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Re: Vitamin E and CMT

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Good question! Vitamin E has been in the news alot recently. As for

use by CMT persons, I can only speak first of my own use of it.

Coming up on 9 years now, I have been taking E in 1000 IU each

morning, and as I mentioned earlier, my Internist started me on this.

This is what is on my bottle " Antioxidant vitamin E helps boost the

immune system. It helps maintain red blood cells and muscle tissue

such as cardiac and skeletal muscle. "

Each year for the last 9 years I have aced my yearly physical

(including EKG) and all blood tests. In addition, these last 9 years

have been ones of increased physical activity for me - yes, odd I

know for someone with CMT, but this is my experience. Despite even my

stress (and you bet there has been some major stress in those 9

years) I have come through it all just fine.

I also have not had so much as a cold or the flu during this time.

And I do not receive a flu shot! Now, just to share something

interesting on the antioxidant benefit. Just last week I mentioned to

a new aquaintance that I'll be 53 next week. He was stunned and said

he thought I was 38 - maybe 40. Now, how neat is that? I truly do not

feel 53, whatever that is supposed to be, but really feel like I am

feeling more like my 33 year old self.

OK now, as for Vitamin E and CMT. We could sure use some more

research here. But, here's a couple of links on abstracts/articles

that specificially mention E and CMT:


cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstract & list_uids=3748386 & query_hl=9

This is from Neurology. 1986 Sep;36(9)


cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstract & list_uids=14577517 & query_hl=9

This is from J Investig Med. 2003


cmd=Retrieve & db=pubmed & dopt=Abstract & list_uids=15057660 & query_hl=12

I have a hard copy of this entire article - towards the end, there is

a section on Antioxidants and mentions Vitamin E " had a modest effect

preserving functions in CMT 1 patients " . The paper goes on to say

randomized placebo controlled trials are needed... " This is from

IDrugs February 2004 7(2)

That's 3 references to E for CMT in 19 years!

So, as for who to believe, well, I believe my Internist has a handle

on Vitamin E for me, and I know he stays current on this kind of

research. As for Vitamin E and other issues, there's still alot of

research work to be done. I engage in open dialogue with my doctor

and when I have questions, I write them down, then at my

yearly " review " I have a good list ( lol - maybe he hides when he

sees me coming?)

I hope this gives you some info on E, me and CMT.

~ Gretchen

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