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Re: GOD said NO!

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Well said - imho this list has no place for any religious content.

If people would like to form a smachristian group, please feel free to do

so. I am an atheist and I don't want my bandwidth wasted with christian

chain letters and talk of prayer.


> i find religous contents being sent to a non religious list offensive!

> blueyedaze@... wrote:In a message dated 12/19/2002 11:07:38

> AM Central Standard Time,

> anodtx302@... writes:


> > I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.


> Talk about offensive.

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In a message dated 12/20/02 5:26:03 AM Eastern Standard Time, kev@...


> Well said - imho this list has no place for any religious content.

> If people would like to form a smachristian group, please feel free to do

> so. I am an atheist and I don't want my bandwidth wasted with christian

> chain letters and talk of prayer.


> Kev


> >i find religous contents being sent

Ya'll cant hit the delete button?

~s, GRADUATE of Class 2002~

" Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes l

ife meaningful. "

- J. Marine

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>I don't think we should be discriminating against anyone trying to

provide an encouraging word tosomeone who may need it at that moment

in time. I have a hard time seeing that as such an awful thing.


I agree. Those of us with faith need to try not get drawn into

arguments about that faith. It usually doesn't help. But we also

don't need to sit quietly while someone gets blasted for expressing

their beliefs.

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Well, sure.....but ya know that would let me think you love watching sports

and I'm not too attracted to sideline sports fanatics..... so if you really

want that go ahead ;)

In a message dated 12/20/02 2:33:09 PM Central Standard Time,

kmcnish3@... writes:



> Hey Becky, is it ok for me to use this forum to post the nightly results

> of the NBA and NHL games for the sports fans on this list? ; )


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In a message dated 12/20/02 11:55:03 AM Central Standard Time,

nicoleroberts@... writes:


> I think it¹s important not to loose sight that the main reason this post was

> offensive was not because it contained the G word, but because of the

> statement that wished for God to make a handicapped child whole. That is

> what is mainly offensive to me and many others here I am sure ‹ the idea

> that we are not whole ppl just because of our disabilities.


I agree .... I didn't like that make the child whole part. I find many chain

letters & forwards generalize groups and make disabled as " poor " things. So,

I really don't think they should go on lists. Plus they are not your words so

you can't defend the meaning of the poem or story.

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In a message dated 12/20/02 8:29:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, jondus@...


I don't think we should be

discriminating against anyone trying to provide an encouraging word to

someone who may need it at that moment in time. I have a hard time seeing

that as such an awful thing.

EXACTLY, some of us need or want words of encouragement and if u dont, HIT

DELETE, its simple!

~s, the unique princess~

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ok I am going to say this ( please forgive me I am crying as i write it I

MEAN NO DISRESPECT TO THE DISABLED PEOPLE I am menally slow ny self I just

lost Joe to dmd I would NEVER say anything bad about the disabled

maybe I should leave the list I AM SORRY

Please write soon

Always remember I care

Love in Christ,Ang

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In a message dated 12/20/2002 11:55:03 AM Central Standard Time,

nicoleroberts@... writes:

> I think it¹s important not to loose sight that the main reason this post was

> offensive was not because it contained the G word, but because of the

> statement that wished for God to make a handicapped child whole. That is

> what is mainly offensive to me and many others here I am sure ‹ the idea

> that we are not whole ppl just because of our disabilities.

Exactly why I only copied that part. ;)

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In a message dated 12/20/2002 11:23:04 PM Central Standard Time,

hollyrp@... writes:

> We all have to be honest. We can't sugar-coat

> something and pretend that it isn't real and think it will go away. This

> verse is in poetic expression, a bereaved parent's plea. No parent expects

> to have a disabled child, and for someone who has never had to deal with

> disability, it is overwhelming. Disability is not easy. It is not a bowl

> of cherries that we can say is just fine and dandy. We ARE whole in spirit

> but the truth is that our bodies do NOT work the way the majority of human

> bodies work. We have inconveniences that others don't. There's no harm in

> admitting what is obvious

Sorry, but I find that way of thinking revolting. Because my body works

differently than others, I'm not whole? How ridiculous. What's obvious is a

lot of christians are pushy, judgmental and narrow-minded.

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> Sorry, but I find that way of thinking revolting. Because my body

> works differently than others, I'm not whole? How ridiculous.

I agree Amy, we *are* whole people! When I was little my gran took me to a faith

healer and it was one of the most traumatic things I have ever gone thru. They

wanted to drag me out of my chair to stand me up, I remember it vividly :( My

dad rescued me, took us home then wouldn't talk to my gran (his mum) for weeks.

I like who I am, I don't want or need *healing* :)

I have no problem with religious people as long as they don't try to preach to

me - I was told I'm a " devil worshipper because I listen to Heavy Metal!

Whatever :) Religion is such a touchy subject, it is bound to cause uproar on a

list like this, with so many different opinions going round.


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In a message dated 12/20/2002 11:13:13 PM Pacific Standard Time,

blueyedaze@... writes:

> What's obvious is a

> lot of christians are pushy, judgmental and narrow-minded.


Wow... someone give this woman a mirror.

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In a message dated 12/20/2002 11:13:19 PM Pacific Standard Time,

blueyedaze@... writes:

> Sorry, but I find that way of thinking revolting. Because my body works

> differently than others, I'm not whole? How ridiculous. What's obvious is

> a

> lot of christians are pushy, judgmental and narrow-minded.

We are whole people. But our bodies do have problems. Maybe " whole " wasn't

the best word to use in the poem, but that is how most parents of newly

diagnosed children feel. That line was supposed to be from a parent's point

of view. The overall idea, though, was that it is ok that we're disabled. If

I was writing it, I would have used a different word. But we can't go around

looking for things to be offended by.

What's obvious is a lot of people in general are pushy, judgmental and

narrow-minded. And a lot of people aren't.


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I personally agree with you Holly and you also s. The subject line

is quite clear that it is off topic and if you are an atheist, press delete.

Also, how narrow-minded is it to say a lot of Christians are narrow-minded?

>Sorry, but I find that way of thinking revolting. Because my body works

>differently than others, I'm not whole? How ridiculous. What's obvious is


>lot of christians are pushy, judgmental and narrow-minded.

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In a message dated 12/20/2002 1:13:23 PM Eastern Standard Time,

MsBYGthoughts@... writes:

> Ya'll cant hit the delete button?

I agree TOTALLY...I find it more offensive than anything that people would so

willingly blast someone for sending a thread that OBVIOUSLY was not sent to

offend or upset others, but to share with those who MAY be interested. Other

lists (that I belong to, anyway) deal with the same, and members just DELETE

what they'd rather not read. Amd the line about " make my handicapped child

whole " ...let's face it, many still hold the opinion that disabled means

incomplete and sickly. I find myself dealing with this very issue more and

more, especially being mom to a toddler.

Amy M. Marquez

Carol Stream, Illinois

Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy - Vice President Chicagoland Chapter

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) - Type 1

Mom to le - Born July 19, 1999

Ella - Active Service Dog

Colette - Retired Service Dog

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In a message dated 12/21/2002 2:48:19 PM Eastern Standard Time,

lewis.beatty@... writes:

> Also, how narrow-minded is it to say a lot of Christians

> are narrow-minded?

Yes, that is such an extreme generalizAtion. To me it sounds like someone is

hatin on Christians. And for someone to get so offended by the statement that

our bodies arent whole, sure is being judgemental themeselves!

~s, the unique princess~

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In a message dated 12/22/2002 2:04:30 PM Central Standard Time,

Ames24@... writes:

> Amd the line about " make my handicapped child

> whole " ...let's face it, many still hold the opinion that disabled means

> incomplete and sickly. I find myself dealing with this very issue more and

> more, especially being mom to a toddler.

So does that mean we should willingly accept being labeled as such? I really

hope not for the sake of your kid.

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In a message dated 12/22/2002 1:03:52 PM Central Standard Time,

MsBYGthoughts@... writes:

> Yes, that is such an extreme generalizAtion. To me it sounds like someone is

> hatin on Christians. And for someone to get so offended by the statement

> that our bodies arent whole, sure is being judgemental themeselves!

Did I say all? No, and if I did then I would be generalizing. I find

Christians views to be ridiculous and offensive - however, as I stated before

I couldn't care less who you worship.

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" When I was little my gran took me to a faith healer and it was one of the most

traumatic things I have ever gone thru. They wanted to drag me out of my chair

to stand me up, I remember it vividly :( My dad rescued me, took us home then

wouldn't talk to my gran (his mum) for weeks. "

Tufty, I went trhough the same thing when I was a small child... The difference

is that I don't remember any of it, because I was only couple of years old.

Actually, it was my parents who took me to an ordination of a spiritual healer.

He was like some kind of an astrologist, famous for " successful healing methods "

involving the use of transmitting bioneregy as well as some kind of cosmic

energy into bodies of his patients and instantly healing them all and putting

them on their feet again. Of course, all of it was absolutely of no use for me

and my brother (also with SMA) and my parents ended up with spending certain

amount of money (don't know how much) on nothing.

When I think about this I never blame my parents for it. I know they have always

been doing what they thought and felt was best for me, what's in my best

interest. My parents were so desperate at the ralization of me being born with

SMA and that there's no cure - and desperate people do desperate things, like

visiting those weird persons who advertize their strange healing skills...

Also, only a few years ago, my parents again heard of another guy in another

city, who became so popular for succesfull healings and my mother wanted to take

me there, but my father was much against it, so we didn't and I'm glad, because

I know I would hate that very atmosphere going around.. The truth is that

neither one of us from my family believes in those " mumbo-jumbo " things, but my

mother used to have these desperation attacks and even now she would like to

have a perfect daughter, perfect in appereance, perfect in health and

everything. Can I blame her? I think I have no reason to. That's the dream of

everyone, wheter they want to admit it or not.

The important thing is that my parents sure are proud of me and we should all be

proud of ourselves every day and always and forever - we are who we are and have

to truly love ourselves and praise our achivments in order to be able to love

others around us, but on the other subject, I notice that some people on this

list are kind of way too proud and that's not good. Like when they notice a

small, tiny and totaly unreal implication of supposedly lack of respect for

disabled people in a nice poem " God said no " sent in good faith, they have to

start some fights. And not to mention those who would never admit that their/our

bodies don't function normally, don't function as normally as bodies of other

average people on our planet earth and that we do have big, big problems or some

who say they would never accept the cure for SMA even if it was available one

day. All of these statements I find very hard to understand and I call it being

way too proud, ignoring what's obvious, ignoring the truth....

Becasue of this, I really have to congratulate Holly for her wonderfully written

message. I coudn't agree more with you.

I really don't want to start any discussions with what I wrote and my intentions

are not to hurt anyone in any way... I just tried to write my thougts, trying

not to be so confusing with these too many words I wrote :))

Best wishes to you and a very Merry Christmas to everyone,


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In a message dated 12/22/2002 7:49:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,

blueyedaze@... writes:

> So does that mean we should willingly accept being labeled as such? I

> really

> hope not for the sake of your kid.

Actually, if I accepted what others thought of me, I would be nothing of what

I am today...ESPECIALLY being a mom!

Amy M. Marquez

Carol Stream, Illinois

Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy - Vice President Chicagoland Chapter

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) - Type 1

Mom to le - Born July 19, 1999

Ella - Active Service Dog

Colette - Retired Service Dog

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