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Diabetes Mellitus Linked to Magnesium Deficiency

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MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 DiabetesMellitus Linked to Magnesium Deficiency





Magnesium has been found to regulate and improve blood sugarcontrol, play a

vital role in the secretion and function of insulin, isnecessary for insulin to

open cell membranes for glucose and helps the bodydigest, absorb, and utilize

proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Those who arelow on this mineral (a survey

conducted by The Gallup Organization found that72 percent of adult Americans

fall short of the Recommended Dietary Allowanceof magnesium), increase their

risk of developing diabetes mellitusconsiderably.


In the new Brazilianstudy, researchers evaluated magnesium intake and blood

levels in 51 type 2diabetes patients. They administered blood sugar (glucose)

tests to measure thelevels of glucose in the patient*s blood. A **fasting blood

sugartest** was done which measures blood glucose after a person has not

eatenfor at least 8 hours.

Normally, blood glucose levels rise a bit after eating. This increase causesthe

pancreas to release insulin so that blood glucose levels do not get toohigh.

Blood glucose levels that remainhigh for an extended length of time can damage

eyes, kidneys, nerves, and bloodvessels.

The study found that those patients withlower fasting and after-meal blood

glucose levels had higher blood magnesiumlevels while those patients with higher

fasting glucose levels had lowerblood magnesium levels and higher urine levels

of magnesium. A full 82%of the diabetics studied showed that magnesium intake

was insufficient with thelowest levels found in those with kidney complications.

About 62% of the patients had low bloodlevels of magnesium.

The researchers noted that because magnesium is so vital to energy supply

andutilization in the body, they were not surprised to find that lower levels

ofmagnesium in the blood led to metabolic malfunctions such as diabetes.

Theyalso concluded that the impaired kidney function connected with

diabetesmellitus might explain the higher levels of magnesium in the urine,

whichcombined with insufficient magnesium intake, caused the high blood


These results correlate with the findings of Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, author of the

popular book on thesubject called **The Magnesium Miracle**, and Medical

Director of the NutritionalMagnesium Association. www.nutritionalmagnesium.org 

According to Dr. Dean, **Magnesium playsa pivotal role in the secretion and

function of insulin; without it,diabetes mellitus is inevitable. Measurable

magnesium deficiency is common indiabetes and in many of its complications,

including heart disease, eye damage,high blood pressure, and obesity. When the

treatment of diabetes includesmagnesium, these problems are prevented or


Naheed Ali, MD, a leading expert in diabetes mellitusand a passionate patient

advocate says, “Magnesiumdeficiency results in the poor functioning of

insulin, which is the primaryweapon of the body to maintain a healthy blood

sugar level. With insulin notfunctioning properly, the chances of developing

diabetes are increased.â€

Dr Dean shares these 3 healthy tips for the prevention and treatment ofdiabetes:

1.Include frequent small meals of protein (fish—especially wild salmon,

toavoid mercury—and free-range chicken and meat) and complex carbohydrates

(wholegrains, legumes, and vegetables), as well as the avoidance of simple

sugars andwhite flour.

2.Use stevia as a natural sweetener which comes from the leaves of a plant

thatgrows in South America and avoid the sugar substitute aspartame, which

canworsen blood sugar control and cause weight gain, headaches, nerve damage,

andeye damage, because it is made partly from wood alcohol, which breaks down


3.Supplement with an absorbable form of magnesium. You cannot get

sufficientmagnesium from foods alone due to the depleted soils and processed

foods thatour modern diets consist of. Not all forms of magnesium are absorbable

by thebody. One of the most absorbable forms of magnesium that is safe is

magnesiumcitrate in powder form.


Source: Sales CH, Pedrosa LF, Lima JG, Lemos TM, Colli C. Influence ofmagnesium

status and magnesium intake on the blood glucose control in patientswith type 2

diabetes. Clin Nutr. 2011 Jan 31.



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