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cold feet

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Hi ,

Here's a few suggestions:

1) Try those Cosysoles booties (from www.cosysoles.ca)

2) or Try the Hotties Booties (from www.bucky.com)

3) or Try some Uggs (I have been wearing these forever it seems, but

they are leather on the outside, shearling inside, very comfortable,

and unlike Cosysoles or Hotties, they have a rubber sole and I can

walk around all over in them. I wear them to the gym - really great

to put on after a shower - lol, but I have been known to wear them to

the market too.) www.uggaustralia.com shop around, as prices vary. I

think I got my last pair from Lands End.

3) or Try a small (make sure it is a small amount) of capsaicin

cream. ( Senneff mentioned this in one of his books. It is a

pepper based cream)

~ Gretchen

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Dear ,

Many people with CMT suffer with cold feet. I have cold feet all year round not

just in the winter and I find that my CosySoles Heated slippers really help.

Now I have to be honest and upfront with you and tell you that my daughter

invented these slippers. But I know that many customers have CMT and other

peripheral neuropathies and they have found great relief from the slippers. I

have CMT along with my 2 other children and we couldn't survive without our

slippers. Please visit the website: www.cosysoles.com for more information. I

hope this helps.

Warmest Wishes,

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Hi ,

I have that problem, my feet are always cold too. So I wear fleece lined

slippers or boots to try to keep them warm, they still feel cold and when I

remove the slippers/boots my feet smell cos they have been sweating. The cold I

feel goes right up to my thighs. The top half of my body is warm enough (during

winter) yet from my thighs down I'm frozen. Don't know any remedies for it

though. It's something I just live with.


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I don't have cold feet year round, but I do understand what you mean when

you say that they feel cold to you, but are warm to the touch. Sometimes when

I am on concrete floors for a period of time, my feet and legs up to my shin

are cold to the touch. My feet get terribly warm (hot/burning) in warm

temps, or when I am on them for any period of time.

I have found that when they are really cold, a soak in warm water helps a

good deal. Also, a dip in cold water helps when they are terribly warm.

Sometimes my feet go from feeling almost frostbitten to a kind of mushy numb

feeling on some occasions. Lots of odd things happen to us CMTer's!



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Hi ,

I also have been going through the same thing. As a matter of fact last night

was one of my worst nights. They were so cold and in so much pain that it felt

like if you touch them or they touched each other they would break. My daughter

said they were not cold to the touch too.

Strange maybe I will try the booties.

Laurie in Sarasota

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Hi ,

Sometimes my feet feel so cold that I think they are going to snap off my

legs. I've had this for as long as I can remember. I'm the kind of person who

hates wearing shoes, loves being barefoot and can't have anything on my feet or

around my legs when I sleep. So usually I cover them with a blanket if I'm

relaxing watching tv. I think I've become so used to my feet feeling cold that

it doesn't bother me that much anymore. There are days when they feel so

cold that I do notice it and have to cover them. Slippers or socks in the


are a must. I've seen posts about heat socks that people have suggested. I

haven't tried them because like I said I think I'm just used to the cold feet

now. Sorry I don't have alot of suggestions but I did want you to know there

are many many CMTers that have the cold feet like you do.


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Hi ,

I can definitely relate to that, and it's hard to explain to anyone else. Even

when you tell someone, " I have no feeling in my feet, but the pain is

unbelievable " . To someone who doesn't have it, it must sound strange.The other

night I took one of the Bengay heat patches (the kind you stretch and then they

work) and cut it in half and put it on the top part of both feet, but before I

knew it, they had come off sometime during the night and I didn't know it and

they didn't do much for me. BUT, I think Tiger Balm works great. I like the

balm as opposed to the oil. I can actually " feel " something when I put it on.

Take care,

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I have had cold feet for about the past 30 years. In cold weather I

can hardly stand it. Putting my feet in hot water or taking a shower

warms them up but need to keep them covered with a blanket to stay

warm. Unlike you, my feet are warm to hot in the summer.

About a year ago I bought an electric Cozy Legs Radiant Desk Heater

for under my desk and it works great. They cost about $70 but I got

mine on Ebay for half that price. Sometimes I lay it flat on the


and rest my feet on it in stocking. In about ten minutes I need to

turn it down even in our cold Ohio winter.

About six weeks ago I also bought a tone warm fuzzy foot warmer

massager. It's like a big soft boot with a heater built in it. I'll

have to wait until next winter to try it out put it seems so warm up

nicely. Should work good for watching TV or setting at a table. Got


on Ebay also for $19.

Good luck, I know how much cold feet can hurt and seems like winter

will never end. I'm sure these two warmer's are going to make cold

weather much easier for me to enjoy.


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