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use of Versed

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In my experience with sedation, I too have had some that simply did not work. I

stayed awake and the doc couldn't understand. With me and any medications, I

have been known to have what I call " the reverse effect " meaning ones to knock

me out make me wide awake, and ones to wake me up put me to sleep.

Before my back surgery in 2002, when I met with the anestheologist, we discussed

this " wierd reverse effect thing " I have. He started out my sedative IV with an

antibiotic and then Fentanyl. Whatever was used after that I haven't a clue,

because 4 hours later I was in recovery and waking up.

I am probably the only person I know who can be given a sleeping pill

and still be wide awake 6 hours later - and still no sleep.

I have often blamed (lol) my " reverse effect problem " on the Ritalin I was given

for fatigue as a teen and young adult. Since that stuff kept me awake and later

had me chronically wired. I suspect I may have some damage from that, or maybe

this is the way my nerves are naturally.

Cross of Versed off your list and let your anethesiologist know that

next time. Sorry I am not more helpful here.

~ Gretchen

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Hi ,

I recently had an upper endoscopy and had Versed. It worked very well, I was

well sedated. My CMT is moderate though but I also have myastenia gravis which

is a neuromuscular autoammunine disease.


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