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Re: Results from urinary Porphyrin Test

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You have all reason to be confused,

this is how it is in the lab Medicine world.

It is impossible from the results to say anything definite,

if you have not chelated all his lead, so there is no more ....

When you take enough tests there will always (statistically ) be someone

not reliable, and you never know which !

Geir Flatabø

Kay Lowney skrev:

>Hi All


>Just received my son's results back and must say I am quite confused.


>All of Louis's results were below average!


>uP 5 range 10-30

>7cxP 1.1 range 1.5-4

>6cxP 0.2 range 0.5-2.0

>p5cp 0.1

>5cxP 1.3 range 1.6-3.0

>prcP 3.7 range <7

>cP 38 range 40-80

>uP/cP 0.14 range 0.14-0.1



>The overall comment from the lab was " reduced porphyrinuria with

>well balanced pattern. "


>I was very careful to ensure that ther was no light exposure, all

>done in a darkened bathroom, immediately wrapped in the foil and

>then in an MB12 brown plastic bag.


>What do you all think?


>When we did a Hair test 9 months ago (from Doctors Data) we did not

>meet the counting rules but when I posted the results on the Autism

>Mercury group I got back comments such as they had seen that type of

>result before and it still indicated toxicity. We also did a Urine

>Toxic Metals (through Doctors Data)last May and Lead was in the Very



>Does this result from the Porphrin Test just indicate again that

>Louis is not getting rid of the Lead, Mercury etc hence why it is

>not in his Urine, or do you think that he really has no toxicity?


>I am completly confused.


>Any thoughts much appreciated.









>No information contained in this post is to be construed as medical advice. If

you need medical advice, please seek it from a suitably qualified practitioner.



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Hi Kay

I got Joe's back today too, and similar story, everything within

range. Interpretation reads " average porphyrinuria with well balaned

pattern and increased precopro/copro ratio despite lacking

augmentation of significant markers of mercury toxic impact as5xcp and

copro a high precopro/copro ratio >10% is indicative of heavy metals

toxicity or susceptibility "

What does this mean? That the test result can't be right?

I have emailed them for more info.

DDI hair test carried out at the same time showed high lead (in red)

but no mercury.

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