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RE: Re: AntiPhospholipid Syndrome/Autism/Prevalence Statistics

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Hi Alison

This is very interesting to me as I was

treated through two pregnancies for APS. My nine year old is NT but on came early at 26 weeks then regressed into

autism aged 2 ish.



Autism Treatment [mailto:Autism Treatment ]

On Behalf Of gailjewsbury

Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006

9:53 PM


Autism Treatment


Re: AntiPhospholipid Syndrome/Autism/Prevalence


Please post what you find out. I also had a heavy

bleed with Tom at

29 weeks and was rushed into hospital and injected - I cannot

remember what it was (expect neither of us was in a fit state to

register anything at that time!)

I'll try investigating as well.



> Reading this email has prompted me to remember that when I bled at

31 weeks with Luke and was rushed into hospital - I am sure I was

given an injection to stabilise things.


> I cannot recall what injection it was? Has anyone experienced

something similar?


> I wonder if this had thermisol in it? I am going to try and find



> Nicola

> AntiPhospholipid

Syndrome/Autism/Prevalence Statistics



> I have just received an interesting phone call from a

Specialist who treated me at St s Paddington, for Recurrent

Miscarriage (3 prior to the birth of my autistic son) and one

miscarriage in between the births of each of my neurotypical sons.




> A few years ago I asked her about the possibility of a link

between Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) which is a blood clotting

problem which causes recurrent miscarriages, and Autism. This was to

some extent based on my hunch that it is too much of a coincidence

that the mothers of autistic children are often (but not always -

which is why this puzzle is so complicated)


> either :




> -Rhesus Negative


> -Recurrent Miscarriers (and have therefore had Anti-D or Rhogam

injections probably containing Thiomersal)


> -People with unexplained sub fertility


> -People with explained sub fertility


> -People who have a family history of auto immune disorders


> -People with a family history of immune problems eg allergies



> -People with problems processing heavy metals




> or all or any of the above (and those with none at all)




> Long story short, my Specialist said that she has in fact seen

what appears to be quite a few more autistic babies born out of her

clinics over the past few years. She was concerned that there are no

accurate prevalence studies of diagnosis of Autism with which she

can compare her figures.




> So




> 1.. how do I get hold of the latest accurate prevalence

statistics? Prof Regan is currently of the view that the " so called

increase " is largely down to greater recognition of autism and

better diagnosis.

> 2.. Does anyone have any relevant views to pass on - which I

can feed back. They need to be suitably backed up by research - of




> This could be a very exciting opportunity, or it could be a damp

squib, but she appears interested, and she is very influential in

the world of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and to some extent in the

medical profession more widely.. She is going to a conference in

Paris on

Thursday night at which she would like to raise the

possibility of a connection.


> Please forward this request to other email groups who might have

the answer or any useful ideas.




> I need to get back to her by Thursday latest.


> Hopefully, Alison


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