermally

killing thepain. This is usually accomplished by thermally damaging the fine

sensory nerveendings to stop the sensation of pain. When usedproperly, this

damage is not permanent and the nervous system heals intwo or three weeks. This

factor is also why the therapy requires another doseat or about the two to three

week timeframe to keep the pain away. This iscertainly safer, more effective,

and lower in cost than using narcotics andother pain killing drugs, but the

operator needs to understand that they have not corrected the cause of the pain,

theyhave only stopped the pain. When utilized on athletes, caution must

beadvised or the athlete - without having the pain sensation - may push

aninjured area to the point of severely injuring himself or herself.




> There is a suggested mechanism of healing with infraredtherapy which states

that the stimulation of theinfrared wavelengths stresses the local tissue and

stimulates the body tomobilize resources to that area of the body to increase

the healing of thattissue. This is quite sound and emphasizes the fact that

infrared is more of anirritant than a healing stimulation to the body but can

stimulate the healingprocess.




> Other therapeutic effects of infrared lasers appear to bepresent but are not

understood or defined. Further research may discover othermechanisms of action

that are not understood today.




> Infrared devices can berecognized by the following characteristics:


> In the product description the wavelength of the light will be in the

infrared range, greater than 760nm, usually in the 800nm and 900nm



> In the product description the total power output will be 100mW or higher.

It can be much higher even up to 100,000 mW. The greater power density is

needed to produce the heat required to create the desired thermal effect on

the tissue.


> If the unit contains laser diodes the unit will be classified as a

class IIIb or class IV laser.


> They require that the wand that contains the lasers be in direct contact

with the skin. This is confusing since the FDA states that you should avoid

direct exposure to the radiation from Class IIIb and Class IV lasers.


> Eye protection is mandatory for both operator and patient.


> The proper treatment will be based on the Irradiation dose or the

Joules of energy delivered. This is an equation of the amount of optical

energy or heat that is delivered to the area of tissue.


> They will advertise greater penetration of energy into the body.

However, penetration is related to physical and thermal actions, not healing



> Infrared devices frequently claim that the higher the mW, the faster the

therapy. Example: If it takes 10 minutes to produce ‘x’ amount of Jules

of energy at 100 mW, then you could perform the same therapy in 1 minute if

you had a unit that produced 1,000mW of energy. If this example were

accurate, it would also mean that if you needed to bake a cake for 30

minutes at 300 degrees, if you had a better oven you could bake the same

cake for 3 minutes at 3,000 degrees and have the same outcome. Obviously,

even though the math is the same the results will be different in people and

cakes. So just because it sounds logical does not mean that it is.


> Infrared energy is not visible so most units will contain a visible red

laser for the purpose of aiming and knowing when the laser in turned on.

These are not considered part of the therapy.


> The infrared units will have a pulse duration setting. This setting is

not for the pulse frequency but for the duty cycle of the light. By varying the

duty cycles you can change the amount of energy delivered during the



> Low Level visible redLaser therapy devices: (LazrPulsr 4X)


> Unlike the infrared devices that are only concerned aboutthe heat that is

delivered, these lasers are very complex in their actionsbecause they are

designed to stimulate the physiology of the bodythrough a mechanism called

biomodulation or photobiomodulation.These principles of light or energy medicine

originated in the quantum physicsof Einstein himself. He first introduced the

concept of the LASER “lightamplification by stimulated emission radiationâ€.

He also stated thatevery living cell emits radiation called the “photon

emission of livingcellsâ€, or what we commonly refer to as the aura. Albert

Einstein, in1917, proposed all living and nonliving matter represented

dynamicelectromagnetic fields, which exist in an electromagnetic environment †"

theuniverse! It took nearly 60 years for fellow physicists to begin to

comprehendEinstein’s holistic worldview of quantum mechanics, and the

relationshipbetween matter, energy and health.


> Due to the low power density and the properties of thewavelength used, the

true low level therapy lasers are only capable ofdelivering a physiological dose

oftherapy. Some consider this limited because it is dependent on the ability

ofthe patient to respond to care which creates less consistent and

predictableoutcomes. However, when you consider that this therapy actually gives

the bodya greater ability to respond you can see that it has expanded the limits

ofwhat can be accomplish.


> One of the most important aspects of a physiological doseof therapy is that it

is safe.It is safe no mater what the condition or pathology is, no matter

whatmedications the patient is on, no matter what the patient may be allergic

to,no matter what, a true LLLT unit will


> “…DO NO HARM!â€


> One of the most profound physiological effects of low leveltherapeutic lasers

is the effect of Neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity represents the

brain’sability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections

throughout life.Neuroplasticity provides a way for nerve cells (neurons) in the

brain torespond and compensate for injury and disease and adjust neuronal

activity inresponse to a new situation or to changes in the environment.




> Reorganizing the brain occurs by the mechanism of “axonalsprouting†where

damaged axons grow new nerve endings to reconnect neuronswhose links were

injured or severed. Undamaged axons can alsocontribute new nerve endings and

connect with other undamaged nerve cells,forming new neural pathways to

accomplish a needed function. In order forneurons to reconnect or form new

connections, the neurons need activestimulation. LLLT provides one of the most

powerful stimulants forNeuroplasticity known today and it provides that

stimulation in a safe,therapeutically correct, organized manner.




> Neuroplasticity, represents unlimited potential to retrainthe brain after

injury. However, Neuroplasticity can also contribute toimpairment. For example,

deaf individuals may suffer from continual ringing inthe ears (tinnitus), which

results from faulty rewiring of the brain cellsstarved for sound. For beneficial

neural connections to form, neurons must bestimulated correctly.




> Neuroplasticity represents a new rapidly evolving approachto healing. Givenany

trauma, realizing all traumas involve the central nervous systemrecognizing the

trauma (consciously or subconsciously), quick response withactive neuronal

stimulation, could theoretically maintain, repair, retain mostCNS functions

(learning, memory, speech, emotional distress, movement, balanceetc.). In

simpler terms, theoretically the proper immediate use ofLLLT therapy post

trauma, especially brain trauma, could eliminate much of theneurological

disabilities common in head trauma today.




> Even the simplest memory stimulates complex neural networksat several

different sites in the brain. The content (what happened) andmeaning (how it

felt) of an event are laid down in separate parts of the brain.The goal of

neuroplastic therapy is to connect these sites to resolve thedamaged,

disjointed, dysfunctional nervous systems.




> “…The effect of LLLT on the brain is not magic, it’s malleableâ€




> As with the infrared lasers, the wavelength and powerdensity selected for an

LLLT laser is very important, but for very differentreasons. There are also a

third and fourth component that is critically importantfor the LLLT laser use.

One is the light source and the properties of the lightitself and the other is

frequency. It is not only important for the light to bepulsed but the frequency

it is pulsed isspecific to the therapeutic response desired.




> Following is a close look at the four separate therapeuticproperties of the

LazrPulsr 4X unit.




> *The mechanism of actionfor 635nm light:




> Biological light receptors in living tissue, termed chromophores, have peak

activation atwavelengths between 600nm and 720nm. The most commonly used

wavelengths to activate thesechromophores are from 630nm to 635nm. This is

because even thoughdifferent chromophores have peak activation somewhere between

600nm and 720nm,each chromophore can still be activated within a wider

wavelength spectrum. 635nm fallswithin the wavelength spectrum of all biological

chromophores in man andanimals. This means there is no need to utilize multiple

colors oflasers to activate the different chromophores in the body. One

wavelength †" 635nm †" has the potentialto activate every biological

photo-sensitive receptor in the body.For this reason, the LazrPulsrSystem have

selected only 635nm lasers for the therapy lasers.




> There are three specific and unique methods the 635nm wavelengthlasers of the

LazrPulsr 4Xmodulates tissues:




> 1. Withinthe cell, the signal is transduced and amplified by a photon acceptor

(chromophore).When a chromophore first absorbs light, electronically excited

states arestimulated, primary molecular processes are initiated which lead to

measurablebiological effects. These photobiological effects are mediated through

asecondary biochemical reaction, photosignal transduction cascade,

orintracellular signaling which amplifies thebiological response.





> 2. The ionizing effects of LLLTallow photon acceptors to accept an electron.

This turns on theoxidation-reduction cycle of the stimulated chromophores such

as Cytochromeoxidase, hemoglobin, melanin, and serotonin. Changing the re-dox

state of thechromophore changes the biological activity of that chromophore

e.g.,hemoglobin changes its oxygen carrying capacity. This has the potential

totriple the oxygen carrying capacity of blood instantly.





> 3. When photon energy breaks a chemical bond, changes occur in the

allostericproteins in cell membranes (cell, mitochondrial, nuclear) and

monovalent anddivalent fluxes activate cell metabolism and intracellular enzymes

directly.Direct activation of cell membranes alters ion fluxes, particularly

calcium,across that membrane. Changes in intracellular calcium alter the

concentrationsof cyclic nucleotides, causing an increase in DNA,RNA, and protein

synthesis, which stimulate mitosis and cellular proliferation.




> When any of the above occurs, the initial biological reactionrapidly catalyzes

thousands of other chemicals similar to the calciumregulated, 2nd messenger cAMP

cascade. Thisbiological amplification process produces systemic effects †"

which meansthat as you are treating a wound on the left hand, the wound on your

right handand the injury to your liver and kidney are also being treated equally

as well.So while the infrared manufactures brag about a 2 inch penetration of

theirenergy, truetherapeutic lasers are profoundly more advanced, producing

systemic therapeuticresults.




> These three actionsproduce four separate and distinct functions that are

clearly understood in thebody.




> 1. Growth factor production occurs within cells and tissue in response

toincreased ATP and protein synthesis. This initiates mitosis and

cellproliferation by changing the cell, mitochondrial, or nuclear

membranespermeability to monovalent (Na+, K+) and divalent (Ca++, Mg++) ions

(Karu 1987,1998, 2002).




> 2. Pain relief results from suppression of the nociceptorresponse mediated by

increased serotonin and endorphin release (Sumano et al.,1987a, 1987b).




> 3. Immune-modulation and mitigation of the inflammatory response occur because

the mononuclear phagocytic cells, mast cells,and leukocytes are stabilized

preventing the release of harmful inflammatorymediators (Amano 1994). In

addition, vasodilatation and increasedmicrocirculation allows a rapid return to

homeostasis and promotes firstintention healing (Sumano 1987a, 1987b; Fiszerman

and Rozenbom 1995).




> 4. Direct trigger point stimulation allows direct release of endorphins and

other endogenous painmediators such as serotonin, VIP, substance P,

prostaglandins, etc. (Kaada, Band Eielson O, 1983, Kaada, Olsen and





> The mechanism of action for LASER:




> There are different properties of light. Most light that weare exposed to is

reflected off ourbodies. This is a natural in vivo protection mechanism. If we

absorbedall photon energy that struck our skin, we would explode in a few

minutes ofstanding in the sun. So the first requirement is understanding how to

achievethe proper penetration through the skin. This includes all the skin

layers †" not only our outer skin but the skin of the cell, the skin of the

nucleus ofthe cell, the skin of the mitochondria and so on. All tissues have

opticalwindows and guards to let only specific forms of light penetrate and

activatethe chromophores and other light sensitive properties of the tissue.

Thisrequires the properties that only LASER lightpossesses.




> Collimated light is essential for penetrating the outersurface of the skin.

Coherent light and polarized light is required to passthrough the optical

windows of different tissues. The monochromatic property oflaser light is the

ability to activate only the chromophores desired. Manyassertions have been made

claiming that LEDs †" which do not have coherent,polarized, or collimated

properties †" work as well as LASER light does. If onereviews the scientific

papers, one quickly will find that these studies wereperformed on tissue cells

in vitro, orin a test tissue sample. When the test is run on living animals and

people, in vivo, LED light is not nearly aseffective as the LASER light source

due the above mentioned properties of theLASER.




> The different mechanisms of power density:


> Power density or mW of power of the light source is everyimportant. As

identified earlier, the power density of the infrared radiationneeds to be high

to quickly produce the heat desired. However, in the low-leveltherapeutic

lasers, heat is the enemy. Heatingtissue is not conducive to healing.

Chromophores are verysensitive to the power density. For example, the easiest

way to understand theaction of the chromophore is to think about your vision.

The cones on theretina of the eye contain three different chromophores. Each is

sensitive todifferent wavelengths of light, allowing us to see in colors. But it

is notjust the wavelength; it is also the power density of the light. If it is

toodark, you cannot see because the power density is too low to activate

thechromophore. However, if the light is too bright, it over stimulates

thechromophore into a sedated state and you still can’t see. The chromophore

hasto be stimulated not only by the right wavelength but also with the correct

powerdensity. This is one more reason why a fully collimated laser light source

isneeded for LLLT. To get the correct penetration of the outer skin with very

lowpower density, you must use a fully collimated laser light source.




> The different mechanisms of frequency:




> Frequency addresses the very fundamentalproperties of your life and the world

we live in. Each atom, element, molecule,cell, organism, or substance has its

own ideal electrical wavelength and resonance frequency of vibration

thatcoordinates its activities (Lakovsky, 1970). At the resonance frequency,

energyis maximized and harmonious. The further a substance deviates from

itsresonance frequency, the more dissonance and disease occurs (ing,

1963; Vithoulkas, 1980)




> The body itself uses frequency to alter its functions andcontrol its

physiology. Using brainwave entrainment (specificfrequency stimulation), it is

possible to coax the brainwaves to a certainfrequency and achieve the mental

state associated with that frequency. This isthe basis of the much accepted

Biofeedback modulation used to treat Post Traumatic Stress patients.




> BrainwaveFrequencies are frequencies associated with different mental states.

Afamiliar example is the five brain wave ranges recorded by the EEG;



> Normal 0 false false false



> ·        Delta Range0.5 to 4 HZ - associated with deep sleep.

> ·        Theta Range 4 to 8 HZ - associated withdreaming sleep and

other mental states where the mind is wandering,daydreaming, or imaging.

> ·        Alpha Range8 to 13 HZ †" associated with a relaxed but

awake state.

> ·        Beta Range13 to 30 HZ †" associated with the normal

awake/aware state and speech.

> ·        Gamma Range30 to 60 HZ -associated with higher mental

activity including perception andconsciousness. General anesthesia eliminates

gamma waves.




> Just as the brain can be stimulated to change function byintroducing and

changing resonant frequencies, frequency stimulation can alterall functions of

the body by altering the frequency of the tissue. When youconsider that

frequency pollution from EMFs, florescent lights, cell phones,all the other

radio waves and telecommunication transmissions etc. aredevastating to your

health, frequency therapy becomes mandatory to just correctthese pollutants in

our environment.




> Low Level Therapeutic Lasers (LLLT) can berecognized by the following



> In the product description the wavelength of the light will be in the

visible red range, 630nm (for HeNe tube lasers) and 635nm (for semiconductor

laser diodes).


> In the product description the total power output will be less than 5mW

per laser.


> It will always have fully collimated true lasers and the unit will be

classified as a class IIIa laser.


> The housing that contains the lasers can be held at a comfortable distance

from the wound or tissue being treated.


> The therapy can be administered through natural fiber cloths so that the

patient seldom has to disrobe.


> Eye protection is not necessary for the patient or the doctor; although

directing any LLLT unit at the eyes can be dangerous.


> The proper treatment will be based on the frequency utilized and the Jules

of energy are never mentioned.


> Photobiomodulation and biological amplification is promoted, the word

“penetration†will never be found.


> Low power and no heat will be promoted, High power of any kind should not

be seen.


> 635nm energy is visible so you always know if the unit is on and where it

is pointed.


> The laser will have pulse frequency settings and they will be documented

as accurate and with a broad range.




> The LazrPulsr 4X not only possesses all the qualities of atrue Low Level

Therapeutic Laser it is also designed to be the most userfriendly LLLT unit on

the market with easy to use controls, lightweight, onehand operation, fully

portable and the most accurate and broad range offrequency therapy in any LLLT

unit on the market.


> ---------






> Light: Light is a smallspectrum of electromagnetic energy with wavelengths

between 380nm and 760nm inlength. This spectrum of energy is visible to the

naked eye.




> Wavelength: The property thatdifferentiates different spectrums of energy

within the electromagneticspectrum of energy is wavelength. Each photon contains

energy and just asenergy of the ocean comes to shore in waves of high and low

energy the same istrue of photons. Only with photons the energy is not measured

by the height ofthe wave but the number of waves the photon carries. These waves

are measuredin two ways, the number of waves that will pass a given point in one

second, orwavelength, the distance between one wave and the next.




> Ultraviolet: Ultraviolet iselectromagnetic energy with a wavelength shorter

than 380nm. It is not trulylight because it is not visible to the eye but it is

still commonly calledlight therapy. Ultraviolet rays are damaging to all organic

material. It is theultraviolet (UV) protection that we look for in sunscreens

and sun glasses toprevent us from being burned by the sun There are no known

healing effects ofUV radiation that this author knows of. UV burns tissue with

energy butproduces no heat in the process.




> Infrared: Wavelengths above 760 nmhave fewer waves per second than red and

termed infrared wavelengths. Theycarry or transfer heat from one object to

another. They have been utilized forthermal applications for many years in the

medical field as infrared lamps.




> Collimation: A property oflight commonly associated with lasers and

accomplished with focusing lenseswhere all the Normal 0 false false

false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4  photons are traveling

in the samedirection.





> LED: Light Emitting Diode:There are thousands of different types of diodes

that can emit lightranging in power density and bandwidths of wavelength. All

semiconductor lasersproduce light from a diode, however, LED’s are Lasers.

LEDs can not producecoherent or polarized light.




> SLD: Super Luminescent Diode;is a specific type of LED that has a higher

emission of energy than typicalLEDs. All other aspects are the same as LEDs.




> Pharmacological Dose: A pharmacological dose of any therapy is the

dosenecessary to produce and maintain a desired effect. The goal is to havea

drug or therapy to stay above or at the threshold level for effectivetherapeutic

action but below the toxic level.




> Therefore;

> A pharmacological dose always contains risk and WILL DO HARM.

> A pharmacological dose seldom improves health on its own merit.

> A pharmacological dose will generally be predictable and consistent for

symptomatic response because it is measuring a response to a concentration,

exposure, etc. mostly independent of the body †" overriding the normal

physiology of the patient.


> Nanometer (nm):One nanometer is one billionth of a meter. 10-9 meters

or.000000001 meter = 1 nm. It is the unit of measurement that is commonlyused to

measure the wavelength of energy commonly used in light therapy.




> Power Density (mW):Power density is synonymous with the Wattsof power produced

by the light source. P = mW




> LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissionof Radiation; refers to the

specific qualities and methods bywhich lasers produce light. Originally

theorized and defined by Albert Einsteinin 1917, it was not produced until the

1950s. Laser light is Coherent, has aMonochromatic wavelength, is Collimated,

and Polarized. These four characteristics differentiateLaser’s from LED & SLD

light sources.




> Irradiation Dose (J/cm2):Irradiation dose is defined by the product of the

power density (mW);exposure time divided by area irradiated and is reported as

Joules of energyper square centimeter (J/cm2).


> ID (J/cm2)= P (mW) X T (sec) / A (cm2 /sec)




> Penetration: Propagation of light thoughtissue is regulated by three

properties, Reflection, Penetration, and Absorption. Penetrationrefers to the

distance an energy wave travels into the tissue before it isabsorbed and

dissipated as heat or molecular vibration. Penetration is aphysical and thermal

phenomenon, not a therapeutic phenomenon.




> Duty Cycle: Duty cyclerelates to the amount of time the light source is

active, usually from 10% to100%. If the setting was a 10% duty cycle then out of

every second the lightsource would on 1/10 of a second and be off 9/10 of a

second. This cycle can beat various pulse intervals depending on the





> Biomodulation: Biomodulation is theprocess of changing the natural biochemical

response of a cell or tissue withinthe normal range of its function, stimulating

the cell’s innate metaboliccapacity to respond to a stimulus. A cell can heal

itself by this basis.








> Photobiomodulation:When biomodulation occurs from a photon transferring its

energy to achromophore it is referred to as photobiomodulation.




> Physiological Dose of therapy: APhysiological Dose of any therapy is designed

to stimulate production of, orprovide to the body what it needs to normalize and

heal itself throughbiomodulation. The symptomatic response to a physiological

dose of therapy isdependent of the capacity of the patient’s body to respond

to the therapy. Thephysiological dose of any treatment has specific advantages.


> A physiological dose represents the body’s own response to a stimulus

(e. g., adrenaline in response to a “fight or flight†challenge) and is

generally safe and will DO NO HARM.


> A physiological dose generally improves the patient’s health.


> A physiological dose will always be less predictable and consistent than a

pharmacological dose for symptomatic response because it depends upon an

interaction with the individual patient’s entire body system.


> Chromophores: Chromophore literally means,“Color lover†(L. chromo =

color; L. Phore = to seek out,to have an affinity for, to love). Chromophores

are generally pigmentedmolecules that accept photons within living tissue. When

the chromophoreaccepts a photon, it causes a biochemical change within an

atom,molecule, cell or tissue. If this change increases cellular function, it

issaid to have activated the tissue. If this change decrease cellular function

itis said to have inhibited the tissue. Biomodulation occurs in both cases.




> Biological Amplification: Whenphotobiomodulation occurs, the photon activates

a chromophore, amino acid,nucleic acid, or molecule. Activation of a single

enzyme molecule rapidlycatalyzes thousands of other chemical reactions

amplifying the signal to thecell. This is similar to the, calcium regulated, 2nd

messenger cAMP cascade. Biologicalamplification explains how systemic, cellular,

and clinical effectscan occur almost instantaneously after exposure to light





> Reflection: Propagation of light thoughtissue is regulated by three

properties, Reflection,Penetration, Absorption. When energy waves strike the

skin of any tissue, theywill either pass through or reflect off the tissue. The

energy’s ability topass through a surface tissue is dependent on the

collimation, coherency,wavelength and polarization of the light. Reflected

energy has no therapeuticeffect to the internal tissue.




> LASER: Light Amplificationby Stimulated Emission of Radiation; refers tothe

specific qualities and methods by which lasers produce light. Laser lightis

Coherent (having all wavesin phase), Monochromatic (having a very narrow band of

wavelength),Collimated (all photons traveling in the same direction), and

Polarized(all waves are in the same plane). These four

characteristicdifferentiate Laser’s form LED & SLD, light sources.




> Dose: The term dose is an estimateof a therapy, traditionally a drug, which

produces a desiredtherapeutic action without harmful side effects. The

therapeutic dose (safeand effective) range is defined by clinical evaluation of

the response of asufficient number of patients, generally 50 percent who improve



> Drugs are evaluated at doses to which 20%, 70% or anypercentage to which a

subject responds.




> It is customary to calculate:



> Median Effective Doses or ED50,the dose that gives rise to a response in 50 %

of the subject




> Median Toxic Dose or TD50is the dose that manifests toxic side effects in 50 %

of the subjects




> Median Lethal Dose or LD50is the dose that gives rise to the death of 50% of

the subjects

> In general, a therapy (traditionally a drug) is consideredsafe when the

harmful LDR region of the side effects is much greater than thetherapeutic dose

range, expressed as: Therapeutic Index: TI = TD 50/ED50 MedicalPrinciples of

Pharmacology, 1990




> Frequency Biomodulation: Biomodulationcaused by specific frequencies produced

by therapeutic light devices is calledfrequency biomodulation.






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