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Kombucha and Crohn's Disease

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This Crohn's thread was unraveled from: The Kombucha Digest V1#1 thru



This compilation of data is provided as is without any express or implied

warranties. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the

information contained in this file, the editor/authors/contributors assume

no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the

use of the information contained herein. This information may not be

included in any compilations or commercial collections without express

written permission from the editor. I make no claims as to the efficacy of

Kombucha Tea for any medical condition. This is a compilation of anecdotal

data. This data may be freely copied for personal use and educational

purposes and may be given to others as long as there is no commercial use

made of it. It may not be distributed with any product sold that is

referenced here in.

Copyright © June 1997

by Wm R. 'Bob'

All rights reserved.



Date: Tue, 25 Jul 1995 16:51:09 EDT

Subject: Re: Crohn's Disease

Hi, members,

I have a really close friend who has Crohn's Disease and does not take it

very seriously. He eats all kinds of junk food and although he doesn't

smoke or drink alcohol, his stomach is very distended and he looks pale and

sickly. He's an excellent talent, too, and I really feel badly for him. I

don't have the answers.

Would you out there who know about this disease, and what herbs or holistic

treatment may help, please write me. Bless all on this list! A truly great


Bill Buchanan


From: Sadvari <s5715@...>

Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 01:37:42 -0400 (EDT)

Subject: Re: Crohn's Disease

On Tue, 25 Jul 1995, MR BILL BUCHANAN wrote:

>>Hi, members, I have a really close friend who has Crohn's Disease and

does not take it very seriously. He eats all kinds of junk food and

although he doesn't smoke or drink alcohol, his stomach is very distended

and he looks pale and sickly.<<

I have a friend with Crohn's & she smokes & drinks a good bit of coffee...

other than the obvious any suggestions?


From: bj979@... (Maxina A. Gohlke)

Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 00:09:51 -0400

Subject: Re: Crohn's Disease

There is a list pertaining to Inflammatory bowel diseases, with emphasis on

Crohn's and Ulcerative colitis. Don't know if there's discussion from a

holistic point of view, but it's worth a look.



From: EHarts5782@...

Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 21:01:25 -0400

Subject: Re: Crohn's Disease

I'm sending this out on the net in case it will help others with Crohn's

Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, or Chronic Diarrhea. It had a very bad case of

ulcerative colitis-to the point where I lost my colon due to heavy dose of

steroids. First, you should get a copy of FOOD AND THE GUT REACTION, by

Elaine Gottschall, published by the Kirkton Press, Kirkton, Ontario, Canada.

I got it, (too late to help), through Walden Books. This book has a list of

what foods NOT to eat if you have any of the above. It also has list of

what can be eaten, including recipes, such as how to make bread out of

almond flour.

Until you can get the book, don't eat: any grains, potatoes, most beans,

milk, buttermilk, commercial sour cream or yogurt, coffee, beer, sherry,

bourbon, vodka, ricotta and mozzarella cheese. You can eat fresh, raw,

cooked fruits; almonds, pecans, Brazil nuts, peanut butter without additives

homemade yogurt, V-8 juice, eggs, bacon, butter, grape juice, weak coffee

or tea; most meats and fish. These are some of the items in the Specific

Carbohydrate Diet. The principal carbohydrate is the single sugar, glucose,

which is also called a monosaccharide. The intestines do not have to work

as hard in processing these simple sugar compounds, and, therefore, you are

less likely to get diarrhea. I came very close to not being on this

kombucha net. So, if you are having problems in this area, by all means,

get Elaine's book. If you need more info. before you can get the book,

contact me on the net.

I have been drinking kombucha tea for 5 months and have regained my hair (it

got very thin), have acquired a lot more pep, and am closely watching my age

spots to see if they disappear. Current Affair, the video rag, had a thing

on kombucha. I taped it and haven't seen it yet. I'm sure it will be

negative. After all, we can't have people feeling good, can we?


From: mmarkert@... (Michele Markert)

Date: Tue, 8 Aug 1995 19:07:01 -0600

Subject: Newbie with a question about buying vs. brewing

Hi, all--

I just signed on to the list recently; first heard about kombucha just a

couple of weeks ago and am very interested in trying it. While it sounds

easy enough to make the tea, I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on buying

it ready-made vs making it, at least at first? (I've never even tasted the


I'm concerned because I've seen very little in the Internet info on kombucha

about side effects, except that it might cause " intestinal distress. " As

someone with a rather fragile digestive system (I have Crohn's disease,

currently in remission), I'm a little worried about the effect it will have,

and I'm just wondering if it makes more sense to buy the nectar (I think

that's what my local health food store called it) first to see if I can

tolerate it.

Also, I live in St. , Minnesota. Is there anyone else on the list in

the area from whom I might be able to get a baby?




Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 00:02:25 EDT

Subject: Re: German Study on Kombucha/Crohn's

Hi, members:

On 9/16, this was posted to the list by Dr. h Rebholz of Germany:

>>Significant results include the alleviation of bloating, nausea, mild

constipation, diarrhea and loss of appetite due to dyspepsia, mal absorption

or chronic intestinal inflammation.<<

Doesn't that imply that Kombucha tea would be excellent treatment for

persons with Crohn's Disease? I have a friend....and you know the rest of

the story. He won't o anything to improve his health; doesn't listen about

health foods, or even eat a balanced diet. He survives on Coca Cola and

soup which is 80% white flour noodles. It's frustrating. But perhaps I

could encourage him to drink the tea, depending on your recommendation.

Bill Buchanan


From: APHarlan@...

Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 13:11:18 -0400

Subject: Crohn's disease

Kombucha does indeed help colitis, and generally speaking, Crohn's is

primarily a matter of where the inflammation decides to settle, whether

upper (Crohn's disease) or lower (colitis) intestine. I was never

diagnosed with colitis on the technicality that my MD and I couldn't quite

agree on the importance of those barium enemas, but had all symptoms and

family history, and have had none since starting on kombucha. So, my vote

is that it's definitely worth a try for your friend. There's also a woman

over on CompuServe whose husband had dreadful colitis and has no symptoms

with kombucha, but if he goes off for more than 24 hours, the symptoms


Priscilla Harlan


From: frank@... (Guenther )

Date: 18 Sep 1995 19:47:00 +0200

Subject: Re: Kombucha -->Crohn's Disease

On 17 Sep 95 at 00:02 o'clock you wrote in /Kombucha-digest

concerning " Re: German Study on Kombucha/Crohn's " :

>>Hi, members:

On 9/16, this was posted to the list by Dr. h Rebholz of Germany:

Significant results include the alleviation of bloating, nausea, mild

constipation, diarrhea and loss of appetite due to dyspepsia, malabsorption

or chronic intestinal inflammation. Doesn't that imply that Kombucha tea

would be excellent treatment for persons with Crohn's Disease?<<

Some time a man from Berlin, Germany called and told me he was troubled with

Crohn's Disease (Morbus Crohn) for many years. He tried many things to cure

his disease. Nothing did help. No doctor could help. Then he began to drink

the Kombucha tea. And, how wonderful, this helped. He now feels well and

says: " Thanks to kombucha. It gave me so many benefits. I will never miss it

my whole life long. "



From: cyberelf@...

Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 11:27:08 +0500

Subject: question

>>Would kombucha help irritable bowel syndrome? A friend of mine has had

this for years & I wondered if it would help or hurt him.<<

Well I have Crohn's Disease which has some similar symptoms but I haven't

tried Kombucha yet. My friend is suppose to supply me with a starter keeps

forgetting. I am waiting patiently. Reishi and Shitake mushroom extract

work great as opposed to steroids though.



From: Jack Barclay <ASD003@...>

Date: Mon, 25 Sep 95 12:37:42 MDT

Subject: RE: Kombucha & Crohn's


On Mon, 25 Sep 95 12:59:51 -0700 Stuart Spector said:

>>1. Does anyone have information on Chrones Disease and the effect the tea

might have on it? I don't have the disease, but I know a child who does and

would like to assist him in getting better if possible.<<

The k-tea should be effective in aiding the cure of Crohn's disease.

>>2. I am familiar with detox programs and that they almost always have side

effects such as rashes or fevers or colds etc., as the body cleanses. Has

this happened with any of you out there ? I have a rash on my neck and chest

and some pain in my lower body. I am wondering if I should take less of the

tea or just wait it out. A holistic doctor friend of mine mentioned that a

rash on the neck and chest usually means that the lungs are cleansing. Since

I have a touch of asthma, that seems to align with what is going on with me

Any information would be appreciated!<<

The k-tea will help with the asthma. Since the sweat glands are major

avenue for waste elimination, it is fairly common to develop a rash that

lasts for a week or so. This is because at the beginning large amounts of

toxins are being pushed from the body and they are irritants. If you can, I

d wait it out for a week or two and see it it doesn't lessen and go away.

>>3. I am presently taking a very low dose of thyroid. Is there any

possibility that Kombucha will assist me in ending it after a while? Or does

taking the tea effect my thyroid medication?<<

Yes, there is, if you have some natural thyroid functioning left. If you

have gained weight, or are gaining weight, you may not be taking enough

thyroid. The doctors' tests for thyroid are usually not as accurate as your

own body in letting you know when your thyroid level is right. People often

wind up getting insufficient thyroid even though the doctors' will tell you

that your thyroid is fine.

>>4. Has anyone given it to animals. We have many animals at home who we

love dearly and I would like to prolong their well-being also. If any of you

have experimented on your pets, I would like to know how you get it into

their bodies?<<

Yes, several people have given it to animals with good results. Ad a little

to their drinking water, or put some on bread and feed it to them or mix a

little into their food.

>>5. When it reproduces should you keep the top culture or the bottom one.

Which one is more potent or does it make a difference?<<

I always keep the old culture and give the new one away. My culture is old

and brown and looks like the wraith of god, but makes beautiful strong


>>6. Is it OK to use green tea?<<


>>7. Is it OK to use black tea that is mixed with other teas?<<

Yes, but watch using herb teas. If one uses a tea with oils such as oil of

lemon or oil of cinnamon, oil of orange, this will harm the culture.

>>8. How much vitamin C and B is contained in a 4 oz portion?<<

I don't know what quantities are there proportion wise, but the k-tea does

have some of the B vitamins.

>>9. Do you continue to take vitamins while taking the Kombucha?<<

I do, take a full regimen of vitamins and supplements.




From: cyberelf@...

Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 14:20:32 +0500

Subject: RE: Kombucha & Crohn's

>>1. Does anyone have information on Crohn's Disease and the effect the tea

might have on it? I don't have the disease, but I know a child who does and

would like to assist him in getting better if possible.<<

Hello. I have Crohn's Disease and will start doing my own Kombucha after

Sunday. My source keeps forgetting it, errr, anyway I will be the lab rat

for this one. I also take pure Glutamine for the Crohn's and it does help.

Also human growth hormone helps out sooo much I wish they would make it a

treatment. There is a place in Boston doing research on new alternatives

for Crohn's and short bowel related patients called Nutritional Restart

Center. Very health and natural oriented.

But as I do the Kombucha I will let you know how it goes.




From: " E. Mullinix " <74357.1550@...>

Date: 26 Nov 95 11:56:33 EST

Subject: K-T and Crohn's Disease

I have a friend that has Crohn's disease and, he is currently fermenting his

first batch of tea. He is lactose intolerant and therefore, somewhat afraid

to drink it because it appears that there is some lactic acid in the brew.

Are there list members out there that are lactose intolerant and drinking

the tea, and if so, what type of reactions did you have. I look forward to

your reply.

Mullinix 770-926-3160



Uncaria tomentosa (Cat's Claw)

A wondrous herb from the Peruvian Rainforest.

By N. Steinberg,

Certified Nutritional Consultant

Uncaria tomentosa is an herb that grows wild in the highlands of the

Peruvian Amazon. It has been used for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of

years by the native Ashanica Indians for treatment of a wide range of

health problems associated with the immune and digestive systems.

Beginning in the 1970's and continuing through today, research has been

conducted on this remarkable plant in many countries throughout the world

including: several research facilities in Peru; University of Innsbruck,

Austria; University of Munich, Germany; The Huntington research Center,

England; The Central Research Institute of Chemistry, Hungary; The

Universities of Milan and Naples, Italy. As a result of this ongoing

research there is evidence to suggest that Uncaria tomentosa may be

beneficial in the treatment of cancer, arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism,

genital herpes and herpes zoster, allergies, ulcers, systemic candidacies,

PMS and irregularities of the female cycle, environmental toxin poisoning,

numerous bowel and intestinal disorders, organic depression, and those

infected with the HIV virus.

Dr. Brent W. , D Cl, who has been working with Uncaria tomentosa for

a number of years in the United States, has referred to this herb as The

Opener of the Way because of its remarkable ability to cleanse the entire

intestinal tract and help patients suffering from many different stomach

and bowel disorders including: Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, leaky

bowel syndrome, colitis, hemorrhoids, fistulas, gastritis, ulcers,

parasites and intestinal flora imbalance. In its healing ability and

benefit to the immune system, Uncaria tomentosa appears to have so many

therapeutic applications that it far surpasses such well known herbs as Pau

de Arco, Echinacea, Golden Seal, Astragulas and Siberian Ginseng, as well

as Reishi and Shitake mushrooms, and other natural products such as Citrus

Seed Extract, Caprylic Acid and Shark Cartilage.

Back in 1988 at the international Congress on Traditional; Medicines in

Lima Peru, Uncaria tomentosa was discussed by medical doctors as one of a

number of different herbs used to consistently cure cancer and other

serious disorders. One Peruvian physician spoke about his and his

colleagues' successes with Uncaria tomentosa and other herbs in treating 14

types of accurately diagnosed cancer in 700 patients between 1984 and 1988

In his article titled A New World Class Herb For AK. Practice, Dr.

talks about his observation of Uncaria tomentosa ability to break through

severe intestinal derangement that no other available products can touch.

He comes to this conclusion after treating approximately 150 patients from

1988 until 1992.

In July of 1989, US Patent#4, 844,901 was issued to a research scientist

by the name of Klaus Keplinger for isolating six oxindole alkaloids from

the root of Uncaria tomentosa. In this ten page technical patent it states

that all but two of these alkaloids are suitable for the unspecific

stimulation of the immunologic system. The most immunologically active

alkaloid, according to the patent, is Isopteropodine. Isopteropodine

(Isomer A), and to a lesser extent three of the other alkaloids, have been

shown in laboratory testing to leave a pronounced enhancement effect on

phagocytosis (the ability of the white blood cells and macrophages to

attack, engulf and digest harmful micro-organisms, foreign matter and debris


According to research conducted at the Shanghai College of Traditional

Chinese Medicine, Rynchophylline, one of the remaining two alkaloids which

does not have immune-stimulating properties, has been shown in laboratory

testing to display an ability to inhibit platelet aggregation and

thrombosis. This suggests that this alkaloid may be useful in the

prevention of stroke and reducing the risk of heart attack by lowering

blood pressure, increasing circulation, and inhibiting both the formation

of plaque on the arterial walls and the formation of blood clots in the

vessels of the brain, heart and arteries.

On November 28, 1988 and June 17, 1993 articles about Uncaria tomentosa

appeared in El Comercio, the major metropolitan newspaper in Lima, Peru.

The first article stated that Uncaria tomentosa had been proven to be

effective in the treatment of allergies and Neurobronchitis. The article

then went on to talk about Dr. Keplinger's success in using Uncaria

tomentosa to treat genital herpes and herpes zoster. It ended with a

discussion of his results in treating seven AIDS patients who displayed

various progressions of the disease. According to the article, he was not

able to help two of these patients however, the well being of the other

five improved to such an extent that their symptoms disappeared.

The second article spoke about how Immodal, a laboratory in Austria under

the direction of Dr. Keplinger, is using a medicine extracted from the

vine of Uncaria tomentosa along with AZT. This combination is being used

to impede the multiplication of the HIV virus in the blood, activate the

cells of the immune system and stop the development of cancerous cells.

The article went on to state that Immodal has commercialized this medicine

under the name Krallendom and has successfully been using it for the past

six years to treat people infected with the AIDS virus. According to

Immodal, practically none of the cases not yet showing symptoms of the

disease developed further. The cases that displayed the first symptoms

of the disease showed an improvement in blood analysis and a disappearance

of clinical symptoms within the first year, a situation that continues to

this day. Finally the article mentioned that krallendom has also been

effective in decreasing the unpleasant side effects of both AZT and

radiation therapy when used in cancer treatment.

Besides Isopteropodine and the other oxindole alkaloids, Italian and

Peruvian researchers have isolated other beneficial constituents inherent

in the herb including: several polyphenols and triterpines, and the plant

steroids Beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol. The presence of

these additional compounds might further explain the herb's anti- oxidant

properties, its ability to protect cells from damage caused by free

radicals, and the anti-viral, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties

also attributed to this herb.

In Peru and other Spanish speaking countries, the common name for Uncaria

tomentosa is Una de Gato, in English, Cats Claw. It is important to note

that there is another Uncaria species that grows in the lowlands of the

Peruvian rainforests known as Uncaria guianensis. This herb is also

called Una de Gato and Cats Claw.

Uncaria gulanensis has been shown to have some of the same characteristics

as Uncaria tomentosa with one major exception. It does not contain the

most important alkaloid, isopteropodine. This would most likely result in

this species being less effective for immune system applications. It is

therefore important to be aware that products being marketed as Cats Claw

or Una de Gato can be either Uncaria tomentosa or Uncaria guianensis.

In the highly acclaimed, best selling book Vibrational Healing by Dr.

Gerber, M.D., Cat's Claw is mentioned as a unique herbal remedy

that has been used for many years by native healers of Peru. He further

states, the herb shows great promise for the treatment of Arthritis when

taken internally, either by making a tea or taking capsules of the herb.

Dr. Gerber also explains that European studies have determined that

Uncaria tomentosa has very low toxicity even if taken in large those

individuals who suffer from painful joints and cannot take conventional

medicines because of unpleasant side effects. Finally, he suggests that

Cat's Claw might be helpful in reducing the side effects of radiation and

chemotherapy associated with cancer treatments.

In the words of Dr. Brent , Uncaria tomentosa is a world class herb

which has the power to arrest and reverse deep seated pathology, allowing a

more rapid return to health in the context of concomitant A.K, therapies.

In closing, I would like to share my personal experience with Uncaria

tomentosa. For approximately the last twenty years I have been plagued

by a chronic urinary tract problem involving an unspecified inflammatory

condition of the urethra and other symptoms commonly associated with an

enlarged prostate gland. Throughout these years I visited a number of

different doctors both allopathic and holistic. I tried conventional

medicines, numerous vitamin and mineral regimens, herbal remedy

combinations and an array of other natural products with minimal results.

In September of 1993, I was given an opportunity to sample several ounces

of Uncaria tomentosa. I began experimenting with the herb by brewing it

as a tea and drinking three cups per day. About half way into my third

day of doing this, I began to notice the chronic urinary symptoms starting

to diminish. About half way into the second week the symptoms were

virtually eliminated.

Since that initial experiment, as I continue to drink the tea daily, my

resistance to colds, flu, and other types of infection remains high. I am

now able to perform heavier and more physically taxing work without the

tired, sore muscles I would have normally experienced in the past.

Because of the numerous beneficial elements in this plant, the many years

of use as a traditional medicine, coupled with my experience using this

herb. I have come to believe that Uncaria tomentosa has tremendous

potential as a successful preventative and treatment for many of today's

serious heath problems.

About the Author

N. Steinberg is a graduate of The Nutritionist Institute of

America and has been an owner/operator of several health and natural

product stores. He has also lectured and conducted workshops in

alternative healing methods including Acupressure and Polarity Therapy.

At present, Mr Steinberg is working as a consultant to the natural

products industry, and as a free lance writer dealing with topics

pertaining to nutrition and holistic health.


N. Steinberg

P.O.Box 3014

Evergreen, CO

tel/fax (303) 674-2964


1. U.S. Patent No, 4. 844,90 (dated July 4, 1989)Oxindole Alkaloids

having the properties stimulating the immunologic system.

2. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Vol, 38, No. 1:63- 77, 1993 Jan.

Mutagenic and anti-mutagenic activities of Uncaria tomentosa and its


3. Journal of Natural Products, Vol 54, No. 2: 453-9, 1991 Mar/Apr.

Plant metabolites. New compounds and anti-inflammatory activity of

Uncaria tomentosa.

4. Journal of Natural Products. Vol.53, No. 3-559- 64, 1990 May/June, New

Polyhydroxylated triterpenes from Uncaria tomentosa.

5. Journal of Natural Products, Vol.52, No. Plant metabolites. Structure

and in vitro Quinovic Acid Cycosides from Uncaria tomentosa and Guettarda


6. Journal of Natural Products, Vol. 51, No. 2:257- 61, 1988 Mar/Apr New

Quinovic Acid. Glycosides from Uncaria tomentosa.

7. Planta Medica, Vol 51, pp. 419-23, 1985. The Alkaloids of Uncariia

tomentosa and Their Phagocytosis Increasing effect.

8. All Farmaco, Ed. Sc. vol.31-fasc. 7, 1976. Alkaloids and

Procyanidins of an Uncaria sp. from Peru.

9. Brent W. , DC. A New World Class Herb for AK Practice, Summer


10. El Comercio, Lima, Peru June 17, 1993.

11. El Comercio, Lima, Peru, November 28, 1988.

12. Dr. Gerber, M.D., Vibrational Healing, Atrium Publishing

Group, 1988.

13. Arthritis News, Vol. 1 Summer 1989.

14. Cat's Claw Quarterly, Vol. 1, Summer 1989

15. K.Hostettmann and P.Lea, Biologically Active Natural Products, Oxford

Science Publications, 1987.

16. Lane, Ph. D., Shark Cartilage Research Summary.

17. Planta Medica, Vol. 47, No. 4:244-5, 1983. Alkaloids of Uncaria


18. Phytochemistry, vol. 30, No. 5: 1635-7, 1991. Quinovic Acid

Glycosides from Uncaria from Uncaria guianensis.

19. Bull. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper.,Vol. 65, No. 6: 517- 520, 1989.

Phytochemical and Biological Research on Uncaris tomentosa.

20. Acta. Pham Sinica. Vol. 13, No. 2: 126-30, 1992. Inhibitory Effect

of Rhynchophylline on Platelet Aggregation and Thromosis.



From: fperron@...

Date: Thu, 8 Feb 1996 18:31:13 -0500

Subject: Crohn's disease

By the way does anyone know if Kombucha has any effect on Crohn's disease?

I have had two inquiries and have no personal experience in this area.

I know that KT has many effects on the digestive system and the

gastrointestinal tract but I was not sure if it has any effect on

Crohn's since Crohn's is a genetic disorder.



From: EHarts5782@...

Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 21:01:25 -0400


I'm sending this out on the net in case it will help others with Crohn's

Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, or Chronic Diarrhea. It had a very bad case

of ulcerative colitis-to the point where I lost my colon due to heavy dose

of steroids.

I have been drinking kombucha tea for 5 months and have regained my hair (it

got very thin), have acquired a lot more pep, and am closely watching my

age spots to see if they disappear.


End Crohn's disease -- Compiled 06/22/97 by Bob


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