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I completely understand about the shakiness you speak of. I have never

experienced it until recently. I notice it more when I overdo with housework or

yard work. I had worked hard cleaning the house last week and when I was

standing at the sink to do dishes my legs felt like rubber. They were shaking

so bad I had to sit down. Now that's never happened to me before. I have had

the fatigue for a while now but I always had strong legs. So for them to be all

shaky and weak all of a sudden kind of freaks me out. I guess I have to look at

it as my body saying 'you've done enough for a while..take a rest'. My balance

comes and goes. Mostly I notice my balance off at work while walking down

hallways. I'll all of a sudden walk into a wall. My friends at work are getting

used to that and barely notice it at all. I am ashamed to say I don't exercise

nearly enough. I'm hoping to change that after this surgery in a couple of

weeks. I have always loved to go for walks and really can't wait to do that

again. If only these feet would cooperate!

Talk to you soon,


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi Betty,

I have tried to get this to the person, but her e-mail won't accept mine, it keeps coming back. Perhaps we can post it to the group as a whole.

Thanks Betty, anything is worth examining.

All my best


[low dose naltrexone] Shakiness

Is the person who wrote and said she had shakiness on DLPA?with theshakiness on DLPA? Maybe it's a side effect(nervousness, as statedbelow).This was included in the information about DLPA....SafetyForms of phenylalanine can cause symptoms of over-stimulation in somepeople, such as insomnia and nervousness, although DLPA is generallyless stimulating than L-phenylalanine. On occasion people reportheadaches or nausea from taking DLPA. Certain people should avoid allforms of phenylalanine supplements, such as anyone with high bloodpressure and women who are pregnant or lactating. Phenylalanine shouldnot be used by anyone taking MAO inhibitor antidepressants-combiningphenylalanine and MAO inhibitors can lead to dangerously high bloodpressure. Children, anyone with psychosis, and those suffering frommalignant melanoma or the condition known as phenylketonuria, agenetic disorder of phenylalanine metabolism, should also not takephenylalanine supplements.Betty

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