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Is this normal?

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Hi Canaan,

I am sorry you are in so much pain. How long has this been going on? Is there

any connection to the IVF meds and the pain? If that is the case it would be a

good thing knowing that after you are pregnant the pain will subside. How long

have you felt this extra weakness? Have you tried hypnotherapy? I am not sure if

it will help but it might be worth looking into while you are TTC.

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Hi guys and gals~

I'm seeing my MDA doc tomorrow morning and have a few " mayday " questions to pose

to my fellow ers before I ask the BIG doc.

I've recently been diagnosed with CMT type 2. I have high arches,

hammer toes and weak, weak ankles. I wear AFOs and do pretty well

with them. I was also on Nuerontin 300 mg's 3 x's a day but recently

had to go off of them while pursuing IVF. (invitro fertilization) to

become pregnant.

So I'm 31 and newly hit with this load of bricks. I'm now off of my

Wellbrutrin and Neurontin (which was helping) and in this nowhere

land of trying to conceive while having CMT and can't take anything

for it.

There is my first question: Is there anything on this earth that can

help me with my pain, while trying to conceive?

I'm at a loss, guys. I wake up day to day feeling my ankles give way

in my AFOs. If I happen to overdo it I can't walk the next day. I

feel like I'm walking on shattered glass. I hurt so bad, it's made

me doubt even being and becoming a Mom again. (yeah that bad)

the other question: Is this normal for those with CMT Type 2? Am I

just nuts? I can't be making up this pain, I'd be more nuts than I

already feel. I hurt on a constant daily basis and it's getting

worse. I am getting to where I can't open jars easily, or do more

around the house than usual due to the inability to walk the next

day. Going shopping even for groceries is almost too much to bear. I

have a cane, but I don't use it too much. My balance is off, but I

can usually correct it myself. For the first time in my life I used

a electric wheel chair while shopping the other day and I felt like

a new woman. I actually enjoyed shopping. If that makes any sense.

I'm reluctant to ask for a wheel chair, due to the CMT being mild as

they say. But the pain is not. I have a high tolerance for pain and

it boggles me why I can't go shopping, or mow the lawn anymore.

I'm so tired all the time. I also want to know if that's normal too.

This (the pain) has changed my outlook on things, I used to be a

busybody and now I can't be. I'm in a sour mood all the time now, I

don't want to do anything, but I do. Knowing I'll pay for it the

next day, causes me to just not want to do anything.

Oh and I also have to give up my career. At 31 what in the heck do I

do? I want to contribute to the family. I NEED to contribute.

So help me, guys.

Am I nuts?



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