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Morning, ;

I was so impressed by your reply to Jantje. You and I are so much alike! I

get into the running because I enjoy it but then it becomes this " bigger

than life " presence in my life and pretty much just induces guilt because I

can't keep up to my aspirations. Like you, I always wind up injured or sick

but I usually keep it up right thru the pain, often causing myself further

injuries. I panic when I can't run and get upset with myself when I don't

run enough. Part of the problem, for myself, is that it is a very lonely

activity. I do it alone and no one close to me is very interested. The few

races I have run have been on my own, often with no one to cheer me on at

the finish line. This is mainly why I have given up on races.I would

probably be better off if I had a running group to work out with, but I

can't go there because I don't feel I'm fast enough or skinny enough to be

seen as a runner! This is why I just keep harping on no competition, just do

something. Whatever works for you is good enough. Why can't we accept

ourselves as good enough? I send these messages out to the group, but really

I think they are for me. It's so great to hear the message being reflected

back by you. Thank you so much! And I hope Jantje can forgiver herself and

pat herself on the back for all the work she DOES do!

Take care,


Re: Exercise



> Help! I am sooo frustrated with myself.


> Today, I have been at the Masters Swim Practive for the first time in over

> a month. I was sick, traveling, or stuck working late. All valid reasons,

> but still, I was not there. And today I really noticed how much I have

> fallen behind the rest of the group. Embarassing! Luckily, I didn't feel

> like I was holding people back. This brings back bad memories from PE

> class back in the days, I guess that's why I am so upset. I have this

> feeling of hopelessness and my reaction was to just walk away from it,

> pretending I didn't care. Tonight, I seriously considered leaving the

> practice and just forget about it- I didn't. I guess that's a start. But I

> want to work through this somehow. After all, I have signed up for a

> sprint triathlon in August.


> If I just dig in my heels I feel like I am just " practicing struggle " not

> swimming the way it should be.

> I guess I should just be really good about not missing my swim training

> sessions, rather sacrifice running or biking if need be, because those are

> the disciplines I feel more comfortable with.


> Does anyone have any more advice for me? I will try EFT on this and I have

> also tried the mindfulness practice suggests for painful feelings.

> As I said, at this point it has become so emotionally charged because as a

> kid I did not exercise much, it only came later in my life that I learned

> to love exercise. And I hated PE class...


> Thanks for listening!


> jantje



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Oh, Jantje!

You do so much. Work, Exercise, the full enchilada. Did you listen to the

podcast with Jena Laflamme, #107? Maybe you should give it a listen. It

talks about struggling with exercise. If you don't truly enjoy it it gives

you no benefit. I'm still mulling this one over and trying to decide if a)

I fully believe that and B) I actually do like to run. I have been telling

myself so long that I do but I'm not sure any more. I just know that when I

basically took the winter off this year I gained 15 pounds and I am really

struggling to get back into the running and also to drop any of this new

weight. My eating is good. I rarely eat at night. I rarely " binge " and I am

getting better and better at eating very healthy food and dropping the

processed crap. But still I seem to be stuck, so I have to wonder what is

going on deep down inside.

I'm not trying to talk you out of the Master's Swim, don't think that. I

think the practice is a wonderful opportunity for you to be out with people

other than work and I am one who loves a challenge and a goal. I am just

concerned that you have backed yourself into a corner here and you are

putting way too much pressure on yourself. Can you do the swim and the

triathlon just for the fun of it? Is it still fun? I'm hoping so. Let me


Take care,


[insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > >

> > > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > > never

> > > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > > >

> > > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > > home,

> > > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and

> > > > not

> > > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my

> > > > sleep.

> > > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a

> > > > run--planning

> > > > on

> > > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored

> > > > my

> > > > promises, slept well.

> > > >

> > > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days

> > > > that

> > > > got

> > > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > > >

> > > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but

> > > > thought of

> > > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for

> > > > variety....

> > > >

> > > >

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Guest guest

Oh, Jantje!

You do so much. Work, Exercise, the full enchilada. Did you listen to the

podcast with Jena Laflamme, #107? Maybe you should give it a listen. It

talks about struggling with exercise. If you don't truly enjoy it it gives

you no benefit. I'm still mulling this one over and trying to decide if a)

I fully believe that and B) I actually do like to run. I have been telling

myself so long that I do but I'm not sure any more. I just know that when I

basically took the winter off this year I gained 15 pounds and I am really

struggling to get back into the running and also to drop any of this new

weight. My eating is good. I rarely eat at night. I rarely " binge " and I am

getting better and better at eating very healthy food and dropping the

processed crap. But still I seem to be stuck, so I have to wonder what is

going on deep down inside.

I'm not trying to talk you out of the Master's Swim, don't think that. I

think the practice is a wonderful opportunity for you to be out with people

other than work and I am one who loves a challenge and a goal. I am just

concerned that you have backed yourself into a corner here and you are

putting way too much pressure on yourself. Can you do the swim and the

triathlon just for the fun of it? Is it still fun? I'm hoping so. Let me


Take care,


[insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > >

> > > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > > never

> > > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > > >

> > > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > > home,

> > > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and

> > > > not

> > > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my

> > > > sleep.

> > > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a

> > > > run--planning

> > > > on

> > > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored

> > > > my

> > > > promises, slept well.

> > > >

> > > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days

> > > > that

> > > > got

> > > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > > >

> > > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but

> > > > thought of

> > > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for

> > > > variety....

> > > >

> > > >

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Thank you, and Wynn!

You do have a couple of valid points. Especially the inner conflict one. While I

like to run and cycle, I am not so sure about swimming. I would really love to

love it. But so far I don't. On the other hand, it is very technical, so maybe

once I know how to swim properly I can enjoy it. Last night, I used the

mindfulness breathing exercise from the podcast, just being in the pain. That

did not really solve the problem, but I gained some perspective. I decided the


The Master's Swim goes into summer break by the end of May. I will give myself

until then. Make a real commitment to practice once a week by myself and once at

the swim practice. Give this a real shot. If I don't like it by the end of next

month I will critically evaluate my commitment to the triathlon.

One other source of the conflict is that I have this picture of myself as an

active, somewhat athletic person despite my heaviness. But this experience

brings up my memories from my childhood belief (which was reinforced by my Mom's

beliefs about me), that I am a chubby, non-athletic kid who'd much rather spend

her day inside reading than being active and running around outside. I thought I

had overcome that belief but it came back last night. Maybe I am not as athletic

as I thought...

Thanks again for listening and your great advice.And for reminding me of the

things I do do...


BTW, I did 20 min of Pilates today. No running because of an important meeting/

presentation at work. Hopefully tomorrow.

Again, thank you for this challenge, it really has helped me get back into


> > > >

> > > > From: Wayne and Wynn Schneider <mrfreezeagt (DOT) net>

> > > > Subject: Re: [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > > > weightloss @groups. com

> > > > Date: Friday, April 16, 2010, 9:23 PM

> > > >

> > > > Oh !

> > > > I was so delighted to read your post this morning. This is what

> > > > is

> > > > talking about when she discusses " healing in community " . I, too, have

> > > > been

> > > > exercising these past few weeks when I don't want to or don't think I

> > > > even

> > > > can, because I have made promises to all of you out there. And I am

> > > > slowly

> > > > coming out of the " all or nothing " mindset. I am the typical

> > > > overachiever

> > > > mentioned in one of 's podcasts who simply does nothing because

> > > > she

> > > > doesn't have the time to do a 2 hour workout. I used to work out 2

> > > > hours a

> > > > day at least 5 days a week. When I can't do that I just throw in the

> > > > towel -

> > > > what good is a 1/2 hour run or a few sets of weights, I ask myself.

> > > > Well,

> > > > it's a heck of a lot better than no run at all and I'm really working

> > > > on

> > > > that one. It's difficult for me as I am sure it is for many of us, but

> > > > knowing someone out there has my best interests in their heart and is

> > > > silently encouraging me to get up and get going makes an incredible

> > > > difference. Amazing but true, and I would like to thank everyone of

> > > > you

> > > > for

> > > > your caring and kindness and encouragement.

> > > > Wynn

> > > > [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > > >

> > > > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > > > never

> > > > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > > > >

> > > > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > > > home,

> > > > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and

> > > > > not

> > > > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my

> > > > > sleep.

> > > > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a

> > > > > run--planning

> > > > > on

> > > > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored

> > > > > my

> > > > > promises, slept well.

> > > > >

> > > > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days

> > > > > that

> > > > > got

> > > > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > > > >

> > > > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but

> > > > > thought of

> > > > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for

> > > > > variety....

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Thank you, and Wynn!

You do have a couple of valid points. Especially the inner conflict one. While I

like to run and cycle, I am not so sure about swimming. I would really love to

love it. But so far I don't. On the other hand, it is very technical, so maybe

once I know how to swim properly I can enjoy it. Last night, I used the

mindfulness breathing exercise from the podcast, just being in the pain. That

did not really solve the problem, but I gained some perspective. I decided the


The Master's Swim goes into summer break by the end of May. I will give myself

until then. Make a real commitment to practice once a week by myself and once at

the swim practice. Give this a real shot. If I don't like it by the end of next

month I will critically evaluate my commitment to the triathlon.

One other source of the conflict is that I have this picture of myself as an

active, somewhat athletic person despite my heaviness. But this experience

brings up my memories from my childhood belief (which was reinforced by my Mom's

beliefs about me), that I am a chubby, non-athletic kid who'd much rather spend

her day inside reading than being active and running around outside. I thought I

had overcome that belief but it came back last night. Maybe I am not as athletic

as I thought...

Thanks again for listening and your great advice.And for reminding me of the

things I do do...


BTW, I did 20 min of Pilates today. No running because of an important meeting/

presentation at work. Hopefully tomorrow.

Again, thank you for this challenge, it really has helped me get back into


> > > >

> > > > From: Wayne and Wynn Schneider <mrfreezeagt (DOT) net>

> > > > Subject: Re: [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > > > weightloss @groups. com

> > > > Date: Friday, April 16, 2010, 9:23 PM

> > > >

> > > > Oh !

> > > > I was so delighted to read your post this morning. This is what

> > > > is

> > > > talking about when she discusses " healing in community " . I, too, have

> > > > been

> > > > exercising these past few weeks when I don't want to or don't think I

> > > > even

> > > > can, because I have made promises to all of you out there. And I am

> > > > slowly

> > > > coming out of the " all or nothing " mindset. I am the typical

> > > > overachiever

> > > > mentioned in one of 's podcasts who simply does nothing because

> > > > she

> > > > doesn't have the time to do a 2 hour workout. I used to work out 2

> > > > hours a

> > > > day at least 5 days a week. When I can't do that I just throw in the

> > > > towel -

> > > > what good is a 1/2 hour run or a few sets of weights, I ask myself.

> > > > Well,

> > > > it's a heck of a lot better than no run at all and I'm really working

> > > > on

> > > > that one. It's difficult for me as I am sure it is for many of us, but

> > > > knowing someone out there has my best interests in their heart and is

> > > > silently encouraging me to get up and get going makes an incredible

> > > > difference. Amazing but true, and I would like to thank everyone of

> > > > you

> > > > for

> > > > your caring and kindness and encouragement.

> > > > Wynn

> > > > [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > > >

> > > > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > > > never

> > > > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > > > >

> > > > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > > > home,

> > > > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and

> > > > > not

> > > > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my

> > > > > sleep.

> > > > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a

> > > > > run--planning

> > > > > on

> > > > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored

> > > > > my

> > > > > promises, slept well.

> > > > >

> > > > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days

> > > > > that

> > > > > got

> > > > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > > > >

> > > > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but

> > > > > thought of

> > > > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for

> > > > > variety....

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Good morning , Wynn and Jantje,

Jantje, reading your email was like reading something that I could have written

only about tennis. I have played tennis for 20 years and was a very good 4.5-5

level player. I too was a chubby teenager who did anything and everything to get

out of gym but from the age of 20 onwards have been involved in something.

I had worked HARD (extremely hard) to reach a high level and stay there and was

always proud of myself on and off the court. Just as you said you feel you are a

runner and panicked when you could not run Wynn, I felt like this about tennis.

If I couldn't play for a day or (God forbid) a couple of days it felt terrible.

I won tropheys in singles, doubles, got the compliments and exclamations about

my stamina, endurance and hard work. Then two years ago I came down with the

flu, followed by another bad cold followed by a pulled back muscle. My husband

had health problems, etc and for two years I have been starting and stopping.

This year was supposed to be my comeback year. :-) Had lined up partners for

doubles matches in tournaments in May, June but! again the flu, followed by a

bad cold, etc.


Do I really want this? I don't know.It's sooooo difficult to go and play below

the level I was playing. Humiliating..... So Jantje I can understand how

frustrated you feel. Life gets in the way or we let it get in the way and we are

too tired to fight back.


About the exercise Wynn. I think  is right. It doesn't have to be perfect.

I don't know in the end to what extent we use exercise to " make up for " the food

we take in every day. Is it a way to purge some of the " bad " foods we have

eaten? Is it a way to punish ourselves for haven overeaten? (Even if it is

healthy food?) Or do we just have to run/jog/exercise because it gives us a very

nice high and leaves us feeling a lot better the rest of the day?????

And how much exercise is enough? Surely if we don't exercise for one day it's

not going to make a big difference. I think we will actually give our bodies a

much needed rest and be raring to go the next.

Anyway just a few ideas that have been running around in my head. I'd love to

hear your ideas on all of this...


Thanks SO much to all the group  for the ideas, encouragement and comments! I

think that we will be able to figure some things out as we continue on our

weight loss journey, make it easier and accomplish some of our goals.



From: Wayne and Wynn Schneider <mrfreeze@...>

Subject: Re: Re: Exercise


Date: Thursday, April 22, 2010, 9:00 PM


Morning, ;

I was so impressed by your reply to Jantje. You and I are so much alike! I

get into the running because I enjoy it but then it becomes this " bigger

than life " presence in my life and pretty much just induces guilt because I

can't keep up to my aspirations. Like you, I always wind up injured or sick

but I usually keep it up right thru the pain, often causing myself further

injuries. I panic when I can't run and get upset with myself when I don't

run enough. Part of the problem, for myself, is that it is a very lonely

activity. I do it alone and no one close to me is very interested. The few

races I have run have been on my own, often with no one to cheer me on at

the finish line. This is mainly why I have given up on races.I would

probably be better off if I had a running group to work out with, but I

can't go there because I don't feel I'm fast enough or skinny enough to be

seen as a runner! This is why I just keep harping on no competition, just do

something. Whatever works for you is good enough. Why can't we accept

ourselves as good enough? I send these messages out to the group, but really

I think they are for me. It's so great to hear the message being reflected

back by you. Thank you so much! And I hope Jantje can forgiver herself and

pat herself on the back for all the work she DOES do!

Take care,


[insideoutweightlos s] Re: Exercise



> Help! I am sooo frustrated with myself.


> Today, I have been at the Masters Swim Practive for the first time in over

> a month. I was sick, traveling, or stuck working late. All valid reasons,

> but still, I was not there. And today I really noticed how much I have

> fallen behind the rest of the group. Embarassing! Luckily, I didn't feel

> like I was holding people back. This brings back bad memories from PE

> class back in the days, I guess that's why I am so upset. I have this

> feeling of hopelessness and my reaction was to just walk away from it,

> pretending I didn't care. Tonight, I seriously considered leaving the

> practice and just forget about it- I didn't. I guess that's a start. But I

> want to work through this somehow. After all, I have signed up for a

> sprint triathlon in August.


> If I just dig in my heels I feel like I am just " practicing struggle " not

> swimming the way it should be.

> I guess I should just be really good about not missing my swim training

> sessions, rather sacrifice running or biking if need be, because those are

> the disciplines I feel more comfortable with.


> Does anyone have any more advice for me? I will try EFT on this and I have

> also tried the mindfulness practice suggests for painful feelings.

> As I said, at this point it has become so emotionally charged because as a

> kid I did not exercise much, it only came later in my life that I learned

> to love exercise. And I hated PE class...


> Thanks for listening!


> jantje



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baby steps....Positive baby steps....Already you are teaching the kids you keep

to be kind and forgiving....apply the same advice to yourself.  Start out

looking for ONE positive....and doing something good for yourself and for

someone else. Then come on and post it. :-)


So many children that you look after. I'm sure you must do dozens of kind things

every day. Give us some examples. What did you do today that showed kindness and

love towards yourself? Who was kind to you today?


From: lvrocher <lavrocheraol (DOT) com>

Subject: [insideoutweightlos s] Re: Exercise

weightloss @groups. com

Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 8:57 AM


Hello Everyone,

I am going to get back on track! I have walked for the last 2 days. Today, for

an hour while listening to the podcasts. I go back to work tomorrow to my

stressful job. I am trying to keep positive thoughts so that I don't stress eat.

Hope you all have a good Monday.


> >

> > From: Wayne and Wynn Schneider <mrfreezeagt (DOT) net>

> > Subject: Re: [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > weightloss @groups. com

> > Date: Friday, April 16, 2010, 9:23 PM

> >

> > Oh !

> > I was so delighted to read your post this morning. This is what is

> > talking about when she discusses " healing in community " . I, too, have been

> > exercising these past few weeks when I don't want to or don't think I even

> > can, because I have made promises to all of you out there. And I am slowly

> > coming out of the " all or nothing " mindset. I am the typical overachiever

> > mentioned in one of 's podcasts who simply does nothing because she

> > doesn't have the time to do a 2 hour workout. I used to work out 2 hours a

> > day at least 5 days a week. When I can't do that I just throw in the

> > towel -

> > what good is a 1/2 hour run or a few sets of weights, I ask myself. Well,

> > it's a heck of a lot better than no run at all and I'm really working on

> > that one. It's difficult for me as I am sure it is for many of us, but

> > knowing someone out there has my best interests in their heart and is

> > silently encouraging me to get up and get going makes an incredible

> > difference. Amazing but true, and I would like to thank everyone of you

> > for

> > your caring and kindness and encouragement.

> > Wynn

> > [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> >

> > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > never

> > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > >

> > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > home,

> > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and not

> > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my sleep.

> > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a run--planning

> > > on

> > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored my

> > > promises, slept well.

> > >

> > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days that

> > > got

> > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > >

> > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but thought of

> > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for variety....

> > >

> > >

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baby steps....Positive baby steps....Already you are teaching the kids you keep

to be kind and forgiving....apply the same advice to yourself.  Start out

looking for ONE positive....and doing something good for yourself and for

someone else. Then come on and post it. :-)


So many children that you look after. I'm sure you must do dozens of kind things

every day. Give us some examples. What did you do today that showed kindness and

love towards yourself? Who was kind to you today?


From: lvrocher <lavrocheraol (DOT) com>

Subject: [insideoutweightlos s] Re: Exercise

weightloss @groups. com

Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 8:57 AM


Hello Everyone,

I am going to get back on track! I have walked for the last 2 days. Today, for

an hour while listening to the podcasts. I go back to work tomorrow to my

stressful job. I am trying to keep positive thoughts so that I don't stress eat.

Hope you all have a good Monday.


> >

> > From: Wayne and Wynn Schneider <mrfreezeagt (DOT) net>

> > Subject: Re: [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > weightloss @groups. com

> > Date: Friday, April 16, 2010, 9:23 PM

> >

> > Oh !

> > I was so delighted to read your post this morning. This is what is

> > talking about when she discusses " healing in community " . I, too, have been

> > exercising these past few weeks when I don't want to or don't think I even

> > can, because I have made promises to all of you out there. And I am slowly

> > coming out of the " all or nothing " mindset. I am the typical overachiever

> > mentioned in one of 's podcasts who simply does nothing because she

> > doesn't have the time to do a 2 hour workout. I used to work out 2 hours a

> > day at least 5 days a week. When I can't do that I just throw in the

> > towel -

> > what good is a 1/2 hour run or a few sets of weights, I ask myself. Well,

> > it's a heck of a lot better than no run at all and I'm really working on

> > that one. It's difficult for me as I am sure it is for many of us, but

> > knowing someone out there has my best interests in their heart and is

> > silently encouraging me to get up and get going makes an incredible

> > difference. Amazing but true, and I would like to thank everyone of you

> > for

> > your caring and kindness and encouragement.

> > Wynn

> > [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> >

> > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > never

> > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > >

> > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > home,

> > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and not

> > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my sleep.

> > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a run--planning

> > > on

> > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored my

> > > promises, slept well.

> > >

> > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days that

> > > got

> > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > >

> > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but thought of

> > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for variety....

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

BTW....ran 4 k yesterday on the treadmill and did some weight lifting.

Jogged outside today 6 k.....very nice jog by the sea :-) PERFECT! and some

weight lifting.

What did you guys do??

From: lvrocher <lavrocheraol (DOT) com>

Subject: [insideoutweightlos s] Re: Exercise

weightloss @groups. com

Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 8:57 AM


Hello Everyone,

I am going to get back on track! I have walked for the last 2 days. Today, for

an hour while listening to the podcasts. I go back to work tomorrow to my

stressful job. I am trying to keep positive thoughts so that I don't stress eat.

Hope you all have a good Monday.


> >

> > From: Wayne and Wynn Schneider <mrfreezeagt (DOT) net>

> > Subject: Re: [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > weightloss @groups. com

> > Date: Friday, April 16, 2010, 9:23 PM

> >

> > Oh !

> > I was so delighted to read your post this morning. This is what is

> > talking about when she discusses " healing in community " . I, too, have been

> > exercising these past few weeks when I don't want to or don't think I even

> > can, because I have made promises to all of you out there. And I am slowly

> > coming out of the " all or nothing " mindset. I am the typical overachiever

> > mentioned in one of 's podcasts who simply does nothing because she

> > doesn't have the time to do a 2 hour workout. I used to work out 2 hours a

> > day at least 5 days a week. When I can't do that I just throw in the

> > towel -

> > what good is a 1/2 hour run or a few sets of weights, I ask myself. Well,

> > it's a heck of a lot better than no run at all and I'm really working on

> > that one. It's difficult for me as I am sure it is for many of us, but

> > knowing someone out there has my best interests in their heart and is

> > silently encouraging me to get up and get going makes an incredible

> > difference. Amazing but true, and I would like to thank everyone of you

> > for

> > your caring and kindness and encouragement.

> > Wynn

> > [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> >

> > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > never

> > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > >

> > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > home,

> > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and not

> > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my sleep.

> > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a run--planning

> > > on

> > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored my

> > > promises, slept well.

> > >

> > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days that

> > > got

> > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > >

> > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but thought of

> > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for variety....

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

I get those thoughts constantly when I run ( I can hear my father saying you are

so ungraceful it isn't funny or you walk like a football player blah blah blah

and many other things) so I imagine my dad in a balloon and I can see him

talking but I let go of the balloon and then it gets smaller and smaller and

sometimes I just imagine myself with running shoes on stepping on the balloon

and pop it is gone.  Kinda hokey pokey like but It is helpful for me. As far

as the kid who prefers to be cuddled up with a book or sitting focused paining

or drawling...... why can't we be both. 

Hugs from Constance in Mich.  

From: Nixe708 <jantje.gerdes@...>

Subject: Re: Exercise


Date: Thursday, April 22, 2010, 5:42 PM


Thank you, and Wynn!

You do have a couple of valid points. Especially the inner conflict one. While I

like to run and cycle, I am not so sure about swimming. I would really love to

love it. But so far I don't. On the other hand, it is very technical, so maybe

once I know how to swim properly I can enjoy it. Last night, I used the

mindfulness breathing exercise from the podcast, just being in the pain. That

did not really solve the problem, but I gained some perspective. I decided the


The Master's Swim goes into summer break by the end of May. I will give myself

until then. Make a real commitment to practice once a week by myself and once at

the swim practice. Give this a real shot. If I don't like it by the end of next

month I will critically evaluate my commitment to the triathlon.

One other source of the conflict is that I have this picture of myself as an

active, somewhat athletic person despite my heaviness. But this experience

brings up my memories from my childhood belief (which was reinforced by my Mom's

beliefs about me), that I am a chubby, non-athletic kid who'd much rather spend

her day inside reading than being active and running around outside. I thought I

had overcome that belief but it came back last night. Maybe I am not as athletic

as I thought...

Thanks again for listening and your great advice.And for reminding me of the

things I do do...


BTW, I did 20 min of Pilates today. No running because of an important meeting/

presentation at work. Hopefully tomorrow.

Again, thank you for this challenge, it really has helped me get back into


> > > >

> > > > From: Wayne and Wynn Schneider <mrfreezeagt (DOT) net>

> > > > Subject: Re: [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > > > weightloss @groups. com

> > > > Date: Friday, April 16, 2010, 9:23 PM

> > > >

> > > > Oh !

> > > > I was so delighted to read your post this morning. This is what

> > > > is

> > > > talking about when she discusses " healing in community " . I, too, have

> > > > been

> > > > exercising these past few weeks when I don't want to or don't think I

> > > > even

> > > > can, because I have made promises to all of you out there. And I am

> > > > slowly

> > > > coming out of the " all or nothing " mindset. I am the typical

> > > > overachiever

> > > > mentioned in one of 's podcasts who simply does nothing because

> > > > she

> > > > doesn't have the time to do a 2 hour workout. I used to work out 2

> > > > hours a

> > > > day at least 5 days a week. When I can't do that I just throw in the

> > > > towel -

> > > > what good is a 1/2 hour run or a few sets of weights, I ask myself.

> > > > Well,

> > > > it's a heck of a lot better than no run at all and I'm really working

> > > > on

> > > > that one. It's difficult for me as I am sure it is for many of us, but

> > > > knowing someone out there has my best interests in their heart and is

> > > > silently encouraging me to get up and get going makes an incredible

> > > > difference. Amazing but true, and I would like to thank everyone of

> > > > you

> > > > for

> > > > your caring and kindness and encouragement.

> > > > Wynn

> > > > [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > > >

> > > > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > > > never

> > > > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > > > >

> > > > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > > > home,

> > > > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and

> > > > > not

> > > > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my

> > > > > sleep.

> > > > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a

> > > > > run--planning

> > > > > on

> > > > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored

> > > > > my

> > > > > promises, slept well.

> > > > >

> > > > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days

> > > > > that

> > > > > got

> > > > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > > > >

> > > > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but

> > > > > thought of

> > > > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for

> > > > > variety....

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Guest guest

I get those thoughts constantly when I run ( I can hear my father saying you are

so ungraceful it isn't funny or you walk like a football player blah blah blah

and many other things) so I imagine my dad in a balloon and I can see him

talking but I let go of the balloon and then it gets smaller and smaller and

sometimes I just imagine myself with running shoes on stepping on the balloon

and pop it is gone.  Kinda hokey pokey like but It is helpful for me. As far

as the kid who prefers to be cuddled up with a book or sitting focused paining

or drawling...... why can't we be both. 

Hugs from Constance in Mich.  

From: Nixe708 <jantje.gerdes@...>

Subject: Re: Exercise


Date: Thursday, April 22, 2010, 5:42 PM


Thank you, and Wynn!

You do have a couple of valid points. Especially the inner conflict one. While I

like to run and cycle, I am not so sure about swimming. I would really love to

love it. But so far I don't. On the other hand, it is very technical, so maybe

once I know how to swim properly I can enjoy it. Last night, I used the

mindfulness breathing exercise from the podcast, just being in the pain. That

did not really solve the problem, but I gained some perspective. I decided the


The Master's Swim goes into summer break by the end of May. I will give myself

until then. Make a real commitment to practice once a week by myself and once at

the swim practice. Give this a real shot. If I don't like it by the end of next

month I will critically evaluate my commitment to the triathlon.

One other source of the conflict is that I have this picture of myself as an

active, somewhat athletic person despite my heaviness. But this experience

brings up my memories from my childhood belief (which was reinforced by my Mom's

beliefs about me), that I am a chubby, non-athletic kid who'd much rather spend

her day inside reading than being active and running around outside. I thought I

had overcome that belief but it came back last night. Maybe I am not as athletic

as I thought...

Thanks again for listening and your great advice.And for reminding me of the

things I do do...


BTW, I did 20 min of Pilates today. No running because of an important meeting/

presentation at work. Hopefully tomorrow.

Again, thank you for this challenge, it really has helped me get back into


> > > >

> > > > From: Wayne and Wynn Schneider <mrfreezeagt (DOT) net>

> > > > Subject: Re: [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > > > weightloss @groups. com

> > > > Date: Friday, April 16, 2010, 9:23 PM

> > > >

> > > > Oh !

> > > > I was so delighted to read your post this morning. This is what

> > > > is

> > > > talking about when she discusses " healing in community " . I, too, have

> > > > been

> > > > exercising these past few weeks when I don't want to or don't think I

> > > > even

> > > > can, because I have made promises to all of you out there. And I am

> > > > slowly

> > > > coming out of the " all or nothing " mindset. I am the typical

> > > > overachiever

> > > > mentioned in one of 's podcasts who simply does nothing because

> > > > she

> > > > doesn't have the time to do a 2 hour workout. I used to work out 2

> > > > hours a

> > > > day at least 5 days a week. When I can't do that I just throw in the

> > > > towel -

> > > > what good is a 1/2 hour run or a few sets of weights, I ask myself.

> > > > Well,

> > > > it's a heck of a lot better than no run at all and I'm really working

> > > > on

> > > > that one. It's difficult for me as I am sure it is for many of us, but

> > > > knowing someone out there has my best interests in their heart and is

> > > > silently encouraging me to get up and get going makes an incredible

> > > > difference. Amazing but true, and I would like to thank everyone of

> > > > you

> > > > for

> > > > your caring and kindness and encouragement.

> > > > Wynn

> > > > [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > > >

> > > > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > > > never

> > > > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > > > >

> > > > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > > > home,

> > > > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and

> > > > > not

> > > > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my

> > > > > sleep.

> > > > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a

> > > > > run--planning

> > > > > on

> > > > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored

> > > > > my

> > > > > promises, slept well.

> > > > >

> > > > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days

> > > > > that

> > > > > got

> > > > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > > > >

> > > > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but

> > > > > thought of

> > > > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for

> > > > > variety....

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Guest guest

Thanks .....

Today..... I sat and just talk to each child. They love when you give them one

on one attention and just talk to them. Take very a very little thing called T

I M E to show children you care about them.  

I apologized twice to my husband when I snapped at him when I was really hungry.

I took it on myself to call and get my assistant signed up for Softball ( time

for her to stop worrying about her verbally, mentally and emotionally abusive

husband) Such a long personal and painful tangle mess of a marriage.

I sent a positive email to each my daughters

I planned a swimming party ( all the talk about swimming made me a little

jealous and sad and I decided TOMORROW ..... open swim NO IF's NO BUTT's even if

everyone bales I am going....... I am going and I am OK

HUGS from Constance in Mich.

From: lvrocher <lavrocheraol (DOT) com>

Subject: [insideoutweightlos s] Re: Exercise

weightloss @groups. com

Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 8:57 AM


Hello Everyone,

I am going to get back on track! I have walked for the last 2 days. Today, for

an hour while listening to the podcasts. I go back to work tomorrow to my

stressful job. I am trying to keep positive thoughts so that I don't stress eat.

Hope you all have a good Monday.


> >

> > From: Wayne and Wynn Schneider <mrfreezeagt (DOT) net>

> > Subject: Re: [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > weightloss @groups. com

> > Date: Friday, April 16, 2010, 9:23 PM

> >

> > Oh !

> > I was so delighted to read your post this morning. This is what is

> > talking about when she discusses " healing in community " . I, too, have been

> > exercising these past few weeks when I don't want to or don't think I even

> > can, because I have made promises to all of you out there. And I am slowly

> > coming out of the " all or nothing " mindset. I am the typical overachiever

> > mentioned in one of 's podcasts who simply does nothing because she

> > doesn't have the time to do a 2 hour workout. I used to work out 2 hours a

> > day at least 5 days a week. When I can't do that I just throw in the

> > towel -

> > what good is a 1/2 hour run or a few sets of weights, I ask myself. Well,

> > it's a heck of a lot better than no run at all and I'm really working on

> > that one. It's difficult for me as I am sure it is for many of us, but

> > knowing someone out there has my best interests in their heart and is

> > silently encouraging me to get up and get going makes an incredible

> > difference. Amazing but true, and I would like to thank everyone of you

> > for

> > your caring and kindness and encouragement.

> > Wynn

> > [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> >

> > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > never

> > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > >

> > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > home,

> > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and not

> > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my sleep.

> > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a run--planning

> > > on

> > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored my

> > > promises, slept well.

> > >

> > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days that

> > > got

> > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > >

> > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but thought of

> > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for variety....

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

Thanks .....

Today..... I sat and just talk to each child. They love when you give them one

on one attention and just talk to them. Take very a very little thing called T

I M E to show children you care about them.  

I apologized twice to my husband when I snapped at him when I was really hungry.

I took it on myself to call and get my assistant signed up for Softball ( time

for her to stop worrying about her verbally, mentally and emotionally abusive

husband) Such a long personal and painful tangle mess of a marriage.

I sent a positive email to each my daughters

I planned a swimming party ( all the talk about swimming made me a little

jealous and sad and I decided TOMORROW ..... open swim NO IF's NO BUTT's even if

everyone bales I am going....... I am going and I am OK

HUGS from Constance in Mich.

From: lvrocher <lavrocheraol (DOT) com>

Subject: [insideoutweightlos s] Re: Exercise

weightloss @groups. com

Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 8:57 AM


Hello Everyone,

I am going to get back on track! I have walked for the last 2 days. Today, for

an hour while listening to the podcasts. I go back to work tomorrow to my

stressful job. I am trying to keep positive thoughts so that I don't stress eat.

Hope you all have a good Monday.


> >

> > From: Wayne and Wynn Schneider <mrfreezeagt (DOT) net>

> > Subject: Re: [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > weightloss @groups. com

> > Date: Friday, April 16, 2010, 9:23 PM

> >

> > Oh !

> > I was so delighted to read your post this morning. This is what is

> > talking about when she discusses " healing in community " . I, too, have been

> > exercising these past few weeks when I don't want to or don't think I even

> > can, because I have made promises to all of you out there. And I am slowly

> > coming out of the " all or nothing " mindset. I am the typical overachiever

> > mentioned in one of 's podcasts who simply does nothing because she

> > doesn't have the time to do a 2 hour workout. I used to work out 2 hours a

> > day at least 5 days a week. When I can't do that I just throw in the

> > towel -

> > what good is a 1/2 hour run or a few sets of weights, I ask myself. Well,

> > it's a heck of a lot better than no run at all and I'm really working on

> > that one. It's difficult for me as I am sure it is for many of us, but

> > knowing someone out there has my best interests in their heart and is

> > silently encouraging me to get up and get going makes an incredible

> > difference. Amazing but true, and I would like to thank everyone of you

> > for

> > your caring and kindness and encouragement.

> > Wynn

> > [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> >

> > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > never

> > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > >

> > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > home,

> > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and not

> > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my sleep.

> > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a run--planning

> > > on

> > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored my

> > > promises, slept well.

> > >

> > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days that

> > > got

> > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > >

> > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but thought of

> > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for variety....

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

Sorry I have done nothing this week ( But I am OK with that) I still lost

weight. I have been really really tired and since I usually have issues with

not being able to sleep for days on end : I decided to listen to my body and

take it easy and sleep. Someone gave me nne Micheal's ( 30 day shred) to

try for a couple of days to add to my walking program and my occasional running.

She (asked me to join a dance thing ) I turned her down. She has asked me dozen

of times to come over and do this work out with her and her sil. I always say no

and come up with a lame excuse. I need to figure out why I am doing this. I know

have 7, 8, 9, and 10. I now understand the level of hungry ( 0 to 10).

Hugs Constance in Mich.


From: lvrocher <lavrocheraol (DOT) com>

Subject: [insideoutweightlos s] Re: Exercise

weightloss @groups. com

Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 8:57 AM


Hello Everyone,

I am going to get back on track! I have walked for the last 2 days. Today, for

an hour while listening to the podcasts. I go back to work tomorrow to my

stressful job. I am trying to keep positive thoughts so that I don't stress eat.

Hope you all have a good Monday.


> >

> > From: Wayne and Wynn Schneider <mrfreezeagt (DOT) net>

> > Subject: Re: [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > weightloss @groups. com

> > Date: Friday, April 16, 2010, 9:23 PM

> >

> > Oh !

> > I was so delighted to read your post this morning. This is what is

> > talking about when she discusses " healing in community " . I, too, have been

> > exercising these past few weeks when I don't want to or don't think I even

> > can, because I have made promises to all of you out there. And I am slowly

> > coming out of the " all or nothing " mindset. I am the typical overachiever

> > mentioned in one of 's podcasts who simply does nothing because she

> > doesn't have the time to do a 2 hour workout. I used to work out 2 hours a

> > day at least 5 days a week. When I can't do that I just throw in the

> > towel -

> > what good is a 1/2 hour run or a few sets of weights, I ask myself. Well,

> > it's a heck of a lot better than no run at all and I'm really working on

> > that one. It's difficult for me as I am sure it is for many of us, but

> > knowing someone out there has my best interests in their heart and is

> > silently encouraging me to get up and get going makes an incredible

> > difference. Amazing but true, and I would like to thank everyone of you

> > for

> > your caring and kindness and encouragement.

> > Wynn

> > [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> >

> > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > never

> > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > >

> > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > home,

> > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and not

> > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my sleep.

> > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a run--planning

> > > on

> > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored my

> > > promises, slept well.

> > >

> > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days that

> > > got

> > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > >

> > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but thought of

> > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for variety....

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

Sorry I have done nothing this week ( But I am OK with that) I still lost

weight. I have been really really tired and since I usually have issues with

not being able to sleep for days on end : I decided to listen to my body and

take it easy and sleep. Someone gave me nne Micheal's ( 30 day shred) to

try for a couple of days to add to my walking program and my occasional running.

She (asked me to join a dance thing ) I turned her down. She has asked me dozen

of times to come over and do this work out with her and her sil. I always say no

and come up with a lame excuse. I need to figure out why I am doing this. I know

have 7, 8, 9, and 10. I now understand the level of hungry ( 0 to 10).

Hugs Constance in Mich.


From: lvrocher <lavrocheraol (DOT) com>

Subject: [insideoutweightlos s] Re: Exercise

weightloss @groups. com

Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 8:57 AM


Hello Everyone,

I am going to get back on track! I have walked for the last 2 days. Today, for

an hour while listening to the podcasts. I go back to work tomorrow to my

stressful job. I am trying to keep positive thoughts so that I don't stress eat.

Hope you all have a good Monday.


> >

> > From: Wayne and Wynn Schneider <mrfreezeagt (DOT) net>

> > Subject: Re: [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > weightloss @groups. com

> > Date: Friday, April 16, 2010, 9:23 PM

> >

> > Oh !

> > I was so delighted to read your post this morning. This is what is

> > talking about when she discusses " healing in community " . I, too, have been

> > exercising these past few weeks when I don't want to or don't think I even

> > can, because I have made promises to all of you out there. And I am slowly

> > coming out of the " all or nothing " mindset. I am the typical overachiever

> > mentioned in one of 's podcasts who simply does nothing because she

> > doesn't have the time to do a 2 hour workout. I used to work out 2 hours a

> > day at least 5 days a week. When I can't do that I just throw in the

> > towel -

> > what good is a 1/2 hour run or a few sets of weights, I ask myself. Well,

> > it's a heck of a lot better than no run at all and I'm really working on

> > that one. It's difficult for me as I am sure it is for many of us, but

> > knowing someone out there has my best interests in their heart and is

> > silently encouraging me to get up and get going makes an incredible

> > difference. Amazing but true, and I would like to thank everyone of you

> > for

> > your caring and kindness and encouragement.

> > Wynn

> > [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> >

> > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > never

> > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > >

> > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > home,

> > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and not

> > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my sleep.

> > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a run--planning

> > > on

> > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored my

> > > promises, slept well.

> > >

> > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days that

> > > got

> > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > >

> > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but thought of

> > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for variety....

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest


Incredibly positive! Way to go Constance! And you lost weight too! Great!!!!!


I gave my own self  a pep talk last night and got myself back on track

yesterday but only after gaining 5 pounds. Frustrating but I am not looking


A good friend and I had a talk about my weight issues and he was very kind and

encouraging about all of the positive steps i've been taking. It was the extra

bit of motivation I needed to continue on this weight loss journey.

Also, arranged to quick start my tennis " comeback " with 2 months lessons so set

that up yesterday.

Finally, I have started going over all my notes from 's podcasts.


Have Â a great day everyone,

From: lvrocher <lavrocheraol (DOT) com>

Subject: [insideoutweightlos s] Re: Exercise

weightloss @groups. com

Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 8:57 AM


Hello Everyone,

I am going to get back on track! I have walked for the last 2 days. Today, for

an hour while listening to the podcasts. I go back to work tomorrow to my

stressful job. I am trying to keep positive thoughts so that I don't stress eat.

Hope you all have a good Monday.


> >

> > From: Wayne and Wynn Schneider <mrfreezeagt (DOT) net>

> > Subject: Re: [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > weightloss @groups. com

> > Date: Friday, April 16, 2010, 9:23 PM

> >

> > Oh !

> > I was so delighted to read your post this morning. This is what is

> > talking about when she discusses " healing in community " . I, too, have been

> > exercising these past few weeks when I don't want to or don't think I even

> > can, because I have made promises to all of you out there. And I am slowly

> > coming out of the " all or nothing " mindset. I am the typical overachiever

> > mentioned in one of 's podcasts who simply does nothing because she

> > doesn't have the time to do a 2 hour workout. I used to work out 2 hours a

> > day at least 5 days a week. When I can't do that I just throw in the

> > towel -

> > what good is a 1/2 hour run or a few sets of weights, I ask myself. Well,

> > it's a heck of a lot better than no run at all and I'm really working on

> > that one. It's difficult for me as I am sure it is for many of us, but

> > knowing someone out there has my best interests in their heart and is

> > silently encouraging me to get up and get going makes an incredible

> > difference. Amazing but true, and I would like to thank everyone of you

> > for

> > your caring and kindness and encouragement.

> > Wynn

> > [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> >

> > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > never

> > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > >

> > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > home,

> > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and not

> > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my sleep.

> > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a run--planning

> > > on

> > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored my

> > > promises, slept well.

> > >

> > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days that

> > > got

> > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > >

> > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but thought of

> > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for variety....

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest


Incredibly positive! Way to go Constance! And you lost weight too! Great!!!!!


I gave my own self  a pep talk last night and got myself back on track

yesterday but only after gaining 5 pounds. Frustrating but I am not looking


A good friend and I had a talk about my weight issues and he was very kind and

encouraging about all of the positive steps i've been taking. It was the extra

bit of motivation I needed to continue on this weight loss journey.

Also, arranged to quick start my tennis " comeback " with 2 months lessons so set

that up yesterday.

Finally, I have started going over all my notes from 's podcasts.


Have Â a great day everyone,

From: lvrocher <lavrocheraol (DOT) com>

Subject: [insideoutweightlos s] Re: Exercise

weightloss @groups. com

Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 8:57 AM


Hello Everyone,

I am going to get back on track! I have walked for the last 2 days. Today, for

an hour while listening to the podcasts. I go back to work tomorrow to my

stressful job. I am trying to keep positive thoughts so that I don't stress eat.

Hope you all have a good Monday.


> >

> > From: Wayne and Wynn Schneider <mrfreezeagt (DOT) net>

> > Subject: Re: [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > weightloss @groups. com

> > Date: Friday, April 16, 2010, 9:23 PM

> >

> > Oh !

> > I was so delighted to read your post this morning. This is what is

> > talking about when she discusses " healing in community " . I, too, have been

> > exercising these past few weeks when I don't want to or don't think I even

> > can, because I have made promises to all of you out there. And I am slowly

> > coming out of the " all or nothing " mindset. I am the typical overachiever

> > mentioned in one of 's podcasts who simply does nothing because she

> > doesn't have the time to do a 2 hour workout. I used to work out 2 hours a

> > day at least 5 days a week. When I can't do that I just throw in the

> > towel -

> > what good is a 1/2 hour run or a few sets of weights, I ask myself. Well,

> > it's a heck of a lot better than no run at all and I'm really working on

> > that one. It's difficult for me as I am sure it is for many of us, but

> > knowing someone out there has my best interests in their heart and is

> > silently encouraging me to get up and get going makes an incredible

> > difference. Amazing but true, and I would like to thank everyone of you

> > for

> > your caring and kindness and encouragement.

> > Wynn

> > [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> >

> > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > never

> > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > >

> > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > home,

> > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and not

> > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my sleep.

> > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a run--planning

> > > on

> > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored my

> > > promises, slept well.

> > >

> > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days that

> > > got

> > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > >

> > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but thought of

> > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for variety....

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

Wow, I woke up to so many interesting posts... but I don't have time for more

than one response now.

what kind of work I do. I work in documentation. You know, writing all

those manuals that no one ever reads.... Except now I work for a medical device

company. If no one else reads it, the FDA does. Which means that word choice is

*very* important....

Jantje, what does " athletic " mean to you?

Do you really have to be a runner, and a cyclist, AND a swimmer to be athletic?

If you can run a marathon but you don't like to swim, does that mean you're not

athletic? If you've never run a race in your life, but you love spending a day

hiking, lugging food and 3 liters of water, are you not athletic? I'm sensing a

limiting belief here....

Next time you're swimming laps, you might want to remind yourself how athletic

you are now. :-)

And send back a hug to your younger self, with whatever message you want to send

her. Maybe it's that it's OK to enjoy reading. Maybe it's to reassure her that

eventually she will be athletic. Whatever feels right to you....

OK, better get moving. I'll be drawing on all your support this morning--I've

agreed to do something that puts me way outside my comfort zone, but it's down

the path towards finding my " soul's gift. "


One other source of the conflict is that I have this picture of myself as an

active, somewhat athletic person despite my heaviness. But this experience

brings up my memories from my childhood belief (which was reinforced by my Mom's

beliefs about me), that I am a chubby, non-athletic kid who'd much rather spend

her day inside reading than being active and running around outside. I thought I

had overcome that belief but it came back last night. Maybe I am not as athletic

as I thought...

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Guest guest

Wow, I woke up to so many interesting posts... but I don't have time for more

than one response now.

what kind of work I do. I work in documentation. You know, writing all

those manuals that no one ever reads.... Except now I work for a medical device

company. If no one else reads it, the FDA does. Which means that word choice is

*very* important....

Jantje, what does " athletic " mean to you?

Do you really have to be a runner, and a cyclist, AND a swimmer to be athletic?

If you can run a marathon but you don't like to swim, does that mean you're not

athletic? If you've never run a race in your life, but you love spending a day

hiking, lugging food and 3 liters of water, are you not athletic? I'm sensing a

limiting belief here....

Next time you're swimming laps, you might want to remind yourself how athletic

you are now. :-)

And send back a hug to your younger self, with whatever message you want to send

her. Maybe it's that it's OK to enjoy reading. Maybe it's to reassure her that

eventually she will be athletic. Whatever feels right to you....

OK, better get moving. I'll be drawing on all your support this morning--I've

agreed to do something that puts me way outside my comfort zone, but it's down

the path towards finding my " soul's gift. "


One other source of the conflict is that I have this picture of myself as an

active, somewhat athletic person despite my heaviness. But this experience

brings up my memories from my childhood belief (which was reinforced by my Mom's

beliefs about me), that I am a chubby, non-athletic kid who'd much rather spend

her day inside reading than being active and running around outside. I thought I

had overcome that belief but it came back last night. Maybe I am not as athletic

as I thought...

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Guest guest

Jantje, I believe that you are very athletic. You know just because you have not

managed yet to reach a certain level in a particular sport does not mean you are

not athletic. It may mean you are a bit of a perfectionist who  does not have

18 hours a day to devote to sports. :-) Give yourself a break! You are doing

incredible things that you enjoy and are trying at the swimming. You said

yourself that swimming is technique and it takes time to acquire the skills and

techniques that a sport demands, esp. swimming. I think your idea to give

yourself till end of May is very smart indeed and also some practicing on your



Finally, I have been where you were at in the pool. I've been so frustrated on

the tennis courts and wanted (desparately) to walk off the courts. To stop

trying. Ohhhhhh.... but then there are the good days when it is so worth being

out there and all your hard work comes together and you think YES! JOY! :-)


And Constance is right. Why indeed can't we be an athlete who also loves  to

curl up with a book or watch tv?

I loved the idea of putting your negative images in a balloon and letting them

go or even better stepping on them!

From: Nixe708 <jantje.gerdes>

Subject: [insideoutweightlos s] Re: Exercise

weightloss @groups. com

Date: Thursday, April 22, 2010, 5:42 PM


Thank you, and Wynn!

You do have a couple of valid points. Especially the inner conflict one. While I

like to run and cycle, I am not so sure about swimming. I would really love to

love it. But so far I don't. On the other hand, it is very technical, so maybe

once I know how to swim properly I can enjoy it. Last night, I used the

mindfulness breathing exercise from the podcast, just being in the pain. That

did not really solve the problem, but I gained some perspective. I decided the


The Master's Swim goes into summer break by the end of May. I will give myself

until then. Make a real commitment to practice once a week by myself and once at

the swim practice. Give this a real shot. If I don't like it by the end of next

month I will critically evaluate my commitment to the triathlon.

One other source of the conflict is that I have this picture of myself as an

active, somewhat athletic person despite my heaviness. But this experience

brings up my memories from my childhood belief (which was reinforced by my Mom's

beliefs about me), that I am a chubby, non-athletic kid who'd much rather spend

her day inside reading than being active and running around outside. I thought I

had overcome that belief but it came back last night. Maybe I am not as athletic

as I thought...

Thanks again for listening and your great advice.And for reminding me of the

things I do do...


BTW, I did 20 min of Pilates today. No running because of an important meeting/

presentation at work. Hopefully tomorrow.

Again, thank you for this challenge, it really has helped me get back into


> > > >

> > > > From: Wayne and Wynn Schneider <mrfreezeagt (DOT) net>

> > > > Subject: Re: [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > > > weightloss @groups. com

> > > > Date: Friday, April 16, 2010, 9:23 PM

> > > >

> > > > Oh !

> > > > I was so delighted to read your post this morning. This is what

> > > > is

> > > > talking about when she discusses " healing in community " . I, too, have

> > > > been

> > > > exercising these past few weeks when I don't want to or don't think I

> > > > even

> > > > can, because I have made promises to all of you out there. And I am

> > > > slowly

> > > > coming out of the " all or nothing " mindset. I am the typical

> > > > overachiever

> > > > mentioned in one of 's podcasts who simply does nothing because

> > > > she

> > > > doesn't have the time to do a 2 hour workout. I used to work out 2

> > > > hours a

> > > > day at least 5 days a week. When I can't do that I just throw in the

> > > > towel -

> > > > what good is a 1/2 hour run or a few sets of weights, I ask myself.

> > > > Well,

> > > > it's a heck of a lot better than no run at all and I'm really working

> > > > on

> > > > that one. It's difficult for me as I am sure it is for many of us, but

> > > > knowing someone out there has my best interests in their heart and is

> > > > silently encouraging me to get up and get going makes an incredible

> > > > difference. Amazing but true, and I would like to thank everyone of

> > > > you

> > > > for

> > > > your caring and kindness and encouragement.

> > > > Wynn

> > > > [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > > >

> > > > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > > > never

> > > > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > > > >

> > > > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > > > home,

> > > > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and

> > > > > not

> > > > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my

> > > > > sleep.

> > > > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a

> > > > > run--planning

> > > > > on

> > > > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored

> > > > > my

> > > > > promises, slept well.

> > > > >

> > > > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days

> > > > > that

> > > > > got

> > > > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > > > >

> > > > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but

> > > > > thought of

> > > > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for

> > > > > variety....

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Guest guest

Jantje, I believe that you are very athletic. You know just because you have not

managed yet to reach a certain level in a particular sport does not mean you are

not athletic. It may mean you are a bit of a perfectionist who  does not have

18 hours a day to devote to sports. :-) Give yourself a break! You are doing

incredible things that you enjoy and are trying at the swimming. You said

yourself that swimming is technique and it takes time to acquire the skills and

techniques that a sport demands, esp. swimming. I think your idea to give

yourself till end of May is very smart indeed and also some practicing on your



Finally, I have been where you were at in the pool. I've been so frustrated on

the tennis courts and wanted (desparately) to walk off the courts. To stop

trying. Ohhhhhh.... but then there are the good days when it is so worth being

out there and all your hard work comes together and you think YES! JOY! :-)


And Constance is right. Why indeed can't we be an athlete who also loves  to

curl up with a book or watch tv?

I loved the idea of putting your negative images in a balloon and letting them

go or even better stepping on them!

From: Nixe708 <jantje.gerdes>

Subject: [insideoutweightlos s] Re: Exercise

weightloss @groups. com

Date: Thursday, April 22, 2010, 5:42 PM


Thank you, and Wynn!

You do have a couple of valid points. Especially the inner conflict one. While I

like to run and cycle, I am not so sure about swimming. I would really love to

love it. But so far I don't. On the other hand, it is very technical, so maybe

once I know how to swim properly I can enjoy it. Last night, I used the

mindfulness breathing exercise from the podcast, just being in the pain. That

did not really solve the problem, but I gained some perspective. I decided the


The Master's Swim goes into summer break by the end of May. I will give myself

until then. Make a real commitment to practice once a week by myself and once at

the swim practice. Give this a real shot. If I don't like it by the end of next

month I will critically evaluate my commitment to the triathlon.

One other source of the conflict is that I have this picture of myself as an

active, somewhat athletic person despite my heaviness. But this experience

brings up my memories from my childhood belief (which was reinforced by my Mom's

beliefs about me), that I am a chubby, non-athletic kid who'd much rather spend

her day inside reading than being active and running around outside. I thought I

had overcome that belief but it came back last night. Maybe I am not as athletic

as I thought...

Thanks again for listening and your great advice.And for reminding me of the

things I do do...


BTW, I did 20 min of Pilates today. No running because of an important meeting/

presentation at work. Hopefully tomorrow.

Again, thank you for this challenge, it really has helped me get back into


> > > >

> > > > From: Wayne and Wynn Schneider <mrfreezeagt (DOT) net>

> > > > Subject: Re: [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > > > weightloss @groups. com

> > > > Date: Friday, April 16, 2010, 9:23 PM

> > > >

> > > > Oh !

> > > > I was so delighted to read your post this morning. This is what

> > > > is

> > > > talking about when she discusses " healing in community " . I, too, have

> > > > been

> > > > exercising these past few weeks when I don't want to or don't think I

> > > > even

> > > > can, because I have made promises to all of you out there. And I am

> > > > slowly

> > > > coming out of the " all or nothing " mindset. I am the typical

> > > > overachiever

> > > > mentioned in one of 's podcasts who simply does nothing because

> > > > she

> > > > doesn't have the time to do a 2 hour workout. I used to work out 2

> > > > hours a

> > > > day at least 5 days a week. When I can't do that I just throw in the

> > > > towel -

> > > > what good is a 1/2 hour run or a few sets of weights, I ask myself.

> > > > Well,

> > > > it's a heck of a lot better than no run at all and I'm really working

> > > > on

> > > > that one. It's difficult for me as I am sure it is for many of us, but

> > > > knowing someone out there has my best interests in their heart and is

> > > > silently encouraging me to get up and get going makes an incredible

> > > > difference. Amazing but true, and I would like to thank everyone of

> > > > you

> > > > for

> > > > your caring and kindness and encouragement.

> > > > Wynn

> > > > [insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> > > >

> > > > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > > > never

> > > > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > > > >

> > > > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > > > home,

> > > > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and

> > > > > not

> > > > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my

> > > > > sleep.

> > > > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a

> > > > > run--planning

> > > > > on

> > > > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored

> > > > > my

> > > > > promises, slept well.

> > > > >

> > > > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days

> > > > > that

> > > > > got

> > > > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > > > >

> > > > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but

> > > > > thought of

> > > > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for

> > > > > variety....

> > > > >

> > > > >

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Guest guest

Good luck !! Have a great day!

From: <lsageev@...>

Subject: Re: Re: Exercise


Date: Saturday, April 24, 2010, 12:01 PM


Wow, I woke up to so many interesting posts... but I don't have time for more

than one response now.

what kind of work I do. I work in documentation. You know, writing all

those manuals that no one ever reads.... Except now I work for a medical device

company. If no one else reads it, the FDA does. Which means that word choice is

*very* important... .

Jantje, what does " athletic " mean to you?

Do you really have to be a runner, and a cyclist, AND a swimmer to be athletic?

If you can run a marathon but you don't like to swim, does that mean you're not

athletic? If you've never run a race in your life, but you love spending a day

hiking, lugging food and 3 liters of water, are you not athletic? I'm sensing a

limiting belief here....

Next time you're swimming laps, you might want to remind yourself how athletic

you are now. :-)

And send back a hug to your younger self, with whatever message you want to send

her. Maybe it's that it's OK to enjoy reading. Maybe it's to reassure her that

eventually she will be athletic. Whatever feels right to you....

OK, better get moving. I'll be drawing on all your support this morning--I've

agreed to do something that puts me way outside my comfort zone, but it's down

the path towards finding my " soul's gift. "

____________ _________ _________ __

One other source of the conflict is that I have this picture of myself as an

active, somewhat athletic person despite my heaviness. But this experience

brings up my memories from my childhood belief (which was reinforced by my Mom's

beliefs about me), that I am a chubby, non-athletic kid who'd much rather spend

her day inside reading than being active and running around outside. I thought I

had overcome that belief but it came back last night. Maybe I am not as athletic

as I thought...

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Guest guest

Good luck !! Have a great day!

From: <lsageev@...>

Subject: Re: Re: Exercise


Date: Saturday, April 24, 2010, 12:01 PM


Wow, I woke up to so many interesting posts... but I don't have time for more

than one response now.

what kind of work I do. I work in documentation. You know, writing all

those manuals that no one ever reads.... Except now I work for a medical device

company. If no one else reads it, the FDA does. Which means that word choice is

*very* important... .

Jantje, what does " athletic " mean to you?

Do you really have to be a runner, and a cyclist, AND a swimmer to be athletic?

If you can run a marathon but you don't like to swim, does that mean you're not

athletic? If you've never run a race in your life, but you love spending a day

hiking, lugging food and 3 liters of water, are you not athletic? I'm sensing a

limiting belief here....

Next time you're swimming laps, you might want to remind yourself how athletic

you are now. :-)

And send back a hug to your younger self, with whatever message you want to send

her. Maybe it's that it's OK to enjoy reading. Maybe it's to reassure her that

eventually she will be athletic. Whatever feels right to you....

OK, better get moving. I'll be drawing on all your support this morning--I've

agreed to do something that puts me way outside my comfort zone, but it's down

the path towards finding my " soul's gift. "

____________ _________ _________ __

One other source of the conflict is that I have this picture of myself as an

active, somewhat athletic person despite my heaviness. But this experience

brings up my memories from my childhood belief (which was reinforced by my Mom's

beliefs about me), that I am a chubby, non-athletic kid who'd much rather spend

her day inside reading than being active and running around outside. I thought I

had overcome that belief but it came back last night. Maybe I am not as athletic

as I thought...

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Morning, Constance;

I was away for a few days, so I hope you have had that swimming party and

all went well. I congratulate you just for having the courage to put on a

bathing suit! Not sure I could go there at this point. And that makes me

angry and sad. I think of all the things I miss out on because I am so

embarassed about my body. Oh well, just one more thing to work on.

We went to the mountains on Thurs. night, intending to spend the weekend

golfing after we finished up with banking and accountants and the like, but

we drove thru snow to get there and woke up to 6 " of snow Friday morning, so

we just drove home last night. Weather is poor here as well. Cold & rainy. I

haven't lost anything this week. I think I have been lying to myself about

my food intake. I have certainly cut down and stopped the night eating and

most of the processed food, but it's obviously not enough. I also need to

increase the exercise. The running is difficult because I have problem knees

& hips and have been battling a flare-up of plantar fasciitis since I

started work the beginning of March. Sometimes I just want to throw int he

towel but I know that isn't the answer. Thank you all for helping me in the

running department. I really need to add weights and stretching and

meditation, so that needs to be a focus this week. Keep letting me know how

your weight program is going. It really helps me to get on track and I know

how important the strength training is.

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

Take care,


[insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> >

> > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > never

> > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > >

> > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > home,

> > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and not

> > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my sleep.

> > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a run--planning

> > > on

> > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored my

> > > promises, slept well.

> > >

> > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days that

> > > got

> > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > >

> > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but thought

> > > of

> > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for variety....

> > >

> > >

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OK, I hear such good encouragement out there , thought i wold jump in...i have

20 pounds to lose for the past ten years and don;t manage to get very far.I

started listening to renee in march and find  that she makes a lots of sense to

me.  I lost two pounds though and managed to gain them back which is sort of my

normal pattern.  So still at square 1 one,.  I am resonably active  tennis

and treadmill and need to get back to the yoga, I know my body misses it.  SoI

am listening to the podcasts, doing a bit of journalling and have decided tha i

might have the limiting belif that I can;t lose weight, but not sure why i think

that except that it seems like have been trying for a long time. I knowt the

mind is at the center of this problem and not sure why i can;t get unstuck....

[insideoutweightlos s] Exercise

> >

> > > By the way, after promising to join Wynn in the running challenge, I

> > > never

> > > reported back as to how much it helped!

> > >

> > > I first committed to running last Wednesday. A day I usually work at

> > > home,

> > > so I thought it would be easy. I ended up going to the office, and not

> > > getting home until around 8:30pm.... I was tired. I neeeeeed my sleep.

> > > That's a promise to myself. But I also promised myself a run--planning

> > > on

> > > around 40 minutes. Soooooo... I ran for 20min. Felt great, honored my

> > > promises, slept well.

> > >

> > > I've had another two good runs since then, and there were 3 days that

> > > got

> > > in a 30-min walk. Not bad for chaos week!

> > >

> > > There were a couple of times that I was sort of wavering, but thought of

> > > Wynn, and did it anyway. So thanks!!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > PS: Next week I'll work in a little strength trainging for variety....

> > >

> > >

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