Guest guest Posted August 21, 2000 Report Share Posted August 21, 2000 > Has anyone been able to eliminate all grain and dairy products on the O Type diet and remain healthy? I have not been able to tolerate the Essene or Ezekiel breads > as recommended or any dairy besides butter with success. Any suggestions?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 21, 2000 Report Share Posted August 21, 2000 Hello I eat dairy sparingly and then only mozarella or Feta cheese. When having dairy I mainly have it in a salad and then try not to have any starch at the same meal. Having dairy on a daily basis does cause me problems and for that reason have it not more than three times a week. Essene/Ezekiel bread - we don't have it here in South Africa but during my visit to Alaska in May also found that I had no problems provided I ate it spairingly. I tolerate 100% rye crackers or 100% wheat free bread far better. I don't have a problem with butter at all. Has anyone out there been able to make yogurt using rice milk - I am looking for a recipe. Best wishes to all Elize South Africa >>> ourhouse@... 08/22/00 02:39AM >>> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 22, 2000 Report Share Posted August 22, 2000 Hi , I have been able to elimate all grain and dairy but I did that before I even new about the diet as I cannot tolerate them. Even butter and the essene or ezekiel breads. I eat cooked brown rice with orange juice on it and ground seeds. Someone suggested grapefruit juice which I have not tried yet. I also eat millet and buckwheat the same way. Now and then I will have rice bread. Good luck. Sherry >From: " R. Thornton " <ourhouse@...> >Reply-egroups >egroups >Subject: Re: Digest Number 353 >Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 20:39:05 -0400 > > > Has anyone been able to eliminate all grain and dairy products on the O >Type diet and remain healthy? I have not been able to tolerate the Essene >or Ezekiel breads > > as recommended or any dairy besides butter with success. Any >suggestions?? > ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 23, 2000 Report Share Posted August 23, 2000 Dear Helen Will be on the lookout and thanks for writing. Hope that you enjoy living in Australia. I will be in Newcastle for a few days around mid September. Best wishes Elize >>> salvation@... 08/21/00 06:42AM >>> Dear Elize I am also looking for a yoghurt (or any other product usually made with cow's milk for that matter) made with rice milk. PLease let me know if you find one? I'll do likewise. Thanks, Helen, formerly of Newcastle, Natal SA, now in Australia...... Re: Digest Number 353 Hello I eat dairy sparingly and then only mozarella or Feta cheese. When having dairy I mainly have it in a salad and then try not to have any starch at the same meal. Having dairy on a daily basis does cause me problems and for that reason have it not more than three times a week. Essene/Ezekiel bread - we don't have it here in South Africa but during my visit to Alaska in May also found that I had no problems provided I ate it spairingly. I tolerate 100% rye crackers or 100% wheat free bread far better. I don't have a problem with butter at all. Has anyone out there been able to make yogurt using rice milk - I am looking for a recipe. Best wishes to all Elize South Africa >>> ourhouse@... 08/22/00 02:39AM >>> You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe to the mailing list. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 23, 2000 Report Share Posted August 23, 2000 Hope this helps in NZ. Yoghurt It is essential to repopulate the intestines with beneficial lactobacilli, especially L. acidophilus in the small intestines and bifido bacteria in the large intestines. Most recommended is yoghurt self-made from fresh unpasteurized cows' milk, goats' milk or rice milk. Commercial cows' milk acidophilus yoghurt may be temporarily used if nothing else is available. I do not recommend commercial soy milk any more for yoghurt making. You may just use rice as a base for making yoghurt. Cook soaked (organic) brown rice in plenty of water. After cooling blend and strain. Add starter culture and 2 teaspoons of raw honey to the strained rice water. Rice yoghurt does not set - drink it when it turns slightly sour or smells slightly fermented. However, proper rice milk is made by blending sprouted rice. This is sweet enough by itself so that no added sweetener is required. If the cancer is not active, then this will be the preferred method. After improvement you may also use self-made soy milk. Soak whole soy beans for 2 days in the refrigerator, changing the water several times. Then blend and strain through a cheese-cloth. Bring the strained liquid to boil and simmer for 3-5 minutes, cool quickly and refrigerate until needed. One cup of dry beans yields about 3 cups of soaked beans and 2-3 litres of soy milk. Add a tablespoon of raw honey as food for the starter bacteria. As initial starter use either 1 teaspoon each of powdered acidophilus and bifido cultures, or a mixed culture of these or a commercial yoghurt containing these bacteria. Do not use commercial yoghurt or starter with only bulgaricus and thermophilus bacteria. Subsequently use up to a cupful of the previous batch as starter. If you do not have a yoghurt maker which keeps the temperature about 40 degrees C, mix half a litre of milk with a cupful of starter and keep in a jar standing in a container with initially hot tap water. It usually takes only a few hours to set. With powdered cultures it may take 6-10 hours. In cold weather renew the hot water every hour. Refrigerate the yoghurt when it just starts setting, as it continues to become firmer and more acid during storage. If it becomes too sour, use only a tablespoon of the whey as starter and you may eat only the strained curd. Eat about half a litre of yoghurt daily. If you cannot make or use yoghurt, the more expensive powdered cultures in brown glass bottles may be used. Keep powdered cultures refrigerated. Take 1 teaspoon each of acidophilus and bifido cultures and possibly also bulgaricus 2-3 times daily in juices about 30-60 minutes before meals. Instead of individual cultures you may also use a suitable commercial mixed culture. Instead of or in addition to powdered or live cultures, you may also use high-potency capsules. You may test the viability of powders by adding some as starter to milk and see how quickly it sets. Also in Australia, mainly in health food shops but also in some supermarkets, you can buy the excellent Grainfields Liquid made from grains and vegetables with specially bred acidophilus and bifido bacteria resistant to gastric acid, heat, antibiotics and other drugs. You may either use this as a starter or instead of yoghurt take a small amount of this with meals to aid the digestion. If you have difficulty obtaining it or overseas you may contact the manufacturer at agmfoods@... or visit their web site at . Re: Digest Number 353 Hello I eat dairy sparingly and then only mozarella or Feta cheese. When having dairy I mainly have it in a salad and then try not to have any starch at the same meal. Having dairy on a daily basis does cause me problems and for that reason have it not more than three times a week. Essene/Ezekiel bread - we don't have it here in South Africa but during my visit to Alaska in May also found that I had no problems provided I ate it spairingly. I tolerate 100% rye crackers or 100% wheat free bread far better. I don't have a problem with butter at all. Has anyone out there been able to make yogurt using rice milk - I am looking for a recipe. Best wishes to all Elize South Africa >>> ourhouse@... 08/22/00 02:39AM >>> You are receiving this email because you elected to subscribe to the mailing list. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2001 Report Share Posted July 28, 2001 Ian I am a Combatmedic with the United States Army and recently a licensed Pharmacy Technician in the state of California. I have been a member of the list for some time I am still a member of the Army in the reserves but, I am wondering how would I go about working in a civilian capacity as a remote support medic for one of the companies your other list members are employed by either full time or temporary such as the relief request in the below message. On 28 Jul 2001 08:52:22 -0000 writes: > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 11, 2002 Report Share Posted January 11, 2002 Wow.......this has just triggered a memory. I had my surgery (Harrington Rod & Fusion) in 1975 in , Indiana. I was 18 then, and I'm 45 now. I, too, remember waking up in the operating room (or recovery room?) and being soooooo cold. I cried and cried, asking for covers, but no one would paid attention. >>>> Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 09:40:35 +0000 From: " Emma Wygladala " <Emma.wygladala@...> Subject: Re: Always feeling cold.... However, I can remember coming round in the recovery room and shaking with cold. My teeth were chattering and I kept saying to my surgeon that my back didn't hurt, but I thought that I was going to die from the cold!!!! At the time they told me that my temperature was extremely high, and that it would be dangerous to cover me up (apparently it had something to do with a reaction to the epidural line that was stopping the pain). So, maybe the two things are related? <<<< One of these days, when I have more time, I would like to talk about my surgery and the ensuing years. In the meantime, I can't tell you how much I look forward to these daily digests. I discovered this group by accident, but I have a feeling it was " meant to be. " B. in Arizona flyt@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 4, 2002 Report Share Posted November 4, 2002 In a message dated 11/04/2002 11:53:28 AM Central Standard Time, rhartsoe@... writes: > I have been working > on a prototype for inhome use for 6 months that will give the full benefits > of HBOT at 1.5 ATA with 100% Oxygen. Obvious, this is the reason for the old, already resolved pertinent information on Oxy Health's chambers, or should I say paperwork, policies and procedures which had nothing to do with the manufacturing or efficacy of the chamber itself. " Now let me add, I detest " I did this " statements.  I do not like people tooting their own horns for financial gain. " Got a mirror handy? God Bless, Pat Mom to , 27 yrs old, 1/98 MVA/Near Drowning Come meet <A HREF= " " ></A> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 4, 2002 Report Share Posted November 4, 2002 Your popshots do not bother me. I was working for your rights, your kids rights and everyone else's rights since my 5 year old CP grandson was born. I was fighting with UHMS members, negativity, doctors, neurologists, etc. I mortgaged my home, used my retirement, and borrowed against my life insurance to provide HBOT for any child that needed it, REGARDLESS of their ability to pay. I have NEVER turned a child away who could not afford HBOT and there are many on this list who can verify that. I have been working on a prototype for inhome use for 6 months that will give the full benefits of HBOT at 1.5 ATA with 100% Oxygen. I do not have the funds to get all the approvals with FDA, ASME, etc. I have been pursueing everyone's rights to recieve HBOT, regardless of financial ability. Now let me add, I detest " I did this " statements. I do not like people tooting their own horns for financial gain. The rewards I receive is the gratification of seeing the results. Now on the subject of portable chambers. Those FDA warnings were posted to the HBOTProfessionals list with the statement, " it has not been settled " . In my post making them available, I did not comment whether I felt they had any merit or not. Futhermore, my confidence in the FDA is the same as I would have in a drunk driving down the highway. But there remains a simple fact that people inquired about portable chambers on this list that know nothing about them. They have every right to know all the facts, to know of any controversy, or any other pertinent information which may have an affect on their decision to use one with their child. They are intelligent adults with the ability to find this list and learn about HBOT and make their own decisions just as thousands of others have. It should be their decision. Would I use a portable chamber if nothing else was available, of course I would. And I really wouldn't care about who built it. But if there was a problem at all, I would want to know about it and make certain it was taken care of and would not cause any problems for my child. Common sense. Everyone loves to jump down someone's throat. Others want the credit for this or that. The preacher is preaching to the choir. So jump away. I will continue to do anything I can to make certain HBOT is available to those who cannot afford it. As I said before, there has been an HBOT chamber for home use submitted to the FDA for approval which will use 100% oxygen and which will be available for 10 to 15 thousand dollars. Does it make sense to spend 10 to 25 thousand dollars for one that does not go to 1.5 ATA and does not use oxygen????? It's your money, you be the judge. I will continue to go forth doing what I think is right. Miracle Mountain is temporarily closed but we will be reopening soon. When I am totally stopped from providing HBOT to those who cannot afford it, is when you will be able to send me some sugar free candy to my jail cell (I don't smoke). God moves mountains and I still have my faith. That's all it takes. Through God ALL things are possible. When the smoke clears, these kids will be recieving HBOT, whether at Miracle Mountain, at their closest medical facility (which should be our ultimate goal) or whether in their garage. It is a shame you all cannot spend your time and energy organizing your efforts instead of figuring out who to bash next. In an earlier post, I suggested you do just that. I started a group and invited all of you to join together as an organization to work together on the issues. I clearly stated that I did not want to run the organization and only desired to be a member supporting it as a grandfather of a child with CP. Only 14 joined. Amazing!!! Just don't forget the story about a wolf in sheep's clothing. Hartsoe Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 01:08:38 EST > From: Bry8825@... > Subject: Re: FDA Warning letters > > In a message dated 11/1/02 7:36:51 PM Central Standard Time, patf221@... > writes: > > > For those of you who don't know about me, let me enlighten you. I have > > owned > > and operated a home health agency for over 6 years that is certified by > > Medicare and Medicaid. My facility goes through state surveys every year. > > > > I tell you this because the posting of this FDA Warning dated June 2002 in > > my > > opinion was mean spirited. As you can see they were given 15 days to > > correct > > the problems. Mr. Hartsoe, if you really wanted to call to our attention a > > > > problem find something more recent than 2-1/2 years ago. > > > > > > Mr.Hartsoe I think she just took care of that posting of 2 1/2 years ago. Do > or would you like to present another. Since your so good at pulling up the > most curent Data. > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 4, 2002 Report Share Posted November 4, 2002 Responding to you privately, this has gone on long enough. I apologize to the list for letting my emotions get the best of me. God Bless, Pat Mom to , Jan 1998 MVA/Near Drowning Come meet <A HREF= " " ></A> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 4, 2002 Report Share Posted November 4, 2002 Got a mirror handy? ***Whatever...I'm disgusted with the ugliness going back and forth and I'm not real clear what purpose it serves. I appreciate seeing pros and cons, and I will discern things for myself. I do not, however, see how personal attacks help anyone. Perhaps its synonymous with HBOT, as this is the same thing that happened a few years ago on a different list. Puh-leeze...I've got enough battles advocating for my child, I'm here to learn or to share when I can, and do not have time for such nonsense or the negative energy. Ellen Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 4, 2002 Report Share Posted November 4, 2002 Would someone on this list like to give a presentation at the Alternatives for Special Kids Conference that summarizes the details of Medicaid, health insurance, and HBOT? Darien C. Small Alternative Therapies for Special Kids info@... " Doing the best for our kids... " Re: FDA Warning letters > > In a message dated 11/1/02 7:36:51 PM Central Standard Time, patf221@... > writes: > > > For those of you who don't know about me, let me enlighten you. I have > > owned > > and operated a home health agency for over 6 years that is certified by > > Medicare and Medicaid. My facility goes through state surveys every year. > > > > I tell you this because the posting of this FDA Warning dated June 2002 in > > my > > opinion was mean spirited. As you can see they were given 15 days to > > correct > > the problems. Mr. Hartsoe, if you really wanted to call to our attention a > > > > problem find something more recent than 2-1/2 years ago. > > > > > > Mr.Hartsoe I think she just took care of that posting of 2 1/2 years ago. Do > or would you like to present another. Since your so good at pulling up the > most curent Data. > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 5, 2002 Report Share Posted November 5, 2002 I must admit you have me. You have scored a first. You are the first person in 4 years to accuse me of doing this for financial gain. My heart goes out to and anyone else with brain injury. There are 16 types of love described in the Bible. I want you to know that I love you and everyone on this list regardless of the statements made. None of us would be debating here or on this list if we did not have a loved one with brain injury. I think we need to spread a little love among each other. I realize all the stress of caring for a special needs person. And I understand. If it makes you or anyone else feel better using me as a punching bag, please feel free to do so. After all, we do not even know each other, do we? And we cannot look each other in the eye, can we? It's only words. But God's love is real. Hartsoe > In a message dated 11/04/2002 11:53:28 AM Central Standard Time, > rhartsoe@s... writes: > > > I have been working > > on a prototype for inhome use for 6 months that will give the full benefits > > of HBOT at 1.5 ATA with 100% Oxygen. > > Obvious, this is the reason for the old, already resolved pertinent > information on Oxy Health's chambers, or should I say paperwork, policies and > procedures which had nothing to do with the manufacturing or efficacy of the > chamber itself. > > " Now let me add, I detest " I did this " statements.  I do not like people > tooting their own horns for financial gain. " > > Got a mirror handy? > > God Bless, Pat > Mom to , 27 yrs old, 1/98 MVA/Near Drowning > Come meet <A HREF= " " ></A> > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 5, 2002 Report Share Posted November 5, 2002 The person who doesn't know about the portable chambers is you, . Marlena Orndorff rhartsoe wrote: > > Your popshots do not bother me. I was working for your rights, your > kids > rights and everyone else's rights since my 5 year old CP grandson was > born. > I was fighting with UHMS members, negativity, doctors, neurologists, > etc. > I mortgaged my home, used my retirement, and borrowed against my life > insurance to provide HBOT for any child that needed it, REGARDLESS of > their > ability to pay. I have NEVER turned a child away who could not > afford HBOT > and there are many on this list who can verify that. I have been > working > on a prototype for inhome use for 6 months that will give the full > benefits > of HBOT at 1.5 ATA with 100% Oxygen. I do not have the funds to get > all the > approvals with FDA, ASME, etc. I have been pursueing everyone's > rights to > recieve HBOT, regardless of financial ability. > > Now let me add, I detest " I did this " statements. I do not like > people > tooting their own horns for financial gain. The rewards I receive is > the > gratification of seeing the results. > > Now on the subject of portable chambers. Those FDA warnings were > posted to > the HBOTProfessionals list with the statement, " it has not been > settled " . > In my post making them available, I did not comment whether I felt > they had > any merit or not. Futhermore, my confidence in the FDA is the same > as I > would have in a drunk driving down the highway. But there remains a > simple > fact that people inquired about portable chambers on this list that > know > nothing about them. They have every right to know all the facts, to > know of > any controversy, or any other pertinent information which may have an > affect > on their decision to use one with their child. They are intelligent > adults > with the ability to find this list and learn about HBOT and make their > own > decisions just as thousands of others have. It should be their > decision. > > Would I use a portable chamber if nothing else was available, of > course I > would. And I really wouldn't care about who built it. But if there > was a > problem at all, I would want to know about it and make certain it was > taken > care of and would not cause any problems for my child. Common > sense. > > Everyone loves to jump down someone's throat. Others want the credit > for > this or that. The preacher is preaching to the choir. So jump > away. I > will continue to do anything I can to make certain HBOT is available > to > those who cannot afford it. As I said before, there has been an HBOT > chamber for home use submitted to the FDA for approval which will use > 100% > oxygen and which will be available for 10 to 15 thousand dollars. > Does it > make sense to spend 10 to 25 thousand dollars for one that does not go > to > 1.5 ATA and does not use oxygen????? It's your money, you be the > judge. > > I will continue to go forth doing what I think is right. Miracle > Mountain > is temporarily closed but we will be reopening soon. When I am > totally > stopped from providing HBOT to those who cannot afford it, is when you > will > be able to send me some sugar free candy to my jail cell (I don't > smoke). > God moves mountains and I still have my faith. That's all it takes. > Through God ALL things are possible. When the smoke clears, these > kids > will be recieving HBOT, whether at Miracle Mountain, at their closest > medical facility (which should be our ultimate goal) or whether in > their > garage. > > It is a shame you all cannot spend your time and energy organizing > your > efforts instead of figuring out who to bash next. In an earlier post, > I > suggested you do just that. I started a group and invited all > of you > to join together as an organization to work together on the issues. I > > clearly stated that I did not want to run the organization and only > desired > to be a member supporting it as a grandfather of a child with CP. > Only 14 > joined. Amazing!!! > > Just don't forget the story about a wolf in sheep's clothing. > > Hartsoe > > > Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 01:08:38 EST > > From: Bry8825@... > > Subject: Re: FDA Warning letters > > > > In a message dated 11/1/02 7:36:51 PM Central Standard Time, > patf221@... > > writes: > > > > > For those of you who don't know about me, let me enlighten you. I > have > > > owned > > > and operated a home health agency for over 6 years that is > certified by > > > Medicare and Medicaid. My facility goes through state surveys > every > year. > > > > > > I tell you this because the posting of this FDA Warning dated June > 2002 > in > > > my > > > opinion was mean spirited. As you can see they were given 15 days > to > > > correct > > > the problems. Mr. Hartsoe, if you really wanted to call to our > attention a > > > > > > problem find something more recent than 2-1/2 years ago. > > > > > > > > > > Mr.Hartsoe I think she just took care of that posting of 2 1/2 years > ago. > Do > > or would you like to present another. Since your so good at pulling > up the > > most curent Data. > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 5, 2002 Report Share Posted November 5, 2002 > As I said before, there has been an HBOT > > chamber for home use submitted to the FDA for approval which will use > > 100% > > oxygen and which will be available for 10 to 15 thousand dollars. > > Does it > > make sense to spend 10 to 25 thousand dollars for one that does not go > > to > > 1.5 ATA and does not use oxygen????? wouldn't these 100% oxygen chambers be required to abide by city fire codes even if they are in our garages....and what about homeowner's associations, I am sure ours would not allow one in our neighborhood, if they were aware of it's presence. Any ideas of a time frame of when they will be available to the public? I believe your statement on the portable chambers not using oxygen is is my understanding that they do use oxygen but not 100%...someone correct me if I am wrong. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 5, 2002 Report Share Posted November 5, 2002 Can you provide any more info. about this possible new home-use chamber? Whose product is it? What is its status in the FDA approval process? Is there a manufacturer or proposed distributor we can contact for more detailed info.? Re: [ ] Digest Number 353 > As I said before, there has been an HBOT > > chamber for home use submitted to the FDA for approval which will use > > 100% > > oxygen and which will be available for 10 to 15 thousand dollars. > > Does it > > make sense to spend 10 to 25 thousand dollars for one that does not go > > to > > 1.5 ATA and does not use oxygen????? wouldn't these 100% oxygen chambers be required to abide by city fire codes even if they are in our garages....and what about homeowner's associations, I am sure ours would not allow one in our neighborhood, if they were aware of it's presence. Any ideas of a time frame of when they will be available to the public? I believe your statement on the portable chambers not using oxygen is is my understanding that they do use oxygen but not 100%...someone correct me if I am wrong. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 5, 2002 Report Share Posted November 5, 2002 ette you are right you can use oxygen with the portable chambers. You haft to get the hook up's for the chamber and then hook them to your concentrator that you use at home. Re: [ ] Digest Number 353 > As I said before, there has been an HBOT > > chamber for home use submitted to the FDA for approval which will use > > 100% > > oxygen and which will be available for 10 to 15 thousand dollars. > > Does it > > make sense to spend 10 to 25 thousand dollars for one that does not go > > to > > 1.5 ATA and does not use oxygen????? wouldn't these 100% oxygen chambers be required to abide by city fire codes even if they are in our garages....and what about homeowner's associations, I am sure ours would not allow one in our neighborhood, if they were aware of it's presence. Any ideas of a time frame of when they will be available to the public? I believe your statement on the portable chambers not using oxygen is is my understanding that they do use oxygen but not 100%...someone correct me if I am wrong. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 6, 2002 Report Share Posted November 6, 2002 Mr. Hartsoe, I do not know you or Magic Mountain other than what I see here in these postings. I respect and appreciate your efforts and the benefit you have given hopeless families and kids. You and I communicated once for the 2nd Int'l Symposium because you wanted to see if I could find a low cost hotel for you to stay at because MM didn't have the funds for your travel. So, you attention to costs has never been lost to me. But, I think the issue is you tend to attack others and their motives by representing your situation, or strategy as the only one available. So, others tend to fight back. Like I did in defending Dr.'s Neubauer and Harch. I am not trying to pick on you, but there is more than one way to " skin a cat " and there can be many ways people can help us and our kids other than the MM model. And, these other strategies really don't mean that other people are evil, or greedy. I don't see how someone like you who hasn't made any money could be called greedy. I really wish you the best of luck with your grandson, and everything else you do. Ed Nemeth At 12:22 AM 11/5/2002 +0000, you wrote: >I must admit you have me. You have scored a first. You are the first >person in 4 years to accuse me of doing this for financial gain. My >heart goes out to and anyone else with brain injury. There are >16 types of love described in the Bible. I want you to know that I >love you and everyone on this list regardless of the statements made. > None of us would be debating here or on this list if we did not have >a loved one with brain injury. I think we need to spread a little >love among each other. I realize all the stress of caring for a >special needs person. And I understand. If it makes you or anyone >else feel better using me as a punching bag, please feel free to do >so. After all, we do not even know each other, do we? And we cannot >look each other in the eye, can we? It's only words. But God's love >is real. > > Hartsoe > > > > > In a message dated 11/04/2002 11:53:28 AM Central Standard Time, > > rhartsoe@s... writes: > > > > > I have been working > > > on a prototype for inhome use for 6 months that will give the full >benefits > > > of HBOT at 1.5 ATA with 100% Oxygen. > > > > Obvious, this is the reason for the old, already resolved pertinent > > information on Oxy Health's chambers, or should I say paperwork, >policies and > > procedures which had nothing to do with the manufacturing or >efficacy of the > > chamber itself. > > > > " Now let me add, I detest " I did this " statements. I do not like >people > > tooting their own horns for financial gain. " > > > > Got a mirror handy? > > > > God Bless, Pat > > Mom to , 27 yrs old, 1/98 MVA/Near Drowning > > Come meet <A >HREF= " " ></A> > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 2, 2003 Report Share Posted May 2, 2003 In a message dated 05/02/2003 6:36:08 AM US Mountain Standard Time, writes: > Message: 10 > Date: Fri, 02 May 2003 11:42:16 -0000 > From: " bbunewabbit " <bbunewabbit@...> > Subject: Re: /Jackie/BunE > > Dearest , > Good earling moring! thank you for your reply. Yes, it is sad this > happens. But I am so aware that hearing ear dogs are not very > least not like seeing eye dogs. Dori does not also have > any special (ohh...come on brain...think..think..i can't find the > word) jacket or garmet to wear while in public. The place that > trained her is very small. It really would help if she wore > something special like a cape in public. But I do not know where to > find this cape. I once tried to order a cape from another place that > trained hearing ear dogs but they wrote back to say that they only > sell to owners of dogs they trained. > So in reality, I am really amazed we have not had more problems. > Dori goes SO many places with me. Grocery stores, malls, camping, > beaches (which many we go to do not allow pets on beach), hiking on > national park trails (most of which are closed to dogs)So it is so > amazing we do not hit more resistance. Of course, Dori is such a > pretty dog that people love to fuss over her. I imagine her good > looks help get her in to places with more ease than if she wasn't so > darling! I know no-one can help how they look..but being " cute " sure > seems to open doors. > You might try this site. I ordered a vest for my service dog here, and it fits fine. <A HREF= " " >Lonewolf</A> in Tucson Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 2, 2003 Report Share Posted May 2, 2003 , Thanks for that web site, I bookmarked it to look voer at a later time. For those who could not get the URL to work. try this. *---* *---* *---* *---* *---* " Lord, Help me become the person my dog thinks I am. " --Dawn Ewing & Gimlet (Guide Dawggie) Portland, Oregon N24C 3G 8/2000 Hookup rlclark77@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 7, 2003 Report Share Posted May 7, 2003 Hello-- I might mention that, if you do NF commercially, you might consider keeping a spare eeg amplifier on hand. I was without mine for three weeks, because it was broken. Had I had actual clients (other than just myself) I'd have been sunk without a spare. Thanks, Gene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 7, 2003 Report Share Posted July 7, 2003 Sue, That sounds about right! I don't know if I drank half my body weight in water... but i did drink a lot!! Abbey Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 13, 2006 Report Share Posted March 13, 2006 Dear Sharon, Mind if I ask who your sister went to see? Blessings, Carla Kay Ps. 96:1,3, & 4a Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 13, 2006 Report Share Posted March 13, 2006 Hi, Carla Kay. I'm sorry, Carla Kay, I don't remember his name. I'll ask Patty next time I talk to her. Sharon Re: [ ] Digest Number 353 Dear Sharon,Mind if I ask who your sister went to see?Blessings,Carla KayPs. 96:1,3, & 4a Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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