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Re: work issues and CMT

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Thank you for the kind words. Acceptance has not come for me yet. I've worked

and been independent for so long I don't know any other way. I filled out

paperwork at work requesting accomadations for my

condition (more sitting duties and less standing and walking).

I was informed the other day that if I didn't like the working conditions I

should look for a job elsewhere. I'm going to talk to my doctor and see if she

can help. I'm not willing to give up yet. I've made financial arrangements just

in case I do have to quit work.( Plenty of insurance, thank God).


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I know exactly where you are coming from. Recently I needed to cut my hours at

work. I am a bookkeeper so I sit anyways do very little walking. Most of my

co-workers worked with me and wouldn't let me get up and walk. But then we got

a new controller and he said I could come and go as I pleased as long as I got

the work done. Well cut my hours and tripled my work. I could barely walk..

blood pressure skyrocketed. I couldn't take it anymore so I ended up quitting

just like they wanted. Yesterday took my blood pressure after not being there

for 2 weeks and its normal :o) ..

So I am collecting unemployment for awhile til I can find a part time job.

Laurie in Sarasota

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Rosie, you said you were told " that if I didn't like the working conditions

I should look for a job elsewhere. " That is harassment and discrimination.

Don't let your employer get away with treating you like this! Please,

whatever you do, don't quit! I strongly recommend that you get an attorney

and be proactive to protect yourself. I, like you, worked long and hard. I

worked for 22 years, and as my illness progressed, I just couldn't continue.

My neurologist agreed. I paid my STD and LTD premiums ever since I started

working, and have now been collecting company benefits for the past 4 years

along with SSDI. I will qualify for these benefits until I'm 65; another 18

years away. Under the circumstances, you may qualify for the same type of

benefits, but if you quit, you could be walking away from what you're

entitled to.

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You bet Kruser!!

I too paid for LTD for many years and am sooooo glad that I did. I drove 18-22

wheelers for 15 years and then had to give it up due to DVT surguries and then

found out that I had CMT too. If I hadn't had the LTD, well it wouldn't have

been pretty at all. Rosie, Stand up for yourself. These big companies are all

about the all mighty dollar & could care less about you. Get you a lawyer ASAP!!


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I have CMT type 2 also. It's difficult to explain CMT to someone that doesn't

have it. I truly feel my employer and many co-workers think it's nothing serious

and I want the easy job. I've never taken the

easy way out and CMT is a real life struggle. I'm thankful for this group of

individuals. Now I have people that do understand what I'm feeling.

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