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New study: prolonged exposure to EM radiation disrupts the production of various

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New study: prolonged exposure to EM radiation disrupts the production of

various hormones

12 december 2011 December 12, 2011

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A study conducted at the Department of Endocrinology of the National

Research Centre in Cairo, Egypt, shows that prolonged exposure to radiation


mobile phones (both mobile phones as mobile phone antennas), provides a

significant reduction of various hormones.

\More specifically, the production of these hormones distorted:

-- ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)

-- Cortisol

-- Thyroid Hormones

-- Prolactin (in young women

-- Testosterone (in men)

The complete study can be found here .

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Published in the scientific journal Clinical Biochemistry, November 6 2011


How does long term exposure to base stations and mobile phones affect

human hormone profiles?

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Emad F. Eskander !, Selim F. Estefan, Ahmed A. Abd-Rabou

Hormones Department, Medical Research Division, National Research Centre,

Cairo, Egypt


This study is Concerned with Assessing the role of exposure to

radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emitted from mobiles Either or base stations and


relations with human hormone profiles

Design and methods:

All volunteers' samples were collected for hormonal analysis. All

volunteers' samples were Collected for Hormonal analysis.


This study showed significant Decrease in Volunteers' ACTH, cortisol,

thyroid hormones, prolactin for young females, and testosterone levels.


The present study revealed high That RFR effects on pituitary-adrenal


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