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hand pain

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Hi Sue,

From all these post I have been reading I wonder if surgery can correct this

with CMT?

I take Advil for my pain. I get that carpal tunnel tight pains in my wrists

and my hands feel weaker on those days.

If I had it worse I would go look into correcting it.

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Sue, , et al.

Yes, the carpal tunnel release surgery eliminated all the pain-at least it

did for me. If Advil does not seem to be working enough, Naproxen is helpful.

Also, steroid injections in the wrist help tremendously with the pain, and for

some people that is all they need to recover - it gives healing time. A warning

though: I had three injections in the wrist and it triggered something in my

immune system and I had to have further surgery and am still coping with it (a

tuberculosis like infection). HOWEVER-the surgery had absolutely

nothing to do with this and was tremendously beneficial!


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I have found out that there are some doctors here in KY that do work

with CMT so I am working on getting in to see one of them and

hopefully get something done for these hands. And now I am getting

bad mucsle spasms in my legs it has been years since I have had

spasms. It is always something with CMT but I guess we have to learn

to live with it. Thanks and have a good day!


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At a recent visit to my neurologist I was told that CMTers are being studied

becausee they have more occurrances of carpal tunnel. I sleep in wrist splints

at night and it sure helps.

Cathleen in Arkansas

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  • 3 years later...

Hi there,


HA! We had those storms too and have trees down and electric out all over. Lots

of fun!

Now, for your pain....what kind of pain? and where....in your joints? is there

any swelling in your joints? or is it stiffness?

just a few questions to help us help you...

Laurie in NY

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I am still doing the shots every other week. They do help but I am

still getting increased flareups. As soon as my insurance takes

effect I am calling for an appointment with the rheumy. I think we have

kaiser and I am hopeful they won't give me hassles over my pain meds.

Back when I had them before they never diagnosed the PA. For more

than 4 years I had it and they said it was a over used muscle in my rt

index finger. I am hoping that with it already diagnosed they will be

able to give me more help. I was officially diagnosed the day before

I got let go from my last job so I really haven't been able to have

the assistance from doctors that I would like. I was having a really

bad week when I vented earlier. Upping the dose of Aleve seems to

have helped and just trying to keep a positive outlook has helped too.

The other thing that has helped is the support I get here. I feel so

blessed to have found this group where people understand what I am

dealing with.

" tweetygodess " <tweetygodess@...>

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Perhaps it would be better to see whether increasing the dose of Humira

would work better than pain meds. I had some improvement when I took

Humira every 14 days, but I was still in so much pain it interfered

with daily functioning. My rheumy increased me to every 10 days - she

had to fight with the insurance company to do it. I had some more

relief but still not enough to allow me to function. So she fought for

me again and got permission to go to weekly injections of Humira. That

has really helped a lot. I only take one Celebrex and one Tramadol

(pain pill) a day. I would rather treat the disease with more Humira

rather than just treat the pain with pain meds. Ask your rheumy about



sherry z

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As soon as my insurance kicks in I am going to ask about it. I still

get nauseous from the Humira but I would rather be nauseous than on

pain meds all the time. I think the pain meds tend to mess with my

sleep cycle too. I know that if I take any codeine based meds then I

am up all night so I take Darvocet but it is pretty mild. The only

thing else I can really take is morphine and that is just too strong

for me to be on all the time. I am hoping that The doc can increase

the dose of Humeria and that that will help more than the pain pills.

" tweetygodess " <tweetygodess@...>

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One other thing I did to help my hand pain was I had these custom made wrist

splints made to keep my hands immobilized when I slept. I tend to knot my

hands in balls and then in the morning I was not able to open them. With

the Enbrel and MTX I have not had a need for the splints but they certainly

helped me through a rough spot.

I had them made by a cast maker at the hospital where I used to be treated.


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I understand the hand pain. Do any of you have tingling and numbness along

with the hand pain???

my hands have gotten so bad lately.....always tingling and numb........also

my elbows hurt a lot.......

I am on MTX and Enbrel......my arches have fallen too........

I have been off prednisone for 2 months now.......hate to but I think I will

have to go back on it........I work in a cooler....about 40 or less all of

the time.......

can't seem to find another job.....

can't afford to be off work and waiting on social security again....

not sure what I am going to do

any advice

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