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PART 2 of 2


By Dr. Howenstine, MD.

March 17, 2009





Fibromyalgia (FM) afflicts approximately 6 million personsin the

USA,predominately women in the 20-40 age bracket. FM is characterized by

severemuscle pain, tenderness in 18 points where muscle and tendons merge,

fatigue,headaches(50%), and severely impaired sleep.


This common condition afflicts nine times more women thanmen. These persons are

troubled by severe unrelenting pain in areas wheretendons join bone. Estrogen

causes the deposition of fibrin, which can lead toimpaired circulation with

sludgy blood flow in the areas of fibrinaccumulation. Hyperestrogenemia is

common in our modern world.


The etiology of fibromyalgia is complex and not completelyunderstood at this

time. A multitude of infectious organisms have been foundusing high

–resolution microscopy. The list of infectious pathogens identifiedin patients

with fibromyalgia includes mycoplasma, anerobic bacteria, severaltypes of fungi,

and borrelia burgdorfi (Bb). The fungi appear to play animportant role in

causing endocrine dysfunction, presumably by the mechanism ofreleasing

neurotoxic substances, into the bloodstream, which disrupt the normalfunction of

the hypothalamus producing hypothyroidism and hypo-adrenalfunction.


Several patients with fibromyalgia have recovered when takingthe Japanese enzyme

nattokinase made from fermented soybeans. This improvementmay have occurred

because the enzymes are able to reverse the adverse effectsof fibrin production

and thus improve the circulation of blood into fibroticareas. Other enzyme

products (Wobenzyme, Vitalzyme, Lumrokinase) might also bevaluable by the same



SystemicEnzymes in Kidney Diseases


Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis are common kidneydiseases. The patient with

acute nephritis often has high blood pressure,swelling of the extremities, and

blood and protein in the urine. This diseaseis considered frequently to be the

result of an allergic reaction to thepresence of streptococcal or other

bacterial organisms in the body. Circulatingimmune antigen antibody complexes

are common, and if the disease does not soonspontaneously resolve, scarring and

fibrin deposits in the kidney’s urineforming units (glomeruli) are found.


Chronic damage to the kidney in time maylead to uremia, dialysis, and kidney

transplantation. Thepresence of fibrin deposits, scarring of the kidney and

circulating immunecomplexes makes a course of systemic enzyme therapy a good

choice for thesepatients. This therapy is safe and has good potential to be



Other kidney diseases that could also be helped by systemicenzymes include

Goodpasture’s syndrome, Henoch-Schoenlein purpura, Mixedcryoglobulinemia, IGA

nephropathy, periarteritis nodosa, Wegener’sgranulomatosis, hemolytic uremic

syndrome, hypersensitivity vasculitis, interstitialnephritis (drugs may cause

this---antibiotics like gentamycin, vancomycin,amphotericin, etc., phenacetin,

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents likenaprosyn and indocin, and many

chemotherapy drugs, —or infection such aspyelonephritis).The pathology of

swelling, inflammation and scarring(fibrosis)in all these conditions could be

helped by systemic enzymes.


Use of Enzymesin Trauma


Serious injuries are usually followed by massive swellingand considerable pain.

Immediate therapy with enzymes can dramatically shortenthe disability and

quickly resolve the pain. The key to this therapy is to takeenough enzyme

immediately as the battle is being lost when swelling and painappear.

Rehabilitation and recovery will be delayed. It is far more effectiveto use too

much enzymes early than to have to frequently raise the enzyme dosebecause pain

and swelling is spreading.


Lowering the enzyme dose is simple. This may call for using15 to 20 capsules of

systemic enzymes three times daily for injuries such assevere auto accidents

with multiple fractures, dislocated hips or shoulders andfollowing knee and hip

replacements. Most likely the recovery period from jointreplacement surgery

could be significantly shortened if orthopedic surgeonsused systemic enzymes.

Patients taking enzymetherapy should stop this therapy 24-36 hours prior to

elective surgery andresume the therapy 24-36 hours after the operation. Taking

enzymesduring the immediate post-operative period could prevent the normal

occlusionby fibrin in small blood vessel lacerations, which might produce oozing

ofblood with anemia postoperatively. German surgeons have effectively

usedenzymes in surgical patients for many years. Remember it is more effective

todecrease the dosage when things are going well than to increase the dose

whenpain and swelling have gained the upper hand. Large doses of enzymes do

notcause side effects.


My personal experience made me a believer in enzyme therapy.One of my molars

needed a root canal, which I knew was dangerous in my diabeticstate as it always

creates an abscess in the root canal tooth which cannever be sterilized. The

extraction of the molar tooth was quite difficultas it required continuous

effort by 2 dentists for 90 minutes. One of themlater admitted it was one of the

most difficult extractions he had everperformed. Within an hour I began taking

900 mg of bromelain three times daily(large dose). Neither pain or swelling

appeared which surprised the dentist.


Enzymes andEstrogen Excess States (Fibrocystic Breasts, Fibroids of the

Uterus,Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovaries, Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, Cancers

ofBreast, Prostate, Uterus, Ovary).


Estrogens are able to produce fibrosis, and this capabilityleads to these

painful disorders.

Several factors are producing the estrogen excess statusthat is widespread in

the developed world:


• Breakdown of petrochemicals, pesticides,herbicides, plastics, sodium lauryl

sulphate from cosmetics, propylene glycol,vehicle exhaust, and other agents into

estrogenic substances in the human body.

• Extensive use of estrogenic hormones to expedite growth of cattle


• Use of powerful pharmaceutical estrogens(Premarin) and oralcontraceptive

pills that magnify the existing estrogen excess in the femalebody.

• Misuse of estrogens in therapy as a sole agent instead of combiningnatural

estrogen with safe natural progesterone, which nullifies the adverseeffects of

estrogen alone therapy.

• Diets high in sugar and dairy products, and low in fiber result inrecycling

estrogen into the body instead of elimination in the stools whichoccurs on high

dairy diets. These diets also interfere with proper productionof progesterone by

the corpus luteum of the ovary.


Because of this state of estrogen excess, fibrosis, andpainful cysts appear in

breast tissue(fibrocystic disease of the breast). Manywomen cease ovulation 10

or more years before menopause due to this estrogenexcess state. These women are

thus unable to benefit from the estrogenameliorating effects of progesterone

production by the corpus luteum. The heavyintractable bleeding they experience

often leads to hysterectomy. Existingfibroids in the uterus tend to appear and

steadily enlarge under thestimulation of excessive amounts of estrogen.


Many women suffer from endometriosis, which seems to beproduced by retrograde

flow of blood into the peritoneal cavity at the time ofmenstruation. This fluid

entering the peritoneal cavity contains blood and shedendometrial cells. A

profound inflammatory reaction appears which often resultsin severe pain.

Recurring episodes of this problem leads to “chocolate cystsâ€and scarring at

the site of these peritoneal deposits. An unfortunate result ofendometriosis is

scarring of the fallopian tubes and sterility. The patientwith endometriosis

might need 5 or more capsules of enzymes three times dailyuntil their pain

disappears. Some women can ascertain when menstruation isimminent. These women

could possibly be helped by starting enzymes beforethey notice the onset of

menstrual pain.


Enzyme therapy can stop the development and enlargement ofexisting uterine

fibroids. Patients with fibrocystic breast disease andenlarging fibroids should

stay on enough enzyme therapy to prevent symptoms.Whether high doses of enzyme

therapy over prolonged periods of time couldcompletely dissolve large fibroids

is not known, but it might well do so andappears to be worth a trial.


Another worthwhile approach to estrogen excess uses enzymes(DeAromatase[1])which

effectively corrects this problem by blocking the actions of the

enzymesaromatase and 5 alpha reductase so that estradiol, testosterone and

progesterone levelsreturn to normal. Without this enzyme therapy androstenedione

andtestosterone are steadily converted into estrogen (estradiol). This

raisesalready elevated levels of estradiol and diminishes already low levels

oftestosterone. To make matters even worse the enzyme 5 alpha reductase at

thesame time is converting testosterone into di-hydrotestosterone the

substancebelieved to be responsible for some prostate gland enlargement.

When DeAromatase therapy comes on the scene progesterone begins to inhibit

theaction on 5 alpha reductase causing rising testosterone levels and reducing

theamount of estrogen formed.

Both testosterone and progesterone promote the p53 geneleading to normal healthy

cell death (apoptosis) while estradiol promotes theBel 2 oncogene which blocks

normal apoptosis (cellular death) and causescancer.


Arteriosclerosisand Enzyme Therapy


One of the potentially most useful areas for enzymes is instopping the

progression, and hopefully promoting regression ofarteriosclerotic plaques.

Excessive clotting caused by infectious inflammatoryreactions in the body is now

believed to play an important role in thecausation of arteriosclerosis. This can

be reversed by the fibrin lysisoccurring during enzyme therapy. Three cases

illustrating clear improvement inarteriosclerotic symptoms after enzyme therapy

are presented later in thisarticle.




Some patients develop thick unsightly scars(keloida) aftersurgery or injuries.

Taking systemic enzymes following the surgery can preventthis excessive scar

formation. Knowledgeable plastic surgeons use enzymes tominimize scar formation

after surgery.


Case Reports


Case 1 A patient with a hip defect hadconsiderable pain and difficulty walking.

After starting serrapeptase he becamecompletely pain free and walked in a normal

fashion for the first time inyears.


Case 2 A 34-year old male had a bad familyhistory for vascular disease(three

grandparents died of vascular disease at 56.56, and 63 years of age, and his

mother died of a heart attack at age 62). Thispatient took a prolonged course of

intravenous chelation along with measures tocorrect arterial disease (high

dosage vitamin C). He then had an ultrasoundstudy of his carotid arteries ,

which revealed 12% narrowing of the rightcarotid artery and 14% narrowing of the

left carotid artery. The site where theright carotid artery bifurcates into two

arteries had a 24% narrowing. Heincreased his vitamin C dosage to 10-12 grams

daily, started taking 1.5 gramsof lysine three times daily, and also took folic

acid, B12 sublingually, twicedaily, B6, and trimethylglycine. Serrapeptase 10 mg

twice daily was begun. Arepeat carotid artery study in 18 months disclosed

complete resolution ofall plaques in the carotid arteries. Vitamin K2 45 mcg.

daily which removescalcium from arteries and moves it into bones would probably

also have been aworthwhile therapy.


Case 3 In 1945, a six year old child and afriend fell into a pocket of

radioactivity (about 650,000 millicuries of Iodine131 exposure) while playing a

game. He immediately noticed burning in his lungsand trouble breathing. His

friend died within a few months. And the girl whopulled him out of the hole died

of the effects of radioactivity at age 35. Hedeveloped severe dyspnea with any

exertion along with wheezing and scarring ofhis lungs and other organs.


At age 63, a knowledgeable physician urged him to takeVitalzym as, “It will

dissolve the scar tissue.†His pulmonary functionimproved by 25% and he can

now climb two flights of stairs without difficulty.


Case 4 A man with severe angina andclaudication was not improved by laser

therapy, robotic therapy, orendarterectomies of his coronary arteries. Therapy

with ozone saunas andcalcium EDTA chelation relieved his symptoms, but with

exertion he still hadproblems. After a few days of Vitazlym, along with ozone

saunas and chelationhe was able to resume hunting. fishing, and hiking without

any pain in hischest or legs.


Case 5 A man with angina at rest andclaudication after walking 15 feet improved

with calcium EDTA and ozone saunas.Within 2 days on Vitalzym he was able to walk

to the grocery store withoutstopping or having either chest or leg pain.


Case 6 This woman had temporo-mandibularjoint pain for several years with no

response to laser surgery surgery,physical therapy, or acupuncture. Sleeping and

eating were impaired due topain. After two months of Vitalzym, she was pain free

and much improved.


Case 7 This mother had her 18 month oldson do a back flip onto her nose and the

back of his head smashed her nose. Shewas in severe pain with immediate swelling

of her nose, cheeks, and eyes. Sheplaced an ice pack on her face and took 20

Vitalzym. The swelling began todisappear and the pain was nearly gone by the

following morning. After 10 moreVitalzym capsules the next morning, the pain and

swelling disappeared.


HospitalFormularies and Systemic Enzymes


Because systemic enzyme therapy was developed in Europe andthe Far East, most

USphysicians are certainly unfamiliar with it. This means that patients

landingin hospitals with some of these previously discussed problems may

findthemselves in an institution that does not stock systemic enzymes.

Hospitalformularies lean heavily toward pharmaceutical drugs, so the systemic

enzymesmay not be in the formulary unless unless the hospital is staffed by

someknowledgeable plastic surgeons. Furthermore, hospital formularies do not

liketo stock a product that will be used by only one patient as unused portions

ofthe product may expire. Even without the availability of enzymes in

theformulary, some hospitals will permit patients to take outside therapy if

theattending physician gives his or her approval.


More ResearchNeeded


In reviewing the available literature about enzyme therapy,it is apparent that

not all patients improve. Most studies show 75-80% ofpatients clearly improve.

This raises a very important question. Would higherdoses over a longer time

frame have benefited those patients who failed torespond to the initial enzyme



The safety of systemic enzymes in high dosages means thatwe cannot be certain

systemic enzymes would not help a patient until highdoses have been tried over

longer periods of time. It appears tome that this is particularly relevant in

diseases like sarcoidosis, pulmonaryfibrosis, scleroderma and uterine fibroids

where there is such extensivescarring it would not be reasonable to expect

prompt resolution. There is apossibility that severe scarring may not be

reversible, but this needs to beproven as reversal of scarring in these serious

health problems could be ofimmense value to the afflicted patients.


PracticalAspects of Enzyme Therapy


Tylenol(acetaminophen) is a very dangerous drug that, in myopinion, should never

have been released. This drug is nearly universally foundin US

homes.Acetaminophen accelerates aging and can cause death from acute necrosis

ofthe liver in young healthy persons who use this drug because of an acute

viralinfection. None of us needs speeding up of the aging process.Enzymes are

far safer than this therapy for pain.


Having Lumbrokinase, Nattokinase, Wobenzyme, Bromelain orVitazym+ in your home

provides a therapy well qualified to alleviate a widevariety of painful

disorders without any danger .to the user. The usage ofenzyme therapy should

increase as more health care practitioners learn aboutthis exciting therapy.

Vitalzym + and DeAromatase are available from www.mynaturalhealthteam.comPhone

1-800-416-2806. For part one click below.




1-Howenstine, J. APhysicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work, or



© 2009 Dr. Howenstine -


Dr. A. Howenstine is a board certified specialistin internal medicine.

TheSecond Edition of his book A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products

ThatWork is available.


Dr. Howenstine can be reached by writing Dr. Howenstine C/O Remarsa USA SB

37, P.O. Box 25292, Miami, Fl. 33102-5292.

E-Mail: dr.jimhow@...



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