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Re: barefoot

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  • 2 years later...

In my case, going barefoot was really bad. I hated shoes, and whenever I was at

home, I was barefoot or in Birkenstocks.

As it was described to me, the nerves were no longer sending messages to the

muscles in the foot, so the muscles atrophied. With less muscle, the bones were

unprotected and small sprains started to occur. Because of the neuropathy, I

wasn't aware of them and they didn't heal properly. Then the bones started to

break up, and I developed a Charcot foot (along with a CMT 2 diagnosis), which

requred bone replacement and fusion.

When I see someone walking on concrete without shoes it just makes me



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  • 2 years later...

The barefoot comments are interesting. For many, many years I have preferred

being barefoot and when I do have shoes on I can’t wait to take them off.

I have not been tested for CMT but my mom, brother and one of my two sisters has

been diagnosed with CMT (not sure what kind).

I am 46 and have never shown any signs/symptoms until recently. There are some

things that I am dealing with that “could†be symptoms of CMT. I have had

some foot issues for a few years, have recently had some electrical impulse

feelings like some that have been discussed here recently and the biggest issue

which seems to be a less common symptom is swallowing issues. It feels like I

get something stuck in my throat. Sometimes the issue resolves itself quickly

and other times it takes awhile.

Anyway, I like the sharing of information on this group.

~Heidi in California

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of

Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 10:10 AM

Subject: Re: Thanks so much to everyone

Hi Joana,

Preferring to walk barefooted doesn't sound strange to me. It's what we do in

my family! Shoes have always been a problem for us. The flat ground,

ironically, is the best support, so we walk around barefooted or in socks.

When I do have to wear shoes outside the house, I usually end up with recovery

time in bed afterward, so I use a scooter whenever I can.

Over the last few years, one of my ankles has become very weak. Standing, even

barefooted, was causing me a lot of pain, especially at night. Someone here

suggested a Mueller brace, which I purchased and it really helps.



I wear it under my socks! Or with shoes, when I must. You may want to try

something like this before going to an AFO.

--- On Tue, 1/4/11, jponsara <jponsara@... <mailto:jponsara%40> >


From: jponsara <jponsara@... <mailto:jponsara%40> >

Subject: Thanks so much to everyone


Date: Tuesday, January 4, 2011, 11:29 PM

Daar friends,

I would like to thank you all.

I am here in Brasil and not always have acess on my computer.

Thank you all for the lovely messages and support.

Here is holiday time. summer months but soon I will starts to do my anual check

ups and hopefuly see a neurologyst too.

I am fighting and keeping more peaceful.

Sooner I will be back ;-)

Have all a lovely day.


Ps: I really don´t understand much about AFO.

I find sometimes harder to have a heavy or elasticated socks.

Anything that holds my feet I find dificult walking.

I have a shoes made in fabric and a rubber soles but still looking

for a diferent type of shoes too.

I never could walk on trainers, flat shoes is very strange to me

but now seems that everything is changing again.

I can not lift my heels and been find harder to walk with the leather shoes with

a small heels.

I had so many pairs of beautiful leather shoes and can not walk with them ;-((

I have been walk at home with bare foot and I love the freedom but everytime I

put a shoes to go out I got a state of panic hehe...

I need to change this habit !!!!

Well, I must to go now. time to sleep.

Thanks everyone.

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Happy New Year All! Around the house I wear socks with " grips " on the bottom

because I tend to slip on the hardwoods in the house. My neurologist at J

Hopkins strongly suggests I wear shoes outside because I have numbness in my

feet and hands so badly that I could step on a tack or cut myself and not know

it...which could lead to a serious infection.




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When I was young, we spent most of the summer barefoot. Now, I cannot go any

length of time without my braces and sneakers. They drive me nuts having them

on, but the pain after not having them on is just not worth it.



> >

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Just curious, who do you go to at s Hopkins?

I too either go barefoot or when it is colder the socks with the grips. I

finally found a pair of slippers after 15 years of not being able to wear. They

are similar to Uggs, but with very flexible bottoms and the leg part is a sock.

Since it is a boot, it stays on my foot.




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