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Two cases of bladder disorder:Neuropathy with non-alcoholic thiamine deficiency

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Jim and ,

If I remember correctly, you had asked about bladder problems and

CMT. I just now stumbled on this and thought you might be interested.

While it isn't CMT specific, it is Neuropathy specific, so maybe

alert your doctors to this. ~ Gretchen

Ann Readapt Med Phys. 2005 Feb;48(1):43-7.

Neuropathy with non-alcoholic thiamine deficiency: two cases of

bladder disorders

[Article in French]

Mazevet D, Vassilev K, Perrigot M.

Service de medecine physique et de readaptation, hopital de la Pitie-

Salpetriere, 47, boulevard de l'hopital, 75675 Paris cedex 13,


INTRODUCTION: Neuropathy with non-alcoholic thiamine deficiency is

reported in the literature, but bladder disorders are rarely


CASE REPORTS: We report two cases of bladder disorders in neuropathy

with thiamine deficiency. One patient presented with a flaccid

bladder and impaired sensation; the postvoid residual volume was

raised. The other patient had reduced bladder capacity, with detrusor

hyperreflexia and detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia. In both cases, the

bladder disorders disappeared with thiamine supplementation.

CONCLUSION: Bladder symptoms may be heterogeneous in nonalcoholic

neuropathy. The prognosis is good after vitamin supplementation.

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