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How long is it safe to call?

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How long is it safe to call?



The radiation from mobile phones is thousandfold stronger than the

intensity that causes a measurable impact on your cells and tissues. Therefore,

even a short call can be harmful.

Three major kinds of hazards arouse especially great concern:

1. DNA damage. It is well established that the DNA is damaged by mobile

phone radiation. The stronger the intensity the greater the damage. It is

also well known from the study of radioactivity, which damages DNA in a

similar way, that the effect is cumulative. DNA damage increases the risk for


Effect of exposure time: The risk for a harmful effect is small with a

short call and increases over time. So if you want to minimize DNA irradiation

damage, never make long calls. For safety, to minimize the damage to your

DNA, the shorter calls, the better. Every second increases the risk.

2. Blood-Brain-Barrier damage. A Swedish research team lead by professor

Leif Salford, neurosurgeon, found that this barrier, which protects the

brain from inflow of harmful substances from the bloodstream, was disrupted by

mobile phone microwaves at levels occurring during normal calls. It is

known that this barrier is damaged in Parkinsons disease and in Alzheimers

dementia. So there is a risk that disruption of this protection barrier may

damage the brain.

Effect of exposure time: This disruption occurred within 2 minutes. In

some cases even sooner. The effect was greater, the greater the intensity of

the radiation and it probably affects all people.

3. A general disturbance of the physiology including brain function and

heart function. Depressions, sleep disturbances, concentration difficulties,

memory disturbances, heart rate irregularities have been reported. Stress

burnout may be a consequence. This effect seems to affect all people to a

greater or lesser extent and it has been reported at low radiation

intensities. Accumulating research data indicate with increasing strength that


is a major public health issue.

Effect of exposure time: The longer the call the greater the impact,

beginning immediately and building up cumulatively.


A. Minimize time and and intensity

In short:

- Make only brief calls - seconds, not minutes - at minimum radiation.

- Turn off the phone whenever possible.

- Minimize stand-by time to situations only when you must be immediately


- Keep it away from the body when on stand-by.


1. Minimize the time you speak. This is because the risk for damage

increases the longer you speak. Preferably use the mobile only for very short

messages, of a few seconds length, never for several minutes.

2. Minimize the intensity of the irradiation. This is because the risk for

harmful damage increases the stronger the intensity.

-Avoid calling when the signal is weak (as indicated on the phone screen),

because then your mobile will irradiate maximally in order to be able to

reach the station.

-Avoid speaking in elevators and other confined places, because there the

irradiation is especially strong (the metal walls reflect the microwaces

and also a much stronger signal from the mobile phone is needed so as to

reach out through the shaft).

-Avoid speaking in busses, trains, trams, subway/underground vehicles etc.

A Japanese study found a considerable increase of radiation in trains

because the radiation was reflected inside the space due to the metal walls.

The same goes for all vehicles.

-Hold the phone as far away as possible from the head while calling. The

intensity of the radiation decreases rapidly with distance (with the square

of the distance). For this reason:

-Use safe headsets. It seems that the kind having a plastic tube between

the earpiece and the phone are best. Search on Google for tube + headset (or

airtube) and you will find several alternatives.

-Use a loudspeaker phone, as your headset may not not always be available.

3. Minimize the exposure of the body to irradiation. This is because the

body absorbs the harmful microwaves much better than the skull. Therefore

don't carry an active mobile phone in a pocket or clipped to the belt.

Professor Olle Johanson had a case who developed cancer in the body exactly

beneath the place where the mobile phone was clipped on to the belt. So far no

research has been published to our knowledge about such cases but we would

expect a significant connection in the same way as brain tumors develop

close to spot where one holds the mobile phone.

- Switch off the mobile phone when you don't call

- Rethink your priorities regarding accessibility. If it is not of vital

importance that you need to be reached immediately, switch it off. In stead

check your calls regularly and call back in some place where the signal

strength is excellent.

-If you have to have it on stand-by, don't carry it close to the body.

Develop the habit of having it in a handbag, briefcase or the like

- In the car, use a hands-free set that enables you to put the mobile phone

as far away from the body as possible and most preferably uses an antenna

mounted on the outside of the car.

B. Avoid other sources of microwave radiation

* Keep out of WiFi fields. If you have WiFi-based internet at home,

get rid of it and use cable connection (ethernet). Until you find a

replacement, switch the WiFi off when not used. Some studies indicate that the

WiFi irradiatoin is stronger than the producers maintain. And it is contiuous.

Don't stay long in WiFi cafés. Don't take jobs where the internal network

is WiFi-based. We are aware that this is becoming increasingly difficult,

but by putting your attention on this, you can hopefully reduce the

expostion significantly.

* Don't use cordless phones anywhere and especially not at home.

Their " base station " , the charger/antenna, emits strong and continuous

microwave radiation throughout the whole house 24 hrs a day. Throw the cordless

away and use ordinary landlines only.

* Keep out of Mobile phone towers / base stations. Studies indicate

an increased rate of diseases, including cancers, within about 400 m from



Please note that these measures don't eliminate the risk, they only reduce


Bottom line

There is only one way of reducing the radiation hazard to fully safe

levels - it is not to use the mobile at all and to minimize the exposure to

Wifi-systems and Mobile phone towers.



1. DNA damage

* See " The cancer risk "



2. Blood-Brain-Barrier damage

-See " Mobile Phone Exposure Causes Brain Damage " .



- Scientific source: " Nerve Cell Damage in Mammalian Brain after Exposure

to Microwaves from GSM Mobile Phones "



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