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Major Physicians Group Implores Exemption From Smart Meters – Are You On the List

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Major Physicians Group Implores Exemption From Smart Meters – Are You On the



Are you on the doctors* list of people who should be exempt from Smart Meters?

In the last couple years, paying electricity residents have witnessed a

startling use of force regarding installation of Smart Meters. This is after

complaining to Public Utility Commissions about legitimate and serious health

problems that were absent before the installations.

More alarming, is that doctors* notices on behalf of their patients are

completely dismissed. One doctor implored help from a commission that the

situation wouldn*t be so urgent if patients had the ability to choose another

company or have the ability to opt-out (of something they never asked for or

actually protested in the first place).

But, tables are turning as awareness grows and doctors, researchers, and

activists are joining forces to resist the Smart Meter invasion.

Also Read: Doctors Warn, **Avoid Smart Meter Radiation.**


The prestigious American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has just

issued a report emphasizing that patients with any of myriad health issues be

accommodated to avoid not only having Smart Meters installed on their own

properties, but to be accommodated also for their neighbors’ Smart Meters.

The report  asks for doctors to recognize EMF/RF exposure in their patients,

the cumulative effects, and especially the effects of Smart Grid technology.

Are you on the list of people who should not be near a Smart Meter?

I don’t know . . . do you ever have an upset stomach or headaches for no

discernible reason? Ever have anxiety? (Anxiety is now considered epidemic!)

The other many symptoms include those relating to neurological impairment

(including anything from dizziness to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, and

much more), pulmonary (including chest tightness), muscular (including spasms),

gastrointestinal, pain, skin issues, sinuses, lungs (even shortness of breath),

dental, sleep, ADHD, tremors, visual disruption, liver, genetic defects, fetal

abnormalities, depression, cancer, and more. Pregnant women and the elderly are

also indicated as those who should avoid EMF/RF exposure.

Chances are – you should be exempt from being anywhere near Smart Meters! And

your electric company should remove your neighbors* meters to accommodate you.

This report is adding more weight to the side of those fighting for their


What if you are in perfect health? Then, it*s not advisable to ruin a perfectly

good thing. Let*s revisit some of the symptoms that Smart Meters have been known

to cause:

The World Health Organization has recently classified the type of radiation

emitted from smart meters (non-ionizingradiation) as a Class 2B carcinogen, on

par with lead and DDT. [symptoms]:

-- Sleep problems (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, night waking,


-- Stress, agitation, anxiety, irritability

-- Headaches, sharp pain or pressure in the head

-- Ringing in the ears, ear pain, high pitched ringing

-- Concentration, memory or learning problems

-- Fatigue, muscle or physical weakness

-- Disorientation, dizziness, or balance problems

-- Eye problems, including pain and pressure

-- Cardiac symptoms, palpitations, arrhythmias, chest pain

-- Leg cramps, or neuropathy

-- Arthritis, body pain, sharp, stabbing pains

-- Nausea, flu-like symptoms

-- Sinus problems, nose bleeds

-- Respiratory problems, cough, asthma

-- Skin rashes, facial flushing

-- Urinary problems

-- Endocrine disorders, thyroid problems, diabetes

-- High blood pressure

-- Changes in menstrual cycle

-- Hyperactivity or changes in children’s behavior

-- Seizures

-- Recurrence of cancer

Consumers are reporting that smart meters are giving them non-stop headaches,

insomnia, heart palpitations and body aches, and making them so sick they are

going to have to sell their home and/or move. (Source)

There are also studies on DNA damage   caused by low frequency EMFs.

By now it should be official: no one should be subjected to dangerous Smart

Meters. Especially if there were ever a shadow of a doubt.

But, if one doctors* group report doesn’t finally sway electric companies, the

PUCs, and local officials, then maybe some other recent events will:

-- Just last week, renown speaker on EMF and health, Dr. Carpenter, and 40

other international experts refuted a May 24th letter  by some engineers,

physicists, and chemists trying to assuage public fears about EMF/RF radiation

with **real science.** The rebuttal is jammed packed with cited studies

regarding health, and schools the engineers on science and the human body. It is

a must read and emphasizes the damage Smart Grid exposure can have on children.

These doctors wiped the floor with them!

-- One double-blind study in December concluded: **EMF hypersensitivity can

occur as a bona fide environmentally inducible neurological syndrome.**

-- Another notable change of heart: the leader of Canada*s Green Party and

Parliament Member, May, 180′ed her stance  on EMF and health last

year and even withstood a lot of flak.

What*s more, electric companies like PG & E have been fully aware of the dangerous

health effects of EMF for 20 years! Back then the phrase of the day was

**childhood leukemia,** legitimately traced to overexposure to EMF through power

lines. So, PG & E issued a brochure  actually warning people to keep their

distance from electric appliances to minimize the chance of EMF-related cancer.

Do you think they warn their patrons today about the same appliances when it

comes to RF exposure even after thousands of health complaints roll in? Here is

their stance today. Pulling again from the anti-Smart Meter info handout

above:  **Keep this in mind… there has NEVER been any studies done by our

federal or state governments to look at the health safety aspect of smart meter

technology.** You may notice PG & E*s method of cherry-picking data and words, and

using only one report quoting the FCC.

Coincidentally, just one day before the AAEM report, PBS aired a pro-Smart Grid

piecethat was more reminiscent of a shameless infomercial for both the Public

Utilities Commission and Agenda 21. It focuses on the benefit of centralizing as

an essential measure to restore power during storms so people aren*t left to

melt in the heat like they were during recent Texas storms. It is only at the

very end that PBS NewHour cleverly downplays the opposition, supposedly to get

airtime on July 20th:

Not everyone in Texas is sold, of course. A small group of people opposed to

smart meters was scheduled to hold a march in Austin today to make that clear.

Next week, we will report on some of the objections, including health risks and

privacy considerations.

Actually, the march was a sizable gathering of people vying for a hearing

regarding health concerns in response to a petition  created by popular

journalist and activist Devvy Kidd. Just as before, they have been repeatedly

ignored and deferred over stupid technicalities. Smart Meters have been

installed all over Texas by **silent force** with no one*s consent. They are not

being taken seriously, and it will be interesting to see if PBS treats activist

arguments with respect on the 20th.

There really does appear to be an unbending Technocracy at work, that disregards

safety and choice, and yet forces more payment from the grieving peasants.

When private corporations would stomp on their paying customers’  wishes,

even slowly killing them, one could surmise that the orders are from on high –

at this time it would appear that consumer rights are the casualty of the

sub-goals of Agenda 21 – initiated with bribe money to the federal government,

partially forwarded to the State and PUCs, complete with irresistible payouts to

the major utility corporations.

Sample refusal letter:


Take tangible action:


File Small Claims Court Lawsuits – the more the merrier!


Additional Source:



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Doctors Warning: “Avoid Smart Meter Radiationâ€

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