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Depakote is one of those meds that seems to irritate the gut over the

long term which decreases the seizure threshold, especially for those

with sensitive guts like Tasya. Today is day 18 of her recovery period

from the bad episode she had and Tasya is becoming a normal happy kid

again. Thank God.

Anika is 17 months old now and aside from the occasional sniffle , is

doing great.

In health,

Mark Schauss


Re: [ ] Zonegran

Hi Mark,

Well I just mentioned to Grace that you had Tasya on Zonegran and


combo. I know the last time we spoke it was controlling her well. I am

sorry to

hear that is not working out for you.

How is Tasya doing? Have you linked the seizure activity to anything

yet? I

know you mentioned stomach problems...

Good to hear from you. How is that " new " baby doing?

God bless,


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  • 1 month later...
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That's great, I hope that he does well on it!


On Fri, 23 Apr 2004 22:08:17 -0400 " Mike Mchugh "

<mcpitza@...> writes:

> My son is taking zonegran 250 mg. a day and this is the only drug he

> has never had any noticeable side effects from (so far).





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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi ,

I have this neat little sheet here that has most of the seizure meds on it,

Zonegran is used for Complex Partial seizures and for secondary generalization.

It says nothing about absence seizures. I know they are thinking now that

absence seizures are just a version of CPS but that has not really been proven.

The meds listed here particularly for absence seizures are: Depacon, Lamictal

has ABS and a ? mark beside it, Neurontin, Felbatol, Celontin, Zarontin,


Hope this helps.

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I had the same problem with Trileptal. My daughter, , was on a

very low dose and when we tried to increase the dose, she began having

more seizures and they were strange so we had to get her off of it and we

are now on Zonegran and she was doing pretty good on the low dose of 25mg

2X a day but continued to have partials so the neuro raised it to 50mg at

night and she started hallucinating and making up stories and was like a

zombie always tired, her speech was like a drunk, fast and slurred so we

reduced it and a week later she had a tonic-clonic and a few partials and

we thought that it was due to the withdrawl of the med and two weeks

later she had another t/c and some partials so since we cannot raise the

dose and we don't want to keep having the seizures, when we go see the

neuro in June, we will switch to Lamictal and we'll see how it goes from

here. seems to be very sensitive to AEDs and reacts every time

we try to increase it, I'm hoping and praying that Lamictal will be

better for her, but only God knows. I just wanted to let you know that

we also had problems when raising the meds. Maybe Zonegran is not right

for your son either if he continues to have seizures and has more when

you try to increase the dose.


On Thu, 20 May 2004 07:34:30 -0400 " Mike Mchugh "

<mcpitza@...> writes:

> My son has been trying Zonegran and it had for sometime been helpful

> in that his seizure frequency was reduced and his behavior was not

> affected, in fact it was somewhat improved. The Neuro was urging me

> to increase the doseage, assuming we would see all seizure activity

> stop but as I increased the doseage the seizures got worse and

> started lasting longer - these are absences type seizures.


> Any thoughts ? I have reduced the meds again and they have reduced

> in number but still continue. Did we increase too quickly. Is it

> just the wrong med ? What do you all think ?






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Thanks for the feedback Tracey and Grace. My son has tried Zarotin -

over the top hyperactive, Then tried depakote - out of control anger,

hair loss, weight gain, next we tried lamictal - hallucinations,

anger and rage, Zonegran was basically a last ditch effort taht

seemed to be working at first. Oh well.

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We have had success ( still has break through) but is

able to function in school and socially. Go very slow

on the lamictal, increase by small amounts, if you see

any rash or complaints of itching cut back go slower

and we were able to make it work.

--- " Grace H. " <foxyfox8@...> wrote:

> ,


> I had the same problem with Trileptal. My daughter,

> , was on a

> very low dose and when we tried to increase the

> dose, she began having

> more seizures and they were strange so we had to get

> her off of it and we

> are now on Zonegran and she was doing pretty good on

> the low dose of 25mg

> 2X a day but continued to have partials so the neuro

> raised it to 50mg at

> night and she started hallucinating and making up

> stories and was like a

> zombie always tired, her speech was like a drunk,

> fast and slurred so we

> reduced it and a week later she had a tonic-clonic

> and a few partials and

> we thought that it was due to the withdrawl of the

> med and two weeks

> later she had another t/c and some partials so since

> we cannot raise the

> dose and we don't want to keep having the seizures,

> when we go see the

> neuro in June, we will switch to Lamictal and we'll

> see how it goes from

> here. seems to be very sensitive to AEDs

> and reacts every time

> we try to increase it, I'm hoping and praying that

> Lamictal will be

> better for her, but only God knows. I just wanted

> to let you know that

> we also had problems when raising the meds. Maybe

> Zonegran is not right

> for your son either if he continues to have seizures

> and has more when

> you try to increase the dose.


> Grace



> On Thu, 20 May 2004 07:34:30 -0400 " Mike Mchugh "

> <mcpitza@...> writes:

> > My son has been trying Zonegran and it had for

> sometime been helpful

> > in that his seizure frequency was reduced and his

> behavior was not

> > affected, in fact it was somewhat improved. The

> Neuro was urging me

> > to increase the doseage, assuming we would see all

> seizure activity

> > stop but as I increased the doseage the seizures

> got worse and

> > started lasting longer - these are absences type

> seizures.

> >

> > Any thoughts ? I have reduced the meds again and

> they have reduced

> > in number but still continue. Did we increase too

> quickly. Is it

> > just the wrong med ? What do you all think ?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >

> >

> >

> >

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You stated that when your son was on Lamictal that he had halluciations.,

anger and rage, this is the first time I've heard of these side effects

with Lamictal. Was your son on any other meds at the same time or was it

just Lamictal? I'm asking this because we will be switching to Lamictal

at the next neuro's visit. is currently on Zonegran and it's

not working for her and she did have hallucinations, poor concentration,

trouble speeking, tired most of the time and looks like she's always in a

daze. I'm hoping that Lamictal will work better for her. What are you

going to try next? What type of seizures did you say your son has? Take



On Fri, 21 May 2004 01:32:49 -0000 " M. "

<mcpitza@...> writes:

> Thanks for the feedback Tracey and Grace. My son has tried Zarotin -


> over the top hyperactive, Then tried depakote - out of control

> anger,

> hair loss, weight gain, next we tried lamictal - hallucinations,

> anger and rage, Zonegran was basically a last ditch effort taht

> seemed to be working at first. Oh well.






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Don't let my sons experience sacre you off of Lamictal. I have not

heard of many other kids having such bad reactions. It's odd because

he is one of the few kids I know of that did not have a bad reaction

to zonegran and yet he had a worse reaction to lamictal than he had

to depakote, and we proceeded very slowly with his dose.

I don't understand what is going on with this kids body. It is

obviously unusual though.

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  • 1 month later...
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What are these meds? What do they do?

--- The Pukylos <puky@...> wrote:

> Does anyone have any experience with Zonegran? I

> understand it effects cognitive function and

> appetite.

> Had a bad experience with Topamax and don't want a

> repeat.


> Lynn


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





Barb Katsaros


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Its a relatively new seizure med. My dd has had reactions to many meds in

recent years such as ativan, buspar and keppra.

They jokingly say Zonegran makes you stupid and skinny.


Re: Zonegran

What are these meds? What do they do?

--- The Pukylos <puky@...> wrote:

> Does anyone have any experience with Zonegran? I

> understand it effects cognitive function and

> appetite.

> Had a bad experience with Topamax and don't want a

> repeat.


> Lynn


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





Barb Katsaros


Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

the original author(s), and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

opinion of the Research Institute.

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Topamax is used to treat epileptic seizures. It can also be used as an

appetite suppresant because one of the side effects is a decrease in

appetite. I'm not familiar with zonegran, sorry. Maybe it is the same type of

anti-seizure medication. Hope this helps.


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  • 1 year later...

Does anyone take Zonegran? Does it have any side effects? My husband

with CMT is taking 400mg a day and that seems high. He is taking it to

hopefully help with pain management, but he still has to take 5 Lortab

10 a day so it is not stopping it that much. Has anyone found anything

better? He has taken Neurontin, Cymbalta, and now Zonegran (Please

forgive my spelling)


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Hi ,

What is Zonegran? I do take Oxycontin, Cymbalta, and was on Wellbutrin until

the Cymbalta...I also took Lexapro for 3 weeks and had a really bad reaction to

it, and I never have had a reaction to anything. It made me feel scared to be

in front of people in general and I had a, I hate to say it, a breakdown while

on it, and stopped that day. Never again.

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