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Re: A Weapon??? Electromagnetic ~ Radio Frequency Technology

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every lightning bolt generates lots of electromagnetic radiation

" Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on

yourself. â€

— Ralph Waldo Emerson


From: wayne walusiak <quoipso@...>

" Longevity " <Longevity >

Sent: Monday, January 9, 2012 5:27 AM

Subject: Re: A Weapon??? Electromagnetic ~ Radio Frequency


Maybe this is why we have never heard from space aliens!

They never survived the EMF pollution and they all died out in

their 'electronic' age.



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Scroll down past several videos and you will find this info and more.......

-- Copied from http://tuberose.com/Electromagnetic_Fields.html

The Earth is a huge magnetic sphere. Living things have been tied to the Earth's

natural magnetic field from the time that life began. This magnetic field

permeates and contributes to all life on the planet by the generation of what we

call the atmosphere. This field varies in strength and consistency through the

ages and, with this variance, so too does life on the planet change. Our bodies

own magnetic frequencies and bio-field patterns react to this variance of the

Earth's field. All matter on Earth assists in creating this field and so becomes

charged with this magnetic resonance, displaying different results, dependant on

the substance. Each individual cell--as well as entire organisms--senses and

derives timing information from the natural cycles of the geomagnetic field. As

all matter is made up of magnetic resonant field patterns, of varying strength

and frequencies, applying a magnetic device of any configuration will produce an

effect one way or another.

Human use of electromagnetism for power and communications has produced an

abnormal electromagnetic environment unlike anything that existed before. More

than a thousand scientific papers on this topic are published each year. Both

epidemiological and laboratory studies exist, indicating that abnormal

frequencies, regardless of their frequencies, produce increased health risks.

The Pineal Gland's Magnetic Sense

The pineal gland is the " clock " that controls biological cycles. The cyclic

pattern of sleep-wakefulness is dependent upon the level of melatonin secretion

by the pineal. The pineal gland is the principal structure in the brain that is

directly sensitive to the Earth's magnetic field. As a result, it functions

abnormally when exposed to abnormal fields. Because the pineal produces a host

of psychoactive chemicals (such as melatonin, dopamine, serotonin, and others),

its abnormal functioning may result in a variety of neurological and behavioral

abnormalities. It was first determined that a part of the output of the retina

is diverted to the pineal, where it senses the day-night cycle and melatonin

secretion is adjusted accordingly. The pineal is also sensitive to the daily

cyclic pattern in the Earth's magnetic field. Abnormal secretion of hormones by

the pineal is linked to many behavioral abnormalities. The primary effect of a

chronically abnormal biocycle is the production of chronic stress syndrome a

condition that produces a wide variety of health problems, including a marked

decline in competency of the immune system. Nature intended the pineal to

simultaneously receive the same signals from the daily pattern of day-night and

the same rise and fall in strength of the geomagnetic field. Obviously, when one

or both signals are abnormal, the pineal does not respond in the normal fashion,

and the body's biological cycles become disturbed--with important health

results. Over two billion years of evolution, living things have taken advantage

of the two portions of the electromagnetic spectrum that could be depended upon

to always be present: the geomagnetic field and visible light. Life developed

specific organs to sense the geomagnetic field and to derive timing information

from it just as it developed specific organs to sense and derive information

from light.

Man-made Electromagnetic Fields

Life on earth evolved under geomagnetic fields and electromagnetic forces that

have been constant for hundreds of millions of years. All that changed a little

over 100 years ago, when Edison built the first power station in New York

City. Before 1900, the Earth's electromagnetic field was composed simply of the

field and its associated micro pulsations, visible light, and random discharges

of lightning. We swim in a sea of energy that is almost totally man-made.

Silicon sensors are already calling to each other. Soon, countless communicating

microchips, embedded everywhere, will be sending streams of encoded electrical

energy through glass, steel, concrete, bone and flesh. The exposure of living

organisms to abnormal electromagnetic fields results in significant

abnormalities in physiology and function. The cells of the brain and central

nervous system are particularly sensitive to abnormal fields. The developing

central nervous system of the fetus or the newborn is particularly sensitive.

These abnormal fields arise primarily from external sources. Most are unaware of

the substantial risks associated with the use of many devices in their own

homes. 60-Hz fields of only 3 milligauss have been shown to be significantly

related to increase in cancer rates.

And just for an example of what man-made frequencies can do - which a

comnplete discussion of the harmful effects of microwave radiation which is

emitted by smart meters, cell phones and cell towers, among many other things

such as all wireless devices .................

Microwave Sickness

The Russians did research on thousands of workers who had been exposed to

microwaves during the development of radar in the 1950's. Their research showed

a breakdown of the human life-energy field, so serious that the Russians set

strict limits of 10 microwatts exposure for workers and one microwatt for

civilians. The first signs of microwave sickness are low blood pressure and slow

pulse. The later and most common manifestations are chronic excitation of the

sympathetic nervous system (stress syndrome) and high blood pressure. This phase

also often includes headache, dizziness, eye pain, sleeplessness, irritability,

anxiety, stomach pain, nervous tension, inability to concentrate, hair loss,

plus an increased incidence of appendicitis, cataracts, reproductive problems,

and cancer. The chronic symptoms are eventually succeeded by crisis of adrenal

exhaustion and ischemic heart disease. Changes are observed in the blood

chemistries and the rates of certain diseases among consumers of microwaved

foods. Lymphatic disorders were observed, leading to decreased ability to

prevent certain types of cancers.

An increased rate of cancer cell formation was observed in the blood. Increased

rates of stomach and intestinal cancers were observed. Higher rates of digestive

disorders and gradual breakdown of the systems of elimination were observed.

There is degeneration and destabilization of the external energy activated

potentials of food utilization within the processes of human metabolism and of

internal cellular membrane potentials while transferring catabolic processes

into the blood serum from the digestive process. There is a degeneration and

breakdown of nerve electrical circuits and loss of energy field symmetry in the

neuroplexuses both in the front and the rear of the central and autonomic

nervous systems, along with a loss of balance and circuiting of the bioelectric

strengths within the ascending reticular activating system (controls the

function of consciousness). There is long-term cumulative loss of vital energies

within humans, animals and plants that are located within a 500-meter radius of

operational equipment. There is long-lasting residual effects of magnetic

" deposits " located throughout the nervous system and lymphatic system.

There is destabilization and interruption in the production and maintence of

hormones in males and females by continually eating microwaved foods.

Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven, or using cell phones,

causes permanent brain damage by shorting out electrical impulses in the brain

(depolarizing or demagnetizing the brain tissue). There is markedly higher

levels of brainwave disturbance in the alpha, theta, and delta wave signal

patterns of persons exposed to microwave emission fields, with a resultant

negative psychological effects, including loss of memory, loss of ability to

concentrate, suppressed emotional threshold, deceleration of intellective

processes, and interruptive sleep episodes. Microwaves cause long-term

depolarization of tissue neuroelectric circuits with irreversible damage to the

neuroelectrical integrity of various components of the nervous system, in

individuals subjected to continual range emissive field effects of microwave

apparatus, either in cooking apparatus, in transmission stations, and PCS cell

phones. The body cannot metabolize unknown byproducts created in microwaved




> every lightning bolt generates lots of electromagnetic radiation




> " Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops

on yourself. â€

> †" Ralph Waldo Emerson



> ________________________________

> From: wayne walusiak <quoipso@...>

> " Longevity " <Longevity >

> Sent: Monday, January 9, 2012 5:27 AM

> Subject: Re: A Weapon??? Electromagnetic ~ Radio Frequency



> Maybe this is why we have never heard from space aliens!

> They never survived the EMF pollution and they all died out in


> their 'electronic' age.



> Wayne



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If you are trying to say that there is lots of natural electromagnetic

frequencies around naturally - true. So what is your point?



> every lightning bolt generates lots of electromagnetic radiation




> " Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops

on yourself. â€

> †" Ralph Waldo Emerson



> ________________________________

> From: wayne walusiak <quoipso@...>

> " Longevity " <Longevity >

> Sent: Monday, January 9, 2012 5:27 AM

> Subject: Re: A Weapon??? Electromagnetic ~ Radio Frequency



> Maybe this is why we have never heard from space aliens!

> They never survived the EMF pollution and they all died out in


> their 'electronic' age.



> Wayne



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he's trying to infer that natural electromagnetic radiation is no different than

man made....


F. Becker, Esq., Product Developer

Magnetic Therapy, Ltd. [bahamas]

EarthPulse™ Sleep on Command™ The World's Only Pulsed Magnetic Sleep, Longevity

& Performance Enhancement System

Sleep Your Way to Better Health™, Longer Life, Enhanced Physical & Mental




International & Caribbean:+1.242.676.2324 / AU:+61.86.555.8050 /

CANADA:+1.778.786.3650 / U.K.:+44.131.516.8138 / U.S.:+1.305.434.7061 /


~ " Nearly all psychological, neurological and physiological

diseases including aging, is the end result of mitochondrial dysfunction; and

definitely NOT the other way around. " ~ F. Becker, Esq.

~ " Because your chemical medicines killed my Father I have sworn

upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of medical tyranny

you wage upon the minds and body of man. " ~ P.F.B

~ " It is no measure of health to be

well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. " ~ J. Krishnamurti




Data contained or attached is never intended to recommend our technology as a

drug or diagnosis for any illness or disease or condition; nor a product or

therapy to eliminate disease or medical condition; nor has our technology been

evaluated by U.S. Food and Drug Administration or any governmental health

agency. Worldwide, no governmental bodies recognize a need to supplement natural

magnetic fields. Magnetic Therapy, Ltd. [bahamas] makes no medical claims about

our device and methods. EarthPulse™ is not intended to be used to diagnose,

treat, cure or prevent disease. Data in or attached to this mail is privileged

and confidential, intended solely for use and enjoyment of the individual(s) or

entity(s) named above. If reader is not intended recipient, be notified that

dissemination, distribution or copying is strictly prohibited. If you have

received this communication in error, please notify the sender by telephone or

email, and accept our apology for any inconvenience. Thank you.

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Your kidding.......... that is like trying to say that something man made is

the same as what is made naturally. I wonder if he thinks that robots are the

same as humans? Or what what about GM food being the same as natural food? Or

synthetic vitamins just as effective or the same as natural vitamins.......did

you know that there is a study that shows that vitamin E causes heart disease? -

at least that is what the study said and it proved that using " synthetic "

vitamin E. However I know a few orthomolecular doctors whom have been using

" natural " vitamin E for decades to sucessfully treat heart diseae........

Reminds me of something I read............

" Nature is already as good as it can be. It cannot be improved upon. He who

tries to redesign it, spoils it. He who tries to redirect it, misleads it. "

- Lao Tsu




> he's trying to infer that natural electromagnetic radiation is no different

than man made....

> ____________________________________________

> F. Becker, Esq., Product Developer

> Magnetic Therapy, Ltd. [bahamas]

> EarthPulse™ Sleep on Command™ The World's Only Pulsed Magnetic Sleep,

Longevity & Performance Enhancement System

> Sleep Your Way to Better Health™, Longer Life, Enhanced Physical & Mental


> http://www.earthpulsetechnologies.com

> http://www.earthpulse.net

> International & Caribbean:+1.242.676.2324 / AU:+61.86.555.8050 /

CANADA:+1.778.786.3650 / U.K.:+44.131.516.8138 / U.S.:+1.305.434.7061 /



> ~ " Nearly all psychological, neurological and physiological

diseases including aging, is the end result of mitochondrial dysfunction; and

definitely NOT the other way around. " ~ F. Becker, Esq.


> ~ " Because your chemical medicines killed my Father I have sworn

upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of medical tyranny

you wage upon the minds and body of man. " ~ P.F.B


> ~ " It is no measure of health to be

well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. " ~ J. Krishnamurti






> Data contained or attached is never intended to recommend our technology as a

drug or diagnosis for any illness or disease or condition; nor a product or

therapy to eliminate disease or medical condition; nor has our technology been

evaluated by U.S. Food and Drug Administration or any governmental health

agency. Worldwide, no governmental bodies recognize a need to supplement natural

magnetic fields. Magnetic Therapy, Ltd. [bahamas] makes no medical claims about

our device and methods. EarthPulse™ is not intended to be used to diagnose,

treat, cure or prevent disease. Data in or attached to this mail is privileged

and confidential, intended solely for use and enjoyment of the individual(s) or

entity(s) named above. If reader is not intended recipient, be notified that

dissemination, distribution or copying is strictly prohibited. If you have

received this communication in error, please notify the sender by telephone or

email, and accept our apology for any inconvenience. Thank you.





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