Guest guest Posted April 22, 2005 Report Share Posted April 22, 2005 To all whom have children with CMT or have been there themselves I am writing to all of you today for I believe it is crucial you all know the law concerning your children with cmt within the " school system " . A free appropriate public education means exactly as it say free appropriate public education. This is without harm to our children from bullying of other students or staff. My son, Seth entered the 9th grade with a very positive attitude and had a great outlook on what school life would be like in high school. I was so very excited for him. I remembered being in high school and the thrill of so many different people to meet. I had some bad experiences in high school, yet nothing serious (common kid stuff). So off he went. First day of school was awful - another student hit Seth on the head. I tried to let him work this out. It continued from the previous year. It happened over and over of the kid punching or hitting or likewise. The final straw was I was sitting talking with my son, when all of a sudden I happened to look at his arm and there is a big bruise on his arm. I of course questioned him, " What happened to you! " He replied the student's name had punched him. I immediately called the police station and we both wrote a statement concerning my son and then we had to put a restraining order on this other student according to the school system. So that solved that problem and the kid stayed away from him. The following year around September again another student attacked my son by bouncing him up and down in his scooter and almost knocked him out of it. Again the school advised that I put a restraining order on this other student I did with some help from a close friend. Last Thursday my son nudged another student and asked him where his girlfriend was (he thought this boy was his friend) the boy commenced to choke my son so he could not breate. Mind you no staff, no teachers, no administration no one was there to relieve my son from being forced not to breathe. I think someone higher above was with him. His friend pulled this guy off from Seth and saved my son. As if this was not bad enough no one called me to alert me to this situation which was 7am in the cafeteria before school had started. They had all this time to report the incident. My son went to the administration and told them what had happened. No calls to parents no punishment for either party. Only to go to what is called " peer mediation " (this is where other students help two parties work out their differences. It does not amount to much of anything. They told my son and the other kid not to talk to each other). 2:45pm my son arrives home still no call to me about this incident. My son tells me I am furious. I call the school the administration tells me Seth had " provoked " the other student. I tell him, " really tell me how he provoked him, he nudged him and asked him where his girlfriend was. " I let loose and told him I did not care whether Seth provoked him or not that my son had the right to go to school and be safe and I was seriously considering withdrawing Seth from this system. So I let it be for the night with a talk with Gretchen and (CMT people). The next morning I had a clear head and I tried to explain the situation to the principal he in turn told me, " This is all Seth's fault this time he provoked him " Mind you my son has never had a detention, an out of school suspension or even to stay after with a teacher. No he is not perfect, however he is an outgoing kid with an overall good personality and attitude. I let loose on the principal and told him " Forget it I am puilling Seth out of school. " Which I have. I withdrew him signed the papers etc. Seth has chosen to do his GED and go on to college. Yesterday I called the superintendent's office---I thought here we go again no answers blame my son, etc. Well, he sided with Seth and was concerned that there was no staff, no administration that even witnessed this incident. At the end of the conversation the superintendent said, " If there is anything we can do for Seth's education just let us know. " By God I will let them know!! My son could not remain in a school system that was completely unsafe they could not provide a Free Appropriate Public Education for him so I have called the police station __waiting for a call back, I have put a call into the NH Dept. of Education to file a complaint. I am working on a letter to the superintendent requesting that they pay for Seth's schooling until the age of 21. MY MESSAGE TO ALL OF YOU PEOPLE: Do not let the system think your child is at fault--they had me believing it was my son's fault. When I called the Disabiirty Rights attorney she said I have the right to press charges against this other child and to file a complain against the school. Please Please protect your children from bullies. Seth is okay, emotionally is another story, however what if his friend was not there? Would my son still be alive today?? Protect at all costs your children from such bullying. Even if it seems minor look into it---You child deserves to be safe!! Thank you for taking the time to read. This is not over for Seth and as things come about I will let you know more. Any suggestions and comments legal advice, etc please email to _heidisuzy7@..._ mailto:heidisuzy7@...) Any support for Seth please email to _crowfeather4@..._ (mailto:crowfeather4@...) Thank you so much, Heidi, Cmtus member Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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