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Wow Congrats !

LOVE those inches coming off!! I, unfortunately, cannot go to Curves anymore

because of my hernia and I am definately losing muscle tone....but I want the

tummy tuck the most, so I am waiting on the hernia repair and that kind of

exercise, but one day!



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  • 2 years later...
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It is recommended by my fitness center staff to do weight lifting,

barbells, etc. and allow at least 48 hours between sessions for

optimal results. In fact the American College of Sports Medicine

recommends resistance training 2 days a week.


However, cardio activities are recommended as a daily activity. The

President's Council on Physical Fitness & Sports recommends 30 mins.

daily or more.


Further exploration of that site reveals recommendations for seniors

as well.


> > My question is about the exercise program curves has anyone heard


> > it and does anyone with a hip replacement currently use it?

> Dear Kathy,

> I have a friend that I have known through email for about 5 years.

She is

> going to Curves and there is a woman there that had a THR that has


> exercising. For the immediate post op exercises, of course, this

would be

> ridiculous. But for strengthening muscles later, it might be

good. I read

> somewhere where we can never stop strengthening those muscles

because it

> could lead to dislocation. I have known 2 people that have had

> complications years down the road and when I asked, they said they


> stopped the muscle strengthening exercises. One man dislocated when

> twisting his leg to flush a toilet. The other lady has terrible


> pain and is just sitting in her chair all the time now. So from

now on, I

> think muscle strengthening exercises will have to be a regular part

of my

> day.


> I have a question though. Do you people that walk or do some sort


> aerobic exercise like that do it every day or is it less than

that? IOW,

> when I used to do aerobic exercise, they said you shouldn't do it


> But I'm curious if this applies right now?

> Blessings,

> Vera

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I was never told I could get help with a fitness center I guess because I was older and I didn't have good insurance.

regards juneflowertreprice2000 <treprice2000@...> wrote:

It is recommended by my fitness center staff to do weight lifting, barbells, etc. and allow at least 48 hours between sessions for optimal results. In fact the American College of Sports Medicine recommends resistance training 2 days a week. http://www.exrx.net/WeightTraining/Guidelines.html However, cardio activities are recommended as a daily activity. The President's Council on Physical Fitness & Sports recommends 30 mins. daily or more. http://fitness.gov/adults.htm Further exploration of that site reveals recommendations for seniors as well.> > > My question is about the exercise program curves has anyone heard of> > it and does anyone with a hip replacement currently use it?> Dear Kathy,> I have a friend that I have known through email for about 5 years. She is> going to Curves and there is a woman there that had a THR that has been> exercising. For the immediate post op exercises, of course, this would be> ridiculous. But for strengthening muscles later, it might be good. I read> somewhere where we can never stop strengthening those muscles because it> could lead to dislocation. I have known 2 people that have had> complications years down the road and when I asked, they said they had> stopped the muscle strengthening exercises. One man dislocated when>

twisting his leg to flush a toilet. The other lady has terrible sciatic> pain and is just sitting in her chair all the time now. So from now on, I> think muscle strengthening exercises will have to be a regular part of my> day.> > I have a question though. Do you people that walk or do some sort of> aerobic exercise like that do it every day or is it less than that? IOW,> when I used to do aerobic exercise, they said you shouldn't do it daily.> But I'm curious if this applies right now?> Blessings,> Vera

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  • 10 months later...
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I checked out Curves cause I got a free week. I was not impressed it was

actually pretty boring. Just going around and around on a circuit. The other

thing was the aerobic pads...bascily just marching in place and pounding the the

feet, ankles, knees and hips. I also did not like the contract idea..cause

as you know with RA each day can be different.

I also ask both my rheummy and my bariatric surgeon about Curves and neither

one would recommend it. Both suggested water aerobics as a better source of

exercise. No pool they suggested walking with a good pair of walking shoes.

I personally prefer my Tony LIttle Gazelle crosstrainer for aerobic exercise

and have found it easy on my lower joints.

Now I have been off all meds and in remission since May 2004. So I have been

doing farely well...no always totally pain and stiffness free but pretty

survivable with tylenol or no meds at all.

Good luck on you search for exercise.


In a message dated 3/24/2005 5:38:08 PM Central Standard Time,


Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 10:04:35 EST

From: GoAwayRA@...

Subject: Curves question

Hi everyone!

Like the rest of you with RA or similar conditions, I know the importance of

movement. I do some yoga and swim once a week, but I need to add more when

I feel up to it. I have a bike and weights and a great neighborhood to walk

in, but I am missing the " gym " (read: social) interaction. Based on a

glowing recommendation from a dear friend, I am considering joining Curves.

I am

curious if anyone here has tried that program and what your experience with


has been. I am thinking that 30 minutes/3x week is very doable and it is

great that you get the benefits of cardio and strength training.

Anyone have experience with this? I feel like I want to do what I can while

I can do it and this is seeming like an attractive option.

Thanks for your feedback!

Love and Prayers,


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I checked out Curves cause I got a free week. I was not impressed it was

actually pretty boring. Just going around and around on a circuit. The other

thing was the aerobic pads...bascily just marching in place and pounding the the

feet, ankles, knees and hips. I also did not like the contract idea..cause

as you know with RA each day can be different.

I also ask both my rheummy and my bariatric surgeon about Curves and neither

one would recommend it. Both suggested water aerobics as a better source of

exercise. No pool they suggested walking with a good pair of walking shoes.

I personally prefer my Tony LIttle Gazelle crosstrainer for aerobic exercise

and have found it easy on my lower joints.

Now I have been off all meds and in remission since May 2004. So I have been

doing farely well...no always totally pain and stiffness free but pretty

survivable with tylenol or no meds at all.

Good luck on you search for exercise.


In a message dated 3/24/2005 5:38:08 PM Central Standard Time,


Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 10:04:35 EST

From: GoAwayRA@...

Subject: Curves question

Hi everyone!

Like the rest of you with RA or similar conditions, I know the importance of

movement. I do some yoga and swim once a week, but I need to add more when

I feel up to it. I have a bike and weights and a great neighborhood to walk

in, but I am missing the " gym " (read: social) interaction. Based on a

glowing recommendation from a dear friend, I am considering joining Curves.

I am

curious if anyone here has tried that program and what your experience with


has been. I am thinking that 30 minutes/3x week is very doable and it is

great that you get the benefits of cardio and strength training.

Anyone have experience with this? I feel like I want to do what I can while

I can do it and this is seeming like an attractive option.

Thanks for your feedback!

Love and Prayers,


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----- Original Message -----

From: aclavern33@...

> I also ask both my rheummy and my bariatric surgeon about Curves and neither

one would recommend it. Both suggested water aerobics as a better source of

exercise. No pool they suggested walking with a good pair of walking shoes.

Someone told me that she got an infection using a warm water pool for aerobics.

It makes sense you would want to be careful in a pool where others are and where

the water is unusually warm since many of us are on drugs that can lower our

ability to fight infections.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I don't have to worry about it since I live in a

small town and the nearest warm water pool is 100 miles away.


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----- Original Message -----

From: aclavern33@...

> I also ask both my rheummy and my bariatric surgeon about Curves and neither

one would recommend it. Both suggested water aerobics as a better source of

exercise. No pool they suggested walking with a good pair of walking shoes.

Someone told me that she got an infection using a warm water pool for aerobics.

It makes sense you would want to be careful in a pool where others are and where

the water is unusually warm since many of us are on drugs that can lower our

ability to fight infections.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I don't have to worry about it since I live in a

small town and the nearest warm water pool is 100 miles away.


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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Elaina,

I really appreciate you responding, I just love getting these responses and

talking to all of you. Hey do you wear AFOs? I want to know who I should go to,

to get measured for a pair. I would love to have something to help my drop foot

and balance. Thanks so much.

Elaine :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi. I was reading some of the posts from earlier in the month and I

thought I'd put in my $0.02 about Curves. Just make sure that

the " trainer " at the franchise you use pays attention to your workout

on a regular basis, not just when you start. The location I went to

often had teenage girls manning the desk who did not watch the

workouts. Consequently, I wound up injuring my shoulder. I think it

was because I was doing some of the machines wrong, (I know that I

saw plenty of other women doing them differently than I'd been

taught). Of course, I have no concrete proof of that, but like I

said, just be careful!

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Wow!! Sorry to hear about your bad experience. According to our owner of Curves

there are strict guidelines about who can be a trainer and they must recieve

asll the proper training. I have been going three days a week and in a month I

lost 6.50 pounds and 16.25 inches.

The most amazing thing is I can actually flex what little muscle is left in my

calves. I know it is a little thing to some people but I haven't flexed a

muscle there in 3 years no matter what I tried to build the muscle up. I hope

others can have a good experience like

I'm having.

Happy in Arkansas Cathleen

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Hi Cathleen,

This makes me really want to find out more about Curves, I have one right down

the road from me but have never tried it. I just guess I don't want to be

embarassed about the way I walk or how I do things. Thanks, Tell me more ok?


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I have never felt self conscious at Curves. They make you feel good just

getting started. I found the ladies very nice and encouraging. I recently went

to Texas and the Curves down there was just as nice. The exercises are easy and

you can work slow or fast. The machines use hydralics instead of weights which

is great for me. I don't think you have to feel funny about how you look doing

the exercises because a couple of the machines make everyone look funny when you

are working out on them.

The ladies there are all there for one reason to improve there life. I love it

because there are no men allowed. If there is anything you absolutely can't do

you just skip it and no one looks at you

funny. I waddle like a duck when I walk and no one makes fun of me, they smile

and encourage me.

One day I got my AFO caught in one of the machines, it was my fault I got in

wrong, I fell over getting out and I never saw so many hands reaching out to

help me. This has been a good experience for me.


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  • 1 year later...

, I tried curves for awhile and personally I didn't feel like I was get a good enough work out. I didn't even sweat. But some people like it because it is very low impact. Maybe if you wanted to start of at curves and then work your way up to a gym. Or you might like curves...who knows. But like I said I didn't feel like I was getting enough of a workout. N.Ruth <cajunfrancks@...> wrote: Does anyone belong to Curves? Do you like it? Does it give you

enoughof a workout? We live in a small town and don't have a lot of options for gyms. Iwalk everyday but I need to do something in addition to walking.I'm thinking about joining Curves and just wondered if anybody had anyexperience or insight...I'd love to hear your thoughts!Thanks!Ruth

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I used to go to curves before wls. I loves it. Its so easy and you really get a

work out

---- Ruth <cajunfrancks@...> wrote:

> Does anyone belong to Curves? Do you like it? Does it give you enough

> of a workout?


> We live in a small town and don't have a lot of options for gyms. I

> walk everyday but I need to do something in addition to walking.


> I'm thinking about joining Curves and just wondered if anybody had any

> experience or insight...


> I'd love to hear your thoughts!


> Thanks!


> Ruth








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I have been a member of Curves since 5 weeks after banding. Some people say it isn't enough of a work out but I believe that you get whatever kind of work out you want out of it....it all depends upon how hard you work when you are there. I constantly watch others who may do 6 or 8 repititions on a machine and, no, they aren't working up a sweat. However, I make it my goal to get at least 18 repititions on each machine so I definately work up a sweat. There are people who simply march in place on the recovery stations and, no, they don't work up a sweat. However, I run as fast as I can on each recovery station so I definately work up a sweat. It's all in how much you want to put into it. The only thing negative in my personal opinion is the choice of music that my particular Curves plays....I don't particularly care to work out with Amazing Grace or This Little Light of Mine with a rock beat. But, again, that is just my

personal opinion. I knew when I joined Curves that I might get tired of it but I am committed to doing it for one year. After this year is up in March, I will do something else. I knew that I needed to do something of this sort...the idea of 30 minutes per workout was appealing...since I had not exercised before. Curves is not perfect but it does work for me. Jenni H. Currie DOB 2/23/06 231/164/145 (Something is working....Curves plays a HUGE part in my weightloss) 1st fill 5/13 1.3ccsRuth <cajunfrancks@...> wrote: Does anyone belong to Curves? Do you like it? Does it give you enoughof a workout? We live in a small town and don't have a lot of options for gyms. Iwalk everyday but I need to do something in addition to walking.I'm thinking about joining Curves and just wondered if anybody had anyexperience or insight...I'd love to hear your thoughts!Thanks!Ruth

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