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NON-organic = estrogen dominance = disease

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Lose Stubborn Fat by Avoiding Estrogenic Foods

Sunday, April 22, 2012 5:56 PM

By Sylvia Booth Hubbard


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Are you still overweight regardless of constant dieting and daily trips to

the gym? And if your doctor repeats the same advice about diet and exercise

while shaking his head, subtly suggesting you secretly keep a stash of

Twinkies in your gym bag, perhaps you should take a look at a diet that's

not really a diet at all - the anti-estrogenic diet. Your problem could be

that you have a condition called " estrogen dominance. " It is caused by your

diet, but by a diet high in estrogen, not one high in calories.

Diets high in estrogen create a condition called " estrogen dominance, "

according to Ori Hofmekler, author of The Anti-Estrogenic Diet. " Estrogen

dominance is believed to be responsible for age-related weight gain and

metabolic disorders in both men and women, " he says. In addition, estrogen

dominance has put the human race in deadly danger, Hofmekler warns.

If Hofmekler is correct, we should be more worried about saving the human

species than the spotted leopard, because humans are also on the fast track

to extinction. In the past 50 years, sperm counts in men have dropped 50

percent, while the average man's testosterone level has plummeted 20 percent

in just the last 20 years. Such sharp drops are a wakeup call.

The outlook for women is no better, Hofmekler says, citing figures showing

that one-third of women who are now between ages 35 and 60 will develop

breast cancer.

" If the human species were an animal, zoologists would look at us and say,

'This species is about to become extinct. Something is seriously wrong.

Let's see what can be done.' "

Study after study indicates that humans face major health problems in terms

of cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes, and obesity. The main

reason, says Hofmekler, is too much estrogen.

If you think you can't possibly be eating foods loaded with estrogens,

you're wrong - dead wrong. Most foods crowding supermarket shelves are

estrogenic, according to Hofmekler. Meat and dairy products contain

hormones, and vegetables and fruits are covered in pesticides. Once inside

the body, they all mimic estrogen, the female hormone that causes estrogen

disorders, including breast cancer in women.

And estrogen virtually castrates men.

Synthetic forms of estrogen, called xenoestrogens, are industrial

derivatives, and they are found in the air we breathe, cleaning products,

lotions and shampoos, water, and foods. Natural estrogens, called

phytoestrogens, occur naturally in common foods, herbs, and extracts. When

the two are combined in the human body, as they are in today's modern

society, they overwhelm the system.

Dr. Blaylock, noted neurosurgeon and author of " The Blaylock

Report, " agrees. " Hofmekler is absolutely correct when he says that all of

us are being exposed to large amounts of estrogenic compounds which are

wreaking havoc with our hormone levels, " he tells Newsmax Health. " Studies

show that xenoestrogens from plastics appear to cause premature menses in

young girls. Soy isoflavones appear to increase aggressiveness and heighten

antisocial behavior in monkeys, and appear to feminize male animals.

" As Hofmekler points out, obesity also raises estrogen levels. I think the

dramatic increase in benign breast disease (fibrocystic disease) as well as

some breast cancers, is the result of too much estrogen. Studies have shown

that genistein from soy increases the growth and invasion of breast cancer. "

Although the foods we eat have changed - from seeds, nuts, beans, fish, and

fruits to heavily processed foods filled with additives - our bodies

haven't. We're modern men in suits and ties still living in a caveman's


According to Hofmekler, we have never adapted to such a surplus of estrogen

in our food, so we're slowly eating ourselves into extinction. " That's the

bad news, " he says. " The good news is that man has amazing survival

mechanisms that have helped him survive incredibly hard conditions such as

famine, plague, and moving from one area of the world to another. But our

survival mechanisms are not being triggered today because we live in a world

that is totally different from the rugged world our bodies are adapted to.

Instead, they remain dormant. "

The key to triggering your body's survival mechanisms is to adopt an

anti-estrogenic diet. This is not an ordinary diet, Hofmekler emphasizes.

Most diets are restrictive and don't offer real solutions because they don't

take the effects of estrogenic foods into account. In addition, many diet

products contain soy protein and other estrogen-promoting ingredients that

leave our bodies bloated and sick.

An anti-estrogenic diet is simple and delicious. It has three main points:

.. Eat lower down on the food chain. Eat foods that are more in tune with our

genetic makeup such as fruits, vegetables, beans, roots, nuts, seeds, eggs,

dairy, and wild-caught fish.

.. Minimize foods treated with chemicals. Eat as much organic food as

possible, and avoid synthetic vitamins.

.. Supplement your diet with nutrients that support your hormones. The

flavones chrysin, apigenine, quercetin, and narigenin all inhibit estrogen,

as well as the indoles: indole 3 carbinol, diindolymethane (DIM), and indole

3 acetate.

Hofmekler's anti-estrogenic diet consists of a three-week jump-start

program. The first week is a liver detoxification program that will cleanse

your liver and enhance its functioning to create an environment that will

allow your body to efficiently metabolize fats and carbohydrates for energy.

Phase I relies on fresh fruits and vegetables (heavy on crucifers such as

broccoli), low-fat yogurt, fertile eggs, beans, whole grains, wild-caught

fish and aged cheese, and prepares the body to switch from fuel based on

carbohydrates to fuel based on fat. " Most people can tell a difference by

the end of only one week, " says Hofmekler.

Phase II emphasizes eating foods that promote anti-estrogenic hormones

(progesterone in women and testosterone in men). Raw nuts, seeds, and olives

are added to the diet as the body shifts from carbohydrate-based to

fat-based fuel.

Phase III introduces meats, breads and pastas to the diet, but only in the

evening meal and only on alternate days. Rotate phase III days with days of

Phase I or II.

After reintroducing meats to your diet, remember when making food choices

that food from the bottom of the food chain will probably be better for your

body than a food from the top.

Far from being a calorie-curbing, austere diet, the anti-estrogenic diet

offers possibilities for a variety of delicious foods that probably include

your favorite dishes - with a few substitutions. For example, substituting

soy oil with olive oil changes an ingredient from estrogenic to

anti-estrogenic. And regardless of your ethnic background, anti-estrogenic

foods fit right in. " Generally, any ethnic recipe based on fresh vegetables

or cooked crucifiers is anti-estrogenic, " says Hofmekler, whose website,

www.defensenutrition.com, provides more information on the diet.

Be patient, says Hofmekler, and even the most stubborn fat, including

estrogen-sensitive belly fat, will eventually melt away.

Two footnotes:

.. While you're losing fat, you may be gaining hair! A study at North

Carolina State University found that shaven mice given an estrogen blocker

grew a full coat of hair in four weeks, while those given estrogen remained

bald and only 20 percent of mice given neither drug had re-grown all of

their hair.

.. Scientists are developing anti-estrogen drugs to treat cancer.

" Anti-estrogens have been shown to prevent breast cancer in some women, "

Jill Siegfried, a professor in the department of pharmacology and chemical

biology at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, said in an

American Association for Cancer Research news release.

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