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I hope you get as much pain relief from your hot tub as I do.

It will definately help you get things moving!

I'll be keeping you in my prayers as you go through this next surgery.


[ ] Next surgery

> Hi,

> I haven't been writing lately. Lie has been crazy from many angles

but on the RA front, I have my hip replacement on Wednesday. I have

been following the kineret discussion with interest, maybe another

option. I am on Enbrel but not at the moment because of the upcoming

surgery. And I take lodine- a basic NSAI. The Enbrel is good to an

extent. I still have pain in joints but I don't have inflammation and

chronic fatigue. The lodine was added in because my current rheumy says

I have osteo-arthritis in my shoulder and it has helped. I am seeing a

new rheumy at Mass General at the end of May (when I'm fully recovered).

I think that my pain and problem moving at this point is somewhat due to

inactivity for over a year. So after the hip, I need to start moving.

We are getting a hot tub and I saw that on the Arthritis Foundation web

site they have a whole exercise program. Also have asthma which gets to

me when I start moving much but will get better if I do move! A goal

anyway! Welcome newbies. This group is great!

> Temple

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  • 9 years later...

Hi Sherry, I so understand the utter agony. I want to tell you for me I

actually lived only recliner...adjusting, icing and faithfully taking pain

meds to ease off the pain. The whole process as difficult as it is will be

worth it! I bugged my doctor's office a lot and when the pain could not be

consoled I went to the emergency (did that twice with pain over a 10) on the

1 to 10 scale. I am so very happy with my results now. Best thoughts and

prayers to you. Let's keep in touch!

On Sep 15, 2011 7:17 PM, " SherryH " <sherryhh@...> wrote:

> OK, I had some responses to how long between knee replacement surgery, and

I think I mentioned that the surgeon drained and shot my other knee full of

cortisone. Well, it wore off and the pain came back with a vengence. Now,

what do I do in the mean time? Every step feels like a knife sticking in my

knee. Last night the only way I could get comfortable was with a hot heating

pad and I know that can't be good for the inflamation. What did you do for

the pain between the surgeries. I had forgotten how bad the pain was. I'll

tell you all, I've been reminded and doubt that I will forget again. My off

loading brace isn't helping either. DO you know of anything? I just cannot

stand to SIT. I am tired of sitting. And, yes, I know there are others much

worse off than I am but that doesn't help me much. I'm sorry for anyone in

pain or anyone having health problems. I am a nurse and know that health

problems can really bring a person down. I am depressed, aggravated and

angry. None of that helps my problem. This group helps and I enjoy anyone

giving me advice. SherryHH


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Thank you so much for your thoughts. I am just in a wait and see situation. It

has been 7 weeks, the surgeon wants to wait at least 2 months. I have not had

very many steps this year without pain. I had to quit work the first of Feb.

and worked about a year or two longer than I should have. I've had so much pain

and several falls and I'm sure the falls only added to the pain. I hope to have

the other knee done before Christmas but it looks like it will be next year.

Three more months of pain. I'm not sure the Dr. will give me enough pain

medication. I am trying to get by with aspirin during the day and I take a pain

pill or two at night. Sometimes I feel like I need 2 at a time. I'm just not

sure what I will do if I have pain and no pain meds. It scares me because I live

alone, don't have many distractions and just sitting here makes the pain seem

worse. Have you had problems getting pain meds? I have never abused

medications in any way so maybe that will help. Again thanks, I am 65, do you

mind me asking your age and where you live. I am in boro,AR. I am a

retired RN. I was a nurse for 46 years and worked most of those years, if I

wasn't working at a job, I was taking care of my parents or aunt and uncle. My

best to you and hope you have pain free days. SherryHH

> > OK, I had some responses to how long between knee replacement surgery, and

> I think I mentioned that the surgeon drained and shot my other knee full of

> cortisone. Well, it wore off and the pain came back with a vengence. Now,

> what do I do in the mean time? Every step feels like a knife sticking in my

> knee. Last night the only way I could get comfortable was with a hot heating

> pad and I know that can't be good for the inflamation. What did you do for

> the pain between the surgeries. I had forgotten how bad the pain was. I'll

> tell you all, I've been reminded and doubt that I will forget again. My off

> loading brace isn't helping either. DO you know of anything? I just cannot

> stand to SIT. I am tired of sitting. And, yes, I know there are others much

> worse off than I am but that doesn't help me much. I'm sorry for anyone in

> pain or anyone having health problems. I am a nurse and know that health

> problems can really bring a person down. I am depressed, aggravated and

> angry. None of that helps my problem. This group helps and I enjoy anyone

> giving me advice. SherryHH

> >




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I have only just met the surgeon who did my knee. He doesn't seem all that

concerned about pain but maybe he has never personally had to deal with pain on

a daily basis. I was just wondering if most of you had doctors who were there

for you when the pain was bad. I'm sure in California you have some very good

doctors and we have some too, but boro is a small town. My doctor has been

here for at least 30 years. I had been seeing a rheumatologist in Memphis,TN

due to no doctors in our network. Since I turned 65 I can now see a local

physician. I've only seen the new rheumy once and she seems very nice and very

knowledgeble. I've just always worked. Work sometimes took my mind off my pain

until it got so bad that I could no longer ignore it or work through it. You

asked if I had anyone helping me. I am one of the ones that hates to ask for

help. I have two daughters and they help if I ask. One is an RN and took off a

few days to be with me during the other surgery. I do all I can by myself.

This is the fist time I've ever needed any kind of help like that. I am

divorced and even when I was married I did not ask for much. SherryHH

> >> > OK, I had some responses to how long between knee replacement surgery,

> and

> >> I think I mentioned that the surgeon drained and shot my other knee full

> of

> >> cortisone. Well, it wore off and the pain came back with a vengence. Now,

> >> what do I do in the mean time? Every step feels like a knife sticking in

> my

> >> knee. Last night the only way I could get comfortable was with a hot

> heating

> >> pad and I know that can't be good for the inflamation. What did you do

> for

> >> the pain between the surgeries. I had forgotten how bad the pain was.

> I'll

> >> tell you all, I've been reminded and doubt that I will forget again. My

> off

> >> loading brace isn't helping either. DO you know of anything? I just

> cannot

> >> stand to SIT. I am tired of sitting. And, yes, I know there are others

> much

> >> worse off than I am but that doesn't help me much. I'm sorry for anyone

> in

> >> pain or anyone having health problems. I am a nurse and know that health

> >> problems can really bring a person down. I am depressed, aggravated and

> >> angry. None of that helps my problem. This group helps and I enjoy anyone

> >> giving me advice. SherryHH

> >> >

> >>

> >>

> >>

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I agree with you. The first brace I got actually helped for a short time but

the second did not. I have not got any relief wearing it this time either. I

am just in pain. Not completely over the first surgery and need the other one

NOW. But, of course, I have to wait. SherryHH

> >

> > OK, I had some responses to how long between knee replacement surgery, and I

think I mentioned that the surgeon drained and shot my other knee full of

cortisone. Well, it wore off and the pain came back with a vengence. Now, what

do I do in the mean time? Every step feels like a knife sticking in my knee.

Last night the only way I could get comfortable was with a hot heating pad and I

know that can't be good for the inflamation. What did you do for the pain

between the surgeries. I had forgotten how bad the pain was. I'll tell you

all, I've been reminded and doubt that I will forget again. My off loading

brace isn't helping either. DO you know of anything? I just cannot stand to

SIT. I am tired of sitting. And, yes, I know there are others much worse off

than I am but that doesn't help me much. I'm sorry for anyone in pain or anyone

having health problems. I am a nurse and know that health problems can really

bring a person down. I am depressed, aggravated and angry. None of that helps

my problem. This group helps and I enjoy anyone giving me advice. SherryHH

> >


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Yes, I know that this group understands. I appreciate the posts and thanks. I

do pass my time by crocheting, reading, etc. Sometimes nothing seems to get my

mind off the pain. Heat does help but I am always afraid it will increase the

inflamation.....but I use it anyway. I wish all of you a pain free day.



> Hi Sherry.  I am sorry you are having so much pain.  It seems to me that

your surgeon should let you have the second surgery.  I do understand - I think

we all do here, just how bad the pain can be.  But as you said yourself, others

who do not have the recourse as we do, are so much worse.

> Get you mind off sitting and the pain.  Knit, do needlework, paint, listen to

good music, watch the complete Shakespeare, and get the second surgery.

> BTW, I used heat when my pain was bad.  At times when my skin is acting up on

the knee, I still do.

> All the best, Joan




> ________________________________

> From: SherryH <sherryhh@...>

> Joint Replacement

> Sent: Friday, September 16, 2011 3:17 AM

> Subject: next surgery




> OK, I had some responses to how long between knee replacement surgery, and I

think I mentioned that the surgeon drained and shot my other knee full of

cortisone. Well, it wore off and the pain came back with a vengence. Now, what

do I do in the mean time? Every step feels like a knife sticking in my knee.

Last night the only way I could get comfortable was with a hot heating pad and I

know that can't be good for the inflamation. What did you do for the pain

between the surgeries. I had forgotten how bad the pain was. I'll tell you

all, I've been reminded and doubt that I will forget again. My off loading

brace isn't helping either. DO you know of anything? I just cannot stand to

SIT. I am tired of sitting. And, yes, I know there are others much worse off

than I am but that doesn't help me much. I'm sorry for anyone in pain or anyone

having health problems. I am a nurse and know that health problems can really

bring a person down. I am

> depressed, aggravated and angry. None of that helps my problem. This group

helps and I enjoy anyone giving me advice. SherryHH






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Sorry maybe it was your hips not knees.


> > >

> > > Hi Sherry.  I am sorry you are having so much pain.  It seems to me that

your surgeon should let you have the second surgery.  I do understand - I think

we all do here, just how bad the pain can be.  But as you said yourself, others

who do not have the recourse as we do, are so much worse.

> > > Get you mind off sitting and the pain.  Knit, do needlework, paint,

listen to good music, watch the complete Shakespeare, and get the second


> > > BTW, I used heat when my pain was bad.  At times when my skin is acting

up on the knee, I still do.

> > > All the best, Joan

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > From: SherryH <sherryhh@>

> > > Joint Replacement

> > > Sent: Friday, September 16, 2011 3:17 AM

> > > Subject: next surgery

> > >

> > >

> > >  

> > > OK, I had some responses to how long between knee replacement surgery, and

I think I mentioned that the surgeon drained and shot my other knee full of

cortisone. Well, it wore off and the pain came back with a vengence. Now, what

do I do in the mean time? Every step feels like a knife sticking in my knee.

Last night the only way I could get comfortable was with a hot heating pad and I

know that can't be good for the inflamation. What did you do for the pain

between the surgeries. I had forgotten how bad the pain was. I'll tell you

all, I've been reminded and doubt that I will forget again. My off loading

brace isn't helping either. DO you know of anything? I just cannot stand to

SIT. I am tired of sitting. And, yes, I know there are others much worse off

than I am but that doesn't help me much. I'm sorry for anyone in pain or anyone

having health problems. I am a nurse and know that health problems can really

bring a person down. I am

> > > depressed, aggravated and angry. None of that helps my problem. This

group helps and I enjoy anyone giving me advice. SherryHH

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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