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Re: Kids and stress with CMT

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Sounds like stress to me. Stress can cause wetting in kids and adults. Why not


him some goodnites to wear. Most kids don't associate these with diapers, just

special underwear. There are prints for boys and girls. The wetting should go


eventually. It's better not to make a big deal out of it, just get the

goodnites, have

him wear them and tell him that as long as he's having accidents it's better to


these and tell him when they quit he can go back to his regular underwear. You

could tell him that more than likely there are other kids in his class wearing


too. You also might want to talk to his dr about the accidents and see if he

wants to

see him about this.Goodnites does have a good website for both kids and

adults,goodnites.com. Go there and read about it. I think there is a section


stress. I don't think this has anything to do with CMT.

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So sorry to hear about Gavin. Sounds like he's real angry about the

AFOs. I recall you mentioned he wore them at night too - so am

wondering if he has just 'had enough'!? Have you got the book " Aunt

Scarlett's Farm " for him? If it is an AFO issue, that book might be

helpful. I am also wondering if the kids at school are teasing or

bullying him? Or could the teacher have said something?

While I was somewhat older than Gavin, at 7, when I had to wear those

blasted toe braces and start seeing doctors, I knew something wasn't

right and I internalized all this, never saying how I felt. Somehow I

thought it (CMT) was all my fault - and we all know how I chose

to 'act this out' years later.

Perhaps the info at this link might be of some help.


The whole arena of emotions and CMT, whether child or adult, needs much more

exploration by professionals and researchers.

~ Gretchen

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Sorry to hear this. Did you ask Gavin if anyone in his class or his friends made

fun at his AFOs. I always ask my son this question. He had his AFOs when he was

13. It's hard for a four year old to deal with it.

Take care,


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Hi Sally,

I am sure my Adam had stress from CMT and AFOS. He was 4 when he got his first

pair. Adam was also held back in kindergarten, what a crappy year he had. He

didn't show the same signs that Gavin is showing but I am sure all the stress

didn't help him at school. I wonder if maybe Gavin has a low grade bladder

infection or another medical problem that has brought on bed wetting. I hate to

give CMT any credit. Heck maybe it's just a phase. I wouldn't make much of it. I

am sure this will


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Thanks ,

You're so right that there could be so many issues. We're going to talk to his

family doctor this week about possible medical causes.

It would be so nice if it was just a phase. We're meeting with his teachers

tomorrow to talk about strategies to help him focus at school. It sort of sounds

like Adam had a similar first year. Did he progress much between 4 and puberty?

I know CMT is so variable but I can't help asking! Worst possible disease to

have in the family when you hate not knowing what's to come.


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