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U.S. Consumers Increasingly Using Web Sites to Find Health Information

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U.S. Consumers Increasingly Using Web Sites to Find Health Information

20 May 2005 Medical News Today

One in three US residents used the Internet to find information on a

medical problem in 2004, according to a survey released Tuesday,...

Investor's Business Daily reports. Researchers from the Pew Internet

and American Life Project surveyed more than 900 people -- of which

two-thirds were regular Internet users -- and found that since 2002

more people are using the Internet to find information on diet and

nutrition or particular doctors or hospitals (Howell, Investor's

Business Daily, 5/18). The survey also found 51% of those surveyed in

2004 used the Internet to research a treatment or procedure, compared

with 47% of those surveyed in 2002, the first year Pew conducted the

study. In addition, 40% of those surveyed in 2004 used the Internet

to research prescription and over-the-counter drugs, compared with

34% in 2002. Researchers also found that 23% of those surveyed in

2004 researched experimental treatments on the Internet, compared

with 18% in 2002 (Investor's Business Daily chart, 5/18). The most-

visited Web sites were those affiliated with Web MD, with 11.18

million U.S. residents viewing the sites in April, and sites

affiliated with NIH, with 8.1 million U.S. residents visiting in

April, according to a separate survey by comScore Media Metrix

(Investor's Business Daily, 5/18).


According to the Wall Street Journal, the Pew survey " paints an

encouraging picture of ever-savvier health care consumers who are

researching doctors, paying attention to warnings about obesity and

poor nutrition, considering entering clinical trials in greater

numbers and taking steps to better manage their health care costs. "

However, the survey " also raises concerns about a new digital

divide, " the Journal reports. According to the survey, 42% of those

with a college degree reported using the Internet for researching a

particular hospital or doctor, compared with 28% of all other users.

In addition, 41% of those with at-home broadband Internet access

researched health information online, compared with 19% of those with

a dial-up connection (Landro, Wall Street Journal, 5/18).


" More and more people are turning to search engines as a first stop

in the middle of the night when a symptom flares up, or after (going

to) a doctor's appointment, " Pew Associate Director nah Fox

said. JupiterResearch analyst Levy said that while use of the

Internet has increased, few people use it to manage their health care

on a regular basis. " Pharmaceutical companies have built Web sites

that have a whole variety of tools to try to help consumers track and

manage conditions. We see that activity has been pretty low, " Levy

said (Investor's Business Daily, 5/18).

The report is available online. Note: You need Adobe Acrobat Reader

to view the report.

" Reprinted with permission from kaisernetwork.org kaisernetwork.org.

You can view the entire Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, search the

archives, or sign up for email delivery at


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