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Re: pool exercises

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I live with a pain scale of about 4 on a scale of 1-10 every day. But that

doesn't stop me from exercising. My neurologist is a fanatic about not over

doing but life is to short to sit still. I take a B12 complex vitamin and

Creatine to help with my strength and energy levels. My hubby laughs sometimes

at the vitamins I take but it helps. I find a B complex vitamin helps my hands

when I over do I over do trying to crochet and play the guitat like I use to do.

The doctors want me to have carpal tunnel surgery but with no insurance that

won't happen anytime soon.

So I keep going and going like the energizer bunny. Ya can't keep a good gal

down!!!!! Good luck with your water exercises.... aren't they wonderful???? I

might also add that I have a lot of health problems like hypertension, diabetes,

chronic pancreatitis, and I am a cancer

survivor, I figure if God hasn't given up on me yet why should I.

:-) Hope your day is as lovely one.

Cathleen in Arkansas

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Dear Cathleen you are an amazing woman!!!!

What a wonderful history of determination and strength there.

Well Done Cathleen!!!!!

God Bless you Always.

Your email give to all of us hope...never to give up, NEVER!

I too, now more than ever wants to prove to myself that I can do

better and better. Yes, sometimes it is not easy but we do have to

persevere at all times.

I always been so lazy before regarding exercises..but now I really

go for it. It is so rewarding to see changes taking place in our


You were talking about B12, and I just do not know why my B12 was

three times over the normality parameter. I need to check it again soon this,

and my creatine also was quite high.

Well, I have been taking Vitamin C for 2 months now and I feel more

energetic recently. Found out that my cholesterol is high too, but then I think

it must be this menopause, I just don't know. I am 51 and from now on things

starts to happen here and there.Hahaha!

I must to say that I really loved your email and Thanks again

Cathleen for sharing with us.


Take Care


> Joana,


> I live with a pain scale of about 4 on a scale of 1-10 every day.

But that doesn't stop me from exercising. My neurologist is a

fanatic about not over doing but life is to short to sit still. I

take a B12 complex vitamin and Creatine to help with my strength and

energy levels. My hubby laughs sometimes at the vitamins I take but

it helps. I find a B complex vitamin helps my hands when I over do

I over do trying to crochet and play the guitat like I use to do.

The doctors want me to have carpal tunnel surgery but with no

insurance that won't happen anytime soon.


> So I keep going and going like the energizer bunny. Ya can't keep

a good gal down!!!!! Good luck with your water exercises.... aren't

they wonderful???? I might also add that I have a lot of health

problems like hypertension, diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, and I am

a cancer

> survivor, I figure if God hasn't given up on me yet why should I.


> :-) Hope your day is as lovely one.


> Cathleen in Arkansas




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  • 2 years later...
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Thank's for the suggestions ; that is a good start since I have not done any

exercise in many many years except what I do during my daily routine. I did

start treading water by not using my arms but my legs only.

I think you should come be my personal swim trainer; we have plenty of room!

We will be joining the JCC so I am going to see if they have someone that can

help me.


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